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On July 04 2012 11:14 XaI)CyRiC wrote: Was a groomsman in a high school friend's wedding this past weekend and he chose my entrance song for the reception without letting me know what he picked. Turns out it was DJ DOC's Run To You because he knew I've been following Kpop forever.
Left4Cookies, woah! That's pretty cool. I was expecting some kind of advertisement poster of Nicole, like the wooden sign outside of Kuki Six for example but this was a lot cooler. Your pictures are great, I immediately recognized all of the places from the show. That's really cool, thanks a lot for sharing!
I liked the Day by Day music video, I really like these kinds of short stories T-Ara are doing with their singles. Even though the stories are really cheesy and predictable, it gives something more to look forward to and it's also nice to see the members of the group in a unusual or surrealistic setting with elaborate costumes and what not. And much to T-Ara's credit, I think they are the only female idols group that can successfully pull this off, I couldn't see SNSD, WG or KARA do something like this without it looking awkward or forced. So props to T-Ara.
The new kid did great in the video in my opinion.
And for Taeyon fans, this gif was posted on my Twitter timeline and even though I'm not a big fan of her's, I must say this is quite a superb gif.
So I'm not even gonna lie, I saw your name TuElite and saw a paragraph with a gif at the end and almost scrolled past it not realizing who it was. Not that I don't like your posts, I was just on a tight time frame with like 40 new posts to catch up on.
Oh, and watching the Day by Day choreo again, I think this could be real good. Really hope I can watch it live at one of the shows
On July 04 2012 02:20 TuElite wrote: And for Taeyon fans, this gif was posted on my Twitter timeline and even though I'm not a big fan of her's, I must say this is quite a superb gif.
Holy shit those bubbling skills. I totally forgot about them. Nice wan.
Supersonic and Day by Day both aren't bad. Overall in terms of music Supersonic is way better for me obviously, but Day by Day and #3 were both not bad at all. Supersonic I ended up loving every single song except for the collabs. So good.
T-ara Day by Day. Can people speculate what the two English lines actually says. I mean: Kiss me baby I’ll must be stay here Day by Day Kiss me baby Just you can take me Day by Day At least they can put the words in a more logical order....
On July 04 2012 10:25 snailmouth wrote: I don't understand the popularity of this music. To me it just seems vapid and embarrassingly materialistic. I mean I'm assuming most of the listeners on this forum are American / European from ages 16 - 25.. Don't you guys remember hating bands like The Backstreet Boys, N'Sync, and Brittney Spears? It's the exact same thing. This stuff is just a new form of garbage american pop-star boy/girl band. In America this music has been traditionally reserved for girls in the 8-14 year old range.. It's not that I don't like it because its SUPPOSED to be for young girls like I'm too manly or something. I don't know I just don't get it and probably never will.
The actual demographics that this kind of music is aimed at (in terms of girl groups) is middle-aged men.
That's...not entirely true.
I mean, sometimes they go after middle-aged men but it's also dudes in their teens and twenties as well.
Middle-aged men and preteens to young 20s are totally the same thing, okay.
Here's a nice picture to show girl group audience. Sample size of 700k viewers.
I should probably add that 42.2% of Japanese viewers are males in the age range 45-54.