Theon storyline continues to be dumb as fuck. He wins fights with the power of dicklessness. Also we saw a mirror of that situation back here + Show Spoiler [theon's speech] +
The joke is that Iron Islanders don't respect oaths of loyalty or titles for the sake of titles, they're pragmatic, they follow winners. But Theon shows up with "sure, I wasn't willing to die trying to save my sister, but I reckon you lot are", and they rally behind him? Bullshit, the moment they're out to sea Theon is getting tipped off the boat.
Also Dany is the worst ally. They're having this big truce conference and agreeing and not once does Dany say "by the way, about my friends who got captured trying to help me who you are now torturing, can you stop with that?"
Euron storyline gets dumber and dumber. He's literally the only thing that Cersei had going for her with his magic fleet and we're supposed to believe that he's got some kind of secret incest cuckold fetish? That he's willing to join the war against the dragons and the army of the dead to secure a future for Cersei's incest baby? And Cersei's big power move was to have him publicly forsake her and her cause and then secretly give him all her gold so he could sail off and come back with an army? If they want to redeem this then show me the Iron Bank guy saying "he never arrived with the gold" and cut to Euron peacing out into the horizon with a prostitute on each arm.
Capture a wight storyline ended up exactly where everyone knew it would from before it started, with Cersei stabbing Dany in the back because she's fucking Cersei and she stabs literally everyone in the back. Apparently this surprised Tyrion because apparently he's never met Cersei before. Dany's naivete can be forgiven because she's literally never met anyone as cuntish as Cersei, but this is exactly what she pays Tyrion for. Apparently Tyrion is an idiot now. Whatever. Maybe next season it'll turn out that Tyrion was only pretending to be an idiot.
Cersei tells Gregor to kill Jaime if he leaves. Jaime tells Cersei he doesn't think she'll let Gregor kill him. Jaime tries to leave. Cersei doesn't tell Gregor to stop. Gregor stops anyway? And then Jaime rides off into the distance? Despite being the lord of house lannister after discount Tywin died? If you're unhappy with what your sister is doing then just stop her. It's not like she has any army other than Gregor. Her knowledge of military affairs reaches to saying "call our banners" five fucking years after you already mobilized for a total civil war and a few months after you lost control of the place where all your bannermen live because your army was out in the field elsewhere. The army follows you Jaime. You're literally the lord of the house they follow. Also you're the general. Also you're the charismatic leader they've been following for years. Also your sales pitch to the army is "she wants you to fight the lady with the dragons, I want to make peace with the lady with the dragons".
Apparently the payoff for the whole "will Dany's better nature win out against her fire and blood ancestry" subplot is just "yes". This whole bullshit thing with her crucifying masters and burning Tarlys and a bunch of other shit and then they just forget that they were doing that because she's super into guys with bendy knees.
Also the WW master plan at the start of season 1 relied upon dragons which had been extinct for hundred of years? We're meant to understand that if Jorah hadn't pussied out on the Dany assassination plot the WW would just be wandering back and forth in front of the wall right now like glitched npcs?
Good takeaways. Apparently the WW have finally showed up and made it into the actual story. Raven boy has finally decided to let people know that he's a proxy for the viewer who can tell the characters what's going on.
Bad takeaways. Every scene that Cersei is in. Every scene that Euron is it. Every scene that Theon is in. Every scene that Tyrion is in. How dumb the inevitable betrayal storyline will be. The inevitable Jaime Cersei bullshit.
Why is Cersei even queen at this point? Who wants her to be queen? We had her being hated by all the lords of Westeros, then she turned the Tarlys, then they died. We had like three seasons of her being hated by the people of King's Landing, with rumours of Joffrey being an incest bastard, then the whole Sparrow shit (which we've forgotten about now I guess), then the shame stuff. We had her losing control of the Lannister lands to consolidate her army under Jaime in King's Landing and steal all the Highgarden gold. Now he's gone is it literally just Euron and his magic fleet keeping her on the throne? If Euron just stabbed Cersei in the face and took the throne himself, would anyone even care?
