World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Expansion Discussion - Page 13
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Canada31 Posts
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Sweden29 Posts
On January 25 2012 00:17 FrankDaGreat wrote: Meh, played wow from Vanilla ( when BWL was released ) till cata and from my point of view, this game became so much easier and its all about farming epics. I mean i played Cata at launch and our guild worked hard to get to kill Nef ( we did after like 3 month after Cata was released ) when we realised that we would be doing the very same dungeon but just harder, we quit. Came back for a week a few months afterward, and cleared all the instance with 6 pugs player, we even had 3 people die on nef and we still downed him easy!! I know they are trying to get people to see boss but going from 100+ wipes on a boss to be able to clear it to do it with half a group of pugs is bad. And that is why they got so called Heroic versions of the instances, so everyone can be able to see the content while still having more challenging encounters for those who wish for that. | ||
Ireland7554 Posts
On February 03 2012 21:14 Ceyox wrote: And that is why they got so called Heroic versions of the instances, so everyone can be able to see the content while still having more challenging encounters for those who wish for that. If by "see the content" you mean get loot, because that's all that people want then you're right | ||
Germany523 Posts
On February 03 2012 21:15 Linwelin wrote: If by "see the content" you mean get loot, because that's all that people want then you're right If you want loot, you have to do heroic instances. Non-Heroic is not where you get the hot looties. | ||
Charlie Sheens House51449 Posts
![]() Aswell as trying all the other MMORPGs i can think of WoW still was the best in its prime. SW:TOR at the moment i played for month and was so buggy i just couldn't take any more of it, and its to strong with its story based quest system to the extreme xD so much movement too lol 1 end of galaxy and back for 1 thing is like proper grinding to me lol ![]() The only hope for my MMORPG career now is GuildWars 2 which looks very good to being a complete fix for me, but obviously no beta for me test my theroies yet! Looks good i hope it is. I might also be tempted into playing TERA that looks very pretty MMORPG, nice looking classes interesting proffesions (thief lol sounds awesome) so might give that a play. All in all i have done my time with WoW now and im very sad to have to leave the game but, it was fun and will always be my reference in a good MMORPG. | ||
Denmark1596 Posts
Vanilla: Rank 11 warlock with full t2 and 3pieces of t3 from good ol' naxx TBC: Main tank in one of the top 3 guilds on a server WotLK: 2600+ rated (2800+mmr) druid almost only doing pvp. It gave me something to change up my style so much. Changing factions, classes and event content (raids vs pvp) kept it good for me. But cataclysm somewhat killed it for me. I rolled mage and hit 85, but everything was just too easy and simple. And as already mentioned. Too much just ended up being about those shiny shiny purbles. Back in vanilla our "marshall-group" who farmed BG's and had 99,95% win rate (to my memory we only ever lost once) the requirement to join was to have 1 epic item (and full blue). That would be a joke today. | ||
United States2813 Posts
![]() also had 2 rank 10's, and never got any T3 pieces because i was a hunter and all t3 loot went to warriors since they needed to tank....but i had all t2/t2.5(AQ40) resilience also ruined the entire PvP world... | ||
Turkey3059 Posts
In past there were progression...Hell even in first tier of Cata it looked a little bit like in the past, with multiple raids. In Vanilla, once you had enough gear for BWL, you didn't do MC except for maybe helping the low geared guildies or getting the tier 2 legs. You had the chance to see another raid, another adventure. Now? Welcome to Raid X. You will be raiding it for 6 to 8 months, so have a good look at it. You can raid it on 10/25 normal and 10/25 hard. The whole place is the same but hey, they hit harder and sometimes use different tactics. You can raid it until you puke out of boredom but things won't change, we don't care because terrible players want loot the easy way and we're gonna give it to them. Things like multiple tier raid progression is just too hard to understand for them, we'd rather make the game more "accessible". So happy to have quit WoW a year ago. Proud and happy to actually raid in Vanilla though. | ||
Germany1667 Posts
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Turkey3059 Posts
On February 03 2012 23:40 Enox wrote: raiding the same instance for 6-8 months? whatever you played, it wasnt WoW. in the beginning of cata you even had 3 raids: Blackwing Descent, Bastion of Twilight and Throne of the Four Winds. then Firelands and now Dragon Soul. the 1st raiding period lasted a bit more than 6 months, but like i said, it were 3 instances and not only one. firelands 5 months and now dragon soul till MoP comes. there was also no single raid in Wotlk which lasted 8 months Numbers could be changed, the issue is that they are getting away with producing less and less content by covering it up with hard/normal and 10/25 distinction. It doesn't matter how long you raid it, there should be more raids, just like the beginning of Cata. But no, what do they do? One fucking raid per tier (I'm not talking about the beginning of Cata) and that's it. And don't tell me about Baradin Hold, it's a loot vendor not a freaking raid, just like Vault of Lootvon. | ||
Switzerland10606 Posts
Yes Cata 1.0 was pretty decent.. Except that the raids should not have been all the same difficulty. But they quickly destroyed Cata by patching it "moron-proof" and bringing only 1 (small) instance with their next patch... And then they decided to destroy everything with the latest patch. | ||
6007 Posts
