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On July 10 2013 08:58 bittman wrote: The way that Bartolemo describes his grudge as going "even further back" may actually not link to Luffy at all, but perhaps rather Dragon, Garp or Ace.
Then again given Barty is a more recent supernova, perhaps it is indeed Luffy...but there aren't many villains that aren't accounted for somehow. Nothing comes close to mind from the top of my head though.
You guys are reading incorrect translation on what Bartolomeo said. Here's the correct translation of that page.
I wouldn't necessarily say that's a "correct" translation and I''m not saying it's bad or anything, but that's just their interpretation.
I'm more inclined towards the translations on mangastream's and mangapanda's translations on this one (at least in the context you refer to). mangastream: "The thing is, he and I go way back..." mangapanda: "My roots with him go deeper though!!"
Here Bartolomeo says "こっちの方が根が深ェ。。。!!" A direct translation is something along the lines of "This here (me) is more deeply rooted...!!" Using the context read beforehand, you can change the way the direct translation into something that sounds better. I like the other two translations more than the one you found in this case.
Note: I'm not Japanese, so I can't say what I say are 100%.
The raw version of what Bartolomeo says is intended to be extremely ambiguous which the mangarule version expresses correctly.Both mangastream and mangapanda make it specific to Luffy and that Bartolomeo has a grudge with Luffy which is not what the raw version says. The raw version does have the word "roots", but it is "roots" as in his connection to the situation, not as in his connection to Luffy.
Basically, we are not supposed to really know or understand what Bartolomeo says or intends to do. Bartolomeo MAY or MAY NOT have a grudge with Luffy OR Bartolomeo MAY be wanting to help Luffy OR Bartolomeo MAY not have anything to do with Luffy at all (I do not think this is the case, but you get the point). We as readers are not suppose to know his motives right now.
Also, mangastream and mangapanda both carelessly uses context established beforehand in their translations. Sometimes it works, but most of the time it's a bad idea to do that because the translators for those two websites do not have the necessary understanding of Japanese to make it work.
This here is me just ranting, but seriously don't read mangapanda's translations for one piece. It's run by a Chinese company dedicated to providing the fastest updates whether through legal or illegal means which leads to ass translations.
On July 10 2013 19:03 Goatey wrote: Just a hunch, but I think Jora is Lola's mom. (From Thriller bark) They have similar names and looks. Plus she is up against Nami so we could see the Vivre card come to play to save them.
That makes way more sense than it should. Good catch.
Lola's Mother Lola's mother currently resides somewhere in the New World, indicating that she is an extremely powerful pirate, and Lola left a means for the Straw Hat Crew to find her, if necessary. Lola shows concern and fondness for her mother and assured the Straw Hats if they ran into trouble, her mother would lend them a hand. And could be big mom of the yonko
On July 10 2013 08:58 bittman wrote: The way that Bartolemo describes his grudge as going "even further back" may actually not link to Luffy at all, but perhaps rather Dragon, Garp or Ace.
Then again given Barty is a more recent supernova, perhaps it is indeed Luffy...but there aren't many villains that aren't accounted for somehow. Nothing comes close to mind from the top of my head though.
You guys are reading incorrect translation on what Bartolomeo said. Here's the correct translation of that page.
I wouldn't necessarily say that's a "correct" translation and I''m not saying it's bad or anything, but that's just their interpretation.
I'm more inclined towards the translations on mangastream's and mangapanda's translations on this one (at least in the context you refer to). mangastream: "The thing is, he and I go way back..." mangapanda: "My roots with him go deeper though!!"
Here Bartolomeo says "こっちの方が根が深ェ。。。!!" A direct translation is something along the lines of "This here (me) is more deeply rooted...!!" Using the context read beforehand, you can change the way the direct translation into something that sounds better. I like the other two translations more than the one you found in this case.
Note: I'm not Japanese, so I can't say what I say are 100%.
The raw version of what Bartolomeo says is intended to be extremely ambiguous which the mangarule version expresses correctly.Both mangastream and mangapanda make it specific to Luffy and that Bartolomeo has a grudge with Luffy which is not what the raw version says. The raw version does have the word "roots", but it is "roots" as in his connection to the situation, not as in his connection to Luffy.
Basically, we are not supposed to really know or understand what Bartolomeo says or intends to do. Bartolomeo MAY or MAY NOT have a grudge with Luffy OR Bartolomeo MAY be wanting to help Luffy OR Bartolomeo MAY not have anything to do with Luffy at all (I do not think this is the case, but you get the point). We as readers are not suppose to know his motives right now.
