On September 08 2014 07:02 SKC wrote: He didnt call him on Skype. He sent a single emoticon as a message.
Ah I misinterpreted the "comes on to skype during the stream" as a call. I am still going to say pretty dumb however. Don't start fights with people while they are streaming. There is a reason people discuss stuff in private. If you owe the guy money(or even if your not sure or that might not have been the agreement) don't pour fuel on the fire by sending him gumpy messages.
On September 08 2014 07:06 Yoshi- wrote: But v1lat said that he has apologized before this whole event?
Unless that came in the form of a check, I'm not sure saying "im sorry" lets him get mad at Waga for talking about it.
On September 08 2014 07:02 SKC wrote: He didnt call him on Skype. He sent a single emoticon as a message.
Ah I missed the comes on to skype during the stream as a call. I am still going to say pretty dumb however. Don't start fights with people while they are streaming. There is a reason people discuss stuff in private. If you owe the guy money(or even if your not sure or that might not have been the agreement) don't pour fuel on the fire by sending him gumpy messages.
Who knows if he even knew Waga was streaming. He was mad with Waga and sent him a message, Skype, Twitter, Steam, whathever doesnt matter. Waga, probally very tired and in an emotional state, then misrepresented the message and replied with the same emoticon. V1lat probally misunderstood it even further and they started privately arguing on Skype, as far as we know, since that wasnt shown, and it splashed out into Twitch, Reddit, everywhere.
Messaging someone privately isnt a big deal, and I would guess it happens all the time with people that stream as much as Waga does. The issue is that he thought V1lat was congratulating him on the subs when he was complaining about the post. Which made Waga even madder.
The check doesnt matter. Waga himself said he only wanted V1lat to admit the mistake, and that was at the height of his anger. It was 3 years ago, for a really small amount. He doesnt care about it.
On September 08 2014 08:59 Targe wrote: well ye it helped him cos reddit is retarded theyve all started fanboying him since his techies thing
maybe waga is a genius and new reddit would react like they did
Sounds like a cop-out argument. I would more say that Waga knows how to present himself as personable with also genuineness and authenticity.
Every time a new hero comes out, people want to see how good players him; that's beyond normal and you already know that.
Waga justifying someone else's injustice with his own story that frames him pretty damn well against an organization with hits and misses in terms of PR is also an easy three-pointer.
Crying on stream for his gratitude and sincere appreciation, showing an even more personal side (besides his story) and putting himself in a vulnerable but touching situation as people rally for him financially and emotionally is the equivalent of Midway Hangtime double flip dunks
It was dumb to throw a tantrum on stream because it is not something he wants to do. He quickly apologized and Im sure he that if he could go back in time he would handle it diferently. If you asked him he would probally say it was dumb to react that way.
On September 08 2014 06:06 kollin wrote: It's more the pitchforking of v1lat based on word of mouth of random posters as far as I can tell, as well as the assumption that he's shady because fucking tobi of all people said it.
Wagamama and friends being out 500$ for 3 years and calling it out isn't exactly a random poster. EG/C9 skipping tournaments because payments are delayed isn't exactly random either
EG/C9 skipping a mini-tournament (more like a series of show matches) had nothing to do with Starladder or v1lat. You are mixing things up. Additionally, both teams do participate in the ongoing season of Starladder.
As for that issue with Wagamama, this was already discussed in a neighbouring thread.