var names={}; if(window.hasOwnProperty('tempnames')) names=tempnames;
var namesa=[]; var counter=0; var oclinks=[]; var piclinks=[]; var links={};
if(links.length==0) RunStats();
var tbody=$($('body').html()); RunStats(6);
function CheckLinks() { var links = $('body > #navwrapper:nth-child(1) #main-content > table:nth-child(2) tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(2) a:not([title^="Next Page"]:not([rel="nofollow"]'); if(links.length==0) { OutputStats(); return; } var l=$(links[0]; var url=l.attr('href'); $.ajax({url:url,success:function(data) { console.log('\ngot '+url+' with '+data.length+' characters\n'); l.remove(); tbody=$(data); RunStats(0); CheckLinks(); }}); } CheckLinks(); counter=0;
function MakeContentType() { return {posts:0,chars:0,pics:0,excls:0,videos:0}; }
function MakeUser(name) { return {name:name,score:0,recentscore:0,country:'',types:{ normal:MakeContentType(),oc:MakeContentType(),recentnormal:MakeContentType(),recentoc:MakeContentType() }}; }
function ProcessPost(user, country, date, hours_ago, post, postlink) { var posttext=post.text(); posttext.replace(/\s+/g,' '); if(posttext.match(/^\s*\#PASSIONBOARD4EVER/)) return; if(postlink=='') return;
var contenttype='normal'; var isoc=false; if(posttext.match(/\#IMadeThis/i) && postlink!='') { isoc=true; contenttype='oc'; var summary=posttext.substr(0,195); if(summary.length>=193) summary=summary.substr(0,190)+'...'; oclinks.push({user:user,link:postlink,summary:summary,date:date}); } if(hours_ago<12) contenttype='recent'+contenttype;
var chars=posttext.length; var pics=post.find('img[src^="http"]'); var numpics=0; pics.each(function(){ var src=$(this).attr('src'); if( links.hasOwnProperty(src) ) { links[src]++; return; } links[src]=1; numpics++; if(isoc==false) { piclinks.push({user:user,link:postlink,src:src,date:date}); } }); var videos=post.find('').length; videos+=post.find('a[href^=""]').length; videos+=post.find('a[href^=""]').length; var excls=0; try{excls=Math.min(10,posttext.match(/\!/g).length);}catch(e){}
if(!names[user] names[user]=MakeUser(user); var n=names[user];; var cont=n.types[contenttype]; cont.posts++; cont.chars+=chars;; cont.excls+=excls; cont.videos+=videos; }
function RunStats(start) { console.log('\nrunning stats...\n'); tbody.find('.quote,.submessage:not(a[title="Link to this post"],.forumsig,div[style="float:right; font-size:8pt; margin-top:15px"]').remove(); tbody.find('br').replaceWith(' '); counter=0; tbody.find('span.forummsginfo').each(function(){ counter++; if(window.hasOwnProperty('tempnames')==false && counter<=start) return; var msginfotext=$(this).text(); var country=''; try{country=msginfotext.match(/^\s+\S+\s+([a-zA-Z][^\.]+).*$/)[1];}catch(e){} var datetext=msginfotext.match(/\.\s*(([a-zA-Z]+) [^\.]*)/)[1]; var date; if(datetext.match(/Posts/) ) { country=''; datetext=msginfotext.match(/\S+\s*(([a-zA-Z]+) [^\.]*)/)[1]; date=new Date(datetext); } else date=new Date(datetext); var hours_ago=((new Date())-date)/1000/3600; var user=msginfotext.match(/^\s*(\S*).*$/)[1]; var post=$(this).parent().parent().parent().find('tr > .forumPost:not(lightback)'); var postlink=''+$(this).parent().parent().find('a.submessage[title="Link to this post"]').attr('href'); ProcessPost(user, country, date, hours_ago, post, postlink); }); }
function numberWithCommas(x) { return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","); }
function OutputUserStats(u,place,details) { var out=''; if(place>0) out+='[b]#'+place+' '; else out+='[b]';
var; var ut=u.types; var score=Math.floor(u.score); var recentscore=Math.floor(u.recentscore); var posts=0; var ocposts=0; var videos=0; var ocvideos=0; var pics=0; var chars=0; var excls=0; var recentpics=0; var recentchars=0; var recentexcls=0; for(var t in ut) { if(!ut.hasOwnProperty(t)) continue; if(t=='normal' || t=='recentnormal') { posts+=ut[t].posts; videos+=ut[t].videos; } else { ocposts+=ut[t].posts; ocvideos+=ut[t].videos; } if(t=='recentnormal' || t=='recentoc') { recentpics+=ut[t].pics; recentchars+=ut[t].chars; recentexcls+=ut[t].excls; } pics+=ut[t].pics; chars+=ut[t].chars; excls+=ut[t].excls; }
var recentposts=ut.recentnormal.posts; var recentocposts=ut.recentoc.posts; var recentocvideos=ut.recentoc.videos;
