To ensure this thread won't be closed, you must adhere to several a number of simple rules;
Please use spoilers when quoting a post with pictures and/or videos.
When posting large quantities of media (pictures or videos), please begin spoilering after the first piece. Grouping related videos in the same spoilers & labeling is recommended.
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No passion-induced flaming of each other because 'x said y sucked' etc.
Keep the expression hate of music individuals/groups to a minimal level
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Normal posting standards that you find throughout the rest of the site still apply and will be enforced more strictly from here forward (2012/03/11)
Due to the poor nature of this thread in the past, temporary two-day bans will occur more than often if people slip up.
Whenever I am sad, I know a place to make me glad. A place with girls and ballads, Like a wonderful K-pop salad. A dreamy place with lots of pics, (Though some of the girls are sticks.) Arguments and polls abound, Probably the best thread that’s around, It turns my frowns upside down, She’d still be hot dressed like a clown. They might not be the best musicians, But I highly doubt that is their mission. I just can’t ever get enough, Of this great Korean stuff. Keep it coming, lads (and ladies) Even the orcs are good for quickies!
On June 19 2012 16:46 opterown wrote: hihi :D so guys - quick request! i'm a longtime lurker here, but i was wondering if you might be so helpful as to dig around in your image libraries!
i'm looking for high resolution (as in, wallpaper or full res) pictures of taeyeon for each of their concepts. have a friend who's a biggg taeyeon fan and was planning to make an album for their bday coming up. into the new world, girl's generation, baby baby, gee, genie, oh, run devil run, hoot, mr taxi, the boys i think are the concepts that snsd has gone through? correct me if i'm wrong!
many thanks~
You should go check on Soshified or a fansite like tangpa. I do have a lot of taeyeon stuff but not really sorta that well. Not by concept anyway...
EDIT: why are the youtube videos in my post not embedding.. T.T If that doesn't satisfy you, you could make an alternate account and post about how good/shitty taeyeon is until inevitable massive taeyeon spam ensues.
Whenever I am sad, I know a place to make me glad. A place with girls and ballads, Like a wonderful K-pop salad. A dreamy place with lots of pics, (Though some of the girls are sticks.) Arguments and polls abound, Probably the best thread that’s around, It turns my frowns upside down, She’d still be hot dressed like a clown. They might not be the best musicians, But I highly doubt that is their mission. I just can’t ever get enough, Of this great Korean stuff. Keep it coming, lads (and ladies) Even the orcs are good for quickies!
So a few pages back people were talking about good choreography and used paparazzi as an example, which I strongly disagreed with.
My definition of good choreography in kpop Ya the song might have been a bit of a let down, but I remember all the initial hype when they released the dance practice. Everyone was impressed and wanted to see the live version, which sadly fell a bit flat compared to the dance practice video. But it doesn't matter, because it was still epic. The perfect amount of synchronization with really fast/cool moves, dance solo's, and ass shaking. And Hyomin weilding a fucking umbrella? 10/10.
On June 19 2012 11:08 Murdco wrote: There is a decreasing amount of Hello Venus posts in the thread, I shall rectify this by posting a spam of new pics I came across
I just now realized there's a weird police siren in the backtrack of SNSD Paparazzi. I live like a block away from an ambulance parking garage so I've been assuming it was just that ._.