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+ Show Spoiler [archive] +Counter-Strike: Global OffensiveA TL ThreadTLGOWelcome to the TL CS:GO thread. It's currently under renovation, so just chill out. We're proud to finally have a CSGO team here! New stuff is exciting. Maybe we'll get our own forum soon? Steam GroupsThere are actually a bunch of Steam Groups. The primary one we are concerned with is the TL CSGO group. There's also a general TL group, and a much less active TL FPS group Unofficial TL ServersLocation: Germany IP: aerga.weissebahn.de:27015 Password: (none) Rules: Casual with bots Release Notes for 1/15/2015[GAMEPLAY]- Fixed P2000 ammo capacity.
[MISC]- Fixed a corrupt packets issue that occurred when a client attempted to play on community servers after official servers.
- rcon stats now include server frame simulation time ms, stddev of simulation time ms, and tick precision ms.
- Fixed an exploit used by malicious servers to bypass SERVER_CAN_EXECUTE restriction on connected clients.
- Fixed achievement icons not displaying.
[MAPS]- Cache
- Exploit fix in Bombsite B
- Facade
- Cobblestone
- Fixed sticky spot under roof overhang at B
- Fixed overview map not matching the geometry at Gallery
- Raised ceiling and added trim in Gallery
- Fixed sticky clip brush at A
- Added clip brush to tapestry in CT sniper room so you can't walk through it
- Fixed floating electrical box in sewer stairwell
- Fixed missing texture above T ramp
- Removed handrail/clips and adjusted lighting in CT sniper hallway
- Fixed wooden platform clipping into stone in T spawn
- Made window bars in B tunnels & Gallery non-solid
Release Notes for 1/8/2015[COMMUNITY MARKET]- Keys purchased from the Steam Community Market are given a seven-day trade and market restriction.
[GAMEPLAY]- Reduced P250 ammo from 5 magazines to 3.
- Reverted CZ nerf to ammo and fire rate.
[MISC]- Added the Chroma Case, that features new finishes for knives.
- Added UI for showing multiple offers.
[MAPS]- Mirage
- Fixed a bug where players could clip through a wall near CT spawn
- Removed center scaffolding near hole to CT sniper position
- Train
- Extended buyzone for T spawn
- Further optimizations
- Dust2
- Fixed bullet penetration through arch models in tunnels
- Fixed collision for door top of mid
- Added Goose to Goose
- Facade
- Updated radar
- Fixed fade distance on props
- Updated player clips in areas where bomb could be lost
Release Notes for 12/18/2014 [MISC]- Added a holiday-themed Midnight Riders Music Kit, available as an offer for a limited time.
- Updated the artwork on the M4A4 | Griffin.
- Fixed server browser displaying very few results to users. (Thanks, Gamemann)
- Fixed some cases where players would not smoothly slide along certain kinds of geometry while moving.
[MAPS]- Train
- Widened lower ladder room.
- Blocked visibility from Bombsite B lower ramp to T ramp.
- Pushed back T spawn slightly.
- Updated collision model on train bumper models.
- Fixed some spots where C4 could get stuck.
- Fixed sun orientation.
Hmmm..Don't know what to think.. I highly doubt another Counterstrike sequel will live up to 1.6 or CSS, but is definitely a sequel that you have to buy just because of the name... Hopefully they will stay true to their roots and not attract COD Players like most games nowadays seem to be doing.
By the way, Copy and pasted from: http://www.sett.fi/?q=uutinen/valve-tekemässä-uutta-counter-strikea
SETT.fi the information received with the Valve will announce the next day in a new Counter-Strike. The new game will carry the name of the Global Counter-Strike Operation, abbreviated CSGO. A new game for a number of Counter-Strike: Source players flown to Valve's headquarters in Seattle to give feedback on CSGO coming from. The game will be developed directly kilpailulliseksi game.
Powered by the new game CSGO in the work of Counter-Strike: Source thinking Orangebox familiar, but all the game's textures, and the players' skins "is a re-done. Also in Counter-Strike to the familiar maps have been an entirely new layout.
The game also has weapons completely changed. Generally, only the early rounds, used machine guns have become useful kapistuksiksi, and "riflet" become good all-around weapons. New grenades, the game can hold two copies, while in the winter of war familiar to molotov cocktails as well as decoy-grenade will see the light of day.
(Bad Translation)
Original Text: + Show Spoiler + SETT.fi:n saamien tietojen mukana Valve tulee ilmoittamaan seuraavan vuorokauden sisään uudesta Counter-Strikesta. Uusi peli tulee kantamaan nimeä Counter-Strike Global Operation, lyhennettynä CSGO. Uutta peliä varten lukuisia Counter-Strike: Source -pelaajia lennätettiin Valven pääkonttoriin Seattleen antamaan palautetta tulevasta CSGO:sta. Peli tullaan kehittämään suoraan kilpailulliseksi peliksi.
Pelimoottorina uudessa CSGO:ssa tulee toimimaan Counter-Strike: Sourcesta tuttu Orangebox, mutta kaikki pelin tekstuurit sekä pelaajien "skinit" on uudelleen tehty. Myös Counter-Strike:sta tutut kartat ovat saaneet kokonaan uuden layoutin.
