On June 22 2016 06:54 Plansix wrote: Sansa didn't know the Knights were coming or if anyone would come? She sent a raven asking for help, apparently(we never see it). But we see no evidence that a return raven was received. Also, she might not trust Jon that much. Or anyone at this point. I can think of a lot of reasons why she did tell him, some not great.
Also, we forget that Little Finger is the one who lead to the death of Ned. It happened by mistake due to Joffrey demanding Ned's head, but Little Finger was the one who betrayed Ned. If I were her, i would not be confidence how Jon would react to asking for Little Finger's help or what Jon knows about how Ned died.
You got it all wrong man. Sansa knew from the beginning that LF would be there with his army. She also knew that Ramsay is a sick fuck that would be happy to come out to crush a weaker force. Ramsay would never have left Winterfell if he had known about the Vale Army. Sansa chose to keep it secret from Jon for some reason I guess... Also maybe she didnt know that lf would wait until the last second to come out guns blazing with his army.
I think Ramsay took Sansa's bait.
The only chance for Rickon living (besides some deus ex machina) was being part of a negotiation, and Ramsey didn't need to negotiate unless threatened (by, say, a large army coming from the only region in Westeros that has been spared from the war).
It only makes sense for Sansa to not tell anyone about the incoming Vale army if she wants Rickon to die, but I won't believe that unless the show makes that clear.
Also she just didn't like him that way.
Edit: Ofc, it doesn't make sense that an army can show up without anyone knowing about it (I think the show itself even stated when the Vale knights took Moat Cailin), but hey, maybe a wizard did it.
Dunno what moat cailin is, but they had a whole bit about Jamie and bronn having caught the forces besiegeing the blackfish by surprise. (At riverrun? not sure.)
Although if Littlefingers army was purely mounted, they were probably just making double time towards the battlefield after Sansa told him it had already started. The fighting could easily have been going on for an hour or two by the time they arrived, so it's not like either side would be holding an overly strict perimeter when one side was fucked and the other slaughtering survivors.
I'm curious what, if anything, Sansa promised littlefinger.
Do we know anything about why Catelyn ended up marrying ned instead of Littlefinger? With all the paralells running between Jon/Sansa and Ned/Cat, it feels like her relationship with littlefiner could mirror Cat's with Ned. But I can't remember learning anything about that other than that Littlefinger had the hots for her or something.
Littlefinger was no one. He had no titles or stature and was the lord of a very very small keep. Catelyn, being the daughter of a prominent lord, had a duty to marry and bring houses together.
Did Cat actually return his affections, and only marry Ned out of duty? Or was it one sided from littlefingers side
On June 22 2016 20:44 NukeD wrote: God that dragon queen actress makes me cringe so much. She is absolutelly the wrong pick for that role. Shes just extremelly pretty and thats all, no stature, no authority in her act no anything. She's the kind of girl that you are dying to have sex with and then when you do, you cant listen to her for 5 seconds anymore and you just want to get to hell out of there.
I find her looks average at best tbh.
How can you resist the eyebrows
Daenerys Kitchenborn of the House Targaryen. The First of Her Size, the Unburnt, Queen of McDonalds, Queen of the Dressing and the Cheesy Potatoes and the First Bakers, Khaleesi of the Great Cola Sea, Breaker of Crab Legs, and Mother of Burgers.
You are one of those guys causing young girls to get depressed and worse, because they think they are fat and ugly, while they are not.
Did anyone else kind of hate that Daenerys just made one of her obnoxious speeches and recruited the entire Dothraki horde? Yeah, I get that the little walk out of a burning building thing happened, but if her appeal is, "Im your magically destined Queen!" didn't the Dothraki kind of distrust magic? She also just burned down a major cultural landmark and killed all of their leaders...
I think you over estimate how found the Dothraki were of their leaders. People that are ruled by threat of violence are pretty quick to decide "I bet she won't kill/beat me if I mess up."
On June 23 2016 20:24 icystorage wrote: maybe because she killed their khals. dothrakis follow the strong
Also this. And riding the Dragon up to them and showing them all she has the most bad ass of horses. The Dothraki would follow a leader that had a horse that shot fire.
On June 22 2016 20:44 NukeD wrote: God that dragon queen actress makes me cringe so much. She is absolutelly the wrong pick for that role. Shes just extremelly pretty and thats all, no stature, no authority in her act no anything. She's the kind of girl that you are dying to have sex with and then when you do, you cant listen to her for 5 seconds anymore and you just want to get to hell out of there.
I find her looks average at best tbh.