Also, mangastream and mangapanda both carelessly uses context established beforehand in their translations. Sometimes it works, but most of the time it's a bad idea to do that because the translators for those two websites do not have the necessary understanding of Japanese to make it work.
This here is me just ranting, but seriously don't read mangapanda's translations for one piece. It's run by a Chinese company dedicated to providing the fastest updates whether through legal or illegal means which leads to ass translations.
I don't read just mangapanda's translations, I also read a few other translations including mangastream's and mangarule's. I do agree that mangapanda's translations are most often terrible and I also agree mangarule usually has a better translation overall. In my opinion, mangastream's only downfall is the way they change their dialect to sound more "colloquial" or something of the like.
I also believe that we don't know Bartolomeo's motives, and that's mainly what I got from the translations I read. I didn't get the indication that there was a clear motive. I just wanted to say that everyone has their interpretations. I'm not really sure if Bartolomeo has a bigger motive than Luffy being a prey, or it's simply that he has a deep connection.
Here's something I found in a different forum. The quotes are similar to Bartolomeo's. Maybe they hint at something? + Show Spoiler +
On July 11 2013 05:47 JiYan wrote: that punch was pretty satisfying. Do you guys think that luffy's beard did actually fall off and it might reveal his identity to everyone?
On July 10 2013 19:03 Goatey wrote: Just a hunch, but I think Jora is Lola's mom. (From Thriller bark) They have similar names and looks. Plus she is up against Nami so we could see the Vivre card come to play to save them.
Man, that would be sick if true. Oda always leaving the bread crumbs for people to follow, no matter how long ago it happened.
Lola's Mother Lola's mother currently resides somewhere in the New World, indicating that she is an extremely powerful pirate, and Lola left a means for the Straw Hat Crew to find her, if necessary. Lola shows concern and fondness for her mother and assured the Straw Hats if they ran into trouble, her mother would lend them a hand. And could be big mom of the yonko
I'm really stumped on Bartolomeo's identity. Most of the old friends/enemies are accounted for or look different enough from Bartolomeo that it can't be them... Barto is pretty young looking still. There's a really long shot that it could be Sabo... getting blasted by a rocket could really mess up your look, but that seems doubtful. So I think he's a completely new character, but with some relationship to Luffy somehow.
As for Jora and Lola, they do look quite a bit alike. However, Lola seemed to make her mom out to be a big deal in the new world while Jora seems like small fry for the new world. Even Brook, Nami, and Chopper don't seem scared of Jora... more scared of what Franky will do to them for letting the Sunny get messed up. I'm still going with Big Mom being Lola's mother.
I'd also put Leo and Wicca on the Strawhat Pirate watch list. Leo, with his fruit, could fill a number of roles within the SH crew. Wicca would finally be another female member without overlapping the roles of Nami or Robin too much. Both would be vastly different from the rest of the Strawhats in terms of looks.
On July 11 2013 13:35 RenSC2 wrote: I'm really stumped on Bartolomeo's identity. Most of the old friends/enemies are accounted for or look different enough from Bartolomeo that it can't be them... Barto is pretty young looking still. There's a really long shot that it could be Sabo... getting blasted by a rocket could really mess up your look, but that seems doubtful. So I think he's a completely new character, but with some relationship to Luffy somehow.
As for Jora and Lola, they do look quite a bit alike. However, Lola seemed to make her mom out to be a big deal in the new world while Jora seems like small fry for the new world. Even Brook, Nami, and Chopper don't seem scared of Jora... more scared of what Franky will do to them for letting the Sunny get messed up. I'm still going with Big Mom being Lola's mother.
I'd also put Leo and Wicca on the Strawhat Pirate watch list. Leo, with his fruit, could fill a number of roles within the SH crew. Wicca would finally be another female member without overlapping the roles of Nami or Robin too much. Both would be vastly different from the rest of the Strawhats in terms of looks.
he could have been in the pirate crew of that guy who burned down the trash heap
On July 11 2013 13:35 RenSC2 wrote:I'd also put Leo and Wicca on the Strawhat Pirate watch list. Leo, with his fruit, could fill a number of roles within the SH crew. Wicca would finally be another female member without overlapping the roles of Nami or Robin too much. Both would be vastly different from the rest of the Strawhats in terms of looks.
No idea who any of those are, so that's probably a 'no, not likely'.