To ensure this thread won't be closed, you must adhere to several a number of simple rules;
Please use spoilers when quoting a post with pictures and/or videos.
When posting large quantities of media (pictures or videos), please begin spoilering after the first piece. Grouping related videos in the same spoilers & labeling is recommended.
No reposting of old material unless justified
Posting any material with little or no relevent discussion accompanying it
No passion-induced flaming of each other because 'x said y sucked' etc.
Keep the expression hate of music individuals/groups to a minimal level
No 'pagetopping' in any form whatsoever, as it constitutes spam equal to posts similar to 'first'.
No vulgar fan fics or wet dream stories. It is creepy, weird, and it dehumanizes the people who you are here to celebrate/discuss.
Normal posting standards that you find throughout the rest of the site still apply and will be enforced more strictly from here forward (2012/03/11)
Due to the poor nature of this thread in the past, temporary two-day bans will occur more than often if people slip up.
On August 16 2012 11:13 TuElite wrote: Keep that negative opinion to yourself, no one asked you about it. No one cares about your negativity, unless your name is Roffles. Too many people bring nothing constructive to the thread and somehow think that people are interested about hearing their opinion when all they do is hate on things. Pathetic.
There's a difference between saying X and Y artists or song lack in the following categories, they should get better at Z, etc... And saying that X or Y song or artist suck. The latter is not constructive and to me looks like you're just seeking for attention, thirsting for a co-sign.
If you don't like something, explain why and do so tactfully. That's all good because it's constructive, and it let us see where you're coming from, lets us understand your perspective.
If you can't do that, you don't deserve the right to voice your opinion in my opinion.
Should be a warnable/bannable offense. That way the rest of the thread won't have to skip 10+ posts per page and wait til you guys get banned from falling off topic to get a good content based thread.
If I could I'd sacrifice myself and catch a perm ban just so I could take a few of you down with me and be able to better enjoy the thread as a spectator.
This, and kinda corelated to TuElite's post are lists and rankings in groups. There's nothing constructive to it most of the time as it's just a ranking, it's just a plain person's opinion, they're just used to bm another person or an artist, etc. Lists or rankings should be banable, they don't enrich this thread.
On August 16 2012 11:35 Kuja wrote: TuElite is a suicide bomber at heart, I always knew it!
In what way is he a suicide bomber? This makes no sense at all.
On August 16 2012 11:42 Purpl3 wrote: Sounds like TuElite is just mad that he realized that Nicole is useless. User was temp banned for this post.
Lol, so bm
To the main point... drighk has posted some new fancams of EXID + Show Spoiler +
[8:23:45 PM] [kmd.kuja]: Wtf is with you and your name? [8:23:49 PM] jewelyet: ? [8:23:56 PM] [kmd.kuja]: Jewel yet? [8:23:56 PM] [kmd.kuja]: \ + Show Spoiler [rest] +
[8:24:01 PM] jewelyet: say it out loud [8:24:12 PM] [kmd.kuja]: OMG [8:24:13 PM] [kmd.kuja]: WOW
i wonder how the bo5 is gonna go after this
On August 16 2012 12:19 TuElite wrote:
The Kamilian army has been deployed and his currently GIFing the sh*t out of it.
Even if you dislike Nicole, you'll feel the heat soon. I'm telling you... Get your baby wipes on deck.
nicole's teaser looks pretty gud, i have above average positive feelings on the sound in the teaser so far but i dunno kara's history with teaser noises to actual songs. hara still the best though, bangs + waist is no joke
Nicole was already my favorite in Kara, but I think she might just be one of my favorites in general. I do feel like a buffoon trying to be a Nicole fan in TuElite's presence though.
On August 16 2012 12:31 Juliette wrote: its just so unnecessary.. like especially the arms out and head down one lol