Bloody great episode.
[TV] HBO Game of Thrones - Page 1714
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7 Posts
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Australia6097 Posts
On April 15 2019 14:21 Emnjay808 wrote: + Show Spoiler + I think its just more to showcase how loyal the Northerners are. If they didnt spend at least one episode of them being resistant to Dany then it wouldnt feel believable that they decided to join up, even if it is against fighting against the dead. Um... this episode felt like a waste. 1 hour of people flirting sex, and mediocre-acting reunions. Hoping the rest of the eps in this season will be better. + Show Spoiler + when you put it like that, that does seem reasonable but it feels rush/not thought out. I mean the wall has been broken and even if they didnt see a undead dragon knock it down surely they would understand the gravity of the situation...we arent getting anything from the northerns that shows theyre worried about the undead army (theyre preping but almost as if they think they can win even without dannys help) Which reminds me the impact of the wall falling was a huge moment in the end of season 7 but no shots of the news and the reaction everyone is very matter of the fact about it | ||
42381 Posts
Call me crazy but Bran is my favorite character atm. Ending with seeing Jamie and waiting for old friend. Good stuff. Disappointed with the first episode overall though. | ||
United Kingdom9351 Posts
On April 15 2019 18:50 Grettin wrote: + Show Spoiler + Call me crazy but Bran is my favorite character atm. Ending with seeing Jamie and waiting for old friend. Good stuff. Disappointed with the first episode overall though. + Show Spoiler + You crazy Also disappointed tbh. It wasn't the lack of action but more the lack of... events. Also, did littlefinger fake his death at the end of the last season? I've seen some theories going around that we saw him pass a coin to a faceless woman in the episode before his death. She said to him "your time is up." I really hope so. It would work so well as a plotline. | ||
Netherlands30548 Posts
How was it filler, so many characters meeting with history between them. I like how dragons are pictured as fighter jets really, needing huge amount of resources to keep them in the air. Imagine fueling a plane with goats. But then on the other hand the unsullied march into snow without winter clothing /facepalm | ||
United States2534 Posts
On April 15 2019 21:25 FueledUpAndReadyToGo wrote: + Show Spoiler + How was it filler, so many characters meeting with history between them. I like how dragons are pictured as fighter jets really, needing huge amount of resources to keep them in the air. Imagine fueling a plane with goats. But then on the other hand the unsullied march into snow without winter clothing /facepalm A pretty apt comparison, actually. You know, the Targarayens had saddles for their dragons to keep themselves mounted to them. Apparently, Dany and Jon don't need such things. They must have the upper body strength of professional rock climbers. Do you know how many G-forces are acting on their bodies when those things take off? How the fuck do they not fall off? This is what I thought of during that scene Except the Dragons fly all over the place - up down left right - if that scene was at all grounded in reality, Jon would have fallen off when his Dragon dove down into the canyon like that. | ||
Singapore4120 Posts
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Australia6097 Posts
On April 15 2019 21:46 Hyperbola wrote: A pretty apt comparison, actually. You know, the Targarayens had saddles for their dragons to keep themselves mounted to them. Apparently, Dany and Jon don't need such things. They must have the upper body strength of professional rock climbers. Do you know how many G-forces are acting on their bodies when those things take off? How the fuck do they not fall off? This is what I thought of during that scene Except the Dragons fly all over the place - up down left right - if that scene was at all grounded in reality, Jon would have fallen off when his Dragon dove down into the canyon like that. imagine explaining to the northerners that Jon fell off the dragon and died | ||
United States60190 Posts
Edit: The Unsullied have never known how to equip themselves properly. They keep picking out the really big shields and a single tiny spear per fighter. So the lack of winter clothing isn't a huge shocker. And if they are a proper medieval army, they will steal the winter clothing from the local people in country. | ||
19533 Posts
In general a lot of one liners, not a fan of that at all, this is the final season of game of thrones, the white walkers are about to attack soon enough, didn't feel the gravitas of that in most scenes unfortunately. The dragon riding scene was straight out of some YA movie, totally out of place. I get that Jon has to ride a dragon at some point, but doing it just for fun to have a nice afternoon with his new lover, cmon. It's especially annoying because we only get 6 episodes and this episode was on the short end on top of that, i just don't get some of these decisions :/ Pretty meh episode overall, next week is hopefully stronger. | ||
Canada8988 Posts
