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On September 27 2013 00:54 sc2holar wrote: thats not the same thing indeed. but you said JUST monter trio vs admiral and DD. and thats a whole other story
I could be wrong but:
+ Show Spoiler +On September 26 2013 21:26 Incognoto wrote: I think that the higher ups in the Navy and WG already know of Dofla's origins (when moria asked if sengoku sent dofla to kill him, dofla said "nope. even higher up". They just don't talk about it.
This actually makes perfect sense. Shichibukai are an arrogant bunch, as we saw with Croco-boy. Dofla wants to toy with Law by telling him all this important and confidential information before killing him. He wants Law to understand why it was a mistake to fuck with him.
Dofla's mistake will be the same as Crocodile's. He's going to underestimate the straw hats. Which is already fucking retarded. Luffy is going to win that tournament and he'll probably beat the shit out One of the Three (diamante, etc), he'll beat the shit out of the one with the Mera fruit. Anyway, Dofla will be surprised and this will snowball into a straw hat victory where everything is chaos etc.
I mean, what does Dofla actually have?
It's Admiral/Dofla/3 strong dudes. The rest are small fries as we saw with baby5/buffalo and now Dora (vs brook).
Against that we have monster trio and an ARMY of ridiculously strong dwarves and that navy army from chinjao and rebecca (who is apparently a scary fighter) and soon cavendish/barto/belamy.
Zoro is scary as well. We haven't even seen him fight seriously yet. We haven't seen him bleeding on the brink of death with his bandana on. That's when he's really fucking scary. He hasn't even been close to that yet.
Luffy? Hasn't shown his true potential either.
It's not like it matters anyway. Let's just call oda a genius for being ridiculously unpredictable
On September 27 2013 00:35 AsnSensation wrote: you have no idea how strong the strawhats are now if forced to go all out, so I wouldnt speculate too much.
Luffy beating an admiral at this point isn't too farfetched either, it wouldn't also be "fodder" treatment if he did so because I'm pretty sure every fight he will have with an admiral or yonkou at this point will be an all out, almost to death fight like with lucy.
I agree with this. Keep in mind that Luffy destroyed a Pacifista with a single blow. At this point we should literally consider anything below top Kid's alliance as nothing but cannon fodder. Luffy also dealth with Chinjao at relative ease. Everytime we have seen either Luffy, Zoro or Sanji fight post-timeskip they have completely dominated their opponant, even when they supposed to be at a huge disadvantage.
I wouldn't be surprised of the three of them is atleast capable of fending off an Admiral.
Youre wrong about the "Doflamingo underestimating Luffy" part though, Doffy is observant, he knows that Luffy smashed crocodile, about the CP9 thing and is one of the few who knows the truth about Moria being defeated. He also witnessed luffy during Marineford.
During PH, he instructed Vergo to go after law but avoid confrontations with Luffy, saying "Be careful of the strawhat boy, nobody can tell what he is capable of yet. And i saw him use conquerors haki during the War".
Heck, he has kinda observed luffys journey since luffy smashed Bellamy in mock town.
On September 27 2013 05:54 Prog455 wrote:Show nested quote +On September 27 2013 00:35 AsnSensation wrote: you have no idea how strong the strawhats are now if forced to go all out, so I wouldnt speculate too much.
Luffy beating an admiral at this point isn't too farfetched either, it wouldn't also be "fodder" treatment if he did so because I'm pretty sure every fight he will have with an admiral or yonkou at this point will be an all out, almost to death fight like with lucy. I agree with this. Keep in mind that Luffy destroyed a Pacifista with a single blow. At this point we should literally consider anything below top Kid's alliance as nothing but cannon fodder. Luffy also dealth with Chinjao at relative ease. Everytime we have seen either Luffy, Zoro or Sanji fight post-timeskip they have completely dominated their opponant, even when they supposed to be at a huge disadvantage. I wouldn't be surprised of the three of them is atleast capable of fending off an Admiral.
You dont understand the problem. The WG is one of the main factions/players in one piece, The Admirals are their Champions when it comes to combat. If the Manga has 10 years left they cant have the series main antagonist organization's strongest fighters fall to the Strawhats yet.
Just prior to the timeskip luffy lost to a vice admiral. We had a big war that shows how even the strongest man in the world lost half of his head in a fight against an admiral and even after taking several quake punches looking like he had his body shattered, spitting blood etc, akainu came back about 5 minutes later fully regenerated, making jinbei look like a scrub and almost killing luffy. you cant just suddenly have a 2 year training timeskip that is only covered very briefly and then turn the protagonists into gods that take out guys with admiral rank as if they were rob lucci or moria.
thats cheap storytelling. i dont want 10 more years of jerking off to how powerful the monster trio is now post timeskip. the cakewalk has to end and i think this arc is the wake up call
On September 27 2013 05:01 AsnSensation wrote: who knows maybe they are the 5 heads of the most influential Royal Families.