var cppchange=(chars/(posts+ocposts)) - ((chars-recentchars)/((posts+ocposts)-(recentposts+recentocposts))); if(posts-recentposts==0) cppchange=(chars/posts); cppchange=Math.floor(cppchange); if(cppchange>0) cppchange='+'+cppchange; if(cppchange!=cppchange)cppchange='0';
function OutputStats() { var out=''; namesa=[]; var everyone=MakeUser('EVERYONE'); var na=MakeUser('NA'); var restoftheworld=MakeUser('Unimportant Parts of the World'); var unknown=MakeUser('Unknown Region'); for(var i in names) { if(!names.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; var u=names[i]; var region=restoftheworld; if('United States' ||'Canada' ||'Greenland' ||'Mexico') { region=na; } else if('') { region=unknown; }
for(var t in u.types) { var c=u.types[t]; var score=0; var ec=everyone.types[t]; var rc=region.types[t]; ec.videos+=c.videos;; ec.posts+=c.posts; ec.chars+=c.chars; ec.excls+=c.excls;
//console.log(namesa); var spoilerlist=''; out=''; out += '\n[center][big][b]#PASSIONBOARD4EVER[/b][/big]n\n'; for(var i in namesa) { if(i==21) break; var place=i; var u=namesa[i]; out += OutputUserStats(u,place,0); } out += '[spoiler=More Details]n'; out += OutputUserStats(na,0,1); out += OutputUserStats(restoftheworld,0,1); out += '\n'; for(var i in namesa) { var place=i; var u=namesa[i]; out += OutputUserStats(u,place,1); } out += '[/spoiler]n\n'; out += '[/center]'; out += 'score = (ocvideos*3000) + (pics*200) + (ocposts*100) + (posts*20) + (videos*10) + (oc-characters/2) + (characters/10) + (exclamation points/10); (max of 10 exclamation points per post, the first 6 posts don\'t count and my #PASSIONBOARD4EVER posts don\'t count, the + and - stats is for the past 12 hours)\nso post more pics and make some videos, and make sure to use #IMadeThis when appropriate! But be careful to not use #IMadeThis in normal posts, you should say hashtag IMadeThis instead, or put it inside of a quote tag.'; out += '\n\n[center][big][b]Latest #IMadeThis Posts[/b][/big]n'; for(var i in oclinks) { if(i==5) out += '[spoiler=More #IMadeThis Posts]'; out += '[url='+oclinks[i].link+'][b][dblue]'+oclinks[i].user+'[/dblue][/b] '+ oclinks[i].date.toDateString() +'[/url] - '+oclinks[i].summary+'\n\n'; } out += '[/spoiler]n\nIf you made something (fanfic/article/song/lyrics/video, not a photoshop) then your post should be here, edit it to add in #IMadeThis. If you think your post shouldn\'t be here then edit it out or change it.';
out += '\n\n[spoiler=Most Recent 50 Pictures]'; for(var i in piclinks) { if(i>=50) break; var p=piclinks[i]; out += '[img]'+p.src+'[/img]n[url='']Posted by '+p.user+' on [date]''[/date][/url]n\n'; } out += 'This list does not include pictures from posts with #IMadeThis.[/spoiler]'; out += '[/center]'; console.log(out); }
almost forgot, gotta quote it lol
Hey, for someone who has no idea how to code, that's still pretty impressive and looks kind of time consuming
var names={}; if(window.hasOwnProperty('tempnames')) names=tempnames;
var namesa=[]; var counter=0; var oclinks=[]; var piclinks=[]; var links={};
if(links.length==0) RunStats();
var tbody=$($('body').html()); RunStats(6);
function CheckLinks() { var links = $('body > #navwrapper:nth-child(1) #main-content > table:nth-child(2) tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(2) a:not([title^="Next Page"]:not([rel="nofollow"]'); if(links.length==0) { OutputStats(); return; } var l=$(links[0]; var url=l.attr('href'); $.ajax({url:url,success:function(data) { console.log('\ngot '+url+' with '+data.length+' characters\n'); l.remove(); tbody=$(data); RunStats(0); CheckLinks(); }}); } CheckLinks(); counter=0;
function MakeContentType() { return {posts:0,chars:0,pics:0,excls:0,videos:0}; }
function MakeUser(name) { return {name:name,score:0,recentscore:0,country:'',types:{ normal:MakeContentType(),oc:MakeContentType(),recentnormal:MakeContentType(),recentoc:MakeContentType() }}; }
function ProcessPost(user, country, date, hours_ago, post, postlink) { var posttext=post.text(); posttext.replace(/\s+/g,' '); if(posttext.match(/^\s*\#PASSIONBOARD4EVER/)) return; if(postlink=='') return;