Oh, and "I hear the Golden Company even have elephants". Dany has fucking dragons. In a world without dragons elephants are some fucking brutal shock troops, I'll give you that. But you don't get to name drop how the guys joining your team have elephants when the other team are already using dragons.
I am so fucking done with the Cersei storyline. Fuck.
i read your posts in totalbiscuit's voice. i just wanted you to know that.
On August 30 2017 02:45 Micro_Jackson wrote: Question, what was the night kings plan without a dragon? At this point he has to be able to see the future because if not hes the luckiest dude ever.
Also wasnt it mentioned that "the wall" is not just a big pile of ice but that it has magic that prevent the dead for crossing it? Whats the difference between "burning it down" and doing what the wildlings did like breaking the gate or making a big camp fire. I liked the first half of the episode a lot, mostly because of Peter Dinklage´s acting but it felt like all this episode did was bringing the wall down anticlimactic and smash everyone in his Season 7 starting position.
The whole meeting scene i was waiting for Dany to lean over to Tyrion and ask "Why am i not burning them right now and solve 50% ofo our problems without harming any innocent? They are even neatly together and seperated from our guys". Man that would have saved that season big time for me.
No plan, yes the wall is magic, burning down part of it is unclear how that impacts the magic. Presumably the magic doesn't apply to that part of the wall that's missing anymore I guess.
Also agreed, it's kind of silly Dany doesn't just burn Cersei alive and end the war immediately though it would be quite dishonorable to do so and could cause major loyalty problems. I really thought they should have done the scene in the basement like when Jaime met Tyrion; it would make sense as a way to prevent Dany from bringing her dragons. The official reason is probably that Dany doesn't want to have to deal with the remaining Baratheon/Lannister loyalists causing problems while they fight the dead.
I see your point but Dani had no real problem burning the Tarly family. And i think they werent as hated as Cersei is. The decision to make cersei just straight up a queen was kinda dumb because it threw every rule about succession out of the window. For 6 seasons the king had to be a male and he had to be legitimate and from the ruling family.
There are no males left in the Baratheon Line. She's the appropriate heir I believe. Though if Stannis just sat at Dragonstone biding his time he would have gotten the seat after Tommen :D.
I think the succession line at Robert's death (ignoring incest and passing the throne to Ned) would have been Joffery -> Tommen -> Mycella -> Stannis -> Renly -> Cersei.
Though Mycella and Cersei would be expected to marry causing the line to diverge.
Stannis, humantorchgirl, Renly, literally never Cersei.
So if I've got this straight the Iron Bank loaned Robert a shitton of money. Then when he died they wanted whoever took over as king to honour the debts because they wanted to get repaid. That created problems for them with the whole civil war thing because any of the contenders can just go "nope, not my debt, sorry bro". Their only leverage is to tell all sides that if all sides don't agree to take over the debt should they win then they'll invest even more money to try and help someone who will take over the debt win. Say they're owed 10 million gold dragons and Joffrey says he's not going to pay them back, it makes sense to loan Stannis a million gold dragons if he says he'll pay back 11 million if he wins, even if he only has a 20% chance of winning.
So basically the Iron Bank are fucked. They made a huge loan to someone they shouldn't have and now they're probably not going to get all of it back. Their only bargaining chip is that a bunch of people who don't owe them money are really desperate to borrow even more money so they can offer Stannis 1100% interest rates and he'll accept the deal. But even then they're probably not getting back all 10 million. This is a bad debt.
But Tywin tells us that the Lannisters are definitely going to pay the debt. + Show Spoiler +
Their whole plan involves inheriting the debt when they inherit the crown through Cersei's kids, getting the rich Tyrell's to become stakeholders in the crown and then having the Tyrells make payments. So, if Joffrey/Tommen haven't reneged on the debt, why the fuck are the Iron Bank funding Stannis? And if the Iron Bank are funding Stannis, why the fuck haven't the Lannisters said "fuck you guys, for whatever reason you tried to replace us with Stannis and you lost". Whatever. Moving on.
