Anime Discussion Thread - Page 4833
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If you come in here looking for "anime recommendations" then please refer to this chart before posting: Anime Recommendations (as of may 2014). We also have an IRC channel called #tladt where we all hang out. The channel is on Rizon, not QuakeNet! Feel free to check it out. TLADT discord is For currently airing anime, please see | ||
Canada4481 Posts
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United States11130 Posts
On April 22 2015 06:31 Emnjay808 wrote: Did you watch Shirobako yet Tonight? No, but I have it in queue on CR | ||
2nd Worst City in CA8938 Posts
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TLADT24920 Posts
On April 22 2015 07:31 Slaughter wrote: Asdf comp is really dead now. Thought it was the power supply but with a new one still fucked. Sigh no anime for awhile whelp, rough :/ Maybe you can get an old cheap laptop to still watch anime? | ||
Germany16350 Posts
On April 22 2015 09:28 Nagisama wrote: toad taking ufo so seriously. well they're taking it serious and are trying plot so yeah I am. Just to make this clear because people apparently didn't get that either in irc nor in here: [02:57:49] <Sentenal> toad did you seriously make a flow chart to rant at characters in a kyoani anime It's not a rant about characters making no sense with what they're doing. It's not a rant about the setting or story and in fact I just called it a really realistic setting last page saying that 99% of clubs are like that and I really liked that.[02:57:58] <Toad|> no [02:58:06] <Toad|> I ranted about the director / writing [02:58:15] <Toad|> and how pulling the drama card in that situation makes no sense It's a rant about bad writing / directing and how pulling the drama card in episode 3 made no sense whatsoever because as you can see in the flowchart, no matter what happens everything's okay (as of yet) unless Mio's reasoning for wanting to win nationals isn't to get better but something else (idk... she has cancer and only gets treatment if she wins... [might be slightly exaggerated]) in which case you pull the drama-card when THAT happens. It just makes no sense to emphasize the drama so much in that episode when 2 of the girls don't care about it, one girl has no idea what she wants and most likely feels bad about getting Mio into the same situation again that made her cry last year and the last girl doesn't even matter what she's doing because in all 3 situation it's fine/no way helping it anyways. | ||
Belgium16168 Posts
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44020 Posts
On April 22 2015 06:59 plasmidghost wrote: I started watching Nagato Yuki-chan, saw all the character changes, and 10 minutes later nope'd the fuck out of it onto my dropped list. Is it worth watching, those who stuck with it? I dropped it 3 minutes into the show too but i decided to give it a chance it gets better later on. Actually it get's SO MUCH BETTER episode 2. | ||
Belgium16168 Posts
On April 22 2015 12:43 goody153 wrote: I dropped it 3 minutes into the show too but i decided to give it a chance it gets better later on. Actually it get's SO MUCH BETTER episode 2. That's good to know, I'll pick it back up | ||
United States20254 Posts
Yamada-kun 2 was kinda slow, really skeptical now that they can properly cover the series. So much of the little things that make it a good manga will probably be lost. Especially since they haven't even gotten to the point where + Show Spoiler + they know about the other witches and the witch wars yet. UBW 3 well + Show Spoiler + Ilya there is always Fate and Heavens Feel routes Denpa is also starting slow but at least now he is now at the school were the story becomes more interesting. | ||
2nd Worst City in CA8938 Posts
Don't forget to vote for W-God (WreakHavoc)! (Groups M-P) He is representing the animu community and will carry us to the top as he always does. | ||
Netherlands45349 Posts
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United States37500 Posts
On April 22 2015 19:27 Kipsate wrote: im dojing all of the Grisai animes until the VNs come out so I can continue to witness Sachi in all her glory. /insert best Sacchin pic of all Grisaia here | ||
44020 Posts
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2nd Worst City in CA8938 Posts
Tama such waifu. | ||
8430 Posts
I think this anime is much better plot than most Hentai/Ecchi/High school stuff out there. Not sure what the bashing is all about.. and I personally enjoyed it. Hentai plots are setring a high bar for sure. | ||
Canada4481 Posts