On April 15 2019 19:16 Jockmcplop wrote: + Show Spoiler + You crazy Also disappointed tbh. It wasn't the lack of action but more the lack of... events. Also, did littlefinger fake his death at the end of the last season? I've seen some theories going around that we saw him pass a coin to a faceless woman in the episode before his death. She said to him "your time is up." I really hope so. It would work so well as a plotline. + Show Spoiler + No way littlefinger is alive, we have 5 episode left, there is no way they pull that kind of thing out of nowhere,, they need to get to close plot point asap not open new one. Plus it would really be out of left field. On April 15 2019 22:18 Plansix wrote: Edit: The Unsullied have never known how to equip themselves properly. They keep picking out the really big shields and a single tiny spear per fighter. So the lack of winter clothing isn't a huge shocker. And if they are a proper medieval army, they will steal the winter clothing from the local people in country. The Unsullied are super soldiers, they also have the hability to walk in perfect square and lines for I don't know how many days and to always have the same number of soldier after like 5 years of service (or sometime more somehow) and never be wounded. | ||
United States60190 Posts
On April 15 2019 22:57 Nakajin wrote: + Show Spoiler + No way littlefinger is alive, we have 5 episode left, there is no way they pull that kind of thing out of nowhere,, they need to get to close plot point asap not open new one. Plus it would really be out of left field. The Unsullied are super soldiers, they also have the hability to walk in perfect square and lines for I don't know how many days and to always have the same number of soldier after like 5 years of service (or sometime more somehow) and never be wounded. I could nitpick all of the armies in similar fashion, but its fun with the Unsullied because that shield is comically large. It is a TV show and there are limitations to what they can do. Creating a “winter line” of Unsullied armor was likely a discussion and they decided it wasn’t worth the costs for the number of shots they will have the Unsullied in. | ||
United States1086 Posts
So I pretty much disliked this whole episode. There were some really good bits, like the scenes with Sam's character, but for the most part, the scenes felt terribly paced, pointless, and even cartoonish at times to me. And I'm also going to go ahead and kind of defend northern outrage right now: yes, they have the right to be a bit a mad at Jon for coming back a kneeler but they should also move on for the most part (aside maybe some lingering bitterness and sense of betrayal) when he tells them he did it to fight the dead, and that's pretty much what happens. He gets called out by lady Mormont, the place erupts in agreement, he states his case, and everyone just kind of has to bite their tongue and deal with it. The only person who doesn't is Sansa in a later scene when she cuts the bullshit and calls him out on lying to his people. Remember, Dany pledged her forces to him on that boat before Jon swore loyalty and gave up his crown. It was after that pledge that he gave up his crown and essentially went against the wishes of his people. Sansa calls him out in private because she thinks that was his true motive for kneeling and she was right. Also, the dragon riding scene was dumb and took up valuable screen time. Screen time that could have developed the plot a bit better, helped the pacing of some scenes, or even given us a better dragon riding scene. Jon and Dany's scenes as a whole really felt like a rom com to me and it felt so out of place. I also don't believe this romance at all. It was not earned in season 7 in my opinion and showing a quick bunch of scenes of them having fun after they've already been declared a couple doesn't do it for me, especially when both characters have had way better romances with much better chemistry and believability in earlier seasons. The pacing was god awful. Scenes where things actually happen feel like they're moving at a million miles an hour like the Yara rescue scene, and reunion scenes that could have had a point to the story and been emotionally statisfying at the same time ended up overstaying their welcome and feeling pointless aside from the emotional satisfaction. Jon's reunion scenes with Arya and Sam felt emotionally moving and they served a point, as did Arya's and Gendry's, but the others really did not seem like something worth wasting time on. I love Sansa and Tyrion, but was there really a point to their scene? Nothing was shared that wasn't just a rehash of previous events and discussions(Sansa is Lady of Winterfell, Tyrion is Hand of the Queen, Sansa doesn't like Dany, nobody trusts the Lannister army is really coming to help but what choice do they have, etc). The plot was not advanced, characters were not developed. It was just a scene with some one-liners and emotional payoff. I could go on for a long time about what I felt was bad in that episode but this is already long as is, so I'll quickly touch on some things I liked and end it there. I loved Sam's scenes. In fact, I'd say the latter half of the episode is pretty good to great at times. I also liked Jon being confronted by the northern lords and ladies publicly like that, I liked Arya giving Jon some perspective on where Sansa is coming from and to remember his family, and I liked Sansa calling Jon's true motives out. I'm excited to see more scenes like the ones from the last 30 or so minutes happen in these last episodes. Not a good episode but it had its moments. | ||
United States1086 Posts
