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On July 01 2018 03:30 Craton wrote: So can someone explain what Article 34-1-6 actually says?
"The Notification indicates that as per Article 34 Section 1 Item 6 of the Trademark Act, the trademark for T-ara, a well known celebrity group, cannot be registered.
Article 34 Section 1 Item 6 of the Trademark Act states a trademark that consists of the name, title, portrait, signature, seal/stamp, literary name, pen name, stage name, of a prominent person cannot be registered"
Basically it's to prevent someone from Trademarking someone else's stuff and it seems the court so far at least considers the T-ara brand to belong to the members and not MBK.
MBK got 3 months to submit new evidence or documents to strengthen their case and if they don't the court will make their final ruling.
Knowing KKS and what he said previously about how he would never give up on the T-ara name Im sure he will come up with some fuckery to delay the process even more.
This should release tomorrow afaik. It has potential
OmgOmgOmg Jiyeon uploading on her official channel. Dunno what she is practicing for but hopefully a solo since it's Yoon Jeong Bae who did her previous song and is/was also a judge on P101
Anyone bothered to watch Produce48 btw? Saw that there are some subbed episodes out already and there is some Kor/Jap mix this time
Produce48 has been pretty good so far, but i guess that depends on liking the trainees. Didn't really have expectations for the AKB48 members due to the language barrier and what people were saying about the system so i'm just enjoying the interactions with Korean trainees. Most will probably get no screen time before eliminations, but they still get to go back and resume their schedules in Japan. Korean trainees are ok and i'm mostly supporting the ones from starship & yuehua.
700k views. Got to love people declaring her queen even though she has a history of using homosexuality as a pejorative. YAASSS, that's what QUEENS do, say someone's a F(expletive), most likely due to someone not showing interest towards an individual who has a personality quirk of getting into punch ups in public areas.
2018 UNITED CUBE CONCERT One going to start at 10pm KST if anyone wants to watch --- that was fun! also, still can rewind the stream to watch before the channel refreshes