What still bothers me about this revelation is that we have this picture of DD as a kid and he was filthy & dirty, which means he probably wasn't raised in Mary Joa. Well he could have been. He still seems pretty royal in that picture, reclining and smoking a cigarette. Maybe he was just a wild child that didn't mind getting dirty? Image in question: + Show Spoiler +
I agree. in such high resolution and size, its more clear that he is actually wearing pretty nice clothes (shirt+west plus cut-off suit pants by the looks of it). He just looks a little bruized up probably from beating some other kids up and doing som wild shit.
plus, most kids cant afford sunglasses and cigarettes in one piece 
wait, is he actually wearing sunglasses or did oda just not want to show his eyes yet? because there is nothing holding them up?
Not all admirals are created equal. Fujitora is not Akainu or Aokiji. Not in character and not in power. Because Dofla is a Shichibukai doesn't mean that he is as strong as Moria or Buggy. Fujitora has been recently put into position of Admiral and may be weaker than the others, and he also is a nice guy and may potentially turn a blind eye on the things if he thinks it will benefit the actual good guys.
Obviously One Piece is over if Dressrosa doesn't remain in its current status. /not really The story will not suddenly be over whether the strawhats completely win or completely lose on Dressrosa. So stop claiming "it cannot be"
I like how you bring up Aokiji as an example of a powerhouse admiral but not Kizaru who has the strongest devil fruit and is said to be the strongest fighter (but most carefree admiral) within the whole marine organization.
Kuzan was imo the smartest and most just of the original trio, but also the weakest because his DF is very limited for a logia and Ice is not an intanglible element. Hes still one of the strongest characters in the series so far but hes slightly below akainu and probably pretty far from kizaru in terms of strenght (he is LIGHT. think about it. he can travel at the speed of light and a small beam from his fingertips is destructive enough to raze a huge building complexes to the ground with a massive explosion. concentrated light is also much much hotter than magma. Light is the most basic source of all energy and elements. Its like energy in its most pure form.
back to fuji
Introducing an Admiral only so the strawhats can beat him is a little boring. Doflamingo already said he had heard many rumors about Fujitora being a beast in terms of power. What would be better from a storytelling point of view is something like luffy knocking out DD (thought not seriously injuring him but enought to count as a fight won, so DD can still reappear later in the arc and Law can get the revenge he deserves) and Fujitora appears to arrest Luffy. Luffy fights him for a while and is able to actually keep up for a bit.
Being made out of rubber probably helps against a guy whose power is squeezing people by controlling gravity. that wont work on luffy He might become flat but he will regain his composure without injury. but then Fuji takes out his sword, and turns out to be really good with it. Luffy doesnt like swords and is exhausted from his fight with DD so he retreats to the sunny and they burst away.
Fujitora gets pissed, and scared of facing akainu after such a failure so he decides to chase after them, only to find smoker and tagichi looking for luffy too. This leads to Fujitora teaming up with smoker and his swordswoman, allowing for Fuji to train them so Smoker finally becomes relevant again and an interesting rival trio against the main strawhat fighters is born!
and most important of all - Fujitora makes sure luffys bounty is increased. dont you agree its about time now?
thats just from the top of my head but to me it sounds more interesting than just having the monster trio team up and beat him when we just met him!
I dont understand people saying its too early for DD or even an Admiral to go down yet because were just halfway in. No were not halfway in anymore, that was 2 years ago already. And after this arc, there is still Kaido, BigMom, then Blackbeard and then Coby and then the whole revolutionaries stuff etc. If admirals were godlike strong there wouldnt be Yonkos, they are navy top tier, but not onepiece-world top tier, so its about time luffy defeats one. Also, please stop justifying that luffy is too weak yet because not even marco could take an admiral out. Marcos fruit seemed really really weak. Sure he can recover from every hit, so he can tank alot but we havent seen any offensive move from him. Its not comparable in strength to any of the admirals fruits or even aces fire who could just burn a whole village down.
Lol the Gorosei said Marco was one of the 3 people capable of stopping Blackbeard. Offensive power comes from Haki. Being able to withstand any amount of damage combined with strong haki (strong enought to send kizaru flying with one kick) makes Marco one of the strongest characters in the Manga.
He can Recover ANY damage. You can strap seastone to his body and cut off his hand, and once he is freed it will heal. Logias cant do that because if damage strikes their physical form they cant use their element to heal themselves.
Being able to keep fighting FOREVER without taking any damage is "really, really weak?" that makes no sense. like being unable to die is weak? how? it also alows him to fly. just a nice little bonus.