So here's my personal theory I've had for a while about who will rule the 7 Kingdoms at the end of the day: First off, I think Daenerys dies and Jon takes the Iron Throne. Kingdom of the North: Sansa Stark Kingdom of the Rock : Tyrion Lannister Kingdom of the Vale: Robin Arryn Kingdom of the Stormlands: Gendry Baratheon via legitimization by Jon Kingdom of the Reach: Samwell Tarly, again via legitimization Kingdom of the Iron Islands: Yara Greyjoy Kingdom of Dorne: Does it matter at this point in the show? The show forgot they exist, so whoever is in charge currently. Maybe Missandei could get appointed after the war since she is a great advisor, Daenerys would be dead, and the seat is vacant as far as we know. My only problem is that it looks too clean and fan-servicey to have all these likable characters end up in these spots, especially Gendry who has no experience ruling or leading. Still, the 7 Kingdoms will need to be given rulers when this is all said and done and it's too late to draw up new characters and prove they can rule. We have to work with the roster we have, and while Gendry doesn't have the experience, he could potentially have the right last name. Same with Sam. Sam might not have much experience leading, but his family is from the region and he could have the right last name. Being best friends with the eventual king never hurt either. The last 2 seasons have also shown restraint in killing important characters. Characters we like have died like Thoros of Myr, as I'm sure many will this season, but none that were really important to the story have, I don't think. | ||
689 Posts
I really liked this episode to re-start the series. A lot of meetings between characters with well played interactions, I especially enjoyed Arya and Sansa's roles overall: it's clear they want to portray how the Stark changed compared to S1 (the whole Unsullied arrival mirrors the S1 E1 king's arrival), and the dynamic between Sansa, Jon, Arya and Bran is interesting. Overall I am super happy that GOT restarted! Hyped for the rest of the season. I'm however a bit curious about how they will play the rest of the story out in 6 episodes. Do you think the final episodes will be the final confrontation with the Night King? It looks strange, because there would not be much time to show how the kingdom will continue after the battle between living and dead ends (unless the deads win of course). I like how the alliance between Stark, Daenerys, etc. is shown to be quite fragile, there seems to be even some doubts in Jon's mind about Daenerys' qualities as queen (in times of peace) especially when he talks to Sam.. Some things I disliked: - the scene with Bronn, it looked like they had to show some sex because HBO, what was the super urgency of showing him being interrupted to get these orders? - the chemistry between Jon and Daenerys, for me, it's not quite there (as partners), it feels a bit forced, but I guess it's more on how the actors portray them - Theon and Yara, it felt a bit rushed | ||
United States60190 Posts
I’ve said it before, but the series needs to take a moment and establish what the Night King wants. Like, what is the plan and motivation? The creepy villain needs to talk in some way to at least some of the characters or we need to see what they are going to do with land they are invading. As for the Throne, the end of the series has to be the ‘breaking of the wheel’ whatever that looks like. Characters like Sansa want power for stability and safety, not for personal glory. Even Jon doesn’t really want to rule, but just wants keep people safe and be of service. Personally, I don’t know how they get to something that will satisfy people’s need to see someone on that throne, but also how that this time it will be different. | ||
United States11133 Posts
On April 16 2019 02:23 Plansix wrote: + Show Spoiler + I’ve said it before, but the series needs to take a moment and establish what the Night King wants. Like, what is the plan and motivation? The creepy villain needs to talk in some way to at least some of the characters or we need to see what they are going to do with land they are invading. + Show Spoiler + During Bran's vision of the Night King being created, it was revealed that their original purpose was to wage war against the First Men until they went rogue and turned on their creators. I think they've kept that original "programming" by continuing to seek the destruction of mankind. Their motivation is as simple as that, and they don't need dialogue to justify themselves as an unrelenting. uncompromising force of destruction that contrasts with all the human factions and their petty squabbling. | ||
19533 Posts
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United States60190 Posts
On April 16 2019 03:42 eviltomahawk wrote: + Show Spoiler + During Bran's vision of the Night King being created, it was revealed that their original purpose was to wage war against the First Men until they went rogue and turned on their creators. I think they've kept that original "programming" by continuing to seek the destruction of mankind. Their motivation is as simple as that, and they don't need dialogue to justify themselves as an unrelenting. uncompromising force of destruction that contrasts with all the human factions and their petty squabbling. + Show Spoiler + That is extremely dull and I hope the series provides more than that. It is like Sauron, but somehow less interesting because they are not fallen angels handing out evil magic rings. | ||
Germany1197 Posts
Thoughts? :S | ||
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