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On May 07 2019 14:50 KwarK wrote: The Bronn storyline is pretty confusing. If he’s their buddy then he should be able to ask them to intercede on his behalf and give him titles. But if he’s playing “we’re not friends, this is all business, give me titles or I kill you” then what is the difference between him and literally anyone else with a crossbow trying to get a title out of Jaime (who can’t give titles btw). Just say yes while he has a crossbow pointed at you and then when he comes to collect have him arrested and beheaded. It’s not like he can arrange to have the castles left at a drop point for him to pick up later, Bronn needs to actually have a reason for them to give him shit other then the crossbow.
"Shitty writing"
This entire ep was fucking awful.
Like, appallingly fucking awful.
On May 07 2019 12:21 Dante08 wrote: Cmon guys just lower your expectations and enjoy the show. People can't do that because they're emotionally invested from the first X seasons. You can't really expect people to go "Oh, it was shit compared to what I hoped for and was built up over the past 8 years but that's okay, I'll enjoy it for what it is" when they're disappointed because that's not how people work. The comparison to Lost is apt, or for a more recent example KH3.
Well you had to know that these writers can't end the show in satisfying way. As soon as the source material ended, the show went downhill. The shitshow was inevitable. Now don't expect them to end everything in a satisfying way in 2 episodes, or you will be gravely disappointed. I'm good, if they do something that I didn't expect... Yep, my bar is that low.
Since when became "subverting expectations" a Quality in itself?
There is nothing inherently good about it. I taught M. Night Shamayalan (?) teached us that lesson. This show would have been better if the last 2 Seasons would have been just straight forward instead of pulling bullshit out of their asses again and again.
Now its dead, they killed it. I'm not wondering whats gonna happen anymore, I really don't give a shit anymore.
I haven't watched EP 4 yet... Because i really don't care anymore.
On May 07 2019 07:50 Acrofales wrote: Episode 4 did a good emotional reset, but I can't really get all charged up for it... as I kind of expected.
Two things:
1) Cersei controls the Iron Throne, an army of mercenaries and a Kraken fleet who don't even control their own land anymore. Why does anybody give a fart about King's Landing? The Crown Lands are tiny and insignificant. Why fight there?
Because it makes for a good hashtag.
Twitter driven writing.
+ jamie is heading back to kings landing coz he heard cersei killed a dragon and he wants to help stop her + bronn asked for 'their word'. actually i dont remember bronn's history with tyrion really but i guess he knows they will honor their word with regards to him. the crossbow is just a formality (so to speak) so he gets taken seriously immediately + john and cersei can't rule together equally, they will fight like crazy with one another. everyone knows this
On May 07 2019 17:07 FFGenerations wrote: + jamie is heading back to kings landing coz he heard cersei killed a dragon and he wants to help stop her + bronn asked for 'their word'. actually i dont remember bronn's history with tyrion really but i guess he knows they will honor their word with regards to him. the crossbow is just a formality (so to speak) so he gets taken seriously immediately + john and cersei can't rule together equally, they will fight like crazy with one another. everyone knows this
John could, its the problem of everyone else John is pretty submissive
So somehow half the people in Winterfell surviving, ridiculous teleportation(and invisible ships/rapid fire ballistas) and Cersei not immediately using the ballistas and archers to take out Dany aside, episode was actually okay.
I expect epic Greyworm revenge scene where he goes absolutely ballistic, Mad Queen Daenarys burning the city to the ground with dragonfire, and the Clegane's to go at it.
Show has really set me up for disappointment now, so I just kinda want them to hit all the high points and then just leave it at that, and hopefully GRR finishes his books sooner rather than later.
I figured it out, lads.
It is known that through The Lord of Light, it is possible to reanimate the dead.
It is also known that the Faceless Men can take the faces of people who are different sizes.
So hear me out and stay tuned for another epic 'YAS QUEEN, SLAY!' moment!
Arya's Blink ability is currently on cooldown, so she's riding to King's Landing on horseback. Who is also on his way to King's Landing? Jaime.
