On July 05 2013 16:14 spinesheath wrote: I'm pretty sure Japanese (Riichi) Mahjong is NOT the same as Singaporean Mahjong. From what I can gather about Singaporean/Malaysian Mahjong, it especially does not have Riichi, Dora and Furiten and as far as I can tell the scoring system is very different as well. Wikipedia even says it has flower and animal tiles.
Now, a Yakuman in Japanese Mahjong is extremely rare. For example a Kokushi Musou (your Shi San Yao) is made in about 0.043% of games. One Tenhou (Tian Hu) in about 330,000 games.
"pong pong hu" probably is the equivalent of Toitoihou, and is not a Yakuman but a Yaku. It's not rare at all (although usually not worth too much since it's usually open).
Hmm your right. I thought it was about the same though, didn't realise there wasn't flower & animal tiles.
The lack of flower and animal tiles probably is the least important of the differences. Riichi (together with the scoring system) and Furiten make it a completely different game.
I can't log in on Tenhou anymore it seem... IDが正しくありません ("invalid ID" would be my translation) I certainly have the right ID, I have it written down here and verified.
I haven't actually played a game in a long time, but I did log in fairly recently to check out my replay backup data. The time between my last login and now has been shorter than the time between my last 2 logins. And on Osamuko's blog someone says it only expires if you don't log in for 180 days.
Any ideas what is going on?
EDIT: Well, I just tried to register again under the same name I used before and it worked. I guess my account really expired. Too bad. Not exactly a big deal, but I really didn't expect that, especially after I was able to log in recently...
Oh man, rookie games are pretty damn hard.
Gee, it only took me 8 games to score a first place and get to 9級.
Question: When you get a Rinshan Kaihou on Tenhou, why don't you get another Dora Indicator? For example final game in: http://tenhou.net/0/?log=2013080904gm-0009-0000-x6483b9b6c30c&tw=3 I can't remember anything in any rules I read where it says that you have to make a rinshan discard before you get to add a dora indicator, I thought it always said something like "for each kan, add an indicator".
This is so weird, all the rules I can find that talk about the order of this specifically mention that you reveal an indicator and then make a rinshan draw.
What you're saying seems correct for Tenhou though, I think I remember getting the indicator before I have to decide on my discard if I declared a closed kan.
I was really hoping to get a couple of doras that game, too Otherwise I would just have discarded something even though the chances to win after that would have been next to 0.
Spinesheath, this might be helpful (at 44 minutes, 24 seconds)
The gist is that there are different house rules, some may allow you to flip the dora indicator before discarding, some don't. I would generally recommand watching all 4 parts of this guy's tutorial (even though they are 4 hours long). They cover everything from the basics to special rulesets.
Well, I appreciate the effort, but unless this contains a part that is specific to tenhou.net this isn't going to help me because I know the rules quite well and also know that there are plenty of variations for all kinds of things.
Of course it's nice to have someone explain that particular variation since I can't find it described anywhere, but I'm not going to watch the whole 4 hours.
I guess games in general room aren't as hard as they first seemed when I started playing again. Maybe I was just rusty. 7-7-5-4 is quite the nice score, especially when it doesn't matter whether you're 2nd, 3rd or 4th and play accordingly. Up to 40.7% first place ratio now. I can only hope that independence of events isn't just a myth made up in made up for my math courses.
Does anyone know what the point of this tenhou "statistics database" is? http://arcturus.su/tenhou/ranking/ You can see a list of all your games and a couple of general stats, but that's hardly worth anything... You can't even get replay links TT
I think what was said in the video is right. I've noticed myself that with some kans you'll see the dora flipped immediately, and others will only flip after the discard. Everything makes sense here if tenhou uses those rules.
There is one thing that really annoys me in my opponents currently (well, 2, I hate people disconnecting after they drop a hand): People with ranks lower than 3級 ending the match volutarily (by putting someone into the negatives or not letting the dealer win in the last round) with hands that have no chance to bring them to first place.
I feel like sometimes, it's to cut their losses Like if the gap is too large, or it's close that I am risking 4th place, I might as well take the 2nd or 3rd that dreaded 4th place :<
On August 13 2013 20:04 JSH wrote: I feel like sometimes, it's to cut their losses Like if the gap is too large, or it's close that I am risking 4th place, I might as well take the 2nd or 3rd that dreaded 4th place :<
Lower than 3級 you don't lose anything for placing 4th. Except for rating I guess, but I can't relate to someone who cares about his rating but doesn't maximize his chances to enter the lower dan room. Actually 3級 gets away for free too, seems like that changed sometime ago.
