On January 30 2012 17:35 Chronopolis wrote: Holy crap this thread exploded. Multiedit reply imminent. @Zun's drawing: Yea I wonder what program he uses to colour in his drawings. And just how in general he does it. I guess he does his solidish shading style mainly because a finely shaded portrait wouldn't fit(?) in a touhou game, with all the flashing colours and what not.
@yoshi Wow...thats some hilarious song larconic. I don't know what dead, smoke and field are. Gotta look them up and google. They remind me of those amusing codenames mtg likes to give to their expansion packs (like, snap, crackle, and pop)
@crescentia Doll Judgment. Just seems less done, and a friend of mine's fav. character is alice so yea. Hope its not a brutal piece gl
@piano competition awesome! I don't really have any plans to start any new song, on account of school. I think I'll try to finish a song or two for then.
@caller lol fuck you. Let me wade in my blissful VN ignorance. The only other VN i played was saya no uta, which was differently good (and a bit of throw up in ur mouth mindfuck). What are you voicing anyways? I can't find it. About VN's, I make out that reactions towards them in general are more polarized than other forms of media, compared to say, anime. Because if there is something that irks you in a VN (such as pacing, art, character retardedness, general retardedness, cliched, iuuno), it REALLY irks you, and it keeps detracting through the whole game or until you quit and denounce the game as an overall piece of poo. Opposingly, if you get attach ed or hooked onto the story (or character ;P), you can overlook a wide range of technical and general flaws, and be much more susceptible to being blown away by what may objectively be "hit or miss" endings.
On January 30 2012 02:01 Caller wrote: saying katawa shoujo is a good vn is like saying that dragon ball z is the best animu ever get this shit outta here
really? Are you just jumping on me, whats so terrible about KS? Have you even played it? I mean it has pacing problems, but just because it's gotten a ridiculous amount of attention doesn't make it automatically bad. What would you suggest, as VN's go? @Arolis That game has strong ties to 4chan. Thus its unsual permeation through the internet. But seriously, go play it. You won't regret it. @aeres it seems to be gag fuel, indeed. *shrug* A lot of it is pretty morbidly funny though.
my problem is people play one "vn" (katawa shoujo) and automatically think its the best vn every written because its the only one that was created in engrish. Planetarian, for example, is a really beautiful piece of work, yet you don't hear nearly the amount of hype and omg this is so gud that you do for a game created by a bunch of 12 year old 4channers about fucking disabled girls.
On January 30 2012 23:44 Caller wrote: Planetarian, for example, is a really beautiful piece of work, yet you don't hear nearly the amount of hype and omg this is so gud.
Lolol. Planetarian english patch released -> mass pirating of Planetarian -> disgruntled developers -> disgruntled translators.
On January 30 2012 17:35 Chronopolis wrote: What would you suggest, as VN's go?
al|together is a festival of short doujin visual/sound novels, translated into English by members of the English-speaking eroge localization community. It is a celebration of many things -- the vitality of our small but growing community, the joy of a collaborative production process, the artistry of the original works, the craft of translation. Perhaps most importantly, it is an opportunity for both translation teams -- old legends and new favorites -- and readers alike to discover material that they might have otherwise passed by.
Pretty much all of them are demos or shorts (~1 hour or less each).
Mainstream/super-commercial ones with english patches are along the lines of Tsukihime, Fate/stay night, and Clannad (50+ hours each depending on reading speed).
On January 30 2012 23:44 Caller wrote: Planetarian, for example, is a really beautiful piece of work, yet you don't hear nearly the amount of hype and omg this is so gud.
Lolol. Planetarian english patch released -> mass pirating of Planetarian -> disgruntled developers -> disgruntled translators.
al|together is a festival of short doujin visual/sound novels, translated into English by members of the English-speaking eroge localization community. It is a celebration of many things -- the vitality of our small but growing community, the joy of a collaborative production process, the artistry of the original works, the craft of translation. Perhaps most importantly, it is an opportunity for both translation teams -- old legends and new favorites -- and readers alike to discover material that they might have otherwise passed by.
Pretty much all of them are demos or shorts (~1 hour or less each).
Mainstream/super-commercial ones with english patches are along the lines of Tsukihime, Fate/stay night, and Clannad (50+ hours each depending on reading speed).
