It was actually fun because after you've wiped for 2 months on a boss and you finally kill it EVERYONE in the raid would get ECSTATIC! Now no one wipes for 2 months on anything because there are no DPS races....
World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Expansion Discussion - Page 14
Forum Index > General Games |
United States2813 Posts
It was actually fun because after you've wiped for 2 months on a boss and you finally kill it EVERYONE in the raid would get ECSTATIC! Now no one wipes for 2 months on anything because there are no DPS races.... | ||
Canada275 Posts
Maybe if you're not aware that you're in an eternal hamster wheel doing the same thing with slightly modified textures it would be fun. Virtual rat race. Cool. | ||
97 Posts
I can't believe that people still play this boring casualbullshit. | ||
United States2813 Posts
On February 04 2012 12:26 TooL wrote: It wasn't that fun. Maybe if you're not aware that you're in an eternal hamster wheel doing the same thing with slightly modified textures it would be fun. Virtual rat race. Cool. It was fun because you knew you were doing it to kill that one boss that you have wiped on 15 times a day, 5 days a week, for 2 months straight. It just makes the kill that much sweeter. I really think the entire root of the problem is Blizz (along with every single other MMO company) not implementing any DPS race fights at all! Vael was the last true one, as we can see how long it took to clear BWL compared to Naxx/AQ40. Vael started at 30% HP and you needed 8-9 tanks for example (they would get insta-killed by one of his spells). Vael was a legit as hell fight. If games implemented DPS races, then these companies who make new MMOs won't have to release content patches 1-2 months after the game came out, that is downright ridiculous (see:SWTOR) because people just fly through content nowadays since everything is so simple and based on mechanics, which is much easier when back in the day MMOs would base their fights on both DPS races and mechanics with an extra 15-20 people (40 man raids). If they had DPS races then guilds would actually have to farm the content in order to see the rest of the game. It makes everything better IMO. | ||
United States2911 Posts
On February 04 2012 13:16 Silidons wrote: It was fun because you knew you were doing it to kill that one boss that you have wiped on 15 times a day, 5 days a week, for 2 months straight. It just makes the kill that much sweeter. I really think the entire root of the problem is Blizz (along with every single other MMO company) not implementing any DPS race fights at all! Vael was the last true one, as we can see how long it took to clear BWL compared to Naxx/AQ40. Vael started at 30% HP and you needed 8-9 tanks for example (they would get insta-killed by one of his spells). Vael was a legit as hell fight. If games implemented DPS races, then these companies who make new MMOs won't have to release content patches 1-2 months after the game came out, that is downright ridiculous (see:SWTOR) because people just fly through content nowadays since everything is so simple and based on mechanics, which is much easier when back in the day MMOs would base their fights on both DPS races and mechanics with an extra 15-20 people (40 man raids). If they had DPS races then guilds would actually have to farm the content in order to see the rest of the game. It makes everything better IMO. I think you need to take the rose-tinted glasses off. I raided in Vanilla WoW and loved the Vael fight as much as the next person (one of the better ones they designed), but the only reason farming for months and months to beat one encounter was exciting was because raiding was new to almost everybody back then. Even with the novelty factor, the burnout and attrition in guilds was horrendous, and multiple guilds on my server failed because they couldn't keep a consistent raid group together so they could gear up and kill Vael. The fact is, WoW has burned people out on the MMO model. SWTOR tried to do a lot of things that WoW did right, but to be honest, they should have gone with something completely new because people are sick of the eternal grind MMO. I'd also like to mention that aside from gear-check encounters, which while rewarding and fun in their proper place, are really the only way they can design fights that will actually challenge the top tier of raiding guilds. The fights can only be as hard as the designer's imagination allows them to be, and aside from really off the wall stuff there's not much they can come out with that the top 1% of guilds won't be immediately assuming gear isn't a factor. But at the same time, nobody wants to grind out farm content for 6 months in order to beat one encounter. It's sadistic and while it seemed fun in MC and BWL, people aren't really into it anymore. Blizzard has done a good job scaling the investment required back a little bit. Could even take it one step further and say that through WoW, Blizzard has trained a generation of MMO raiders. I doubt BioWare can release content in SWTOR that is actually challenging, since the people doing Ops (Raids) in that game are likely ex-WoWers. Same could be said for TITAN, but knowing Blizzard they could completely revolutionize the genre. | ||