I tried translating tenhou's rules as specified on the website, it's tough because my japanese isn't the greatest (yet), and mahjong is full of words that Rikaichan doesn't know... There are several things that I wasn't quite sure about. + Show Spoiler +
- start with 25000 ten, pay with 30000 ten - uma 10 - 20 - atozuke ari (no yaku before win) - kuikae nashi (call and replace) - kuitan nashi/ari selectable - aka nashi/ari selectable (1 red 5 each suit) - nooten oya nagare, tenpai renchan (renchan if oya win or tenpai) - sudden death rule (south/west round someone >= 30000 ten win (deposit outstanding?)) - maximum game length south/west round - tobi ari (game ends if someone < 0 ten, negative ten count towards final score) - last round oya placed first automatically wins match if he wins a game or goes tenpai - final ten are rounded up to next 1000 - deposit (probably riichi payment) at end of match goes to first place - draw at end of match decided by wind order in first game of match - round+seat wind pair worth 4 fu - rinshan tsumo adds 2 fu - 2 han shibari nashi (never need 2 han to complete hand, always 1) - abortive draws grant renchan (9 different winds/honors, 4 riichi, 3 ron, 4 kan, 4 of same wind) - 9 winds/honors must happen on first draw with no melds made - nagashi mangan ari (mangan payment, tenpai oya gets renchan) - double ron ari (left hand opponent takes deposit) - double ron oya gets renchan - player who is responsible for last meld in daisangen/daisuushi pays all if tsumo, half if ron (+something about honba?) - no responsibility for 4 kan - formal tenpai ari (discarded tiles are ignored) - riichi possible if >= 1000 ten, tsumo must be possible - don't have to pay for riichi if discard is ron'd - furiten riichi ari - ignoring a winning tile after riichi = furiten - (something else about riichi and ignoring a tile = furiten) - (stuff about which kans are allowed after riichi) - kan dora/kan ura ari - ankan = instant dora, others wait until discard/next rinshan draw - (probably about conditions of interrupting a go-around) - (something about same go-around choice ron nashi...) - same go-around furiten is removed by discarding a tile, not by a meld call - (bottom of the ocean tile (the very last one) can't sing???) - (a list of some not allowed yaku/wins including 8 renchan, renhou)
In any case, it mentiones the rules for revealing dora indicators as well as renhou nashi (no yakuman for win on discard in first round).
- last round oya placed first automatically wins match if he wins a game or goes tenpai (except you must have over 30k points, if not you go into renchan) + Show Spoiler +
clutch 30k end win
- draw at end of match decided by wind order in first game of match
also I found some ss for rinshan dora closed +dora + Show Spoiler +
Not enough action in here! I'll just show off my recent results then: That's from the 46 games I played after I had to recreate my account. Those stats seem quite crazy to me. I'm well aware that they will take a dive as soon as I get to play in the lower dan room again (which I will, I'm here for the challenge after all). But after 46 games I still wouldn't have expected such good stats from myself. Maybe there are more people playing now and the average skill level is a bit lower.
Enough about myself (nah, not really). On this page you can download replay packs of all players that reached the Tenhou rank so far (the second white box from the top). That's 3 people for 4 mans, 独歩, (≧▽≦) and ASAPIN. Several thousand replays each. If you download the pack and copy the filename of one of the files without the extension, like this:
Hey, I did badly in the first couple of games too! It actually took me like 7 games to score my first win and get promoted to 9kyu :p It's been the recent games where I did so well for me too.
In short (hope I don't get this wrong, still don't know all the kanji yet): Right side is hand win rate, deal in rate, meld call rate and riichi rate, middle is match count, average final score gain, average final place. Left side the line below 4th place is "flying ratio", which is how often you go negative. Bottom half first line is games this month, rating, and your ladder rank. Rest is some averages over the games of the month.
Man I don't feel like playing mahjong lately. I reached 3 dan a month ago and I was so happy. After that, over the next few weeks, I came home tired from 12 hour work shifts and got onto a pretty bad losing streak(was 900/1200 onto 4 dan) and now I'm too depress to play. Haven't played in 2 weeks now, is there any advice for me to get happy at playing mahjong again? Stomp some nubs at 7447? or Just play in the normal lobby 0 room? I don't want to touch the dan room at moment
I usually just take a break if I play on tilt, like a couple days or so maybe even a week I made a mistake of just keeping on grinding games, and that was bad
Yeah bad luck does happen but it can happen to anyone so just gotta play though without getting upset... which is really hard You just have to get a few good games in and always remind yourself that you made the right decision even if you dealt in! (assuming you did make the right decision) and not be too upset over a loss If it's just bad luck where you get hit with haneman tsumo when you are dealer or like a bs okkake riichi with shit wait (have some really salty memories on this one) and you deal in ippatsu... it's hard to get upset but you have to brush it off :<