Charlie Sheens House51449 Posts
On December 09 2011 20:19 Velr wrote:Watched my flatmate play: Show nested quote +The LFR System is a joke. I've heard you can just ignore effects and dps/heal through things. Get pesudo-tier gear. is 100% true. He is also on Deathwing atm with his group and does the LFG thing with his twinks. You can completly ignore most bosses abilitise because they do like no damage. This whole patch is a fucking joke. Cata was fun right after release, than they slowly transformed it into Wrath 2.0 and now it's utter garbage again.
Thinking that LFR is a true aspect of PVE then you clearly did not read the patch notes or have any idea of what Blizzard wanted to achieve with that.
The LFR system is for IDIOTS who don't know how to play and want to kill Deathwing, all those annoying nuubs who cry because they cant kill deathwing or can never kill an end game boss because there crap or dont understand FIRE = BAD.
The LFR is supposed to be so easy that everyone who cant commit to full time raiding can see end game content and kill the expansion. To justify the whole expansion on the LFR "hardness" is utterly stupid comment! Its supposed to be easy and a joke, thats why it doesnt drop good gear it drops 384 gear and the Tier 13 in it is weaker than normal raid Tier 13 t.t its like T12.5 if anything!.
Cata has been an ok expansion not the best but still is ok. 4.3 in my opinion saved it so bad, new heorics much better than the silly ZA/ZG bores that took ages to complete. New heorics are fun and quick nice easy gear, new raid normal modes are easy heoric modes are FRIGGING HARD which is what i like i dont like to A move up to the last boss and then take month of whiping until he is dead.
Dont judge 4.3 on LFR system its there for nuubs and for people who cant commit to raiding guilds! Pugging in trade is better option still than LFR if you want a challenge and your not a nuub
On December 09 2011 20:07 cursor wrote: The LFR System is a joke. I've heard you can just ignore effects and dps/heal through things. Get pesudo-tier gear.
My guild is on the 10m Deathwing fight to unlock heroics. I'm enjoying that it's still challenging. It's not as challenging as it once was, when Cata came out, but it's still hard. I'm the best geared Bear tank on Hyjal US right now, good server.
My ranking of WoW phases goes Cata>Vanilla>TBC>Wrath (played since the original WoW open beta)
Nothing pleased me more than seeing all the wrath babies get their shit pushed in when they actually had to dodge effects, pay attention to single target dps order, and respect crowd control. Shit was HILARIOUS.
Also, mainly just play to hang out and chat with people- but we get some pretty good raiding done in the meantime.
the thing about that argument is that i could point out, my guild is already on heroics and that normal modes are "easy and you can just ignore half the mechanics, normal modes dont deserve loot". its always easy to look down on the next tier of people and say they are trash.
that being said. my problem with lfr is that its part of a wider design issue in wow. there is little to no encouragement for personal improvement. i cant be bothered to make a long winded design rant here because blizzard would never read it but specifically in lfr rather than some of the numbers being tuned down giving 'slower' people a chance to learn them, some of them work in drastically different ways in lfr than the real instance, meaning they arent being prepared for harder content at all.
Didn't know there was a WoW thread :O! It's weird to see reasonable posts about WoW, considering i'm used to the horror that is the blizzard WoW forums *shivers*
I don't raid actively anymore, and haven't since Ulduar (the last really good raid, imo) but from what I can see, it's pretty much true that Cata is becoming wrath 2.0 in terms of difficulty. It's pitiful. Fortunately there's multiple sides to the game, and I can play exactly what I enjoy at whatever time (which, currently, is BG levelling and weeping with a bucket of ice-cream while watching vanilla PvP videos.)
Anyone else find it interesting that Blizzard made earlier pretty hardcore games, became famous and now makes and updates games in pretty dumped down style? Like even when I do work 8hr day, do IRL stuff, study I don't want to play anymore WoW because it feels more like its made for 8yr old and not for adult worker (as it was supposed in first place I assume, when they decided to make it more casual).
This doesn't apply only to wow but talking more about it is pretty controversial.
