On March 22 2012 00:32 Azarkon wrote: It isn't the first time Stephano ditched a tournament because he was sleepy/hungry/whatever. He's a recent high school graduate - he's not all that responsible, he does what he wants, and you have to bend your rules for him. What kind of gets me is not Stephano in particular but that every time the foreigner community gets a breakout talent, that person ends up being a drama magnet. IdrA, Naniwa, Stephano all have their personal issues. Hell, even HuK before he went to Korea was a drama magnet. It comes with the title of being best foreigner.
when was huk best foreigner?
stephano makes mistakes, same as any other young kid, teams need to take this into consideration and so do posters when they start getting all high and mighty about shit
When was Huk best foreigner? when he won 2 MLG's HSC and assembly in roughly a year
Yeah, and beating MC, performing well in Code S, winning tournaments when other foreigners weren't even close, etc. Memories are short in this scene - HuK being the best foreigner wasn't that long ago.
On March 22 2012 00:32 Azarkon wrote: It isn't the first time Stephano ditched a tournament because he was sleepy/hungry/whatever. He's a recent high school graduate - he's not all that responsible, he does what he wants, and you have to bend your rules for him. What kind of gets me is not Stephano in particular but that every time the foreigner community gets a breakout talent, that person ends up being a drama magnet. IdrA, Naniwa, Stephano all have their personal issues. Hell, even HuK before he went to Korea was a drama magnet. It comes with the title of being best foreigner.
when was huk best foreigner?
stephano makes mistakes, same as any other young kid, teams need to take this into consideration and so do posters when they start getting all high and mighty about shit
When was Huk best foreigner? when he won 2 MLG's HSC and assembly in roughly a year
Yeah, and beating MC, performing well in Code S, winning tournaments when other foreigners weren't even close, etc. Memories are short in this scene - HuK being the best foreigner wasn't that long ago.
Still consider him one of the best.
He's got what it takes, but the drive is dimmer than before. His run in the last MLG was decent, but his play has serious flaws. I don't want to talk a lot about HuK in Stephano's fan thread, but it's kind of sad how fast a player drops in popularity when they're no longer performing well. You have to go three pages back in this forum just to find HuK's fan thread.
Fame is a fickle mistress, and bringing it back to Stephano, it's the reason his decision to quit when he's no longer doing well isn't bad. Stephano got to where he is by virtue of his skill, but being where you are because of your skill has its drawbacks. IdrA can play bad for six months and he's still one of the most popular players around - other players don't have that luxury.
On March 22 2012 00:32 Azarkon wrote: It isn't the first time Stephano ditched a tournament because he was sleepy/hungry/whatever. He's a recent high school graduate - he's not all that responsible, he does what he wants, and you have to bend your rules for him. What kind of gets me is not Stephano in particular but that every time the foreigner community gets a breakout talent, that person ends up being a drama magnet. IdrA, Naniwa, Stephano all have their personal issues. Hell, even HuK before he went to Korea was a drama magnet. It comes with the title of being best foreigner.
On March 22 2012 01:37 Rhaegar_tar wrote: I really feel like Stephano wants to stay in the U.S...
Austin is a great college town and really on of the most liberal and quality places in the US outside of the coasts. I can see why he would like it.... plus there is a huge music festival going on.
That being said, if he likes Austin...... he is going to flip for Las Vegas. For those who don't know, Atlantic City, where IPL3 was, is complete trash compared with Las Vegas. There is no more fun place on earth for young single man than Las Vegas.
He better find a way to become 21 before he gets there though
As for the Mill drama..... maybe it was just a matter of time. Stephano has probably learned by now what Huk and Idra are making in terms of salaries and he knows that he's over delivering value to Millenium based on what they pay him.
Stephano should be the highest payed player in SC2, if Millenium wants to keep him and keep him happy, they need to offer him Idra/Huk money ASAP.
This is a classic example of a player outplaying his contract and even though he's got to finish it out, if you want to maintain the relationship with the player you need to secure them.
Stephano needs a over 100k per year contract, plus to keep his winnings. Then he'd be on par with players near his level.
Just speculating, but Stephano's last contract is definitely under-paying him for what he's done, and those types of things can cause rifts.
Hope this doesn't deter him from streaming. Stream good!
On March 22 2012 03:35 Himbeer wrote: You really think Idra makes 100k per year just by contract?? That I can hardly imagine....
Not sure about Idra, but Huk yes. EG payed top dollar for Huk.
Basically, the rational is based on ad rates and impressions. This fan club alone has over 800k impression, plus streams, plus being the focal point of huge international tournaments... it all generates "impressions" that ad people value based on CPM.
I have it on good authority that Huk got his contract based on those metrics and that it was over around 10k per month plus benefits. Stephano's metrics all surpass Huks and SC2 has grown since then.
The difference between the top players and the guys just a level below is huge in terms of fan appeal. Having the top guy on your team ensures you can have a shot at the biggest sponsors.
Something to use in your argue, is that stephano is the kind of guy who wants to see his family/friends as often as possible. He said that he missed his family so much when he was in korea first time.
So Millenium, with his gaming house in marseille (200miles from Toulouse) is the best way to see them when he wants. I'm not sure there's a real problem of salary, but they'll keep him the team can't lose his best player or all the sponsors will leave (feast is the only player who perf these times, as if dragon is coming asap in mill house).
On March 22 2012 03:54 Dawg_Snow wrote: He won't change teams anyway soon i hope, i like Mill and what they are doing, altrough i would like them even more if they get taeja or ganzi
Ofcourse he gonna stay with Millinium. This is just a small drama within the team. It happends all the time in every team in the world. But we dont hear about it becuase it stays within the team. That´s also why im very supriced by Millinium´s manager to make this lovefight public.
WTFFFF.... He should be the most payed player in SC2? MVP? DRG? MMA? They should be making bank as well. As for 100k annual salary... well, there's no response to that.
On March 22 2012 04:47 MCDayC wrote: WTFFFF.... He should be the most payed player in SC2? MVP? DRG? MMA? They should be making bank as well. As for 100k annual salary... well, there's no response to that.
They don't stream... or speak English like Stephano, they are not free agents either.