On September 17 2010 13:55 NicolBolas wrote:Yes. Just buy it on steam. I went for the collectors edition, because I'm a consumer whore. And a Making-of whore... Most people don't like 3 because it's generally impossible to support an empire greater than a certain size. It makes you play in a fundamentally different way from any of the other Civ games. shit! I didn't know i can pre-download if order from Steam(never use steam before) I was afraid that with my shitty internet connection, I would take ages to download, so I opted for a boxed version. Will order from steam after I finish watching GSL Thanks alot!
pumped as well! some more days to go ..
Woah 96 score on metacritic, but only 6 reviews so far. Maybe I should buy this game.
I will buy this game without a doubt. 2010 is the year of strategy games.
[B]On February 19 2010 02:27 shindigs wrote: ![[image loading]](http://images.eurogamer.net/assets/articles//a/9/7/6/1/2/3/ss_preview_CivV_Screen0069.jpg.jpg?slideshow=true)
this reminds me of a boardgame that i have
Looks pretty damn good actually :O I'm a big fan of older civ's
On September 18 2010 20:10 archaik wrote: I will buy this game without a doubt. 2010 is the year of strategy games. Yeah SC2 and Civ5 in the same year!!!! Damn, Just one more TURNNNN!!!!
Looks good. I did laugh @
"We really wanted to make Civ5 look as realistic as possible" *zoom into cattle resource with cows as big as a city*
I wish to god the host didn't say
"Yea" "Right" "Sure" "Yep"
Every 1.6 seconds.
Pre-ordered this on steam last night. CAN'T WAIT. Who knows how many hours I spent playing Civ 3 and 4.
On September 19 2010 09:22 keV. wrote:Looks good. I did laugh @ "We really wanted to make Civ5 look as realistic as possible" *zoom into cattle resource with cows as big as a city* I wish to god the host didn't say "Yea" "Right" "Sure" "Yep" Every 1.6 seconds.
Oh Em Gee, I thought u were kidding or being sarcastic... but.... you were right. Holy jesus that's annoying. I wanna mute him and just listen to the other guy but I cant.
Btw, two more words to add :
"mhm" *cough*
I don't know how to play Civ. Tried Civ III, it has like no feedback telling me if I'm doing it right or not.
I don't think I'm nerdy nuff.
On September 19 2010 09:56 .risingdragoon wrote: I don't know how to play Civ. Tried Civ III, it has like no feedback telling me if I'm doing it right or not.
I don't think I'm nerdy nuff. that's the point when you look up cheats and just go fuck it i want to win!sdafljsdfalsdf
Also apparently civ 5 suppose to help people now with their advisers etc.
fuck yes this game is going to be epic
I want this game so hard. <3
My first game of Civ IV took me 8 hours... straight. And I loved it.
I hope my CPU can run it, I went to systemrequirementslab and my E8400 failed the test