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On April 22 2015 01:07 tonight wrote: I have time for 2-3 shows this season. So, what is the cream of the crop? Don't give me like "biggest lol of the season", but give me your goodies.
On April 22 2015 01:07 tonight wrote: I have time for 2-3 shows this season. So, what is the cream of the crop? Don't give me like "biggest lol of the season", but give me your goodies.
Ooohh, I didn't even know there was live adaptations. I guess they are pretty good if you are recommending them. I'm not much of a manga reader though, so I don't know if I'll read the manga, unless I still want more Great Teacher Onizuka after I finish the show.
So I finished Katanagatari now. Was extremely good. Don't read the spoiler if you plan on watching Katanagatari. + Show Spoiler +
The amount of comedy was really good until like episode 10 or so, then it started to get more story related. In the end I was so sad when Togame died. QQ, why??? Though I can't say that it was unexpected and it lead to some nice ownage in the last episode. Damn, I loved how the perfect sword owners got rekt in the last episode. :D
It's definitely a top anime and I can just recommend it. Not sure how it ranks in my overall ranking, but probably Top 3.
On April 22 2015 01:43 HolydaKing wrote: So I finished Katanagatari now. Was extremely good. Don't read the spoiler if you plan on watching Katanagatari. + Show Spoiler +
The amount of comedy was really good until like episode 10 or so, then it started to get more story related. In the end I was so sad when Togame died. QQ, why??? Though I can't say that it was unexpected and it lead to some nice ownage in the last episode. Damn, I loved how the perfect sword owners got rekt in the last episode. :D
It's definitely a top anime and I can just recommend it. Not sure how it ranks in my overall ranking, but probably Top 3.
The ones who failed at revenge, the ones who failed at their goals, the ones who fell before achieving their aspirations, the ones who didn't succeed... Those who lost, those who stumbled, those who rotted... Those who fought with all their might, and sacrificed everything, only to have their work be for naught, yielding fruitless results... Who died unfairly, or perhaps illogically, tragically, without face, full of regrets... The story which offers a happy future for them, full of hopes and dreams, Katanagatari, quietly lowers its curtains here.
Failure is a pretty big theme in the story and it is a tragedy after all. Cheerio!
But yeah it's a super enjoyable anime, glad you enjoyed it
On April 22 2015 01:07 tonight wrote: I have time for 2-3 shows this season. So, what is the cream of the crop? Don't give me like "biggest lol of the season", but give me your goodies.
On April 22 2015 01:07 tonight wrote: I have time for 2-3 shows this season. So, what is the cream of the crop? Don't give me like "biggest lol of the season", but give me your goodies.
My picks would be :
Arslan_Senki Sidonia s2 Unlimited Blade Work S2.
No to sidonia, yes to UBW, don't know the other
Hi bebe.
Aside from the sequels of all the good animu I recommend Arslan Senki fo sho.
On April 22 2015 01:43 HolydaKing wrote: So I finished Katanagatari now. Was extremely good. Don't read the spoiler if you plan on watching Katanagatari. + Show Spoiler +
The amount of comedy was really good until like episode 10 or so, then it started to get more story related. In the end I was so sad when Togame died. QQ, why??? Though I can't say that it was unexpected and it lead to some nice ownage in the last episode. Damn, I loved how the perfect sword owners got rekt in the last episode. :D
It's definitely a top anime and I can just recommend it. Not sure how it ranks in my overall ranking, but probably Top 3.
i really like the ending where the Hime Hitei and Shichika like went on a Journey together at the end.
On April 21 2015 23:54 Toadesstern wrote: for goody because of what he said about frozen VA yesterday:
starts around 0:30 in english
greato toad
On April 21 2015 17:26 Unleashing wrote: I haven't seen anyone here call Death Note bad, just overrated. First part of death note was great, but sadly the second part drags the series down.
I mean if i were to just rate the first part i'd rate it super highly, but the second part can't really just be ignored just like i can't ignore that steins;gate had a bad start. Some series have a bad start and then get good later, death note was the opposite, great start and then it just went downhill.
I personally really didn't like Code Geass, it had an interesting premise and some cool characters but it ended up falling flat and just frustrated me more than it entertained me. For example the big twist with + Show Spoiler +
Lelouche 'accidentally' telling euphy to kill the japanese was fucking retarded
I don't consider it to be some sort of objectively godawful show though.
On April 21 2015 08:18 Unleashing wrote: Only plebs actually still enjoy anime. You're meant to be disgruntled as you watch everything and complain about each season being worse than the previous.
To be honest, I lately skimmed through the summer chart because I was bored and it looks pretty promising.
Yeah summer doesn't look quite as strong as spring but it doesn't look god awful either, definitely some stuff to watch.
Lelouch accidentally making Euphy kill all japanese with a supposed to be a joke that became real LMAO .. That was actually the best part of all code geass for me both seasons. That was just wtf as a shock factor.
On April 22 2015 02:03 Kipsate wrote: I remember now, boob show was called Seikon no Qwaser.
Maou season 2 never.
why would you say that, gief s2 pls.
You mean Hataraku Maou right? If yes, then I say YES!
On April 22 2015 01:07 tonight wrote: I have time for 2-3 shows this season. So, what is the cream of the crop? Don't give me like "biggest lol of the season", but give me your goodies.
Definitely Arslan Oregairu S2 and maybe Shokugeki no Souma.
From what i've heard from people who've been reading the LN the series goes drastically downhill a bit after where the anime stopped Haven't read it myself though, so it might be complete bullshit. Season 1 was very enjoyable though.
On April 22 2015 01:07 tonight wrote: I have time for 2-3 shows this season. So, what is the cream of the crop? Don't give me like "biggest lol of the season", but give me your goodies.
Definitely Arslan Oregairu S2 and maybe Shokugeki no Souma.
On April 22 2015 01:07 tonight wrote: I have time for 2-3 shows this season. So, what is the cream of the crop? Don't give me like "biggest lol of the season", but give me your goodies.
Arslen Senki Oregairu (if you don't mind romcom-drama~ish)
you probably don't care to watch K-On 2015 (Hibike! Euphonium) and harem show like Nisekoi
if you like comedy probably Nagato-Yuki(if you watched haruhi before) . You want beautiful animation then FSN UBW.
On April 22 2015 01:07 tonight wrote: I have time for 2-3 shows this season. So, what is the cream of the crop? Don't give me like "biggest lol of the season", but give me your goodies.