If you come in here looking for "anime recommendations" then please refer to this chart before posting: Anime Recommendations (as of may 2014). We also have an IRC channel called #tladt where we all hang out. The channel is on Rizon, not QuakeNet! Feel free to check it out. TLADT discord is Discord.gg
For currently airing anime, please see Anichart.net
FSN doesn't come default with voices, you gotta get some Voice-Patch thing. Older VNs weren't voiced, so originally FSN wasn't.
On May 30 2012 17:14 ShadowDrgn wrote: I enjoyed Fate/Stay Night and Tsukihime, and they're both highly rated by others too. So is Steins;Gate, but I only watched the anime for that instead of reading the VN. I'm going through MLA right now, but Muv-Luv was borderline awful... Extra was awful; Unlimited redeemed it slightly. I'm way too old for high school dating games I guess.
Don't worry, once you get to this stuff in Alternative (contains lots of spoilers): + Show Spoiler +
I've watched all the Kara no Kyoukai movies (might as well call them episodes), and in the end, I really recommend it. Probably an 8 in my book, as a whole.
Now I feel like something less serious, any recommendation for something that'll make me laugh a lot?
On May 31 2012 06:35 Maxie wrote: I've watched all the Kara no Kyoukai movies (might as well call them episodes), and in the end, I really recommend it. Probably an 8 in my book, as a whole.
Now I feel like something less serious, any recommendation for something that'll make me laugh a lot?
On May 31 2012 06:35 Maxie wrote: I've watched all the Kara no Kyoukai movies (might as well call them episodes), and in the end, I really recommend it. Probably an 8 in my book, as a whole.
Now I feel like something less serious, any recommendation for something that'll make me laugh a lot?
Or it could be a song by ZTS, an anime mixer. You would prolly enjoy his stuff either way, as it sounds very similar to it.
Hm... Listening to the vod as im writing this post, I am almost 80% certain its by ZTS, sounds a lot like his work. You could youtube "ZTS" and hope you get lucky.
On May 31 2012 06:35 Maxie wrote: I've watched all the Kara no Kyoukai movies (might as well call them episodes), and in the end, I really recommend it. Probably an 8 in my book, as a whole.
Now I feel like something less serious, any recommendation for something that'll make me laugh a lot?
Great Teacher Onizuka if you still want to not go over board. If you wan't, then Nichijou or Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei =D
On May 31 2012 06:35 Maxie wrote: I've watched all the Kara no Kyoukai movies (might as well call them episodes), and in the end, I really recommend it. Probably an 8 in my book, as a whole.
Now I feel like something less serious, any recommendation for something that'll make me laugh a lot?
Great Teacher Onizuka if you still want to not go over board. If you wan't, then Nichijou or Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei =D
Arakawa Under the Bridge for crazy shenanigans or Hayate no Gotoku for crazy immortal butlers.
On May 31 2012 02:12 Sentenal wrote: FSN doesn't come default with voices, you gotta get some Voice-Patch thing. Older VNs weren't voiced, so originally FSN wasn't.
On May 30 2012 17:14 ShadowDrgn wrote: I enjoyed Fate/Stay Night and Tsukihime, and they're both highly rated by others too. So is Steins;Gate, but I only watched the anime for that instead of reading the VN. I'm going through MLA right now, but Muv-Luv was borderline awful... Extra was awful; Unlimited redeemed it slightly. I'm way too old for high school dating games I guess.
Don't worry, once you get to this stuff in Alternative (contains lots of spoilers): + Show Spoiler +
You won't be able to stop reading.
MLA: ^What he said There's some cool moments prior to that point (especially if Unlimited is still fresh in your mind) but that point is where it really picks up.
FSN: Make sure you get the Realta Nua patch for (even more) epic CGs :D http://rnpatch.blogspot.com/ Also the extras you get from getting every dead end are quite amusing (will probably want to use a walkthrough/flowchart to find them all) + Show Spoiler +
Touhou parody <3<3<3
S;G: I'd recommend as well. I watched the anime first, and I was pleasantly surprised to find out how well it followed the VN. And of course, the VN goes into much more detail which I liked, particularly the part about black holes and the @channel forum discussions (<3 Kurisu)
As far as recommendations, pretty much all my favorite stories have already been mentioned previously, but as far as gameplay, Sengoku Rance is actually pretty interesting. Think of Risk with RPG mechanics.