United States472 Posts
Just like any activity, playing can be work or fun... one doesn't play CoD because of it's novel design, they play it because it's fun. I hear "rat race" a lot, but i honestly believe that's just an individual's perception. If you don't care to get the best gear AS SOON AS POSSIBLE after a patch, there is literally zero penalty for not doing so. WoW is simply not a competitive game, so don't treat it like one. Don't let video games stress you out. | ||
United States2911 Posts
On February 11 2012 11:37 jimmyjingle wrote: I've played this game for five years and I don't think it's aged at all. Just like any activity, playing can be work or fun... one doesn't play CoD because of it's novel design, they play it because it's fun. I hear "rat race" a lot, but i honestly believe that's just an individual's perception. If you don't care to get the best gear AS SOON AS POSSIBLE after a patch, there is literally zero penalty for not doing so. WoW is simply not a competitive game, so don't treat it like one. Don't let video games stress you out. It can be a competitive game if you want it to be, and many people get their enjoyment from it that way. | ||
United States20254 Posts
I remember when we first beat Rag, it was basically one of my top moments in all of gaming for me. Maybe raid sizes now keeps guilds less stable because they can have a higher turnover rate due to less people being needed? I dunno but it was awesome with 40. I would not hate bringing back 40 mans for 1-2 raids (like have the final boss being a 40 man and the lesser instances be normal size?) | ||
Korea (South)798 Posts
On February 04 2012 02:51 Silentenigma wrote: Well said.That is what I think about WoW PvE aswell. Raiding/PvPing in Vanilla was even worse. PvE: I don't know when you started playing Vanilla, but the grind in Vanilla was just as bad (if not worse). I don't know a single guild that would stop raiding MC once they hit BWL. You can never have too many TFs. BWL wasn't so bad, but Naxxramas was by far the worst and best raid content. I guarantee you that any guild that downed 4 Horsemen in Vanilla were putting in at least 30 hours a week of raiding. On top of that, you had to spend even more time farming all the materials for every flask and potion or be best friends with a gold farmer. How long were guilds stuck on Naxx for? 7 months. And I don't even mean 7 months Cata-Style where you progress from regular mode to heroic mode. No, I mean 7 months, 6 hours a day, 6 days a week of the exact same shit. If I remember correctly, only 10 US guilds cleared Naxx by the time TBC came out. PvP: I played on Blackrock, a super high population server. To hit Rank 14, you had to grind 12 hours a day and 7 days a week for 3 months. It was nothing more than a time commitment - just a bunch of semi-geared players in a pre-made mowing down random pugs until you hit another pre-made group trying to do the exact same thing. Some of the worst PvPers I know from Vanilla were GM/HWL. My point is that Cata might be too casual-friendly, but to experience the absolute end-game content in Vanilla, you had to be unemployed or a student who just did not give a fuck about school. I'd rather take the former than the latter. Don't get me wrong, Naxx was one of the most fun moments for me in WoW, but Vanilla WoW was more of an occupation than a game for many players. | ||
United States20254 Posts
Farming never seemed to be as much of an issue *shrug* had to farm several stuff so many hours a week but it never seemed THAT bad. Raids in my guild always happened at night and I barely slept anyway (college kid) so meh. | ||
Canada812 Posts
On February 11 2012 12:30 MayorITC wrote: Raiding/PvPing in Vanilla was even worse. PvE: I don't know when you started playing Vanilla, but the grind in Vanilla was just as bad (if not worse). I don't know a single guild that would stop raiding MC once they hit BWL. You can never have too many TFs. BWL wasn't so bad, but Naxxramas was by far the worst and best raid content. I guarantee you that any guild that downed 4 Horsemen in Vanilla were putting in at least 30 hours a week of raiding. On top of that, you had to spend even more time farming all the materials for every flask and potion or be best friends with a gold farmer. How long were guilds stuck on Naxx for? 7 months. And I don't even mean 7 months Cata-Style where you progress from regular mode to heroic mode. No, I mean 7 months, 6 hours a day, 6 days a week of the exact same shit. If I remember correctly, only 4 US guilds cleared Naxx by the time TBC came out. PvP: I played on Blackrock, a super high population server. To hit Rank 14, you had to grind 12 hours a day and 7 days a week for 3 months. It was nothing more than a time commitment - just a bunch of semi-geared players in a pre-made mowing down random pugs until you hit another pre-made group trying to do the exact same thing. Some of the worst PvPers I know from Vanilla were GM/HWL. My point is that Cata might be too casual-friendly, but to experience the absolute end-game content in Vanilla, you had