On December 09 2011 21:11 marttorn wrote: Didn't know there was a WoW thread :O! It's weird to see reasonable posts about WoW, considering i'm used to the horror that is the blizzard WoW forums *shivers*
I don't raid actively anymore, and haven't since Ulduar (the last really good raid, imo) but from what I can see, it's pretty much true that Cata is becoming wrath 2.0 in terms of difficulty. It's pitiful. Fortunately there's multiple sides to the game, and I can play exactly what I enjoy at whatever time (which, currently, is BG levelling and weeping with a bucket of ice-cream while watching vanilla PvP videos.) Every game is getting easier, it's just what happens when the gaming industry expands to a bigger community.
Specially WoW, that pulls a lot of money to Blizzard, they do their best to bring more and more people to their game. How to do it? Make it easier.
It's sad, but true.
On December 09 2011 21:50 Hoon wrote:Show nested quote +On December 09 2011 21:11 marttorn wrote: Didn't know there was a WoW thread :O! It's weird to see reasonable posts about WoW, considering i'm used to the horror that is the blizzard WoW forums *shivers*
I don't raid actively anymore, and haven't since Ulduar (the last really good raid, imo) but from what I can see, it's pretty much true that Cata is becoming wrath 2.0 in terms of difficulty. It's pitiful. Fortunately there's multiple sides to the game, and I can play exactly what I enjoy at whatever time (which, currently, is BG levelling and weeping with a bucket of ice-cream while watching vanilla PvP videos.) Every game is getting easier, it Yeah, I can see that already. The games I play nowadays are pretty underground and I'm finding already my challenges sometimes from sudokus, drawing and chess-like games. I'm very sad panda about this.
Even skyrim is extremely shoutrunning.
On December 09 2011 21:52 Ryndika wrote:Show nested quote +On December 09 2011 21:50 Hoon wrote:On December 09 2011 21:11 marttorn wrote: Didn't know there was a WoW thread :O! It's weird to see reasonable posts about WoW, considering i'm used to the horror that is the blizzard WoW forums *shivers*
I don't raid actively anymore, and haven't since Ulduar (the last really good raid, imo) but from what I can see, it's pretty much true that Cata is becoming wrath 2.0 in terms of difficulty. It's pitiful. Fortunately there's multiple sides to the game, and I can play exactly what I enjoy at whatever time (which, currently, is BG levelling and weeping with a bucket of ice-cream while watching vanilla PvP videos.) Every game is getting easier, it Yeah, I can see that already. The games I play nowadays are pretty underground and I'm finding already my challenges sometimes from sudokus, drawing and chess-like games. I'm very sad panda about this. Even skyrim is extremely shoutrunning. Oops I pressed tab and space bar by accident, posting it while I was typing. O_O Looks like you answered while I was editing it. :p
Remember that if you want some challenge in modern games, you can still play games like Serious Sam. There are still some companies that like to keep their game as hard as possible, just for the hardcore fans.
Saying that everything gets easier is a big generalization, but it's roughly the truth, since we live in a capitalist world. If you, as a dev, had the opportunity to dumb down your game and make the double of what you currently do, of course you would do that.
On December 09 2011 21:11 marttorn wrote: Didn't know there was a WoW thread :O! It's weird to see reasonable posts about WoW, considering i'm used to the horror that is the blizzard WoW forums *shivers*
I don't raid actively anymore, and haven't since Ulduar (the last really good raid, imo) but from what I can see, it's pretty much true that Cata is becoming wrath 2.0 in terms of difficulty. It's pitiful. Fortunately there's multiple sides to the game, and I can play exactly what I enjoy at whatever time (which, currently, is BG levelling and weeping with a bucket of ice-cream while watching vanilla PvP videos.)
i made a post on the official forums at the very start of the expansion explaining why high numbers =/= difficulty. any thing that does x amount of dmg, eventually can be overgeared and you no longer have to play the game. everyone laughed and then a month later everyone was facerolling through heroics like it was nothing.
there seems to be a disconnect in the design teams head ;/ they think overgearing should = not having to play the game anymore. which while leads to short term gratification (look how powerful i am!) leads to long term boredom (i dont even have to press any buttons)
my suggestion was that if a mob spawns a void zone that deals 100000000000 dmg, no matter your gear you will always die. you will always have to play through the encounter, you can still kill it faster, leading to fewer zones, so you get the feeling of greater power, but you never turn off your brain. instead in this expansion the "return" to harder heroics meant that at the minimum gear level heroic damage felt quite high. but that will never last.
it all comes back to a constant philosophy in wow that playing well is not rewarded. from raids being stuck in the 17 dps all tunnel something rather than mechanics which require individuals taking on something for a period of time etc. to raid finder changing how spells work to make them idiot proof. it all seems to stem from this idea that being part of a team means being indistinguishable from others. rather than adding your own special part to the team.