*edit* I can't spell.
i wouldn't pirate it if it was easier to get them. As it is I have no intention of spending 30 bucks on shipping just to get stuff from nippon. if there was a steam that let me get nipponjin stuff or tohos stuff then i would hit that shit like yoshi would hit rumia
On January 30 2012 23:44 Caller wrote: Planetarian, for example, is a really beautiful piece of work, yet you don't hear nearly the amount of hype and omg this is so gud.
Lolol. Planetarian english patch released -> mass pirating of Planetarian -> disgruntled developers -> disgruntled translators.
it's not like most VNs have a justifiably profitable market outside of japan yet (and they might never)
Pah, not looking down on pirating or anything. Just laughing (without picking sides) at the commotion that it caused.
I'm in the boat of the 'will pirate due to lack of ability to acquire easily, but will buy given the chance'. aka during the eastern visit i weeaboo'd it out and spam bought much (relative to what i usually spend). :x
On January 30 2012 17:35 Chronopolis wrote: Holy crap this thread exploded. Multiedit reply imminent. @Zun's drawing: Yea I wonder what program he uses to colour in his drawings. And just how in general he does it. I guess he does his solidish shading style mainly because a finely shaded portrait wouldn't fit(?) in a touhou game, with all the flashing colours and what not.
@yoshi Wow...thats some hilarious song larconic. I don't know what dead, smoke and field are. Gotta look them up and google. They remind me of those amusing codenames mtg likes to give to their expansion packs (like, snap, crackle, and pop)
@crescentia Doll Judgment. Just seems less done, and a friend of mine's fav. character is alice so yea. Hope its not a brutal piece gl
@piano competition awesome! I don't really have any plans to start any new song, on account of school. I think I'll try to finish a song or two for then.
@caller lol fuck you. Let me wade in my blissful VN ignorance. The only other VN i played was saya no uta, which was differently good (and a bit of throw up in ur mouth mindfuck). What are you voicing anyways? I can't find it. About VN's, I make out that reactions towards them in general are more polarized than other forms of media, compared to say, anime. Because if there is something that irks you in a VN (such as pacing, art, character retardedness, general retardedness, cliched, iuuno), it REALLY irks you, and it keeps detracting through the whole game or until you quit and denounce the game as an overall piece of poo. Opposingly, if you get attach ed or hooked onto the story (or character ;P), you can overlook a wide range of technical and general flaws, and be much more susceptible to being blown away by what may objectively be "hit or miss" endings.
On January 30 2012 02:01 Caller wrote: saying katawa shoujo is a good vn is like saying that dragon ball z is the best animu ever get this shit outta here
really? Are you just jumping on me, whats so terrible about KS? Have you even played it? I mean it has pacing problems, but just because it's gotten a ridiculous amount of attention doesn't make it automatically bad. What would you suggest, as VN's go? @Arolis That game has strong ties to 4chan. Thus its unsual permeation through the internet. But seriously, go play it. You won't regret it. @aeres it seems to be gag fuel, indeed. *shrug* A lot of it is pretty morbidly funny though.
Holy shit! Have to reply to multiple things in the same post! jk
I think Caller made that poll just to troll me and d3, as if he were going to compete/record something as well (idk if he's serious thoguh haha)
Oh lol, i'll include the full names of the poll choices...
About the piano recordings - wow I'm surprised a bit that love coloured magic and gensokyo are so high haha. But anyways I'm glad people are actually voting xD
Heh, I doubt it. I was just making a joke post. I'm assuming by denpa loli, Caller is simply saying that he'll have to electronically alter his voice to make it sound like a little girl. Though maybe I'm wrong and you'll just have to wait and see. I'm expecting some bastardized cross between IOSYS, Hatsune Miku, and a man's voice. So really loli voice and troll voice are both the same option.
Or maybe it'll sound good. It'd be great either way.
In the interest of putting actual Touhou content in my post have some piano PC-98 love. I was trying to find some high-pitched vocals to post, but couldn't find any that I either liked or weren't already well known. + Show Spoiler +
On January 31 2012 09:14 Arolis wrote: Heh, I doubt it. I was just making a joke post. I'm assuming by denpa loli, Caller is simply saying that he'll have to electronically alter his voice to make it sound like a little girl. Though maybe I'm wrong and you'll just have to wait and see. I'm expecting some bastardized cross between IOSYS, Hatsune Miku, and a man's voice. So really loli voice and troll voice are both the same option.
Or maybe it'll sound good. It'd be great either way.
In the interest of putting actual Touhou content in my post have some piano PC-98 love. I was trying to find some high-pitched vocals to post, but couldn't find any that I either liked or weren't already well known. + Show Spoiler +