P.S. So apparently Sharin no Kuni has a fandisc containing Houzuki's chapter (supposedly explains a lot about his backstory with Saburou) and epilogues for the heroines. Downloading at the moment - the links seem to be working so far, fortunately.
P.S. So apparently Sharin no Kuni has a fandisc containing Houzuki's chapter (supposedly explains a lot about his backstory with Saburou) and epilogues for the heroines. Downloading at the moment - the links seem to be working so far, fortunately.
[19:53] <Elem> its the windows 8 OS-tan thread right [19:53] <Darth_> yea [19:54] <Elem> durr [19:54] <kupon3ss> there's a windows 8 tan? [19:54] <Elem> i thought they'd clean that up [19:54] <kupon3ss> is it a girl in an apple custom [19:54] <Elem> its like [19:54] <Darth_> http://images.4chan.org/a/src/1338473374242.jpg [19:54] <Elem> a bad version of the windows 7 tan [19:54] <kupon3ss> looks exactly like a shit version of nanami madobe [19:54] <Vysaga> lool [19:55] <Elem> indeed [19:55] <Darth_> hehehe [19:55] <Darth_> ubunchu [19:55] <Elem> darn where is nagi [19:55] <Elem> i want to trigger it now [19:55] <Darth_> off doing whatever it is nagi does [19:55] <Darth_> probably negotiating peace in the middle east [19:55] <Elem> idk [19:55] <Darth_> or bringing food to starving children in africa [19:56] <Elem> he's probs frolicking at some random meadow
[21:24] <Ferrose> do I sound like TL general forum yet [21:24] <Vysaga> or somalia [21:24] <Caller> nope [21:24] <@Seki> ferrose [21:24] <Caller> tl general forum [21:24] <@Seki> you always sound like TL general [21:24] <Caller> is more like [21:24] <Ferrose> lol [21:24] <Caller> "blah blah blah starcraft 2 watch my stream p.s. economics/soemthing disgusting" [21:24] <Caller> also, euros [21:24] <Caller> also, fuck china
TL general is also (perhaps even more often) poorly constructed arguments in general and/or competing philosophical ideologies and/or very angry individuals who argue from the perspective that their views on a b or c are unimpeachable to begin with, I think.
I'm no expert but I've watched S;G and I thought it wasn't bad. It's worth your time but apparently the VN is better, anime does leave a few things unexplained and+ Show Spoiler [not sure if spoiler?] +
you have to suspend disbelief with regard to time travel because time travel comes with its baggage (read: contradictions)
Also, did you quote the wrong post? I'm not sure how I'm giving blast a run for his money, and seeing that I don't play mahjong, it's probably not in a good way. :[
On June 01 2012 10:34 Aerisky wrote: TL general is also (perhaps even more often) poorly constructed arguments in general and/or competing philosophical ideologies and/or very angry individuals who argue from the perspective that their views on a b or c are unimpeachable to begin with, I think.
Blasty getting a real run for his money.
Seems like Zetman scan's restarted, I'd pretty much given up..
On June 01 2012 10:34 Aerisky wrote: TL general is also (perhaps even more often) poorly constructed arguments in general and/or competing philosophical ideologies and/or very angry individuals who argue from the perspective that their views on a b or c are unimpeachable to begin with, I think.
I'm no expert but I've watched S;G and I thought it wasn't bad. It's worth your time but apparently the VN is better, anime does leave a few things unexplained and+ Show Spoiler [not sure if spoiler?] +
you have to suspend disbelief with regard to time travel because time travel comes with its baggage (read: contradictions)
Also, did you quote the wrong post? I'm not sure how I'm giving blast a run for his money, and seeing that I don't play mahjong, it's probably not in a good way. :[
I am assuming it's related to your post count but pshhhh none of us even compare to Konadora so it's quite alright.