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Applied coupon code and they still want me to pay 2 dollars. Anyways, trying to find a really good Kara picture.
It works, I got it for absolutely free. Make sure you enter the code correctly, if you just copy and paste it, make sure to delete the empty spaces !
You get 2 extra dollars off if you post a ad on your wall. Hella gay.
You can delete the ad afterwards by clicking the x next to it on Facebook. That's what I did.
I failed trying to exploit it by using a proxy, it won't let me connect to Facebook when using a proxy.
But I'm kinda bad with that stuff so maybe someone else can find a way... Or maybe nobody cares and I'm the only one trying to exploit the good folks of the internet ?
I used this
I'll try with another facebook account + proxy when I'm not lazy.
Applied coupon code and they still want me to pay 2 dollars. Anyways, trying to find a really good Kara picture.
It works, I got it for absolutely free. Make sure you enter the code correctly, if you just copy and paste it, make sure to delete the empty spaces !
You get 2 extra dollars off if you post a ad on your wall. Hella gay.
You can delete the ad afterwards by clicking the x next to it on Facebook. That's what I did.
I failed trying to exploit it by using a proxy, it won't let me connect to Facebook when using a proxy.
But I'm kinda bad with that stuff so maybe someone else can find a way... Or maybe nobody cares and I'm the only one trying to exploit the good folks of the internet ?