Lannisters accept that they need to repay the Iron Bank, even though the Iron Bank already came at them and missed. They had no real leverage on the Lannisters beyond the threat of funding Stannis, a threat they actually carried out and which turned out to be completely impotent. Meanwhile the Iron Bank are still completely fucked because Cersei is about to be replaced by Dany who doesn't owe them any money and won't pay it back. Their debt is basically about to be in default, they should be desperate to recover anything they can. They should be sending Cersei letters saying "if you pay us back 1 gold dragon for every 10 you owe we'll forgive the rest" to try and get as much gold out of them as they can before Dany shows up. Or if Cersei had a slightly realistic chance of winning then they might consider throwing good gold after bad and funding her a little more to make her win, same as they bet on Stannis. If she can pay 1 million gold dragons back on a 10 million debt, well, that's better than losing all 10. Or if it costs 1 million to give her a 20% chance of paying back 11 million, well, that could be worth it.
However through the magic of "we never were much good at fighting" Cersei shows up with the entire principal, ready to repay them in full. This is basically a dream scenario for the Iron Bank. They get all of their money back a few days before Dany burns Cersei alive and they high five each other and talk about how they're the luckiest fucks that ever fucked. And then somehow we have Cersei: "I could repay you in full so you're no longer massively invested in winning an unwinnable war against dragons" Iron Bank: "sounds awesome" Cersei: "or, and hear me out, I could use all that money to not repay you and instead we could double down on the unwinnable war against dragons, and then that way if I win then maybe I'll be able to repay you, but not with the gold mines, or the one time loot we took from the Tyrells" Iron Bank: "so we either get our 10 million back or you give the 10 million to mercenaries to have a 10% chance of winning a war, but you promise us that if you do win then you'll make a real effort to pay us back with the 0 million you have left?" Cersei: "I'm basically as smart as Tywin" Iron Bank: "I choose the mystery box!"
On August 30 2017 02:45 Micro_Jackson wrote: Question, what was the night kings plan without a dragon? At this point he has to be able to see the future because if not hes the luckiest dude ever.
Also wasnt it mentioned that "the wall" is not just a big pile of ice but that it has magic that prevent the dead for crossing it? Whats the difference between "burning it down" and doing what the wildlings did like breaking the gate or making a big camp fire. I liked the first half of the episode a lot, mostly because of Peter Dinklage´s acting but it felt like all this episode did was bringing the wall down anticlimactic and smash everyone in his Season 7 starting position.
The whole meeting scene i was waiting for Dany to lean over to Tyrion and ask "Why am i not burning them right now and solve 50% ofo our problems without harming any innocent? They are even neatly together and seperated from our guys". Man that would have saved that season big time for me.
No plan, yes the wall is magic, burning down part of it is unclear how that impacts the magic. Presumably the magic doesn't apply to that part of the wall that's missing anymore I guess.
Also agreed, it's kind of silly Dany doesn't just burn Cersei alive and end the war immediately though it would be quite dishonorable to do so and could cause major loyalty problems. I really thought they should have done the scene in the basement like when Jaime met Tyrion; it would make sense as a way to prevent Dany from bringing her dragons. The official reason is probably that Dany doesn't want to have to deal with the remaining Baratheon/Lannister loyalists causing problems while they fight the dead.
I see your point but Dani had no real problem burning the Tarly family. And i think they werent as hated as Cersei is. The decision to make cersei just straight up a queen was kinda dumb because it threw every rule about succession out of the window. For 6 seasons the king had to be a male and he had to be legitimate and from the ruling family.
There are no males left in the Baratheon Line. She's the appropriate heir I believe. Though if Stannis just sat at Dragonstone biding his time he would have gotten the seat after Tommen :D.
I think the succession line at Robert's death (ignoring incest and passing the throne to Ned) would have been Joffery -> Tommen -> Mycella -> Stannis -> Renly -> Cersei.
Though Mycella and Cersei would be expected to marry causing the line to diverge.
Stannis, humantorchgirl, Renly, literally never Cersei.
They're all dead?
But someone listed the family tree before and based on who is alive/dead/defected and the assumed rules I think it ends up at someone pretty random like the sons/daughters of Elyanna Baratheon or Roland Crakehall after going back 4-5 generations. With the show's more skimpy lineage it could even end up back in the Lannister tree based on some Baratheon/Lannister marriages I think?