On December 09 2011 21:50 Ryndika wrote: Anyone else find it interesting that Blizzard made earlier pretty hardcore games, became famous and now makes and updates games in pretty dumped down style? Like even when I do work 8hr day, do IRL stuff, study I don't want to play anymore WoW because it feels more like its made for 8yr old and not for adult worker (as it was supposed in first place I assume, when they decided to make it more casual).
This doesn't apply only to wow but talking more about it is pretty controversial.
what i find interesting is that during the days of "wow is hard" sub numbers went up and up. people took longer to complete content, people had something to look forward too and someone to look up to. that 1 hardcore nerd running around in t3 inspired 100s of people to play through moltern core in the hopes of 1 day looking like a bad ass like him.
people liked to bitch about imbalances and difficulty back then, but at the end of the day that struggle drove them to try harder and play on.
now that everything is on a silver spoon, people are often done with content within weeks or days of a patch. many super casuals have killed deathwing already. if you have cleared every instance and killed deathwing, but cant commit to anything more. what keeps you around now? 4.3 is supposed to last till panda express comes out, but many people will be cancelling their sub now till then. whether you agree with what im saying or not, the facts say that when wow was hard numbers went up, every time it gets easy the numbers go down. and i think it shows how out of touch they have gotten.
the whining has won out, but everyone knows parents know better than crying babies about whats best for them ;/
On December 09 2011 20:19 Velr wrote:Watched my flatmate play: Show nested quote +The LFR System is a joke. I've heard you can just ignore effects and dps/heal through things. Get pesudo-tier gear. is 100% true. He is also on Deathwing atm with his group and does the LFG thing with his twinks. You can completly ignore most bosses abilitise because they do like no damage. This whole patch is a fucking joke. Cata was fun right after release, than they slowly transformed it into Wrath 2.0 and now it's utter garbage again. I'm not seeing a high percentage of people that would want to queue into something with 24 other random people and have it be even slightly difficult. LFR is a neat addition that they added, and for the elitists at heart the gear rewarded is pretty sub par.
As many people have pointed out, this is the alleged big last patch before panda. Carry that mindset into the fact they are wanting to make the leveling process easier.
I've been out of WoW for a few years was never really in it in the first place. So I played some coop with a friend. We do only dungeons...
I'm so annoyed at how easy mobs are nowadays... there is no challenge in PVE. WoW is even more redundant and boring than before.. shit game.. (imho)
On January 20 2012 23:05 frontliner2 wrote: I've been out of WoW for a few years was never really in it in the first place. So I played some coop with a friend. We do only dungeons...
I'm so annoyed at how easy mobs are nowadays... there is no challenge in PVE. WoW is even more redundant and boring than before.. shit game.. (imho) Firelord, Savior Of Azeroth Frontliner2 has spoken. Let it be known there is no challenge in PVE.
Is there any point in getting this game for the PvP? I used to play BG's / Arena (not very well, mind you) and loved going into capitals with small groups to see how long we'd last before being overwhelmed. I hear the game has developed a serious case of queuegrimmar; that people are leaving in droves; that gear still has a massive impact on your performance, and much of the better stuff is locked in PvE raids; that damage has yet to be reined in; that the leveling is boring, though much faster and convienient than before...but I'm still feeling a slight, tiny urge to resub.
Another, probably better question: Who here still plays, and who here is involved in frequent shenanigans?
WoW is never good for PvP, because it's barely supported. No way they can truly balance PvP based on PvE abilities. Some classes just aren't designed for it. It's going to be 2 years since I've stopped playing WoW. I can stand the whines of people raiding consistently with me, but I can't stand the whines of people casually raiding going in and out of guilds due to gear being so easily accessible...
WoW Rated PvP in previous season till wizzards got legendaries was propably most balanced pvp in WoW ever, with basicly every class having a role in high end arena, and almost all wizzard specs (maybe apart of destruction warlocks) had role in Rated Bg's (every melee class had a place there too). Sadly game became a bit boring to me after so much of same stuff, but i do highly appreciate changes they made to it. Sadly there is that much you can play a single game for so long.
