To ensure this thread won't be closed, you must adhere to several a number of simple rules; - Please use spoilers when quoting a post with pictures and/or videos.
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- Normal posting standards that you find throughout the rest of the site still apply and will be enforced more strictly from here forward (2012/03/11)
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I'm not sure if this was posted here before but at most 5% of the people in this thread might need this. + Show Spoiler [warning snsd] +This is not a SC2 SPOILER. trust. It's the biggest collection I found so far.Never expected it from such site. At least I spoilered it. Again, I'm not sure if this was posted before so I apologise if it is. EDIT: Why can't the SC2 trailer get outta my head. I even forgot the lyrics of ITNW and Fan. EDIT: no. The answers lie within. EDIT: Anyone having problems with MF? When I visit MF, It asks for Internet Explorer 8. I'm using IE 8, didn't work. I tried Firefox, didn't work(still asks for IE8). Anyone? EDIT: Also 2 days ago, Mediafirebot didn't work for me. EDIT: I just realized how I am so epic+ Show Spoiler +fail, sorry. I'm getting mine (SC2) on 28. I dind't know that it is leaked just until now so I was confused a while ago by Craton and Katsuge's posts. Just trust me. You will see its address on the bottom right when you hover your mouse over the link.
Did you just post an sc2 spoiler in a fake SNSD spoiler tag?
combination of both, it seems
Hong Kong4685 Posts
![[image loading]](http://img814.imageshack.us/img814/2599/invincibleyouthep381007.gif)
How do you make pretty gifs from a video file? Mines have so much noise.
whats the deal with shorts that have the pockets sticking out nowadays.
![[image loading]](http://cfile212.uf.daum.net/image/115C49194C4BD277405ABD) rawr. does not approve.
On July 25 2010 19:08 T.O.P. wrote:![[image loading]](http://img814.imageshack.us/img814/2599/invincibleyouthep381007.gif) How do you make pretty gifs from a video file? Mines have so much noise. this one literally made my jaw drop... i like my girls wet...
United States5784 Posts
fuck yeah LEE JOO YEON
where r u ils
On July 25 2010 17:50 Craton wrote: Did you just post an sc2 spoiler in a fake SNSD spoiler tag? It's from the trailer.
Hong Kong4685 Posts
51333 Posts
was that a backhand or a grab attempt
10183 Posts
wow this page will probably end up as my favorite page on this thread
Pitcairn19291 Posts
On July 26 2010 00:56 krndandaman wrote: Blah blah blah Taeyeon = gorgeousssssssssssssss in person. mad cute. though she had like no emotion while talking to the crowd. she looked upset. (Aww, little drama queen getting all pissed again?) Seohyun = also better in person. she's cute (Looks like a crack baby) Tiffany = holy shit, she was the biggest surprise. Tiffany in person > Tiffany in photo/video. she's actually really hot in person. (Is she fat in person?) Jessica = same in person as in video/photo. she was what i expected. sexy/cute (Is she a bitch like everyone claims she is?) Yuri = same (Totally fake amirite?) Sooyoung = same (Zzzzzzzzzzz) Sunny = same but very smily smily (Fake, amirite?) Cancer = what else can i say (Lawl, orcs)
they performed Garbage
Blah blah blah Sorry, I couldn't help myself. Oh, did Tiffany get Botox? I'm sure you can tell us to confirm our suspicions.
Side note: Miss A song good. Miss A bad at singing though. Don't get what's with the Suzy bandwagon. Don't see anything. =/
woooeeeooo moAR Heroes <33 IU & Yoo In Na come one full circle of qt, hawt and sexy. (O, thanks for the links =DD)
iu and yoo in na are just too adorable <3<3<3<3<3<3 edit: does anybody now when the new heroes episode is available? subbed of course
CA10824 Posts