Arya and the Hound get talking and Sandor explains how he has unfinished business with his brother.
Arya, already prone to taking over eight-season-long character arcs thinks that's a swell idea. But wait! Valyrian steel doesn't one-hit some corpse that Qyburn reanimated, so Arya needs a bigger body.
In expectation subverting #queen style, she teleports behind Jaime, whispers in his ear 'the things I do for love', which doesn't make sense but is a line we remember from an earlier season, so it's kinda epic, and slays him.
Wearing his face, she walks through the gates of King's Landing and nobody minds. She then teleports behind Robert Strong, whispers 'Sandor Clegane sends his regards', epic style, another callback, and stabs the Mountain.
Only one name left on her list. Cersei.
But Qyburn, who for some reason doesn't seem to have his own interests and just want to serve his #queen, has transformed Cersei into Mecha-Cersei, who is now as tall as the Red Keep and made completely out of iron.
Arya's biggest challenge yet!
In another epic callback, we see a training montage with Syrio Forell and Jaqen H'gar. Remember when Jaqen told her that the rules never said she can only wear the faces of people, Air Bud style? D&D remember, and aspiring to create something just as epic as Air Bud, they subvert their final expectation.
Arya wears the face of Rhaegal, emerges from the sea a massive dragon. She says 'now I guess Cersei's gotta hear me roar', while looking into the camera, shrugging.
She melts down Mecha Cersei into a big iron puddle.
The puddle cools down, Jon and Dany ascend the trone, #couplegoals style. They kiss. One last joke about Jon being short and Varys having no balls, fade to black.
The scene fades into the new Iron Throne. Cerseis molten face quips 'And now my watch has ended', in a final epic callback to something she, or was it someone else, said earlier, I think.
It really feels like they are going for as much action and fan service as possible. Balistas! Jaime gonna kill Cersei! Mad queen Dany! King Jon! Cleganebowl! I really hope they dont just take "GoT 10 best fan theories" and go down the list. Certainly feels that way since the logic is non existant right now.
On May 07 2019 17:47 BlackCompany wrote: It really feels like they are going for as much action and fan service as possible. Balistas! Jaime gonna kill Cersei! Mad queen Dany! King Jon! Cleganebowl! I really hope they dont just take "GoT 10 best fan theories" and go down the list. Certainly feels that way since the logic is non existant right now.
If this makes 90% of the viewers happy, it sure seems like the sensible thing to do. It's funny to see r/gameofthrones reactions compared to r/asoiaf.
Rather than just suggesting that Sansa has learned from LF how to politick they should have had her fuck with Dany/Jon something major. I'd love to have seen a storyline where Dany takes credit for the victory over the NK and Sansa convinces Arya to kill her in her sleep leading to a Northern civil war between Sansa and Jon.
Instead we're left with nothing interesting going on, just more buildup to the obvious fanservice fights done badly.
Its interesting to compare Ned's beheading scene at the end of season 1 to the end of the latest episode. All the tension, fear, paranoia seem to be gone in favor of simply raising the stakes again and again.
On May 07 2019 18:29 Jockmcplop wrote: Rather than just suggesting that Sansa has learned from LF how to politick they should have had her fuck with Dany/Jon something major. I'd love to have seen a storyline where Dany takes credit for the victory over the NK and Sansa convinces Arya to kill her in her sleep leading to a Northern civil war between Sansa and Jon.
Instead we're left with nothing interesting going on, just more buildup to the obvious fanservice fights done badly.
Its interesting to compare Ned's beheading scene at the end of season 1 to the end of the latest episode. All the tension, fear, paranoia seem to be gone in favor of simply raising the stakes again and again.
Ned's beheading scene is impossible to replicate in GoT. Because since that scene every viewer knew no good guy is safe.
On May 07 2019 18:35 sharkie wrote:Show nested quote +On May 07 2019 18:29 Jockmcplop wrote: Rather than just suggesting that Sansa has learned from LF how to politick they should have had her fuck with Dany/Jon something major. I'd love to have seen a storyline where Dany takes credit for the victory over the NK and Sansa convinces Arya to kill her in her sleep leading to a Northern civil war between Sansa and Jon.