How can you resist the eyebrows
Daenerys Kitchenborn of the House Targaryen. The First of Her Size, the Unburnt, Queen of McDonalds, Queen of the Dressing and the Cheesy Potatoes and the First Bakers, Khaleesi of the Great Cola Sea, Breaker of Crab Legs, and Mother of Burgers.
Wow, you're such a prick. She isn't even fat, and even if she were, fuck off.
Sorry it makes it impossible to mod this thread if background story is shared while it's unclear if from the books or show. If you want to share this kind of stuff, PM.
killerdog: I don't have Audio here, but you can probably find your answer in this lore video for GoT:
Is it really that important if some background info is from the books? ( i didn't see what was edited btw) At this point nobody can spoiler what will actually happen in the show, that should be good enough tbh
On June 24 2016 00:02 The_Red_Viper wrote: Is it really that important if some background info is from the books? ( i didn't see what was edited btw) At this point nobody can spoiler what will actually happen in the show, that should be good enough tbh
Feel free to bring this up in Website Feedback.
As it stands, rules for this thread are unchanged. We might revise them for next season let's see.
On June 24 2016 00:02 The_Red_Viper wrote: Is it really that important if some background info is from the books? ( i didn't see what was edited btw) At this point nobody can spoiler what will actually happen in the show, that should be good enough tbh
Feel free to bring this up in Website Feedback.
As it stands, rules for this thread are unchanged. We might revise them for next season let's see.
i'd be pissed by this changes if it happens, cause of my previous bans
On June 22 2016 20:44 NukeD wrote: God that dragon queen actress makes me cringe so much. She is absolutelly the wrong pick for that role. Shes just extremelly pretty and thats all, no stature, no authority in her act no anything. She's the kind of girl that you are dying to have sex with and then when you do, you cant listen to her for 5 seconds anymore and you just want to get to hell out of there.
I find her looks average at best tbh.
How can you resist the eyebrows
Daenerys Kitchenborn of the House Targaryen. The First of Her Size, the Unburnt, Queen of McDonalds, Queen of the Dressing and the Cheesy Potatoes and the First Bakers, Khaleesi of the Great Cola Sea, Breaker of Crab Legs, and Mother of Burgers.
User was temp banned for this post.
Seriously bizarre. This is literally just a very slightly unflattering picture of her. She's basically in a position that isn't 100% attractive and someone goes off like this, I don't really understand.
On June 24 2016 00:02 The_Red_Viper wrote: Is it really that important if some background info is from the books? ( i didn't see what was edited btw) At this point nobody can spoiler what will actually happen in the show, that should be good enough tbh
Feel free to bring this up in Website Feedback.
As it stands, rules for this thread are unchanged. We might revise them for next season let's see.
I mean it's not that important for me personally tbh. I can somewhat see why it is still there, people who maybe wanna read the books after the show could still be spoiled if we bring background info in this thread. So yeah whatever.
For the final episode though: What are your predictions? Anybody gonna die? Maybe we see the white walkers again? I wanna see some theories here
On June 23 2016 20:24 Plansix wrote: I think you over estimate how found the Dothraki were of their leaders. People that are ruled by threat of violence are pretty quick to decide "I bet she won't kill/beat me if I mess up."
On June 23 2016 20:24 icystorage wrote: maybe because she killed their khals. dothrakis follow the strong
Also this. And riding the Dragon up to them and showing them all she has the most bad ass of horses. The Dothraki would follow a leader that had a horse that shot fire.
But they seem to have a real distaste for witchcraftery, I think she shows more witchcraftery than real fighting strength, I mean yeah, I'd understand if she'd slain them all with her own hand but they all burned to death in a building and she just happened to be in there as far as any of the Dothraki saw. Sure, we got to see her set the place up and what not but the people of Vaes Dothrak would more or less see a witch kill their leaders and burn down their holy temple-y structure right?
It just seemed too quick, she walks out and suddenly they worship her, it just doesn't seem right to me. At least if the dragon had burned the place to the ground and she emerged she'd have the dragon angle.
I'm not entirely contesting it as though the entire premise is wrong, but the way it happened just feels off.
I acknowledge that I may feel this way because behind Sansa Daenerys is one of my least favorites and if it werent for Tirion and now Yara (god what a boss ass bitch, she da best) her parts would be my least favorite.
The series has a tendency to show very little reflection or reaction to major events, and south of Kings Landing fairs even worse. I think that is why the dothraki burning scene feels unearned. Daenerys scenes play out like she is in danger, things are getting worse, and then at the last moment, she wins outright vs the circumstances.. this gets repeated multiple times per season.
It would have been a better finish imo had she convinced the leaders at that meeting instead of burning them.
I didn't really mind how the dothraki thing went down; I don't think she was in a position to convince anyone of anything, at least not without her dragon (probably would still need to set fire to a reasonable number of things).