On the Iron Bank, it's unclear how much they're loaning back to Cersei right? The amount originally owed was accrued after something like 30-50 years of reckless spending so was pretty sizable. We also don't know exactly how it's all going to play out. The amount they got from Highgarden could even have been enough to cover the debt and then some. It seemed a little unclear to me if the Iron Bank was assisting in securing the Golden Company or outright paying for it and what those amounts were (maybe I need to watch the scenes again).
Assuming the Iron Bank is truthful and honors its contracts they made, the deal to help with mercenaries so that any money Cersei got would first go to repaying the debt. If they didn't that gold would probably have gone directly to mercenaries.
It's pretty weak though, Cersei probably would have had more available funds if they kept paying the interest and spent the rest on mercenaries. I'm not convinced the Iron Bank is sending the Golden Company to help her though.
On August 30 2017 10:57 Sbrubbles wrote: Preston Jacobs already has his parody/snark video out
The only upside to a shitty GoT episode is that the shittier it is, the funnier his videos are.
"Hello everybody, I'm Preston Jacobs, and I'm here to give you a course on how to be a pompous dick on the internet!'
<make funny foice> "But aren't there enough assholes on the internet already?"
<normal voice> "I know, I know, but I'm so full of myself, I just can't help it"
Just go watch some of his conspiracy theories series. They are all pretty high quality material. The Dornish master plan series in particular.
I know his conspiracy theories, lol. The Dornish Master Plan was pretty good. Unfortunately, the "internet fame" went to his head, and he decided to become a complete douche. Or maybe he was already, but because his conspiracy theory posts stick to a fairly clear script, so his douchiness wasn't as obvious.
His posts about the series are basically nitpicking garbage. They are sometimes entertaining, but usually only in a 4-chan taking a massive dump on someone with more talent then himself kinda way.
And I have plenty of criticism for the show. But he takes every single scene and points out what sucks about it. I don't think I've EVER seen him say something good about the show. I mean... this was his recap of the battle in episode 4. Which was just plain good TV, even if you disagree with everything leading up to it, and following afterwards.
Pompous dick? Yes. I think so.
E: apparently links to specific times don't work, so skip to 11:13 to miss his other conceited douchery.
First, his clicks demand what he produces, if they want him nitpick the shit out of the show, so he will. Second, he is right about that. It's like saying CinemaSins are nitpicking Bastards. Yes, that's what they do. Nothing stops you from enjoying a good old battle, but there are still stupid things in there that people can comment on. Like, how unpractical it would be in reallife to bend over your horse, show your unprotected head and back to the enemy rider to cut the leg of the enemy horse. Especially if you are from a culture that values horses more then people.
On August 31 2017 01:21 Broetchenholer wrote: First, his clicks demand what he produces, if they want him nitpick the shit out of the show, so he will. Second, he is right about that. It's like saying CinemaSins are nitpicking Bastards. Yes, that's what they do. Nothing stops you from enjoying a good old battle, but there are still stupid things in there that people can comment on. Like, how unpractical it would be in reallife to bend over your horse, show your unprotected head and back to the enemy rider to cut the leg of the enemy horse. Especially if you are from a culture that values horses more then people.
Well this seems pretty different from CinemaSins? Like CinemaSins doesn't even pretend to be criticism and it's just the mechanism by which they deliver jokes, where this guy is nitpicking as actual earnest criticisms?
And I have plenty of criticism for the show. But he takes every single scene and points out what sucks about it. I don't think I've EVER seen him say something good about the show. I mean... this was his recap of the battle in episode 4. Which was just plain good TV, even if you disagree with everything leading up to it, and following afterwards.
He delievers a specific product, which is to point out all the flaws. The idea that every concept producer should point out all the good and bad sides of a show is quite dumb.
And 95%+ of his complaints are based on reasonable logic. It's only when he criticizes acting it becomes subjective.
On August 31 2017 01:31 Plansix wrote: CinemaSins is hot shit. Their "criticism" is just lazy and devoid of real thoughtful review. They are the Nickleback of cinema criticism.