TLDR WoW is still best instanced PVP MMO and is definitly best pve MMO.
Does anybody here do World PvP on a consitent basis? Any people in PvP-oriented guilds?
On January 24 2012 07:19 Narw wrote: WoW Rated PvP in previous season till wizzards got legendaries was propably most balanced pvp in WoW ever, with basicly every class having a role in high end arena, and almost all wizzard specs (maybe apart of destruction warlocks) had role in Rated Bg's (every melee class had a place there too). Sadly game became a bit boring to me after so much of same stuff, but i do highly appreciate changes they made to it. Sadly there is that much you can play a single game for so long.
TLDR WoW is still best instanced PVP MMO and is definitly best pve MMO. It's hard to call WoW the "best PvP MMO" when you talk only about rated BGs. I think that a PvP MMO would be World PvP, which doesn't exist at all in WoW. Devs always say that they like World PvP and they want to bring it back, but they do nothing about it.
WoW PvP should fall in the "Arena-based PvP" category, in which BLC wins hands down.
On January 24 2012 10:16 Hoon wrote:Show nested quote +On January 24 2012 07:19 Narw wrote: WoW Rated PvP in previous season till wizzards got legendaries was propably most balanced pvp in WoW ever, with basicly every class having a role in high end arena, and almost all wizzard specs (maybe apart of destruction warlocks) had role in Rated Bg's (every melee class had a place there too). Sadly game became a bit boring to me after so much of same stuff, but i do highly appreciate changes they made to it. Sadly there is that much you can play a single game for so long.
TLDR WoW is still best instanced PVP MMO and is definitly best pve MMO. It's hard to call WoW the "best PvP MMO" when you talk only about rated BGs. I think that a PvP MMO would be World PvP, which doesn't exist at all in WoW. Devs always say that they like World PvP and they want to bring it back, but they do nothing about it. WoW PvP should fall in the "Arena-based PvP" category, in which BLC wins hands down. I agree! Any old school player remember Ultima Online - that's simply 1st and best online PvP MMO. Why? In UO when you kill a person in the world you get all his loot (everything on him and in his bag can be looted). You can kill a player everywhere including a guard zone in town
I call it best PVP MMO couse it have best mechanics, best interface and propably best responsinves from all MMO's. That it is instanced instead of world based isn't exactly problem for me, couse why would it be? 10v10 in instance instead of 10v10 in open world makes it worse exactly how? If anything it promotes equal chances. (before you bash that i dont know what world pvp is and how fun it could be - i've played L2 which was ultimate open world pvp game and i liked it very much).
Also BLC is not MMO, so i dont exactly understand why would i compare part of WoW to a game that is focused just on that particular aspect.
On January 24 2012 10:45 Narw wrote: I call it best PVP MMO couse it have best mechanics, best interface and propably best responsinves from all MMO's. That it is instanced instead of world based isn't exactly problem for me, couse why would it be? 10v10 in instance instead of 10v10 in open world makes it worse exactly how? If anything it promotes equal chances. (before you bash that i dont know what world pvp is and how fun it could be - i've played L2 which was ultimate open world pvp game and i liked it very much).
Also BLC is not MMO, so i dont exactly understand why would i compare part of WoW to a game that is focused just on that particular aspect. The problem is that you are saying that WoW is a MMO PvP, when it is actually an Arena-Based PvP. I said that BLC is better than WoW because they are both in the "Arena-based PvP" category, not in the "MMO PvP" category.
It's like saying that DotA is the best RTS game because it is inside WC3.
And yes, UO is the best MMO PvP ever released.
On January 21 2012 02:42 Irave wrote:Show nested quote +On January 20 2012 23:05 frontliner2 wrote: I've been out of WoW for a few years was never really in it in the first place. So I played some coop with a friend. We do only dungeons...
I'm so annoyed at how easy mobs are nowadays... there is no challenge in PVE. WoW is even more redundant and boring than before.. shit game.. (imho) Firelord, Savior Of Azeroth Frontliner2 has spoken. Let it be known there is no challenge in PVE. Nice strawman. It's like you're fresh from the WoW forums. The only challenge exists in hard mode raids, the rest of the game is piss easy. You either play braindead monkey mode or you need to spend at least three evenings a week in a good raiding guild, just to have some challenge!