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On March 30 2018 23:15 Kaiwa wrote: Just that the introduction of the members has been taking over a year or something now...
I think they were going for a new song/MV for each member and subunit every month until debut to build up hype. I like their visuals and music so far, so I hope that approach pays off.
By the way, I'm pretty hyped that all JYP songs got released on Spotify now. Gotta start padding my kpop playlist with some Twice and Wonder Girls.
Maybe I'll start checking out some LOONA stuff but seems messy to keep track off... Im just so lazy lol. Some kind soul pls tell me what I should DL. Do I need to DL all the solos or is there an album or w/e? They seem to already have a ton of stuff out..
Geez lol. I went on their channel yesterday and sorted by most viewed and there were tons of MV's I had never seen. I see from your list I even missed some lol. Mega thanks for that guess I'm gonna have to DL them separately I was hoping they would've had a bunch of minis or something where they gathered everything!
30 seconds in and I already hate my life watching the EXID MV. Someone apparently think it's a great idea to add some kind of blur filter and sun glares... Song is OK I guess I think I'd like it if I kept watching the MV but meh someone call me when Solji is back please!
Not sure what to think about Oh My Girl... I'm a fan but not sure why they are doing a subunit when the other members even participated in the MV... Don't think I like it T_T
I like its easy listenability and feel goodness, though the choreo feels a little awkward. Has the added bonus of it getting them money while keeping Jiho off her most likely quite crippled leg. Really wish WM had been more firm about her recuperation instead of letting her dance after the first week of 비밀정원.