And eating a Zoan gives the user a passive bonus that multiplies their normal strenght by 10. thats enought offensive power right there fir a guy who trained with Whitebeard...
look it up on the wiki, i think it was said by someone from CP9
On September 27 2013 10:42 sc2holar wrote: He can Recover ANY damage. You can strap seastone to his body and cut off his hand, and once he is freed it will heal.
On September 27 2013 11:12 rei wrote:Show nested quote +On September 27 2013 10:42 sc2holar wrote: He can Recover ANY damage. You can strap seastone to his body and cut off his hand, and once he is freed it will heal.
Nope Yes. It actually happened in marineford (not his hand though) but some spider zoan vice admiral put seastone handcuffs on him and kizaru blasted his back full of holes. once freed, he healed back.
"Marco's Devil Fruit gives him a resistance to damage similar to that of a Logia user. In his phoenix form, Marco is intangible just like Logia users as he is a bird made of a certain element (blue phoenix flames). However, unlike Logia users, his body in his human form is not intangible and is, therefore, not immune to damage from enemy attacks. This makes Marco more vulnerable while he is in his human form. However, while Logia users retain their injuries until they heal naturally, Marco can recover from any damage he accumulates in his human form by reverting to his phoenix, or hybrid phoenix form, or just by summoning blue flames around his body. He has even been seen recovering using mere scattered flames and turning into his human form simultaneously, proving that he is quite resilient and calm when prepared for an impact. This allows him to even recover from any injuries taken while touching seastone, but only after he stops being in contact with it. This gives Marco a huge advantage that no Logia user has."
just read it up on the wiki, it has chapter references that backs up everything. While B. Haki fucks up logias, it doesnt affect marco the same way seastone doesnt because he can heal any wounds by keeping his flames up. Logias cant heal wounds that affect their physical body (such as after being hit with haki(
On September 27 2013 11:51 sc2holar wrote: "Marco's Devil Fruit gives him a resistance to damage similar to that of a Logia user. In his phoenix form, Marco is intangible just like Logia users as he is a bird made of a certain element (blue phoenix flames). However, unlike Logia users, his body in his human form is not intangible and is, therefore, not immune to damage from enemy attacks. This makes Marco more vulnerable while he is in his human form. However, while Logia users retain their injuries until they heal naturally, Marco can recover from any damage he accumulates in his human form by reverting to his phoenix, or hybrid phoenix form, or just by summoning blue flames around his body. He has even been seen recovering using mere scattered flames and turning into his human form simultaneously, proving that he is quite resilient and calm when prepared for an impact. This allows him to even recover from any injuries taken while touching seastone, but only after he stops being in contact with it. This gives Marco a huge advantage that no Logia user has."
just read it up on the wiki, it has chapter references that backs up everything. While B. Haki fucks up logias, it doesnt affect marco the same way seastone doesnt because he can heal any wounds by keeping his flames up. Logias cant heal wounds that affect their physical body (such as after being hit with haki( wiki is wrong.
I have a hard time beliving you could cut hes head off. mostly because he needs to revert to hes phonix form (or semi form). How is he gonna do that if he lost hes head
On what point exactly? we saw him heal damage that he took under seastone.
what is it that you are trying ti say.
the wiki links to the chapters where everything they claim is seen so there is evidence for everything.
im smelling troll
why are you trying to argue with rei? Please spare us.
Youre wrong about the "Doflamingo underestimating Luffy" part though, Doffy is observant, he knows that Luffy smashed crocodile, about the CP9 thing and is one of the few who knows the truth about Moria being defeated. He also witnessed luffy during Marineford.
During PH, he instructed Vergo to go after law but avoid confrontations with Luffy, saying "Be careful of the strawhat boy, nobody can tell what he is capable of yet. And i saw him use conquerors haki during the War".
Heck, he has kinda observed luffys journey since luffy smashed Bellamy in mock town.
if i remember right he keeps thinking of Luffy as second to Law though he doesnt get Luffys the bigger threat, he think that hes gonna get crushed at the colloseum and we all know theres noone there Luffys level
And eating a Zoan gives the user a passive bonus that multiplies their normal strenght by 10. thats enought offensive power right there fir a guy who trained with Whitebeard...
look it up on the wiki, i think it was said by someone from CP9
tahts just in general, its not a gurantee its probably based on "animals are all muscle so getting animal muscle makes you stronger"
its like saying whos stronger, a human or a half-human half-gorilla?
On what point exactly? we saw him heal damage that he took under seastone.
what is it that you are trying ti say.
the wiki links to the chapters where everything they claim is seen so there is evidence for everything.
im smelling troll
of course Reis a troll hes been trollng for ages
Yeah he might be able to recover small injuries given his main body is relatively still intact, much like Wolverine lol. I have a hard time believing that he can survive a full blast from Whirebeard which might blow him to pieces.
And healing holes on your body is completely different to, idk, regrowing a head.