On January 29 2012 18:06 Chronopolis wrote: This is kinda cool. Zun can actually draw. I also spent like 3 minutes staring at Zun's monitor trying to figure out language he was programming in.
Oh yea, you'll have to use your foreign language parsing skills for the rest of the documentary.
And btw, has anyone here played Katawa Shoujo. I know it's not touhou, but it sort of has some sort of relation, being oddly doujin in its creation. Would shamelessly reccomend.
I've seen this game being recommended in some pretty random and unlikely places. It seems to appeal to a lot of people. It's piqued my interest a bit, but it's not usually the sort of thing I check out. Maybe one of these days I'll see what the hubbub is about.
me and yoshi are gonna have another piano off, with the intention of releasing something at the end of feb
yoshi is a clown and has college auditions to prep for, and I've already been working on something (it's pretty ezmodo) that I plan on releasing soon, so we'll be doing two this time around
anyone who would like to join in, of course, is welcome to
now the real question is - what should I do for my second piece? to that, I ask tlthdt for help:
Poll: select difficulty
hard: doll judgment ~ the girl who played with peoples' shapes (4)
normal: septette for the dead princess (3)
lunatic: NOPE (1)
easy: fires of hokkai (0)
8 total votes
Your vote: select difficulty
(Vote): easy: fires of hokkai (Vote): normal: septette for the dead princess (Vote): hard: doll judgment ~ the girl who played with peoples' shapes (Vote): lunatic: NOPE
WTF ARE YOU SERIOUS? how come i never saw this before! WTF when did this come out!!!
kekek good thing I can read spanish!
And wow yeah ZUN is better at drawing than he might seem o.o i Mean he was drawing pretty fast in the video... he definitely has art skills. But I wonder why the art/drawings in game don't look that good?
Oops I forgot I can read o.o sorta
Ok so at that part they're basically saying that ZUN says that it's most important to be able to draw fast (for video games)
And he says he learned how to draw, make music, and program all by himself (wtf i thought he learned how to compose at college? guess not)
and he says that as long as the drawings are OK, it's best to focus on the gameplay and other things to create the best balance between quality and playability to create the best game
(fuck that, draw better pl0x kekek)
I voted for NOPE. What song is that? Is that the name of an arrange?
PS yuy can ezmodo me all u want
(NOTE: "spark" in the Easy poll is love coloured magic, not love coloured master spark. That's why it's easier than "master spark" in the hard poll. Also, I forgot to add dream battle in the 2nd poll xD oops. But d3_cresentia did that last time so I guess i'll just leave it out.)
Here's the full names of the song choices: Easy Poll: + Show Spoiler +
spark = love coloured magic belvedere = crimson belvedere young = young descendent of tepes dial = lunar clock ~ luna dial stalk = apparitions stalk the night beloved = beloved tomboyish daughter elf = lunate elf pocket = maid and the pocket watch of blood starry = a small desire's starry sky old = old yuanxian (old distant hermit)
gensokyo = gensokyo the gods once loved true = true administrator emo = emotional skyscraper dead = septette for the dead princess smoke = immortal smoke field = suwa foughten field spark = love coloured master spark
Poll: Help me ezmodo d3 to gg victoryyo! Song 1
spark (5)
belvedere (3)
young (2)
dial (1)
stalk (1)
beloved (0)
elf (0)
pocket (0)
starry (0)
old (0)
other (0)
12 total votes
Your vote: Help me ezmodo d3 to gg victoryyo! Song 1
I was thinking lunatic was either necrofantasia (marasy ver.) or reach for the moon immortal smoke but either one would be ROUGH to try to do in a month
also I always assumed ZUN learned his programming in college since he went to a school with "denki" in its name
his music skills, though, might be from his grade-school days from when he was learning (guess what) the TRUMPET
(Vote): Death Metal Scream (Vote): Screamo scream (Vote): American Pop (Vote): Engrish Pop (Vote): Loli Voice (lol denpa) (Vote): Female American Pop (Vote): Female Engrish Pop (Vote): Whatever trolls yoshi and d3 the hardest
to help motivate us, me and d3 (and anyone who wants to join)
will be releasing piano vids (or perhaps vocal/other instruments as well?) to sort of compete against each other
i recommended a sort of fun "season" like a few months, where every 2 or 3 or 4 weeks we release 1 or 2 piano recordings, and each time people judge us to see who "wins". So you can sort of strategize if you're busy these 2 weeks, you can focus to win certain rounds, etc. At the end of the season the one with the most wins, wins :D
well when he draws on paper, it looks fine (and he has a distinct style yeah)
the style is still there in game, just the quality is not as good... i guess it's partly cus it's harder to draw on PC even if you have a tablet, and he doesn't want to spend too much time making them look perfect (but still sometimes the proportions even are way off, like satori's short arms xD)
Btw lol so you guys can recognize the songs I'm talking about with just 1 word right? xD
(gensokyo = gensokyo the gods loved, oops. Hopefully that's the only word that's in more than 1 song's name)
Also since love coloured master spark is in both it means the one in the easy poll is... well, an easier version. The one in the hard poll is a hard one.
Edit2lol: Actually that's sort of a lie I guess.
The one in the Easy mode is love coloured magic, not love coloured master spark. That's why it's easier than "master spark" in the hard poll.
Holy crap this thread exploded. Multiedit reply imminent. @Zun's drawing: Yea I wonder what program he uses to colour in his drawings. And just how in general he does it. I guess he does his solidish shading style mainly because a finely shaded portrait wouldn't fit(?) in a touhou game, with all the flashing colours and what not.
@yoshi Wow...thats some hilarious song larconic. I don't know what dead, smoke and field are. Gotta look them up and google. They remind me of those amusing codenames mtg likes to give to their expansion packs (like, snap, crackle, and pop)
@crescentia Doll Judgment. Just seems less done, and a friend of mine's fav. character is alice so yea. Hope its not a brutal piece gl
@piano competition awesome! I don't really have any plans to start any new song, on account of school. I think I'll try to finish a song or two for then.
@caller lol fuck you. Let me wade in my blissful VN ignorance. The only other VN i played was saya no uta, which was differently good (and a bit of throw up in ur mouth mindfuck). What are you voicing anyways? I can't find it. About VN's, I make out that reactions towards them in general are more polarized than other forms of media, compared to say, anime. Because if there is something that irks you in a VN (such as pacing, art, character retardedness, general retardedness, cliched, iuuno), it REALLY irks you, and it keeps detracting through the whole game or until you quit and denounce the game as an overall piece of poo. Opposingly, if you get attach ed or hooked onto the story (or character ;P), you can overlook a wide range of technical and general flaws, and be much more susceptible to being blown away by what may objectively be "hit or miss" endings.
On January 30 2012 02:01 Caller wrote: saying katawa shoujo is a good vn is like saying that dragon ball z is the best animu ever get this shit outta here
really? Are you just jumping on me, whats so terrible about KS? Have you even played it? I mean it has pacing problems, but just because it's gotten a ridiculous amount of attention doesn't make it automatically bad. What would you suggest, as VN's go? @Arolis That game has strong ties to 4chan. Thus its unsual permeation through the internet. But seriously, go play it. You won't regret it. @aeres it seems to be gag fuel, indeed. *shrug* A lot of it is pretty morbidly funny though.