I see 6 votes for Kh3
2 of them offer a draw and 1 rejects offering a draw. the other 3 votes don't mention draw offer / not offer.
1 vote for h3 without draw offer.
I think you should start casting your votes and also include if you're offering a draw or not, since I guess the draw offer should be voted too.
Kh3 + draw offer
I want to play a game already!
Change my Kh3 to include + draw offer then, thanks.
Draw offer accepted.
GEEZ, now I can see your spoilers !!
ok here are my notes.
this is a txt file I compiled with analysis everyday and revised every now and then with my moves.
I sort it in groups of moves.
1 e4 c5
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I chose sicilian opening, though I originally intended to play Alekhine defense I thought many of the white team wouldn't be well prepared for it and perhaps the game would be over soon on an early blunder. I wanted the game to last long and become interesting for all parts. I discareded 1... e5 cause I'm not a strong 1...e5 player, though lately in some blitz games I'm finding that white is less prepared playing 1. e4 e5 than playing the sicilian, yet the wins I've scored is mostly because of white blundering, and not me doing anything special.
2 Nf3 Nc6 3 d4 cxd4 4 Nxd4 g6
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I go with Sicilan Dragon, a very rare opening seen these days famously used by Kasparov to dismantle Anand in their 1995 World Championship Title match. Anand who had exclusively prepared for Kasparov's unbeatable Sicilian Shevenigen, was shocked, unprepared and had no answers against the unexpected Dragon. Then again, normally nobody nowadays (well nobody not GM) plays a good Dragon, and I have an extremely high winning ratio with it.
5 c4!
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Ok this pissed me off.
Not only it alters my plan but it brings up one of the openings I dislike most.
It looked like White perhaps didn't want to go through Anand's fate and choses the even more uncommon Marozcy Bind opening, thus avoiding the Dragon/accelerated. Although it was in my home book preparation, this move I didn't expect at all -I mean not to win-, and although I should have knowing that jfazz is a d4 player, it was in the last of my options that white would play.
5. .. Bg7 6 Be3 Nh6
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I continue the Marozcy-Bind lines, but I deviate from 6. ...Nf6, chosing instead 6...Nh6 to spice things up a bit and scare the White team. In my experience Marozcy-Bind gives white a slight advantage overall in the opening, and black chances to win are sllim, yet the majority of the games played are drawn. I don't have any percentages but if I'd had to guess most games would be drawn (this is with perfect play from both sides of course) and some won by white due to black weak defending.
I plan something new also, maybe f5 looking for exf5 from white something like that
7 Be2 f5!
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My second trap, if you want to call it that way -the first being my attempt to play the Dragon-. White has many options as most of you appointed, the strongest ones being Nc3 and exf5, the former being a more passive drawish option, and the latter bringing a few automatic moves that open up the game a little bit. (8 exf5 Nxf5; 9 Nxf5 Qa5+ 10 Nc3 QxN). I wanted exf5 to win the vote to open up the game a bit, cause Nc3 would make things a bit more difficult for me.
8 Nc3 0-0 9 0-0 f4
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gosh, white's playing passive. oh well here goes nothing.
I keep pressure with the f pawn because now that white castled, it's kind of useless to fight for that square. At this point I know white will follow (or should folllow) with either Bxf4 or Qd2 and even f3. I spent more than an hour trying to decide whether to play f4 or d6, as the game already looks even, so I'm looking for lines to unsettle white.
At this point I'm pretty sure of what's coming, something like 10. Nxc6 bxc6, 11 Bd4, 12 BxB, 13 Qd4........
10. Nxc6 bxc6 11. Bd4 Nf7 12. BxB KxB
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so on this move I'm concetrating on mid game moves to find an opening and see if I can find a win. It's hard because there aren't many choices and most of the moves should be automatic for both teams, who with perfect play can easliy draw, and I definetly don't want that. I'm also kicking myself for my opening choice, not going for either the Alekhine or the Schevenigen, as I'll say it again, find a win for black on this game is not going to be easy.