If you're a casual player then Cataclysm is pretty amazing. If you actually care about things other than loot... not so much. The fact of the matter is that roughly 95% of current players are casual and just want everything handed to them (since I'm positive there will be someone who calls me out on this statistic, it's taken directly from the armory and referencing how less than 10% of the level 85 playerbase ever killed Rag - plus another 5% thrown in there to account for non-85s and PvPers, which is probably being generous and the real number is likely closer to 98-99%). All the current players care about is feeling like they've accomplished something, whether that's through loot, achievements, or just having shiny popups on their screen that say "LOL GRATS YOU JUST KILLED DEATHWING HERES SOME MONEY, ITEMS, AND A BUNCH OF POINTS!". It doesn't matter to them at all how trivial and bland the content is. They're just excited to feel important. It's also very hard to enjoy raiding because of the lore. Even if there were an acceptable progression path, an acceptable number of bosses/amount of content, and an acceptable difficulty to said content... it's still boring to fight rehashed content and bosses that keep coming back to life 2-3 times. The storyline in Cataclysm is even worse than the Starcraft II compaign and comes off as being written by a fifth grader. It's impossible to immerse yourself in any aspect of WoW these days and that's one of the major points of an MMO. How can you possibly feel a sense of accomplishment over defeating a boss if he is not only trivial to kill but you also don't really know a damn thing about him or care what happens to him in the first place? Karazhan and Ulduar were huge successes because everything from the fight mechanics to the environments to the lore was solid. They were challenging and they involved progression: you could go in your first week and get stuck on the third or fourth boss. Then, after 2-3 weeks of farming those, you were ready to progress a bit further. Cataclysm raids are basically... you go in and the end boss is dead on your first night. There simply isn't any progression left in the game. | ||
Sweden4149 Posts
On February 03 2012 23:49 Aela wrote: Ulduar was the last time wow was fun. After they decided hardmode is just +hp+dmg for all mobs, wow was dead. Ulduar was the most epic raid. The feeling when I first entered is was "hot diggity damn this is cool". I don't know what made Blizzard go for whatever direction they are going now. In an effort of making things easier for casuals, with UI elements to automatically find almost everything (dungeon, raids etc) WoW has become one giant queueing hub. You log in, queue up for everything and then just sit and wait. So much of the social aspect disappeared with that. I just hope that they don't start off Titan MMO with all kinds of tools for finding games/groups. People should move their asses ingame and meet up and not click various "find games", "find friends", "fiend groups" buttons. | ||
United States224 Posts
On February 04 2012 00:13 papaz wrote: Ulduar was the most epic raid. The feeling when I first entered is was "hot diggity damn this is cool". I don't know what made Blizzard go for whatever direction they are going now. In an effort of making things easier for casuals, with UI elements to automatically find almost everything (dungeon, raids etc) WoW has become one giant queueing hub. You log in, queue up for everything and then just sit and wait. So much of the social aspect disappeared with that. I just hope that they don't start off Titan MMO with all kinds of tools for finding games/groups. People should move their asses ingame and meet up and not click various "find games", "find friends", "fiend groups" buttons. That's the point of the Titan MMO. Super casual and super casual friendly MMO so they can move WoW away from being so damn casual. That's the idea, anyway, who knows if that's actually what's going to happen | ||
Switzerland10606 Posts
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6007 Posts
So yes, the plan is for Titan to be casual and for WoW to become hardcore and that's likely what will happen as it's a win/win for Blizzard. Casual WoW players will purchase Titan and sub to that and the former hardcore WoW players will return to WoW. It's the only way for them to keep their overall playerbase as making Titan harder than WoW would just result in WoW dying off due to people wanting something new and Titan having lackluster sales due to the WoW playerbase not having anywhere to go. | ||
Turkey3059 Posts
I think I'm done with MMOs. SWTOR is fun, but it is fun as in a Bioware game (and still I prefer the original KOTOR if I want to play that type of game) I'm still subscribed because I play it sometimes in my own way, seeing the story, but I'm not that into or immerssed to it. Nevertheless, my only regret with WoW is that I did not get to raid in Burning Crusade, the WoW's golden age and kill Illidan or M'uru. I only saw Kara, Gruul, some of TK and ZA, I came back late and neither had time or were in a guild that was capable of that. But I managed to raid the majority of Vanilla and it was really, pretty awesome and I won't ever forget those times. The game was fucking awesome back then, I didn't play any other games for about two years. Like everything, once something goes mainstream, it becomes terrible. | ||
Turkey2037 Posts
On February 03 2012 23:10 Bleak wrote: The only thing heroic/non-heroic mode accomplished is less content for everyone. Raiding the same place for 6 months on multiple raid sizes and difficulties, so exciting, right? In past there were progression...Hell even in first tier of Cata it looked a little bit like in the past, with multiple raids. In Vanilla, once you had enough gear for BWL, you didn't do MC except for maybe helping the low geared guildies or getting the tier 2 legs. You had the chance to see another raid, another adventure. Now? Welcome to Raid X. You will be raiding it for 6 to 8 months, so have a good look at it. You can raid it on 10/25 normal and 10/25 hard. The whole place is the same but hey, they hit harder and sometimes use different tactics. You can raid it until you puke out of boredom but things won't change, we don't care because terrible players want loot the easy way and we're gonna give it to them. Things like multiple tier raid progression is just too hard to understand for them, we'd rather make the game more "accessible". So happy to have quit WoW a year ago. Proud and happy to actually raid in Vanilla though. Well said.That is what I think about WoW PvE aswell. | ||
United States472 Posts
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