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On January 08 2012 08:48 Hall0wed wrote: Even if you think they aren't wearing makeup they are, just deal with it and move on people.
I'm not sure why so many people aren't able to reconcile the difference between small amounts of makeup and the large coating used during appearances/performances.
On January 08 2012 09:03 DystopiaX wrote: I think this thread needs to talk about something ridiculously dumb every 2 days or so otherwise we don't function.
More Rania tbh, really listening to Dr Feel Good again and it's pretty cool!
I'm not sure if the IY Sunny photo is no makeup or not (pretty sure it is, she was washing her face in that episode) but she looks fine. And the hideous ones... sometimes you just take a bad picture. Jessica looked worse when SNSD got "hidden camara-ed" by Boom for GGTS.
Those were just clearly really bad photos of them, totally doesn't mean that they look bad all the fucking time. Without makeup they look better than that, in their "normal" state.
How am I sugarcoating anything? I simply said that those pictures were a bad representation of these "kpop stars without makeup" due to their extreme nature.
I then go on to concede the fact that it does make a big difference however. Just not that big.
On January 08 2012 09:47 Sableyeah wrote: More Rania tbh, really listening to Dr Feel Good again and it's pretty cool!
I'm not sure if the IY Sunny photo is no makeup or not (pretty sure it is, she was washing her face in that episode) but she looks fine. And the hideous ones... sometimes you just take a bad picture. Jessica looked worse when SNSD got "hidden camara-ed" by Boom for GGTS.
Those were just clearly really bad photos of them, totally doesn't mean that they look bad all the fucking time. Without makeup they look better than that, in their "normal" state.
Well there's always waterproof makeup... no proof and that would be extreme just saying it's not like there's no option.
I'm always of the opinion that everything I see on korean shows is staged so when they go to wake up people on those variety shows, they've really already woken them up and had them put on just enough make up to make them seem not terrible when they actually film the "waking up".
Everything is scripted on variety shows, so most likely you're right, cause there's no way mangement would be ok with having a camera crew surprise wake up an idol. Idol questions may not be prearranged but they do get the questions ahead of time and so at least have time to come up with a decent answer. Non-talk show formats like Running Man are completely scripted, down to who says what, who wins, etc., so it's not a stretch to say that the idols know exactly who's going to wake them up when and what they're going to say/what they have to say/act, etc.
First episode of IY1, when they "wake-up" Yuri. xD
I don't remember much of it but it seems like Yuri and Sunny may have been the only ones out of the idols to actual know that people were coming to get them. Probably not but it sure seemed that way.
nah they all know, IY is just as scripted as the rest of them. Scriptwriters/SM telling the scriptwriters would have them be "prepared" cause it's good entertainment.
On January 08 2012 08:48 Hall0wed wrote: Even if you think they aren't wearing makeup they are, just deal with it and move on people.
I'm not sure why so many people aren't able to reconcile the difference between small amounts of makeup and the large coating used during appearances/performances.
Seems to me like nobody can actually hear the difference between lip synced and otherwise, either.