to be unemployed or a student who just did not give a fuck about school. I'd rather take the former than the latter. Don't get me wrong, Naxx was one of the most fun moments for me in WoW, but Vanilla WoW was more of an occupation than a game for many players. BC is where I feel WoW was at it's best. Aside from being a hunter, I couldn't complain about the pvp at all. The pve was also very good. There were a lot of very difficult fights that took ~ a month to beat - nothing too ridiculous, but still a very long amount of time. When I beat Kael for the first time, I was legit jumping in excitement. Getting to gladiator actually felt so far away and like a real achievement, but now it just seems like you need to play the flavour and it's already yours. Though druids were pretty stupid in seasons 2-4 ![]() | ||
United States475 Posts
On February 11 2012 12:30 MayorITC wrote: Raiding/PvPing in Vanilla was even worse. PvE: I don't know when you started playing Vanilla, but the grind in Vanilla was just as bad (if not worse). I don't know a single guild that would stop raiding MC once they hit BWL. You can never have too many TFs. BWL wasn't so bad, but Naxxramas was by far the worst and best raid content. I guarantee you that any guild that downed 4 Horsemen in Vanilla were putting in at least 30 hours a week of raiding. On top of that, you had to spend even more time farming all the materials for every flask and potion or be best friends with a gold farmer. How long were guilds stuck on Naxx for? 7 months. And I don't even mean 7 months Cata-Style where you progress from regular mode to heroic mode. No, I mean 7 months, 6 hours a day, 6 days a week of the exact same shit. If I remember correctly, only 4 US guilds cleared Naxx by the time TBC came out. PvP: I played on Blackrock, a super high population server. To hit Rank 14, you had to grind 12 hours a day and 7 days a week for 3 months. It was nothing more than a time commitment - just a bunch of semi-geared players in a pre-made mowing down random pugs until you hit another pre-made group trying to do the exact same thing. Some of the worst PvPers I know from Vanilla were GM/HWL. My point is that Cata might be too casual-friendly, but to experience the absolute end-game content in Vanilla, you had to be unemployed or a student who just did not give a fuck about school. I'd rather take the former than the latter. Don't get me wrong, Naxx was one of the most fun moments for me in WoW, but Vanilla WoW was more of an occupation than a game for many players. Vanilla WoW was plagued by problems other than stale raids that made it take to long. When you add up all the little time sinks, and how they've been diminished, I would love to go back and raid vanilla again with them diminished the way they are: 1) Buffing is instant and raid-wide 2) You can port people to the instance (HUGE) 3) Several Elixers lasting through death 4) Endgame content just before MC is stupidly hard for the rewards given. ZG would take way too long and would still wipe geared groups. UBRS same situation, LBRS... Jesus. 5) You can "Un-wipe" your raid group with a guild reward (res everyone) 6) The runbacks we're all wayyyyyy better from BC on, (HUGE) If they had all these niceties in the game when I was running MC and BWL, the game would have been incredible. The way it was, every raid was just a bit too long. BTW: If you had a tight team of good players (Guess I was lucky), you could clear MC in 3 hours even without everyone tippy topped on gear. And we stopped doing it once we were getting into AQ40, the BWL gear was just as good and the MC runs we're just to gear our alts. | ||
United States472 Posts
On February 11 2012 12:22 ZasZ. wrote: It can be a competitive game if you want it to be, and many people get their enjoyment from it that way. certainly don't mean to discredit that statement and I agree, but i was merely responding to "Virtual rat race." and "The fact is, WoW has burned people out on the MMO model." with a contrasting opinion | ||
United States9965 Posts
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97 Posts
User was temp banned for this post. | ||
Germany2269 Posts
On February 04 2012 12:31 Aela wrote: I can't believe that people still play this boring casualbullshit. On February 24 2012 01:51 Aela wrote: lolz! How can anyone still waste their time with this boring casualbullshit. Your input to this topic is highly valuable and amazingly thought out. | ||
Germany1667 Posts