They're not even really criticism? Like it's a series of jokes using the movie at the driving force. Isn't calling them criticism the same as calling Mystery Science Theater movie criticism?
On August 30 2017 02:45 Micro_Jackson wrote: Question, what was the night kings plan without a dragon? At this point he has to be able to see the future because if not hes the luckiest dude ever.
Also wasnt it mentioned that "the wall" is not just a big pile of ice but that it has magic that prevent the dead for crossing it? Whats the difference between "burning it down" and doing what the wildlings did like breaking the gate or making a big camp fire. I liked the first half of the episode a lot, mostly because of Peter Dinklage´s acting but it felt like all this episode did was bringing the wall down anticlimactic and smash everyone in his Season 7 starting position.
The whole meeting scene i was waiting for Dany to lean over to Tyrion and ask "Why am i not burning them right now and solve 50% ofo our problems without harming any innocent? They are even neatly together and seperated from our guys". Man that would have saved that season big time for me.
No plan, yes the wall is magic, burning down part of it is unclear how that impacts the magic. Presumably the magic doesn't apply to that part of the wall that's missing anymore I guess.
Also agreed, it's kind of silly Dany doesn't just burn Cersei alive and end the war immediately though it would be quite dishonorable to do so and could cause major loyalty problems. I really thought they should have done the scene in the basement like when Jaime met Tyrion; it would make sense as a way to prevent Dany from bringing her dragons. The official reason is probably that Dany doesn't want to have to deal with the remaining Baratheon/Lannister loyalists causing problems while they fight the dead.
I see your point but Dani had no real problem burning the Tarly family. And i think they werent as hated as Cersei is. The decision to make cersei just straight up a queen was kinda dumb because it threw every rule about succession out of the window. For 6 seasons the king had to be a male and he had to be legitimate and from the ruling family.
There are no males left in the Baratheon Line. She's the appropriate heir I believe. Though if Stannis just sat at Dragonstone biding his time he would have gotten the seat after Tommen :D.
I think the succession line at Robert's death (ignoring incest and passing the throne to Ned) would have been Joffery -> Tommen -> Mycella -> Stannis -> Renly -> Cersei.
Though Mycella and Cersei would be expected to marry causing the line to diverge.
Stannis, humantorchgirl, Renly, literally never Cersei.
They're all dead?
But someone listed the family tree before and based on who is alive/dead/defected and the assumed rules I think it ends up at someone pretty random like the sons/daughters of Elyanna Baratheon or Roland Crakehall after going back 4-5 generations. With the show's more skimpy lineage it could even end up back in the Lannister tree based on some Baratheon/Lannister marriages I think?
On the Iron Bank, it's unclear how much they're loaning back to Cersei right? The amount originally owed was accrued after something like 30-50 years of reckless spending so was pretty sizable. We also don't know exactly how it's all going to play out. The amount they got from Highgarden could even have been enough to cover the debt and then some. It seemed a little unclear to me if the Iron Bank was assisting in securing the Golden Company or outright paying for it and what those amounts were (maybe I need to watch the scenes again).
Assuming the Iron Bank is truthful and honors its contracts they made, the deal to help with mercenaries so that any money Cersei got would first go to repaying the debt. If they didn't that gold would probably have gone directly to mercenaries.
It's pretty weak though, Cersei probably would have had more available funds if they kept paying the interest and spent the rest on mercenaries. I'm not convinced the Iron Bank is sending the Golden Company to help her though.
Worsts worst banker said "I don't think we've ever had a debt of this size repaid in a single installment before" or something.
The idea was that Cersei got the gold to repay them for some reason, even though there was literally nobody else they could back who would take on the debt if Cersei wasn't. Then Cersei talked them into not taking her gold and instead continuing to be owed money by her so she could get mercenaries instead.
It's something like 1) Iron Bank wants to be repaid, doesn't care if it's Stannis, Robb, Dany, Tywin, whoever. 2) Tywin says they will repay the Iron Bank if they win. 3) Iron Bank backs Stannis so that Stannis can repay the debt when he wins. 4) Stannis loses. 5) Iron Bank doesn't have anyone else to threaten Tywin with. 6) Tywin still says he'll repay them the debt, despite the whole Stannis thing. 7) Dany shows up. She's not planning on repaying the debt if she wins. 8) Cersei takes over, still says she'll repay the Iron Bank if she wins. Looks extremely unlikely that she'll win. 9) Cersei offers to repay them in full ahead of time so they get their money back whether or not she wins. 10) Iron Bank go "no, we cool, you spend all our money on something for yourself".
