[TV] HBO Game of Thrones - Page 1538
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United States60190 Posts
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United States3392 Posts
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3251 Posts
WTF Arya those stab wounds might not be fatal but she completely cut up her mid riff so that's gonna leave you incapacitated for significant amount of time. I'm not sure what the name is of that big stomach muscle but its basically one of the reasons why you can stand up and why your guts are on the inside and not lets say, on the floor (AFAIK). And why was she walking around so cheerfully and unarmed last episode when she could've known someone was coming for her... And poor Jaqen man, basically Arya shows up uninvited, insists to be trained, decides not to do her job at the last moment leaving her team in big trouble, then killing the teammate send to fix that shit, and then gives lip to Jaqen for being a jerk. WTH I would be super pissed. | ||
France15845 Posts
On June 14 2016 14:19 B.I.G. wrote: Sandor Clegane coming in from behind and fucking everyone's shit up was so satisfying. WTF Arya those stab wounds might not be fatal but she completely cut up her mid riff so that's gonna leave you incapacitated for significant amount of time. I'm not sure what the name is of that big stomach muscle but its basically one of the reasons why you can stand up and why your guts are on the inside and not lets say, on the floor (AFAIK). And why was she walking around so cheerfully and unarmed last episode when she could've known someone was coming for her... And poor Jaqen man, basically Arya shows up uninvited, insists to be trained, decides not to do her job at the last moment leaving her team in big trouble, then killing the teammate send to fix that shit, and then gives lip to Jaqen for being a jerk. WTH I would be super pissed. Yeah, Jaqen agreeing to let her go like that was super weird. I'm also getting bored with super random solutions when a dire situation arrives, from this episode only : -Clegane is kinda lost after losing his new community and killing the bandits => find old pals immediately -big army arrives to the city the afternoon => queen + dragon arrive this evening -Arya blow the candle => no name can't step back one meter and open the door when she specifically trained arya to fight blindly for months, and we know no name did not care to chase her in the streets in front of hundreds of people, so why even bother to close that door? Should I mention her only single friend from the town has some basic healing knowledge? Biggest blow this season : Bran caught by zombies => hey random ally created by elves arrive when the axe is just above bran's head And that's basically the solution to every dire situation ever, either the 7 kingdoms are in fact a village or the author is damn lost and has no plan when he writes. That's the biggest flaw of this show, it is so unrefined it becomes exasperating. | ||
Italy3725 Posts
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Denmark6522 Posts
On June 14 2016 15:53 nojok wrote: Yeah, Jaqen agreeing to let her go like that was super weird. We have no idea whether he let her go or not, or anything about what his motivations actually are... But no. It's clearly massive OOC action and the showrunners should be shot for not complying with my preconceived assumptions of a mysterious characters inner workings. And QQ'ing about someone running into someone they know while not even in danger or anything is just... It's not deus ex machina for two characters to happen to walk into each other... The people he was killing were even known associates of the "old pals" he ran into. | ||
Austria3371 Posts
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France15845 Posts
On June 14 2016 17:14 killerdog wrote: We have no idea whether he let her go or not, or anything about what his motivations actually are... But no. It's clearly massive OOC action and the showrunners should be shot for not complying with my preconceived assumptions of a mysterious characters inner workings. And QQ'ing about someone running into someone they know while not even in danger or anything is just... It's not deus ex machina for two characters to happen to walk into each other... The people he was killing were even known associates of the "old pals" he ran into. The guy spent two episodes to prepare to kill her and then "fine let her go" without further explanation. That's badly written, no matter how you look at it. And no the bandits were not known associates, they subsequently became known associates, it's very different. If he somehow met his former mates, who asked for his help, he refuses, then the attack happens so he changes his mind, that would be as classic as it can get but it would make sense. There is something wrong with the orders of events and/or their timings, it makes the plot very unsubtle. Overall I, and some others I'm sure, hold higher standards than you when it comes to story telling. If you want to call it pretentious, cocky or whatever, go for it. It's way closer to action movies or video games than a quality fantasy series, which was the strength of the show at the start, everything made sense. Now the author obviously has troubles to put all the threads together and the quality dropped imo. | ||
Denmark6522 Posts
On June 14 2016 17:58 nojok wrote: The guy spent two episodes to prepare to kill her and then "fine let her go" without further explanation. That's badly written, no matter how you look at it. He told the waif to go kill her, that doesn't mean he wants her to die... If anything he seemed glad the waif died instead. Maybe it was a test for both of them and arya passed while the waif failed. Maybe the many faced good was promised the death of a girl with no name, and instead of arya it got the waif. Maybe faceless men are physically unable to break promises, so he had to keep his promise to the waif to let her kill arya even though he changed his mind... Declaring something bad writing when half your assumptions underlying your claim of "out of character" are just wild guesses or fan theories is just bad complaining. In cases where we've clearly had something explained or have been led to believe someones motivation then sure, you can complain about OOC, but with Jaqen if anything I'd argue most of the information we've seen from him in the last few episodes has indicated he didn't want Arya to die. Just because you ignore/don't pickup on things on screen because they don't fit your own theories doesn't mean they didn't happen, if something's still developing you have to be flexible. And tons of major turning points in real history happen because someone happens to walk into someone else. GoT actually has this happen relatively rarely, the idea that someone should never stumble into someone else is just ridiculous, that's more fantastical than it happening from time to time. Anyway, I bet if they did it the other way round like you suggest, you'd be the first to post something like "he's working on this church in the middle of nowhere and his friends just happen to walk past and say hi, and then later their MUTUAL friends just happen to attack him?? This is shit writing." Sure we have a bunch of examples of people arriving in the nick of time when they were already on their way somewhere specific, but that's not bad writing, that's just standard good suspense writing. Find me any "properly written" fiction where nobody arrived in the nick of time for something. Some of your arguments like Bran being rescued by someone we thought died 5 seasons ago are fair, and that does feel like a cop-out. But you're undermining the validity of your actual good arguments/points and just coming off as a whiny complainer when you start equally bitching about stuff like "Pod catching that rabbit and not starving to death was so artificial and lucky, that rabbit could have been anywhere in westeros but it just ended up in his trap, my immersion is ruined." | ||