![]() Scroll of Resurrection – Resurrected Soon! The official announcement is here and people coming back to the game will get: A single character boosted all the way to level 80. A free upgrade to Cataclysm, regardless of the expansions you already own. An optional free character move/faction change. 7 free days of game time. + Show Spoiler + The Scroll of Resurrection is currently on cooldown, but will be resurrected soon. Once it’s available, you will be able to earn a free faction mount when you use a Scroll of Resurrection to bring a friend or former guildmate back to World of Warcraft, but this offer will only be available for a limited time. Any active World of Warcraft non-trial player can send a Scroll of Resurrection. To be eligible to receive a Scroll of Resurrection, your friend must have previously purchased at least one month of game time at any point in the past, and your friend’s account must have been inactive since March 4, 2012 or earlier. Once your friend accepts your scroll and pays for at least 30 days of game, you unlock your choice of the following rewards: A Free Spectral Gryphon for an Alliance character Or a Free Spectral Wind Rider for a Horde character And, to enable you and your friend to play together in Cataclysm’s newest content, any friend who accepts your Scroll will also receive the following epic benefits: A single character immediately boosted all the way to level 80 -- DING! A FREE upgrade to Cataclysm -- regardless of your friend’s original box level An optional FREE character move -- to your realm and faction so you can play together 7 FREE days of game time -- available immediately A few other prerequisites apply -- such as a free upgrade to a account for players who haven’t played since 2009 or earlier -- so be sure to check out the FAQ below for full eligibility details. We’ll provide an update once the Scroll of Resurrection is ready to be cast on your friends. Keep an eye on the World of Warcraft official Community site for more information. Scroll of Resurrection FAQ Basics How do I send a Scroll of Resurrection to my friend? There are two options for sending Scrolls of Resurrection: While in-game, open your Real ID friends list or guild roster; any characters or accounts that are eligible to receive a Scroll of Resurrection will have a special button next to them. Click that Scroll of Resurrection button to generate the email invitation. You’ll also have the option to include a personal message to your friend inviting them back to the game. From your Account Management page, click on the World of Warcraft account that you would like to send the invitation from and select Referrals Rewards- Scroll of Resurrection will be an option in that menu. Once clicked, you can enter the name and e-mail address of the friend you’d like to resurrect and include a personal message along with your invitation. Eligibility & Limitations Who can be sent a Scroll of Resurrection? To be eligible to receive a Scroll of Resurrection, your friend must have previously subscribed to World of Warcraft for at least 30 days and their account must have become inactive on or before March 4th,2012. If your friend’s World of Warcraft account has been inactive since December 2009 (or longer), your friend must first associate their World of Warcraft account with a free account before they can receive a Scroll of Resurrection. Tell your friend to see our Account FAQ for information on creating a account and merging their WoW account. After your friend has set up their account, you should be able to send them a Scroll of Resurrection normally. Can I resurrect one of my own World of Warcraft accounts? If you have at least one active World of Warcraft account, you can send your inactive accounts Scroll of Resurrection invitations. How long is the Scroll of Resurrection invitation good for once I send it out? Your friend has 30 days to accept the invitation. The offer will expire if not used within that time. Is there a limit on the number of Scroll of Resurrection Invitations that I can send out? Is there a limit on the number of Scroll of Resurrection invitations that I can send out? There is a limit of one Scroll of Resurrection invitation per day per World of Warcraft Account on both the web and in-game. This makes an effective limit of 2 Scroll of Resurrection invitations per day per account if you use both sending options. There is no limit on the number of lifetime Scroll of Resurrection invitations that an account can send. Can I invite someone who has never played before with a Scroll of Resurrection? Scroll of Resurrection can only be used on players who once had active World of Warcraft subscriptions. For a similar offer for friends who have never subscribed to World of Warcraft, please see the Recruit-A-Friend FAQ. Sending the Scroll of Resurrection What benefits are there to sending a Scroll of Resurrection? You will receive an exclusive mount when your friend who accepted the Scroll first renews their subscription and pays for 30 days of game time – the Spectral Gryphon for Alliance characters or the Spectral Wind Rider for Horde characters. How do I redeem my mount once my friend subscribes? Visit your Account Management page and click on the Scroll of Resurrection option. Under the History/Status tab, you will see Claim Mount button when you are able to redeem the mount. Choose the realm and character on which you want to receive the mount and it will arrive in your character’s mailbox. Note: The mount can only be redeemed on one character per Scroll. When do I receive my mount for resurrecting a friend? Your friend must accept your Scroll of Resurrection invitation and renew their subscription for you to qualify for the mount. In order to qualify for the mount, your friend must renew their subscription after accepting the Scroll, and pay for at least 30 days of game time. Can I earn