On April 22 2015 10:35 Toadesstern wrote: well they're taking it serious and are trying plot so yeah I am. Just to make this clear because people apparently didn't get that either in irc nor in here:It's not a rant about characters making no sense with what they're doing. It's not a rant about the setting or story and in fact I just called it a really realistic setting last page saying that 99% of clubs are like that and I really liked that. It's a rant about bad writing / directing and how pulling the drama card in episode 3 made no sense whatsoever because as you can see in the flowchart, no matter what happens everything's okay (as of yet) unless Mio's reasoning for wanting to win nationals isn't to get better but something else (idk... she has cancer and only gets treatment if she wins... [might be slightly exaggerated]) in which case you pull the drama-card when THAT happens. It just makes no sense to emphasize the drama so much in that episode when 2 of the girls don't care about it, one girl has no idea what she wants and most likely feels bad about getting Mio into the same situation again that made her cry last year and the last girl doesn't even matter what she's doing because in all 3 situation it's fine/no way helping it anyways. What "drama card" are you even talking about? What is wrong with Reina playing on a hill due to frustration? She's just a first year student, and isn't going to be able to just bust in there and be like "shape the fuck up, I want to compete in the Nationals" to the rest of the lazy ass students. Also, this is a novel adaptation, not a 4-koma adaptation... | ||
21253 Posts
On April 22 2015 21:30 Miragee wrote: I found this excellent quote on MAL about Seraph of the End: Hentai plots are setring a high bar for sure. LOL! Great quote. Is that anime any good? Haven't tried it yet. | ||
On April 22 2015 21:50 HolydaKing wrote: LOL! Great quote. Is that anime any good? Haven't tried it yet. eh, so-so. | ||
Germany16350 Posts
On April 22 2015 21:47 Nagisama wrote: What "drama card" are you even talking about? What is wrong with Reina playing on a hill due to frustration? She's just a first year student, and isn't going to be able to just bust in there and be like "shape the fuck up, I want to compete in the Nationals" to the rest of the lazy ass students. Also, this is a novel adaptation, not a 4-koma adaptation... again, for the third time, it has nothing to do with her actions and that's not what I'm criticizing despite mentioning it to show what the issue (for me) is. I think she's supposed to be coolheaded and somewhat smart but that can easily be wrong and some kind of twist. Nothing wrong with that, if she's supposed to have some kind of drauma that makes her unable to move that's perfectly fine as well. If she's just supposed to be normal highschool kid that isn't able to buckle up that's fine too. I'm like the #1 guy in ADT that's fine with stupid people acting stupid while other people rant about them making no sense... When we had that discussion about hestia last week I was the first to mention that hestia is stupid but it's perfectly fine because she's supposed to be stupid / klutz. Souma picked it up again and said the same thing only to start a huge discussion with BigFan. I am, besides Elem, the only one that actually likes Nadeko in here because she's stupid and people rant about how she makes no sense. But her being stupid is really entertaining and cute and that's what she's supposed to be. It's about how they showed it to us in ep3 and shoved the exaggerated drama down our throats. Like I said, that's what 99% of clubs are going to be in School and it makes no sense to lay it on so thick when the exact same thing happens 10585105185101581 times all over the world and it's not even a big thing unless there's a major case of tmi foreshadowing which I absolutely hate, hence me saying that if that's the case they should just do that when THAT happens. For all I care the drama in Plastic Memories is VASTLY superior, not because it's more or less sad. Not because it's subtle (it's not) but because the scale of it makes sense given the situation which just isn't the case for K-On. That's all I'm getting at. Has nothing to do with her acting stupid or illogical but just that the way it's portrayed makes no sense at all hence me constantly talking about how it's "bad writing" / "bad directing" / "KyoAni being bad with Drama" | ||
Netherlands45349 Posts
It's about how they showed it to us in ep3 and shoved the exaggerated drama down our throats. Like I said, that's what 99% of clubs are going to be in School and it makes no sense to lay it on so thick when the exact same thing happens 10585105185101581 times all over the world and it's not even a big thing unless there's a major case of tmi foreshadowing which I absolutely hate, hence me saying that if that's the case they should just do that when THAT happens. I read this like 3 times and I still have no fucking idea what ur saying. besides that, I like Snake too. | ||
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