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On May 18 2013 00:06 AsnSensation wrote:Show nested quote +On May 17 2013 20:01 giesecke wrote: so i did check out some of the dream concert fancams. is the crowd that awesome or is the audio just echoing? but it seems as if the whole fucking place screams all the songs in the fancams i've seen so far. Basically what I heard/read is that at dreamconcert all the fandoms came together and actually sang along to all artists, Jo Kwon was posting a videos of the huge Beast Fanblock singing along to 2AM. I guess that explains why all the dreamconcert fancams are so fucking loud and epic. Apparently only t-ara was boycotted but some guys here were saying that's bullshit and I haven't watched any of their fancams so I dunno about that.
T-ara just didn't get any cheers/singing along like the rest of the groups. When Speed comes out during the song people cheered but they were pretty quiet for T-ara from what I could hear.
All those covers by girl groups were pretty bad on Music Bank last night, though I was thankful atleast that Nine Muses didn't do as awful of a job on Coming of Age Ceremony as Kara did.
Sadly Replay just isn't the same without Jonghyun.
As expected, Hyosung didn't get edited out of Infinity Challenge. In fact, she was on Star King at the same time as IC. Netizens probably salty as fuck.
On a related note. Ssongji.
![[image loading]](https://i.minus.com/ifyYD7cNdKWN1.gif)
On May 18 2013 08:45 Moonwrath wrote:Sungha Jung with Jason Mraz. Baller + Show Spoiler + Finally a post about Sungha Jung! I was actually about to post a long ass post presenting his career since nobody seemed to know him in this thread. Because nobody was posting about him. But I was wrong. The thing is I gathered a good amount of Youtube links in the process so I'm posting them anyway, with less text ^^.
Here are my favorite covers :
+ Show Spoiler +
I think it’s quite interesting to see how he grew with Youtube. Since his beginning in 2006, he of course grew up, but also changed his room, his furniture, his style, his guitar. He also composed his own songs, performed all around the world and with great stars from his country. Here are some of his collaborations :
+ Show Spoiler + The one with Narsha cracks me up in the end. "- Do you like SNSD or Kara?" "- I..." "- It's okay to say it." "- I like BIGBANG..." xD
That’s how Korea treats its Youtube star. Of course he did quite a few Kpop covers. As you’ll notice, he’s quite YG biased.
+ Show Spoiler [part 1] +
+ Show Spoiler [part 2] +
His most popular covers are of course the American pop covers, but these can be found in the blink of an eye and I figured I’d keep it to the somewhat “less known but interesting” ones for this post. So if you want to watch more from him, his channel is HERE.
Have a nice day.
LOL. Kujas living the dream! I guess when you get banned from TL. You can follow your dreams.
On May 19 2013 02:14 nanashin wrote:Any worldly desires I might have harbored are more than sated. I can now consign myself to death in peace and without want. + Show Spoiler +https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xq3Oki5wu40
Could live forever in that scream. + Show Spoiler [Thank you Kimchiman SNL] +
HAHAHAHA I lost it when she started singing the Sistar song! SO GOOD!!! Younha so adorable omg.
anyone have younha's sketchbook eng sub?
They have a white dude who speaks Korean on the Korean SNL? And that skit, even without the subtitles, was hilarious.
On May 19 2013 03:35 SojoX wrote: They have a white dude who speaks Korean on the Korean SNL? And that skit, even without the subtitles, was hilarious. That's Sam Hammington. I think from New Zealand. He has become pretty popular recently through a Show called "Real Man"
Jason Mraz scheduled to appear on SNL, as well!
That video with Jung Sungha is really nice, been listening to it on repeat since yesterday, one of my all time favourite songs.
SNL Korea is a total blast! I can't understand why every episode doesn't get subbed.
Luna is incredible
![[image loading]](http://s14.directupload.net/images/130518/uh2xnug3.jpg)
Look at the guy behind Cao Lu His face, priceless
Pretty sure that's MC Boom, he's been pretty awesome for a long time!