World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Expansion Discussion - Page 11
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51342 Posts
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Canada568 Posts
On December 12 2010 11:14 GTR wrote: heroics are clearly designed to distinguish the good from the bad. This is sarcasm right? Anyways now that cata is slightly harder, what are the chances of Blizzard nerfing it and catering to mass QQ once again? I'm thinking of coming back but if that even has the slightest chance of happening I won't, cuz then I will have to resort to calling out "wotlk scrub" for every person I see in order to quench my inner rage. | ||
United Kingdom2145 Posts
On December 12 2010 11:22 jstar wrote: This is sarcasm right? Anyways now that cata is slightly harder, what are the chances of Blizzard nerfing it and catering to mass QQ once again? I'm thinking of coming back but if that even has the slightest chance of happening I won't, cuz then I will have to resort to calling out "wotlk scrub" for every person I see in order to quench my inner rage. i know how you feel, it outright sucked when in TBC when stuff I was pretty damn proud of at the time like killing kael on our first night of tries and the ages we spent slaving on mag and the damn trash only for it to get pummelled into the ground with the nerf stick | ||
United States2364 Posts
Heroics so far have proved entertaining, but cc still isn't required and most bosses boil down to don't stand in shit. | ||
Sweden574 Posts
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Canada704 Posts
Also I'm sure I'm not the only one who's sick to death of fire at this point. I guess there's also the transmogrification coming in too, but I don't really have the money or the awesome old stuff for that so well, other folks can be excited for that. Apparently part of the Deathwing fight is gonna take place on his back while he flies around the continent. That is going to be sooooooooooo awesome. Ahhhhhh! | ||
Scotland3776 Posts
..owait ![]() | ||
Canada552 Posts
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6007 Posts
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United States407 Posts
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2449 Posts
The actual content could be interesting to see once... I probably won't quit until I kill death wing, but its a shell of its former self imo. I'm not the guy who just says "vanilla so good, bc bla bla", but its honestly true, Wrath killed wow with the whole, click a switch for bosses to turn heroic. Not much in the game feels epic any more at all... I got the latest legendary staff and it still was... not very exciting, although 1 shotting people in battlegrounds is fun. Since Wrath I've had more fun playing other games but still continued to raid hardcore on Wow.. but again I would definitely NOT recommend anyone come back to WoW unless you cannot find anything else to play at all. | ||
United States407 Posts
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4596 Posts
They released another one. I'm...I'm lost. This is what this games community has devolved too? Chuck Norris jokes again? ![]() | ||
United States3701 Posts
On October 31 2011 23:25 Pufftrees wrote: I've raided this entire expansion... GM and raid leader of my same guild since vanilla. Honestly... I definitely wouldn't recommend coming back for the game play. The main reason I still play is about half of my 25 man group raided MC with me together many many years ago, so its more for the people. The actual content could be interesting to see once... I probably won't quit until I kill death wing, but its a shell of its former self imo. I'm not the guy who just says "vanilla so good, bc bla bla", but its honestly true, Wrath killed wow with the whole, click a switch for bosses to turn heroic. Not much in the game feels epic any more at all... I got the latest legendary staff and it still was... not very exciting, although 1 shotting people in battlegrounds is fun. Since Wrath I've had more fun playing other games but still continued to raid hardcore on Wow.. but again I would definitely NOT recommend anyone come back to WoW unless you cannot find anything else to play at all. i remember having to allocate hours to farm primal shadows to get past mother in BT... and now you just zone into instances with any gear and win, it sure is a shadow.. | ||
United States4423 Posts
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Australia701 Posts
If you haven't played WoW for a while, check your e-mail, I just got 7 days free. I don't know what the criteria is for this, but I'm interested to know if anyone else got it. Seems like a bit of cheap marketing to get people back in to WoW (are they really struggling so much? :S) but I did want to check out the raid finder so it came at the right time I guess. screenshot of e-mail is in the spoiler + Show Spoiler + ![]() p.s: it's legit, activated and logged in already :D oh, also, you shouldn't even think about clicking anything from an e-mail (regardless of where the link points to) if you don't have an authenticator. | ||
Netherlands1788 Posts
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United States6335 Posts
My guild is on the 10m Deathwing fight to unlock heroics. I'm enjoying that it's still challenging. It's not as challenging as it once was, when Cata came out, but it's still hard. I'm the best geared Bear tank on Hyjal US right now, good server. My ranking of WoW phases goes Cata>Vanilla>TBC>Wrath (played since the original WoW open beta) Nothing pleased me more than seeing all the wrath babies get their shit pushed in when they actually had to dodge effects, pay attention to single target dps order, and respect crowd control. Shit was HILARIOUS. Also, mainly just play to hang out and chat with people- but we get some pretty good raiding done in the meantime. | ||
Australia701 Posts
On December 09 2011 20:07 cursor wrote: The LFR System is a joke. I've heard you can just ignore effects and dps/heal through things. Get pesudo-tier gear. Sounds good to me, would just like to see some content really. I'm sure random's will still figure out ways to fail (tanks wearing cloth etc etc etc) Personally my WoW phases goes TBC>WotLK>Vanilla>Cata Vanilla was good but, it was way too grindy... Only reason I dislike cata (ever since the 4.0 update really) is that everything is linear, from 1 to 85 (apart from the tbc and lk zones but even they are so short you barely get to level through 3 of them)... They really screwed that up. | ||
Switzerland10606 Posts
The LFR System is a joke. I've heard you can just ignore effects and dps/heal through things. Get pesudo-tier gear. is 100% true. He is also on Deathwing atm with his group and does the LFG thing with his twinks. You can completly ignore most bosses abilitise because they do like no damage. This whole patch is a fucking joke. Cata was fun right after release, than they slowly transformed it into Wrath 2.0 and now it's utter garbage again. | ||
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