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2NE1 has always lacked that certain charm that's supposed to make you care for them. Probably the only major girl group which I've disliked from day 1.
Was really excited for the single (2NE1 was my entry to the KPop scene, and they're still my favorite) and I quite like the song, although I have to say, it doesn't really resemble the typical sound of 2NE1 too much .. but whatever, it's still good in my opinion.
On July 05 2012 02:10 5L33MAN wrote: I think that 2ne1 raised the bar so high with 'I am the Best' that ppl were expecting an even sicker beat with this comeback.
I standby 2ne1 making the best music amongst female kpop groups. Don't know why any1 would not like them T.T
Not enough aegyo.
Seriously though, they don't fit the Kpop stereotype to me, and that in a negative way. They're neither adorable nor sexy enough to spark interest, and their songs just arent memorable enough.
Honestly I don't like most of 2NE1's songs, some are decent but this song was actually somewhat ok I think. Feels a bit too much like a club track though but it's alright. I never expect anything from 2NE1 but with the "status" they have I feel it probably should've been a bit better Eng sub version: + Show Spoiler +
About males to females ratio in KPop audience, this chart was posted here a while ago I believe.
I found it a little strange to be honest because outside of this thread, the only fan website I visit is pretty much and it seems to mostly be females user on there.
I found it a little strange to be honest because outside of this thread, the only fan website I visit is pretty much and it seems to mostly be females user on there.
Japan? Probably some 90-10 ratio there for KARA lol Surprised to see 4Minute having such a big female fanbase though if that's correct
Ah yeah you're right, probably Japan lol. But that poll was Korean based so I don't know if they included international or Japanese fans... Yeah come to think of it I think it was only Koreans... Anyways, doesn't really matter but as for my observations they're seems to be a lot of international female fans.