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Well, even if you consider the construction of the new weapon as plausible, they totally destroyed any political context and only recycling the IV in such an obvious way. I did not feel implicated in the slightest, and using the black dude only for comic relief, it's disgusting. From half of the movie, every scenes feel so stupid just because you can predict everything (like the destruction of the death star 3.0, han solo's death, the tavern which is totally replicated) and more supidly mary sue than Rey... u die, at least Luke had some problems in his formation. Anyway, if someone felt the same tension of the IV, good for you but clearly you must have been used to the marvel bullshits. This movie with Zazie dans le Métro, Bright Star and the Wayward Cloud one of the worst moment I ever passed in a cinema, I felt so freaking insulted, this movie has no ambition apart from making money from the idiots like me who paid for this. I didn't even watch Rogue One and I will surely not pay anything to watch the plagiat of ESB. At least, it helps to consider the OT has a good family movie but nothing more, only the III tried sth else.
Mexico2170 Posts
I must say i too was dissapointed with force awakens. The whole deathstar 3 thing and wiping any context is so stupid it stops me from considering it a good movie. "Hey look we have a deathstar! but now it can destroy 9 planets at the same time! but with no tension or background. In fact we just destroyed the new republic without them even noticing them so only siths remain, again!
Even if it was entertaning...I can't consider it a good movie. Rogue One was cool though.
Some things that I've seen of last jedi worry me...some shots from the trailer and the storyline they give also seem very...formulaic. We'll see.
On December 04 2017 04:07 stilt wrote: Well, even if you consider the construction of the new weapon as plausible, they totally destroyed any political context and only recycling the IV in such an obvious way. I did not feel implicated in the slightest, and using the black dude only for comic relief, it's disgusting. From half of the movie, every scenes feel so stupid just because you can predict everything (like the destruction of the death star 3.0, han solo's death, the tavern which is totally replicated) and more supidly mary sue than Rey... u die, at least Luke had some problems in his formation. Anyway, if someone felt the same tension of the IV, good for you but clearly you must have been used to the marvel bullshits. This movie with Zazie dans le Métro, Bright Star and the Wayward Cloud one of the worst moment I ever passed in a cinema, I felt so freaking insulted, this movie has no ambition apart from making money from the idiots like me who paid for this. I didn't even watch Rogue One and I will surely not pay anything to watch the plagiat of ESB. At least, it helps to consider the OT has a good family movie but nothing more, only the III tried sth else.
To be fair to Disney Rogue One was a very good film and not nearly as many plot holes.
Who is watching The Last Jedi the day it comes out?
United Kingdom13775 Posts
I probably will. Why not?
If the flow for E8 is like E7, then we will have Mary Sue training with minimum strugless just to be the greatest Jedi of all time in just days, Milhouse, sorry the guy with the black mask (I dont even remeber his name and I used to be a Starwars fan before ) will continue being a brat, and Snore will throw bigger lightnings than the Emperor. Ohh I forgot, the comic reliever will breath everytime harder and harder.
Constructive posts i see young eonzerg
I didn't like episode 7 so I will wait till it shows up on amazon or sky before watching it and if that disappoints then I won't bother with episode 9 at all.
Well, the reviews of The Last Jedi are certainly heartening. Some are even putting it on the level of The Empire Strikes Back, which is high praise, indeed.
What I have found watching the new movies is that my opinion of them has improved over time and with subsequent viewings. I think the big difference between my initial opinions and my current opinions is that I now care more about the characters. In other words, it takes a little time to build enough nostalgia for the new films for them to be competitive with the original trilogy. Of course, the prequels will never get to that level because they suffer from some crippling flaws, but the new films are worthy successors to the original trilogy.
The prequels actually just get worse and worse with every viewing. EP 7 will allways be at least a "fun scifi adventure movie". Some Star Wars diehards might hate on it but alltogether its a decent flick.
United Kingdom13775 Posts
I thought Ep 7 was really good. Not perfect, but I did enjoy it a lot. It suffered from being the product of a decade's worth of built-up expectations, so there was no way I could be satisfied on the first viewing, but it is a worthy addition to the series. I enjoyed it much more the second time than the first.
Rogue One looked like an utter mess, I thought every trailer sucked, and they had some shitty post-production issues. I went in expecting not much, and got a movie that was actually quite alright. Not as good as E7 and the characters were all forgettable, but Jyn wasn't quite the Mary Sue the previews made her out to be so it was still an improvement.
Ep 8 looks like it'll be good. I won't be anywhere near as hyped as for the first one and I'm not going to preorder tickets for the early viewing or anything, but I am looking forward to it and I'll make time on the first day. It does seem to have all the makings of a quality production, that's for sure.
The prequels... well I watch them mostly if I'm doing a consecutive viewing of all the Star Wars movies and usually I watch them and think, these ain't so bad... but then I watch the originals and they completely and utterly blow the prequels out of the water. The prequels are akin to the 4kids version of Star Wars with all of the good things about them whitewashed and a more mediocre story shoehorned in on a narrative that would otherwise be interesting. There are a few genuine gems in there, buried under mountains of crap.
The Verge’s review is very good. The tone of the movie seems to be what people want and focuses on letting go of the past. With an entire series driven by nostalgia, that sounds like the right tone.
Watch out, The Variety's review of the film has a major spoiler, or so I've heard. The Spiegel's review may also have one as well.
I heard that the movie will be good but still very divisive, so I'm hyped to see what all that will be about.
The collective nerd whining and gate keeping will be just as annoying as last time. Though there will be less shock that the cool dude all in black is just a Vader fan boy, dandy with baby rage issues.
There would be less nerd whining if they managed not to make it such a blatant rip off. It's inexcusable shameless money grabbing.
On December 13 2017 08:18 Uldridge wrote: There would be less nerd whining if they managed not to make it such a blatant rip off. It's inexcusable shameless money grabbing. From what I've read from the reviews and from murmurings about leakers, the controversy about TLJ won't be about being derivative but rather about the choices they've made for certain characters and maybe plot points too. I trust the director to have made a fresher, well-executed movie, but I heard the twists may not vibe well with everyone.
On December 13 2017 08:18 Uldridge wrote: There would be less nerd whining if they managed not to make it such a blatant rip off. It's inexcusable shameless money grabbing. So pretty much Star Wars?
I don't think its possible to rip off something if its literaly the thing its supposedly ripping off. Its like DS9 ripping off TNG.
Its a crazy American guys interpretation of samurai movies done in space. If he was Japanese there would be mecha everywhere.
That being said it was and still is the bleeding edge of special effects marvel has seen an uptick in visual quality ever sense Disney bought star wars.