multiple mounts on my account? Yes! This reward will be given to you for each friend who accepts your invitation and meets the re-subscription criteria. Can I track the invitations I send out? After your friend accepts, you will be able to view the status of the invitation on the History page in the Referrals & Rewards section of your Account Management page. Who will receive the sender reward when several people send the same person Scrolls of Resurrection? Who will receive the sender reward when several people send the same person Scrolls of Resurrection? Only the player whose invitation is accepted will receive the sender’s reward. If the recipient gets several invitations, it will be up to them to choose which to accept. A recipient can accept a maximum of one Scroll of Resurrection per eligible World of Warcraft account. Accepting the Scroll of Resurrection What benefits are there for accepting a Scroll of Resurrection invitation? The Scroll’s recipient immediately receives a FREE digital upgrade all the way to World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. Additionally, the Scroll’s receiver can permanently boost one character to level 80 so that they can jump straight into the adventure for their 7 days of FREE game time! Note: The digital upgrade and level boost will only be available for scrolls sent during the 90-day promotion period. Players who accept a Scroll of Resurrection that was sent after the promotion period ends will still receive 7 days of FREE game time, but will not be eligible for the digital upgrade or level boost. I just accepted a Scroll of Resurrection. How do I level boost my character? Log in to your Account and click on the resurrected license. Once you’re on the Game Management page, click Claim Rewards and select the character to level along with their spec. The next time you log in, they’ll be ready to adventure in a sundered Azeroth! How does the boost to level 80 work for the Scroll’s recipient? After accepting the Scroll, the recipient can choose one character to boost to level 80. The character’s spec will be chosen by the recipient prior to completing the level boost and the character will also be given appropriate talents under the chosen spec. The character will be placed in his or her faction’s capital city and will be ready to adventure immediately. This means that the character will be granted all class skills and spells up to level 80, a flying mount and riding skill, and a green quality set of level- and spec-appropriate gear for leveling. Any gear that was on the character prior to the level boost will be mailed back to the character via in game mail. Hunter pets will not be given a spec, so level boosted Hunters will need to spec out their pets normally after logging in for the first time. Note: Active quests may be abandoned when a level boost is performed. If a quest is abandoned in this way, you will be able to pick it up normally from the NPC who originally gave you the quest. Can I only level boost one character? What happens if my main character is on a different realm or faction than the friend who invited me? If the character that was level boosted is on a different realm or faction than the character who sent the invitation, you will be eligible for a free Character Transfer and/or a free Faction Change to bring you to your friend’s realm and faction. Note: Existing limitations apply for Faction Changes and Realm Transfers under the Scroll of Resurrection system. Please see the Faction Change and Realm Transfer FAQs for details. In addition, players on an RU server will not receive a free Realm Transfer if the friend who invited them is from an EU server. How many times can one person accept a Scroll of Resurrection? After March 5th, 2012, accounts are only able to accept one Scroll of Resurrection per eligible World of Warcraft account– if your friend has already accepted an invitation after March 5th, they will not be able to accept another for the same World of Warcraft account, but may accept invitations for other eligible World of Warcraft accounts. Is there a way for me to boost a character to 80 without a Scroll of Resurrection? The ability to boost a character to 80 only comes when you accept a Scroll of Resurrection invitation source:–Resurrected_Soon-3_6_2012 | ||
Turkey2037 Posts
On March 07 2012 10:02 Enox wrote: so, if anyone was planning to come back to WoW, now is the time ![]() Scroll of Resurrection – Resurrected Soon! The official announcement is here and people coming back to the game will get: A single character boosted all the way to level 80. A free upgrade to Cataclysm, regardless of the expansions you already own. An optional free character move/faction change. 