There's literally no potential upside to the Iron Bank backing Cersei instead of just taking their money back, none. She effectively held all their money hostage, if the money was still in KL when Dany took KL then they don't get shit. It's this weird situation where the bank is completely fucked and Cersei has all the power and an extremely pressing need to spend the money on anything but paying the bank back if she wants to keep her throne. Then Cersei decides that instead of using the gold to pay for an army so she can keep her throne she'll give it all away to the bank which can't do anything to hurt her and were about to write off the entire debt anyway because they couldn't collect it from Dany. Then the bank decides to refuse repayment.
On August 31 2017 01:31 Plansix wrote: CinemaSins is hot shit. Their "criticism" is just lazy and devoid of real thoughtful review. They are the Nickleback of cinema criticism.
They're not even really criticism? Like it's a series of jokes using the movie at the driving force. Isn't calling them criticism the same as calling Mystery Science Theater movie criticism?
Their tag line is "No movie is without sins" and they have a series called "Everything that is Wrong with". If they are not criticism, they have a very poor marketing effort. Because that sounds a lot like criticism. It isn't like Honest Trailers, that mocks media tropes, but also praises movies they like.
Kwark, the reason they are funding Stannis while still keeping contact with Tywin might just be that they want the money regardless who wins. Keeping ur example up, it would take them an investment of one million to make sure Tywin pays back in case the lannisters win and one million to make sure Stannis pays back. Seems simple to me. And how can u be sure Tywin knew Stannis was backed by the Iron bank? He might be able to guess but afaik there is no proof.
@Kwark your timeline is messed up. Also funding enemies probably isn't the only recourse the bank has.
The Iron Bank Funds Stannis because Tywin is elderly and they don't trust any of the other people in charge to honor the debt (Tommen, Cersei, etc.) This is a bit stretched, in the books Tywin dies before this effectively happens (or its analogue).
Stannis doesn't lose before Tywin dies; he uses the money to go to the Wall and doesn't die until well after Tywin does. The money he gets is after Blackwater Bay, not before it.
It's unclear Tywin knows the Iron Bank funded Stannis' trip north (the wiki even says it was secret), why would they tell him or disclose that? Either way I don't think Tywin ever talks to the bank after Stannis does.
It's unclear that the Iron Bank loaned out nearly as much as they got back from Cersei and they used the promise of loaning a smaller amount to get the full payment back. The part that doesn't make sense is why Cersei would pay off the Iron Bank instead of just paying interest and using the gold to buy mercenaries herself. Though that could be explained out of fear that the Bank would back someone else or interfere if she didn't pay them.
On August 31 2017 01:31 Plansix wrote: CinemaSins is hot shit. Their "criticism" is just lazy and devoid of real thoughtful review. They are the Nickleback of cinema criticism.
They're not even really criticism? Like it's a series of jokes using the movie at the driving force. Isn't calling them criticism the same as calling Mystery Science Theater movie criticism?
And what about preston jacobs videos shouts 100% serious criticism? He even has a fake storyline with different characters for it. It's exaggerated to be funny, some of it is nitpicky and it wants to be nitpicky. Other things are more serious. But the format alone shouts "this wants to be entertaining more than 100% objective/academic/whatever you wanna call it".
I wanna ask it here as well, what scenes this season had a real emotional impact on you guys? Real "wow" scenes you enjoyed for whatever reason (no scene is perfect obviously and even a scene which has real writing flaws can be still enjoyable) Personally i would say that this season has almost none for me personally, it would be challenging to find five for me. A lot of it was just "meh". Imo the best one was the battle scene with Jaime on the one side and Dany on the other, the scenario where you have two characters fighting against each other and you kinda like both. I can nitpick the writing there as well, but it still worked for me and was memorable. Then Viserion dying was something like that as well, not to the same extent but it still had an effect imo. Now it already gets a bit tough, i might forget something though. What about you guys?