13. Qd2 ?
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I didn't understand this move. I was expecting either the daring c5 or the more profound Qd4+ (that would lead the opening for a premature endgame position after a few exchanges in the middle some 8,10 struggle moves ahead).
I considered white's play as passive not taking advantage of the situation and allowing me to regroup my pieces in the current weaken squares such as d6 (where white should have focused its attack, in my opinion). After much thought and essay of many lines (13... d6 leads to disaster as well as Rd8 or Rb8, and Ba6 doesn't accomplish anything) I can't come up with a better move than 13... Qc7. At this point I see the game as even, so I didn't really bother on focusing on what white can play next, especially after having played passively.
14. Rad1 Ne5.
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Pretty much forced response that allows defense of both the d7 and the especially the lone but not to be underestimated f4 pawns. I'm risking to get a pin but I don't see many threatning lines from it. I expect white to play either 15. b3, 15. b4 or the unlikely 15. f3
15. f3 Qb6+ 16. Kh1 d6 17. Na4 Qe3
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So I get the unlikely 15. f3 that allows me to release tension from my d pawn in a move that should have been done years ago. I allow the possibility of my queen getting attacked by the knight to see if I can free up some space in the middle. I start thinking of exchanging queens to diverse white's attention and see if I can manouver a bit better.
there isn't much space.
18. c5 Qxd2 19. Rxd2 Rf6 20. Rfd1 Be6
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White is agrees with the exchange and starts pushing its c pawn and placing rooks in the open files. I'm faced here with two options, defend the center at all costs or go with another exchange white's b pawn for my d pawn looks fair.
21. b3 d5 22. exd5 Bxd5 23. Nc3 e6 24. b4 Rb8 25. a3 g5
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white doesn't want to give his b pawn away, and locks in the middle even more. Why does white keep defending so well ?? At this point I start to realize the game's trend is drawish and winning chances for black are slim. White doesn't have much either on the other hand.
here's when it hit me: maybe if I push for another exchange in the king side, I can get less pieces in the board and since moves are made after voting, well, maybe the best move may not win ? this is a possibility: yes, my end game is my weakness but I believe I can hold my own in end game against a voting game, especially in the conditions we are.
so I start working on an exchange.
26. Ba6 h5
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Wow even better, the bishop is out of my way. maybe I can pull this one out
27. Re1 Rf5 28. Rde2 Nxf3 29. gxf3 Bxf3+ 30. Kg1 Bxe2 31. Rxe2 f3
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Exactly what I wanted. For the first time in the match, what I planned eventually worked out. Now, the position is delicate. If white doesn't want to push for the win, they can draw with ease. Perhaps the pawn will create pressure ?
32. Rxe6 f2+ 33. Kg2 Rbf8
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34. Bf1 h4 35. Ne4 Rf4
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this is not looking good. If white plays Kh3, I think we're going to draw.
36. Kh3 offers draw 36. .... accepts draw offer.
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Overall good game, a bit tense in the beginning, I tried to create pressure but white created solid defense in the early game.
Through mid game things became a bit slow, white played a bit passive for my taste, some of my moves were too, I tried to create a bit more pressure but White kept defending well, and in a gasp of try to get things moving I went for an exchange to see if I could get the best of White nerves + inexperience, but white kept solid rock defendinng well.
I tried my best to crack's white's defense but you guys kept the guard up, and well I'm not going to blunder to push for a win, so good game !
well played sir.
should i start up the next one?
Poll: jfazz should play (Vote): white (Vote): black
once everyone on white gives a response, ill start uo the new thread for registrations.
gg lighman, and thanks for the thread.
Yup, gg. Thanks for the game.
It was fun following this game Well played both sides
Calgary25963 Posts
Whoa, interesting thread. I'm late to the party and just going through it now =]
GG lightman! Well played!
I knew you guys were not fond of the Dragon !!!!
I was right !!!