Pelin aseet on myös kokonaan muutettu. Yleensä vain alkukierroksilla käytetyt konepistoolit ovat muuttuneet hyödyllisiksi kapistuksiksi, ja "riflet" muuttuneet hyviksi all around -aseiksi. Uusina kranaatteja mahtuu peliin kaksin kappalein, kun jo talvisodasta tuttu molotovin cocktail sekä decoy-kranaatti tulevat näkemään päivänvalon.
sounds great
not a big fps guy personally but i've played lots of cs. i agree with the guy saying that cs shouldn't become a cod clone to attract 14 year olds
I hope it stays close to the formula of CS1.6, just updating the graphics, physics and maps. I'm having trouble thinking of any major changes they can include, but I've only thought about it for a minute. Every game valve makes is an FPS, I'm sure they know what they're doing.
CS 1.6 is still the best FPS imo and the one i played the most. I am curious about this but pretty sure it's gonna be a deception
United States22883 Posts
It is a mix really, it has wallspamming which is more like 1.6, but it is on the source engine, so the feel of it is more(but not exactly) like source. The flashes are also more like 1.6, where turning your back to them will make you a lot less flashed than looking straight at them, but they also have the sound from source. The smokes are like they are in the current source. There is also more tagging than in source, but the tagging also depends on the damage youre being dealt, so you wont be pinned to the ground by being hit by a glock for example
I hope they've redone the recoil so it's not completely lolzy like CSS.
It's a shame CS is pretty much dead nowadays. Hopefully it can come back!
Could be a new shot at bringing something with the best of 1.6 and source into the fray.
Or it could just fail massively
On August 12 2011 13:48 Assault_1 wrote: I hope it stays close to the formula of CS1.6, just updating the graphics, physics and maps. I'm having trouble thinking of any major changes they can include, but I've only thought about it for a minute. Every game valve makes is an FPS, I'm sure they know what they're doing. they improved css physics and bugs a little bit from a while ago but i dont think theyll keep it that close to cs 1.6 after looking over some of the things they could have in store but who knows theres a lot more to 1.6 than just weapons. they shouldve invited some 1.6 players too
I can honestly say I did not expect Valve to make an updated CSS, I thought the next Counter Strike would be a full on sequel and revival of 1.6 game play. D:
On August 12 2011 13:56 Mtndrew wrote: It's a shame CS is pretty much dead nowadays. Hopefully it can come back!
Have a look at the stats on the Steam website. CS and CSS are among the most played games, still, after all these years.
I'm very interested to see what they'll do with it. Seems unlikely somehow that they'll create a single player campaign, although I would love to see Valve do that.
HMM why not work on HL3, or episode 3, what the hell is going on, people who are playing CS 1.6, or CSS, probly dont really care anyways, so why waste time on this. Also, if its still on the source engine, then omg, i will cry, the engine is 7 years old, i dont get it.
Hopefully they don't screw this up, i really miss playing CS and scriming. If they got pug match making systems, omgggg.....
Wow awesome, I hope Valve does as well as they always do and this becomes big.
I did notice they updated the CS:S beta with a bunch of gun changes the other day.
On August 12 2011 14:13 rebuffering wrote: HMM why not work on HL3, or episode 3, what the hell is going on, people who are playing CS 1.6, or CSS, probly dont really care anyways, so why waste time on this. Also, if its still on the source engine, then omg, i will cry, the engine is 7 years old, i dont get it. who cares about the engine, a lot of people just want a good game
Better live up to its name.
On August 12 2011 14:17 rabidch wrote:Show nested quote +On August 12 2011 14:13 rebuffering wrote: HMM why not work on HL3, or episode 3, what the hell is going on, people who are playing CS 1.6, or CSS, probly dont really care anyways, so why waste time on this. Also, if its still on the source engine, then omg, i will cry, the engine is 7 years old, i dont get it. who cares about the engine, a lot of people just want a good game
I want a good game too, its called half life, its been years, i want my finale, i want my episode 3, or HL 3. And you cant tell me your not tired of the source engine, graphics aren't everything, obviously, but why not have a new engine to work with, then they could make a new CS with it, and finish of the Half life series with dignity. O well, maybe im just picky? does no one really care about how dated the source engine is? i remember playing it in high school as a kid, which was a P4 with a shitty gfx card. Portals 2 looked preety good, and its impressive that they made the game look the way they did, but im expecting more now. Sorry!
Damn a CSS Clone? . I am disappoint. They did say however they would completely rework some of the guns/nades...so theres some promise...Though I'm a 1.6 player I know it is basically impossible to make the game completely like 1.6....I guess the best they can do is to make it challenging, have the spray any wall effect of 1.6, recoil of 1.6 and put the game in a new direction like SC2 did for BW.
Rework CS onto new engine like they did with source - otherwise if they make it into anything else/more/cod kiddy appeal ive lost faith in gaming. Please don't let this end up as another ruined saga due to the popularity of gaming, because the CS series is one of the few real gems left today..