On May 16 2016 15:41 shin_toss wrote: Okay! Great episode for me! This episode cleared up Stannis death ok, confirmed dead (unless Brienne is lying, which is unlikely, and Stannis got no roles more roles anyway). LF is always ready for anything damn, also Sansa gets more attractive when she shows emotions <3.
Just some questions and thoughts When Jaime said Tyrell has the 2nd largest army in Westeros, then which is the largest?. Regarding the north story, my guess is the Iron Islands will try to get revenge to the Boltons and having the same enemy I think they will join forces with Jon. , + Knights of the Vale will attack too at the same time. and one more thing, they messed up with the continuity from E3. Jon Snow dropped the mic and left of E3 ending, and now he goes back into the castle bec its cold.
The question of number one army has really bothered me. There are three possibilities. One is the boltons. The other two are the vale and Dorne as they havent entered the war of the five kings.
S-so all that talk about no nudity clause was just memes and lies? Or was it about some other actress?
On May 16 2016 16:33 Spaylz wrote: I'd think the Lannisters still have the largest army, no? They emerged victorious from the War of the Five Kings after all.
We have no reliable information about the current size of Arryn, Tyrell and bastardMartell armies. Maybe Lannister army is bigger than those but you can't tell if it's because they're bigger period or because they have Baratheon and royal troops
I really liked this episode. Ovearll I'm really enjoying this season (more than the previous one). Of course it's a fantasy show so some aspects or details are not (and don't need to be) completely logical and explained without doubts, but it's more than ok
I don't get some of the complaints. For instance about Rickon's wolf death: killing one of the wolves doesn't "need" to mean something, I really don't see why Ramsay and the Boltons would keep the wolf alive once they capture Rickon, there's no use for it and probably it has been killed while trying to protect Rickon no? I mean, not everything needs to have a well define purpose and be included in a greater design, sometimes things happen
I find the storyline of Tyrion quite nice, I wonder how will Daenaris react once she's back. Overall the only point I don't like so much is the brevity of each segment of the story, which makes a bit more difficult to follow the flow of the episode, but it's not that bad.
I found the ending to be a bit unrealistic. If I was in their shoes, I'd kill her before trying to escape— or at least after seeing the doors are shut and that there is no escape. It wouldn't even matter if she was somehow already surrounded by fire, since they're dead anyway. It was a suicidal move on her part and she only survived because of an arbitrary guiding plot rather than any sort of plausible realism in my opinion.
On May 16 2016 13:13 Djzapz wrote: Dany does her sick powerplay with fire and dies of a massive wood beam to the head.
Or that, yeah.
That said, it was still cool.
Anyway, what was with the fire? braziers use coal, so there'd be nothing for the fire to spread like that. Does she have magical powers that can guide or control fire, rather than just be unharmed by it?
Anyway, what was with the fire? braziers use coal, so there'd be nothing for the fire to spread like that. Does she have magical powers that can guide or control fire, rather than just be unharmed by it?
I assumed that she had Jorah, Daario, and the other Khaleesi friend she had go in ahead of time and put down some flammable oil or something.
Come on, she is the Mother of Dragons she controlled the flames (that's how I saw the scene, I don't think there were flammable oils or other preparations) !
On May 16 2016 16:33 Spaylz wrote: I'd think the Lannisters still have the largest army, no? They emerged victorious from the War of the Five Kings after all.
We have no reliable information about the current size of Arryn, Tyrell and bastardMartell armies. Maybe Lannister army is bigger than those but you can't tell if it's because they're bigger period or because they have Baratheon and royal troops
Pretty sure that was Natalie.
Although from that article, it seems like they had to go through massive pains to have her nude.
Does it make sense to try to make sense of what Littlefinger is planning? I'm trying, and I cant come up with anything too convincing. One thing that seems very likely is a dead Robin&his training guy sooner than later. Surely he cant have them reunite with Sansa? Also, there's no way he could have foreseen what is happening with the Boltons, in particular Sansa escaping (though I'm not sure it matters to him). But why did he deliver Sansa to the Boltons in the first place? Did he see no chance of convincing his newfound army of Robin to attack the Boltons otherwise? I mean Robin is his puppet anyway.
I guess Littlefinger truly lives by the "chaos is a ladder" motto, and possibly doesnt base his chances of advancing in power so much on longterm "strategic" plans, but on his ability to "tactically" outplay everyone else.
On May 16 2016 18:55 Mafe wrote: Does it make sense to try to make sense of what Littlefinger is planning? I'm trying, and I cant come up with anything too convincing. One thing that seems very likely is a dead Robin&his training guy sooner than later. Surely he cant have them reunite with Sansa? Also, there's no way he could have foreseen what is happening with the Boltons, in particular Sansa escaping (though I'm not sure it matters to him). But why did he deliver Sansa to the Boltons in the first place? Did he see no chance of convincing his newfound army of Robin to attack the Boltons otherwise? I mean Robin is his puppet anyway.
I guess Littlefinger truly lives by the "chaos is a ladder" motto, and possibly doesnt base his chances of advancing in power so much on longterm "strategic" plans, but on his ability to "tactically" outplay everyone else.
Well with Sansa there, his attack on the boltons is legitimized by the lannisters.
So daenerys now officially has one more title :D There was nothing to spread the fire like that so it was a bit wtf but I'll let it slide since it felt epic nonetheless. The ep was good overall just a bit disappointing how the North story is so predictable this season (jons rez, jon abandoning the black, jon marching on winterfell to try and save rickon with the wildlings).
I think it's pretty safe to say the season will end with a battle at winterfell (ep 9 or 10) with ramsey and rickon dying. Or maybe there's a chance ramsey stays alive only to die early s7. The show truly paints him as "THE" villain but if this is really game of thrones there's no way he can survive considering how many enemies he is making.
I have no idea what littlefinger's plan is though. What does he gain from marching on winterfell ? Does he want to take sansa back ?
On May 16 2016 21:37 RouaF wrote: I have no idea what littlefinger's plan is though. What does he gain from marching on winterfell ? Does he want to take sansa back ?