On October 11 2011 22:23 Micket wrote: Ok, who is actually gonna beat him now? I know Ganzi used to have his number, but I don't think MVP will lose a Bo5 to him. MMA, Clide, Coca and Happy aren't Nestea level either. He's got this.
LOL A Terran player impresses you ? Do you have dignity?
If NesTea played Terran, he would have 2 digit titles by now
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Gtfo troll. I don't think Nestea would have a single title if he was terran.
MVP has nocked out Nestea 4 times and Nesteas fanboys at his fanclub still saying he will win blizzcon b/c he's "the best player in the world" Gimmie a break.
Q: It seems like you'll get some hate from Zerg fans (laughs). A: It seems like not just Zergs, but fans of all races hate me (laughs). It definitely seems like there aren't especially many people who like me, so that's why I say that. I say that and so I can't afford to lose games, so I will try to think positively.
Really shameful that the best player in SC2(Nestea being 2nd ) doesn´t get that many fans.
Q: It seems like you'll get some hate from Zerg fans (laughs). A: It seems like not just Zergs, but fans of all races hate me (laughs). It definitely seems like there aren't especially many people who like me, so that's why I say that. I say that and so I can't afford to lose games, so I will try to think positively.
Q: There aren't many fans who like you? A: There are a lot of people who dislike me, so fans who defend me have to endure a lot of trials. I'm personally alright. Because of that I hope that people won't suffer in order to defend me.
Unacceptable! Sign me up! I've liked the guy for a long time but this sad statement makes me respect him even more.. Feel the urge to sign up here!
it's a shame that he doesn't have as many fans as he deserves, but honestly i think it's cuz he's a Terran
every1 hates terran, zergs are heroes, protoss are majestic
really a shame!
just keep on supporting mvp~ his fanbase should continue to grow, just kinda unfortunate that he has to prove himself time and time again to gain fans, while other players can win a single tournament and skyrocket in fanbase T_T
Q: It seems like you'll get some hate from Zerg fans (laughs). A: It seems like not just Zergs, but fans of all races hate me (laughs). It definitely seems like there aren't especially many people who like me, so that's why I say that. I say that and so I can't afford to lose games, so I will try to think positively.
Really shameful that the best player in SC2(Nestea being 2nd ) doesn´t get that many fans.
Ahhhhhhhhh, that makes me sad Makes me even more of a fan though Everyone hates terrans, especially on this forum. Need to be strong to be a Terran fan around here. Even stronger to be a player, apparently. Even if you're the most skilled player in the world, like MVP is.
Q: It seems like you'll get some hate from Zerg fans (laughs). A: It seems like not just Zergs, but fans of all races hate me (laughs). It definitely seems like there aren't especially many people who like me, so that's why I say that. I say that and so I can't afford to lose games, so I will try to think positively.
Q: There aren't many fans who like you? A: There are a lot of people who dislike me, so fans who defend me have to endure a lot of trials. I'm personally alright. Because of that I hope that people won't suffer in order to defend me.
Unacceptable! Sign me up! I've liked the guy for a long time but this sad statement makes me respect him even more.. Feel the urge to sign up here!
where did u find this interview? i wanna read it :p