Instead we're left with nothing interesting going on, just more buildup to the obvious fanservice fights done badly.
Its interesting to compare Ned's beheading scene at the end of season 1 to the end of the latest episode. All the tension, fear, paranoia seem to be gone in favor of simply raising the stakes again and again. Ned's beheading scene is impossible to replicate in GoT. Because since that scene every viewer knew no good guy is safe.
Yeah that's true, but the two scenes are comparable and still, with knowledge of what happens to Ned, play very differently.
On May 07 2019 18:23 Laurens wrote:Show nested quote +On May 07 2019 17:47 BlackCompany wrote: It really feels like they are going for as much action and fan service as possible. Balistas! Jaime gonna kill Cersei! Mad queen Dany! King Jon! Cleganebowl! I really hope they dont just take "GoT 10 best fan theories" and go down the list. Certainly feels that way since the logic is non existant right now. If this makes 90% of the viewers happy, it sure seems like the sensible thing to do. It's funny to see r/gameofthrones reactions compared to r/asoiaf. I'm not sure where IMDB sits between the demographics, but over there ep 4 is by far the worst reviewed ever and ep3 is somewhere near bottom 5 too (and likely sinking if anything) - which is unheard for a major battle episode.
I guess it doesn't matter too much for the viewership at this point, people are going to watch anyway to see the conclusion. Meanwhile any spinoffs and such are probably going to have harder time now.
So let me get this straight, the idea of episode 4 is to first do 30 minutes of completely uninteresting and not plot moving celebrations just to then fucks us over with set up for the last fight. Let's see, what do we have to do to have a reasonable last fight? Dany still needs an army. Okay, let's just pretend all the people who dies last episode are still alive, 50& losses against the undead? Seems plausible. So now our armies are the same size, great. What's next? 2 dragons vs 0 dragons. Okay, why don't we give them anti air ballistas, we will just have to up the reload speed by 500%, the accuracy by 6000% (at least up until the target iseasy to hit, then we will storm trooper it). Next season the drowned god will resurrect Drogon (because what is dead my never die), and then it's 1on1 for everyone. Just bleargh.
Going full mad queen wouldn't surprise me because in a short time she lost her best friend, her father figure, her lover and didnt receive proper acknowledgment for saving the North/realm. So the setup is there, but its way too obvious.
On one hand Danny is all about ending tyranny, but her fixation on the throne prevents her from seeing that the struggle/wars for the throne is what produces the tyranny. She wants to break the wheel but her actions since arriving in Westeros keep spinning that wheel. She is slowly loosing her ideals in the game of thrones and the price she is paying is too great. I think the resolution to her storyline will be between going full mad queen and dies consumed by her desire to sit on the throne or achieves a Pyrrhic victory and realizes that the only way to end the tyranny is to give up the throne and reform Westeros as a republic/federation. She could also go back to Essos I guess, something for which we got a bit of forshadowing when she was talking to John about how people looked at him.
One thing that stuck out for me was the conversation between the Stark siblings, in particular what Arya told John that she doesnt trust anyone and that she doesn't need allies, implying that she doesnt care about cooperation with other people, which is in stark contrast of what John is about. I could see the writers pulling a fast one on us where Sansa/Arya make a power play once Danny/Cersei is defeated. That would surely subvert many expectations lol
I am ok with the ballistas murdering the dragon, even if the pretense of surpise is dumb, the thing still dies when shot in the face.
I am not ok with the ballistas blasting apart ships and sinking a fleet. Even during the the mass 60+-cannon per ship broadside era ship casualties to ballistic hits were very low percentage wise. These guys had 1 ballista per ship. There's no way the other fleet takes any major damage unless fires break out or they get boarded.
I thought it was part of the book lore that the last time there were dragons in Westeros at least one of them was killed by Lannister ballista type weapons. I could be wrong but I'm sure I heard that somewhere.