7 free days of game time. + Show Spoiler + The Scroll of Resurrection is currently on cooldown, but will be resurrected soon. Once it’s available, you will be able to earn a free faction mount when you use a Scroll of Resurrection to bring a friend or former guildmate back to World of Warcraft, but this offer will only be available for a limited time. Any active World of Warcraft non-trial player can send a Scroll of Resurrection. To be eligible to receive a Scroll of Resurrection, your friend must have previously purchased at least one month of game time at any point in the past, and your friend’s account must have been inactive since March 4, 2012 or earlier. Once your friend accepts your scroll and pays for at least 30 days of game, you unlock your choice of the following rewards: A Free Spectral Gryphon for an Alliance character Or a Free Spectral Wind Rider for a Horde character And, to enable you and your friend to play together in Cataclysm’s newest content, any friend who accepts your Scroll will also receive the following epic benefits: A single character immediately boosted all the way to level 80 -- DING! A FREE upgrade to Cataclysm -- regardless of your friend’s original box level An optional FREE character move -- to your realm and faction so you can play together 7 FREE days of game time -- available immediately A few other prerequisites apply -- such as a free upgrade to a account for players who haven’t played since 2009 or earlier -- so be sure to check out the FAQ below for full eligibility details. We’ll provide an update once the Scroll of Resurrection is ready to be cast on your friends. Keep an eye on the World of Warcraft official Community site for more information. Scroll of Resurrection FAQ Basics How do I send a Scroll of Resurrection to my friend? There are two options for sending Scrolls of Resurrection: While in-game, open your Real ID friends list or guild roster; any characters or accounts that are eligible to receive a Scroll of Resurrection will have a special button next to them. Click that Scroll of Resurrection button to generate the email invitation. You’ll also have the option to include a personal message to your friend inviting them back to the game. From your Account Management page, click on the World of Warcraft account that you would like to send the invitation from and select Referrals Rewards- Scroll of Resurrection will be an option in that menu. Once clicked, you can enter the name and e-mail address of the friend you’d like to resurrect and include a personal message along with your invitation. Eligibility & Limitations Who can be sent a Scroll of Resurrection? To be eligible to receive a Scroll of Resurrection, your friend must have previously subscribed to World of Warcraft for at least 30 days and their account must have become inactive on or before March 4th,2012. If your friend’s World of Warcraft account has been inactive since December 2009 (or longer), your friend must first associate their World of Warcraft account with a free account before they can receive a Scroll of Resurrection. Tell your friend to see our Account FAQ for information on creating a account and merging their WoW account. After your friend has set up their account, you should be able to send them a Scroll of Resurrection normally. Can I resurrect one of my own World of Warcraft accounts? If you have at least one active World of Warcraft account, you can send your inactive accounts Scroll of Resurrection invitations. How long is the Scroll of Resurrection invitation good for once I send it out? Your friend has 30 days to accept the invitation. The offer will expire if not used within that time. Is there a limit on the number of Scroll of Resurrection Invitations that I can send out? Is there a limit on the number of Scroll of Resurrection invitations that I can send out? There is a limit of one Scroll of Resurrection invitation per day per World of Warcraft Account on both the web and in-game. This makes an effective limit of 2 Scroll of Resurrection invitations per day per account if you use both sending options. There is no limit on the number of lifetime Scroll of Resurrection invitations that an account can send. Can I invite someone who has never played before with a Scroll of Resurrection? Scroll of Resurrection can only be used on players who once had active World of Warcraft subscriptions. For a similar offer for friends who have never subscribed to World of Warcraft, please see the Recruit-A-Friend FAQ. Sending the Scroll of Resurrection What benefits are there to sending a Scroll of Resurrection? You will receive an exclusive mount when your friend who accepted the Scroll first renews their subscription and pays for 30 days of game time – the Spectral Gryphon for Alliance characters or the Spectral Wind Rider for Horde characters. How do I redeem my mount once my friend subscribes? Visit your Account Management page and click on the Scroll of Resurrection option. Under the History/Status tab, you will see Claim Mount button when you are able to redeem the mount. Choose the realm and character on which you want to receive the mount and it will arrive in your character’s mailbox. Note: The mount can only be redeemed on one character per Scroll. When do I receive my mount for resurrecting a friend? Your friend must accept your Scroll of Resurrection invitation and renew their subscription for you to qualify for the mount. In order to qualify for the mount, your friend must renew their subscription after accepting the Scroll, and pay for at least 30 days of game time. Can I earn multiple mounts on my account? Yes! This reward will be given to