Philippines2589 Posts
"He told the waif to go kill her, that doesn't mean he wants her to die. what | ||
Denmark6522 Posts
Ok I know subtext is apparently a super complex thing and some people in this thread clearly struggle with it, but try and follow. Sometimes people sometimes do things they don't want to do, give orders to someone hoping that person will fail, or don't always say what they mean. | ||
5564 Posts
On June 14 2016 09:10 FueledUpAndReadyToGo wrote: What was Cersei's alchemist talking about, anybody know? My guess is the Mad King's wildfire plot. I enjoyed the episode despite a few scenes dragging on too much, surprised about the negativity here. I will be sorely disappointed if this was the last we see of Jaqen though. | ||
United States60190 Posts
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Spain2704 Posts
On June 14 2016 16:49 SoSexy wrote: I hate this forum. People are so damn cocky and pretentious, never liking anything I'm usually not very critic, I liked previous episodes and I considered that this season was better than the previous season. But this episode is just terrible, Arya part makes no sense. There is no justification. | ||
United States9610 Posts
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United States1941 Posts
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Finland189 Posts
On June 14 2016 19:26 Plansix wrote: People seem to think they understand the motivation behind the many faced God and its followers. But those motivations couldn't be more unclear. Yea and the dude said "now the girl is a no one". Maybe there are lots of people in westeros that are "no ones" but do have a name. Like a team tag :D. I think Arya's training was complete in the sense that she doesn't need any help to make up her own mind or something. Maybe she will go and serve whatever purpose the faceless men have without realizing it yet. | ||
Belgium4518 Posts
I thought that there would be an epic fight between Cersei and the faith because of the trailer. It was only one dude getting hammered. There was a faint hope somewhere that Cersei would demand trial by combat and it'd be the mountain vs the hound, now that he's back, but that got smashed to pieces. I was hoping for a battle at Riverrun. Nope. Blackfish dying off screen too. From the trailer I also thought Sandor would crush more skulls and kill the entire brotherhood, not eat with them and kick over a stump. (ok, he did kill 4) Arya v wife had some issues too, as pointed out above, but i care less about those lol, I was just hoping for some ACTION. Next episode will be better ![]() | ||
Poland8852 Posts
I don't really care for action scenes, they are the most boring possible way to waste time on the show. I enjoy the talking the most. Jamie is absolutely stellar and Brienne is wonderfully faithfull to her character - how she started another rant about how something is rightful (this time Sansa takign Winterfell), that was gold. The whole Jamie-Brienne thing, it feels like being friends with both of them and the whole Jamie's plot was really enjoyable. The whole episode was worth watching for Cersie's "I chose violence" line anyway, Lena Headey is an absolute goddess. Yeah, Dinklage is great, but it's really her acting that takes the show to another level for me. I am still not convinced that the Arya storyline is what it seems to be. There are just too many hints that are totally obviously intentional that I am convinced there is a surprise to be had. I also enjoy the fragmentation of the show, there is just so much great stuff happening in each episode, it's unbelievable. I'd really watch this shit 16/7 if they could produce it. | ||
7088 Posts
On June 14 2016 18:14 killerdog wrote: He told the waif to go kill her, that doesn't mean he wants her to die... If anything he seemed glad the waif died instead. Maybe it was a test for both of them and arya passed while the waif failed. Maybe the many faced good was promised the death of a girl with no name, and instead of arya it got the waif. Maybe faceless men are physically unable to break promises, so he had to keep his promise to the waif to let her kill arya even though he changed his mind... Declaring something bad writing when half your assumptions underlying your claim of "out of character" are just wild guesses or fan theories is just bad complaining. In cases where we've clearly had something explained or have been led to believe someones motivation then sure, you can complain about OOC, but with Jaqen if anything I'd argue most of the information we've seen from him in the last few episodes has indicated he didn't want Arya to die. Just because you ignore/don't pickup on things on screen because they don't fit your own theories doesn't mean they didn't happen, if something's still developing you have to be flexible. And tons of major turning points in real history happen because someone happens to walk into someone else. GoT actually has this happen relatively rarely, the idea that someone should never stumble into someone else is just ridiculous, that's more fantastical than it happening from time to time. Anyway, I bet if they did it the other way round like you suggest, you'd be the first to post something like Sure we have a bunch of examples of people arriving in the nick of time when they were already on their way somewhere specific, but that's not bad writing, that's just standard good suspense writing. Find me any "properly written" fiction where nobody arrived in the nick of time for something. Some of your arguments like Bran being rescued by someone we thought died 5 seasons ago are fair, and that does feel like a cop-out. But you're undermining the validity of your actual good arguments/points and just coming off as a whiny complainer when you start equally bitching about stuff like "Pod catching that rabbit and not starving to death was so artificial and lucky, that rabbit could have been anywhere in westeros but it just ended up in his trap, my immersion is ruined." the point of a tv series is generally to tell a story, not to not-tell it i mean arguably at the end of the episode we could have seen the waifu standing there behind jaquen , alive and well, saying something like "are you sure this is what they wanted?" and jaken replies ". i am sure.... she is The One" . it would literally make as much sense as everything else we've been shown throughout this ordeal . actually it would arguably make everything make more sense rof? | ||
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