Arya vs Bri was really well put together and acted on all fronts. Good call back to earlier seasons as well. I like Jon and the dragon. And the early shot of Dany on the rock throne was really striking and the scenes were fun. And I found the shots of dany rescuing the A-team up north to be really impressive, just from an imagery stand point.
I hope they slow shit down a bit for the next season. We could use some room to breath.
Ok Dany arriving at Dragonstone is something like that tbh, even though i think the writing there is also weird (nobody there, etc) the scene itself worked well.
The other two things i personally don't think had much gravitas, i doubt i would wanna rewatch the arya fight for example. Or Jon touching the dragon. I am not saying the scenes are bad, but i also don't think they are hugely memorable.
On August 31 2017 02:30 KwarK wrote: Toasted Tarlys should have been a good scene but Tyrion and Dany didn't lend any real kind of moral anguish to it.
there's still time, when Sam finds out.
in addition to our list of greats from S7, we finally see dragons in battle right? and half the world finally sees a dragon. a dragon dies. we have an ice dragon. dothraki on westeros.
and the battle beyond the wall i think is worthy. and the LRJ bomb during the sex scene. and LF finally getting his due. the wall coming down..
i'd challenge you to name more than one scene from either S1 or any of your favorites tbh. i think allowing for the fact that this season was also just shorter would really make your comparison to seasons past less striking. i think big scene wise this season was on par or better than past seasons.
On August 31 2017 01:31 Plansix wrote: CinemaSins is hot shit. Their "criticism" is just lazy and devoid of real thoughtful review. They are the Nickleback of cinema criticism.
They're not even really criticism? Like it's a series of jokes using the movie at the driving force. Isn't calling them criticism the same as calling Mystery Science Theater movie criticism?
And what about preston jacobs videos shouts 100% serious criticism? He even has a fake storyline with different characters for it. It's exaggerated to be funny, some of it is nitpicky and it wants to be nitpicky. Other things are more serious. But the format alone shouts "this wants to be entertaining more than 100% objective/academic/whatever you wanna call it".
I wanna ask it here as well, what scenes this season had a real emotional impact on you guys? Real "wow" scenes you enjoyed for whatever reason (no scene is perfect obviously and even a scene which has real writing flaws can be still enjoyable) Personally i would say that this season has almost none for me personally, it would be challenging to find five for me. A lot of it was just "meh". Imo the best one was the battle scene with Jaime on the one side and Dany on the other, the scenario where you have two characters fighting against each other and you kinda like both. I can nitpick the writing there as well, but it still worked for me and was memorable. Then Viserion dying was something like that as well, not to the same extent but it still had an effect imo. Now it already gets a bit tough, i might forget something though. What about you guys?
Personally, I liked the dragon scenes. My favorite is drogon burning the lannisters. It was just so satisfying to watch. After 6-7 years of buildup, we finally get to see what makes Dragons game-changers on the battlefield. I do have a few nitpicks/complaints about the dragons though:
1. Drogon seemed to increase in size 10 times since the last season. And all the dragons seemed to mature over the course of 6-7 years. This makes zero sense because Dragons are meant to live for hundreds of years. There is no way such a long lived creature can grow to adulthood in less than a decade.
2. Dany can suddenly psychically control Drogon after struggling for years with no results. She can even control multiple dragons at once without even riding them. I don't think there's ever been a rider for multiple dragons at once and I don't think anyone short of some advanced Wildling wargs and Bran have been shown to possess/control multiple creatures at once.
3. How the hell does Dany stay on Drogon's back? She just sits down and holds on to his fins? There is no way she has forearms strong enough to resist wind speeds of a Category 5 hurricane when she's riding on his back. She doesn't even have a saddle - how does she not slip off? And assuming that she can stay on, how does she see anything with his head in the way and with wind blowing into her eyes? This is why pilots wear goggles.
But other than these points, I enjoyed everything to do with the Dragons this season and actually felt something when one of them died. It was like watching a pupper get killed, which is always more sad than a human death.