you for each friend who accepts your invitation and meets the re-subscription criteria. Can I track the invitations I send out? After your friend accepts, you will be able to view the status of the invitation on the History page in the Referrals & Rewards section of your Account Management page. Who will receive the sender reward when several people send the same person Scrolls of Resurrection? Who will receive the sender reward when several people send the same person Scrolls of Resurrection? Only the player whose invitation is accepted will receive the sender’s reward. If the recipient gets several invitations, it will be up to them to choose which to accept. A recipient can accept a maximum of one Scroll of Resurrection per eligible World of Warcraft account. Accepting the Scroll of Resurrection What benefits are there for accepting a Scroll of Resurrection invitation? The Scroll’s recipient immediately receives a FREE digital upgrade all the way to World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. Additionally, the Scroll’s receiver can permanently boost one character to level 80 so that they can jump straight into the adventure for their 7 days of FREE game time! Note: The digital upgrade and level boost will only be available for scrolls sent during the 90-day promotion period. Players who accept a Scroll of Resurrection that was sent after the promotion period ends will still receive 7 days of FREE game time, but will not be eligible for the digital upgrade or level boost. I just accepted a Scroll of Resurrection. How do I level boost my character? Log in to your Account and click on the resurrected license. Once you’re on the Game Management page, click Claim Rewards and select the character to level along with their spec. The next time you log in, they’ll be ready to adventure in a sundered Azeroth! How does the boost to level 80 work for the Scroll’s recipient? After accepting the Scroll, the recipient can choose one character to boost to level 80. The character’s spec will be chosen by the recipient prior to completing the level boost and the character will also be given appropriate talents under the chosen spec. The character will be placed in his or her faction’s capital city and will be ready to adventure immediately. This means that the character will be granted all class skills and spells up to level 80, a flying mount and riding skill, and a green quality set of level- and spec-appropriate gear for leveling. Any gear that was on the character prior to the level boost will be mailed back to the character via in game mail. Hunter pets will not be given a spec, so level boosted Hunters will need to spec out their pets normally after logging in for the first time. Note: Active quests may be abandoned when a level boost is performed. If a quest is abandoned in this way, you will be able to pick it up normally from the NPC who originally gave you the quest. Can I only level boost one character? What happens if my main character is on a different realm or faction than the friend who invited me? If the character that was level boosted is on a different realm or faction than the character who sent the invitation, you will be eligible for a free Character Transfer and/or a free Faction Change to bring you to your friend’s realm and faction. Note: Existing limitations apply for Faction Changes and Realm Transfers under the Scroll of Resurrection system. Please see the Faction Change and Realm Transfer FAQs for details. In addition, players on an RU server will not receive a free Realm Transfer if the friend who invited them is from an EU server. How many times can one person accept a Scroll of Resurrection? After March 5th, 2012, accounts are only able to accept one Scroll of Resurrection per eligible World of Warcraft account– if your friend has already accepted an invitation after March 5th, they will not be able to accept another for the same World of Warcraft account, but may accept invitations for other eligible World of Warcraft accounts. Is there a way for me to boost a character to 80 without a Scroll of Resurrection? The ability to boost a character to 80 only comes when you accept a Scroll of Resurrection invitation source:–Resurrected_Soon- 3_6_2012 I am confused now.Who will actually pay for scroll of resurrection?Resurrecter or inactive one? | ||
Sweden6375 Posts
On March 07 2012 17:33 Silentenigma wrote: I am confused now.Who will actually pay for scroll of resurrection?Resurrecter or inactive one? Doesn't cost anything. A player who is currently playing casts the scroll on an inactive player, who gets the benefits mentioned above. IF the receiver THEN buys a month of gametime, the caster of the scroll gets an exclusive mount. | ||
181 Posts
On March 07 2012 17:33 Silentenigma wrote: I am confused now.Who will actually pay for scroll of resurrection?Resurrecter or inactive one? It is free to use. There are some limitations on who you can use it to, and at least before one account could have max 3 scrolls pending at one time. But I think the resurrecter will get the benefits only after resurrected have bought 1month gametime. | ||
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