On December 12 2009 00:16 pokerface wrote: My vote 5.c4 He is playing the dragon variation wich im not very familiar with but my best guess is still 5.c4 cheers :D
On December 12 2009 00:55 Naib wrote:I'm voting 5. c4 as well Should we not play 5. c4, we will transition into the classic Dragon variation of the Sicilian defence [which I'm very fond of playing against  ], black's development being g6, Nf6 Bg7 0-0 etc, while we - I at least would - play Be3 Bc4 f3 Qd2 0-0-0. Obviously the moves are not in this order exactly, I'm just throwing out a general gameplan here.
Doesn't playing against the Accelerated Dragon like you would normally against the Dragon allow black to equalize comfortably with an early d5?
[quote] I play a lot of games from this position (otherwise you end up in a king's indian, and why would you want to let them use their heavy home prep?). 5.c4 is THE move of choice in this position. Otherwise, black can equalise fairly comfortably after normal developing moves and a quick d5, even if it comes as a sacrifice (black's positions holds A LOT potential engergy). [quote]
[QUOTE]On December 17 2009 01:57 TheBB wrote: [QUOTE]On December 17 2009 01:19 citi.zen wrote: + Show Spoiler +I don't like the continuations from 8. exf5. For example Nxf5 leaves his knight in a very strong position, so it almost forces 9. Nxf5 and it seems black can now take the initiative with 9... Qa5+ followed by 10... Qxf5. The bishop at g7 remains troublesome, and 11... 0-0 lines up the black rook and queen nicely... I just don't like all the offensive options black has, it seems we lose initiative and play reactively. [/QUOTE]
]Me neither. I don't see any reason to let the knight come to f5 so easily, and after Nc3, the pawn on f5 is harmless as far as I can see. Neither fxe4 or f4 are particularly dangerous.[/QUOTE]
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr that's what I wanted to happen ! 8. exf5 and we would have seen some action.
i want to play black next :o
ggs, I wouldnt mind playing black next
10.Nxc6 bxc6 11.Bd4 Bxd4 12.Qxd4 with a noticable edge for white...thats not difficult to find...
arg........then why did Qd2 won ?? haha
On December 21 2009 02:52 jfazz wrote: I don't think it was a 'mistake' but it does give white an edge. I think he is just trying to play as actively as possible, as Sicilian players are want to do. However, against a positional Maroczy, he might be making too many concessions for little gain, which could result in a horrid endgame for him
exactly , especially the bold part
On December 21 2009 11:24 goldrush wrote: I really don't get why he decided to play ...f4. I'm not familiar with the Nh6 plan, but f4 doesn't really help out that Knight's future at all and it removes the central tension for no reason at all. Between the lack of c-file counterplay (and easily blocked b-file), exchange of the dark square bishops and the knight that's going to take a while to get anywhere useful, I think that it's already += at the very least.
Now that I look at it a bit more, maybe it's to secure the e5 square for his knight via f7? It'll still require a couple of tempi and meanwhile, we can play stuff like Nd5 or put pressure on the d-file.
yes, f4 was a risk I took, pretty much like jfrazz said. I'm a sicilian active player. and yes also securing e5
I find it crazy how many people in this thread play in Incognito's Mafia game.
Sanya12364 Posts
gg lightman. Well played, well played. Enjoy our comments.
I didn't say anything but I don't have a clue on how to play the Sicilian Dragon or most openings. If it was just me, I'd probably fallen into some kind of trap or something. You had me tempted for an exf5 move early on.
wow things got real tense between you guys when voting c5 against Qd2, which eventually won
digging into the spoilers, I think 15. f3 Qb6+ pretty much killed the game.
15. Qd4 should have won, or even 15. Kh1
great analysis up to b3
I can't believe incognito's posts. some are amazingly deep long !
On January 15 2010 02:19 Arhkangel wrote:I vote 25.a3 I really wanted this game to be epic but apparently it's going to draw  I believe that black has played a very strong defense the entire game so how about we force him to go on the offense?
me playing defense ?? I threw you everyhing I had!!