var contenttype='normal'; var isoc=false; if(posttext.match(/\#IMadeThis/i) && postlink!='') { isoc=true; contenttype='oc'; var summary=posttext.substr(0,195); if(summary.length>=193) summary=summary.substr(0,190)+'...'; oclinks.push({user:user,link:postlink,summary:summary,date:date}); } if(hours_ago<12) contenttype='recent'+contenttype;
var chars=posttext.length; var pics=post.find('img[src^="http"]'); var numpics=0; pics.each(function(){ var src=$(this).attr('src'); if( links.hasOwnProperty(src) ) { links[src]++; return; } links[src]=1; numpics++; if(isoc==false) { piclinks.push({user:user,link:postlink,src:src,date:date}); } }); var videos=post.find('').length; videos+=post.find('a[href^=""]').length; videos+=post.find('a[href^=""]').length; var excls=0; try{excls=Math.min(10,posttext.match(/\!/g).length);}catch(e){}
if(!names[user] names[user]=MakeUser(user); var n=names[user];; var cont=n.types[contenttype]; cont.posts++; cont.chars+=chars;; cont.excls+=excls; cont.videos+=videos; }
function RunStats(start) { console.log('\nrunning stats...\n'); tbody.find('.quote,.submessage:not(a[title="Link to this post"],.forumsig,div[style="float:right; font-size:8pt; margin-top:15px"]').remove(); tbody.find('br').replaceWith(' '); counter=0; tbody.find('span.forummsginfo').each(function(){ counter++; if(window.hasOwnProperty('tempnames')==false && counter<=start) return; var msginfotext=$(this).text(); var country=''; try{country=msginfotext.match(/^\s+\S+\s+([a-zA-Z][^\.]+).*$/)[1];}catch(e){} var datetext=msginfotext.match(/\.\s*(([a-zA-Z]+) [^\.]*)/)[1]; var date; if(datetext.match(/Posts/) ) { country=''; datetext=msginfotext.match(/\S+\s*(([a-zA-Z]+) [^\.]*)/)[1]; date=new Date(datetext); } else date=new Date(datetext); var hours_ago=((new Date())-date)/1000/3600; var user=msginfotext.match(/^\s*(\S*).*$/)[1]; var post=$(this).parent().parent().parent().find('tr > .forumPost:not(lightback)'); var postlink=''+$(this).parent().parent().find('a.submessage[title="Link to this post"]').attr('href'); ProcessPost(user, country, date, hours_ago, post, postlink); }); }
function numberWithCommas(x) { return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","); }
function OutputUserStats(u,place,details) { var out=''; if(place>0) out+='[b]#'+place+' '; else out+='[b]';
var; var ut=u.types; var score=Math.floor(u.score); var recentscore=Math.floor(u.recentscore); var posts=0; var ocposts=0; var videos=0; var ocvideos=0; var pics=0; var chars=0; var excls=0; var recentpics=0; var recentchars=0; var recentexcls=0; for(var t in ut) { if(!ut.hasOwnProperty(t)) continue; if(t=='normal' || t=='recentnormal') { posts+=ut[t].posts; videos+=ut[t].videos; } else { ocposts+=ut[t].posts; ocvideos+=ut[t].videos; } if(t=='recentnormal' || t=='recentoc') { recentpics+=ut[t].pics; recentchars+=ut[t].chars; recentexcls+=ut[t].excls; } pics+=ut[t].pics; chars+=ut[t].chars; excls+=ut[t].excls; }
var recentposts=ut.recentnormal.posts; var recentocposts=ut.recentoc.posts; var recentocvideos=ut.recentoc.videos;
var cppchange=(chars/(posts+ocposts)) - ((chars-recentchars)/((posts+ocposts)-(recentposts+recentocposts))); if(posts-recentposts==0) cppchange=(chars/posts); cppchange=Math.floor(cppchange); if(cppchange>0) cppchange='+'+cppchange; if(cppchange!=cppchange)cppchange='0';
function OutputStats() { var out=''; namesa=[]; var everyone=MakeUser('EVERYONE'); var na=MakeUser('NA'); var restoftheworld=MakeUser('Unimportant Parts of the World'); var unknown=MakeUser('Unknown Region'); for(var i in names) { if(!names.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; var u=names[i]; var region=restoftheworld; if('United States' ||'Canada' ||'Greenland' ||'Mexico') { region=na; } else if('') { region=unknown; }
for(var t in u.types) { var c=u.types[t]; var score=0; var ec=everyone.types[t]; var rc=region.types[t]; ec.videos+=c.videos;; ec.posts+=c.posts; ec.chars+=c.chars; ec.excls+=c.excls;
//console.log(namesa); var spoilerlist=''; out=''; out += '\n[center][big][b]#PASSIONBOARD4EVER[/b][/big]n\n'; for(var i in namesa) { if(i==21) break; var place=i; var u=namesa[i]; out += OutputUserStats(u,place,0); } out += '[spoiler=More Details]n'; out += OutputUserStats(na,0,1); out += OutputUserStats(restoftheworld,0,1); out += '\n'; for(var i in namesa) { var place=i; var u=namesa[i]; out += OutputUserStats(u,place,1); } out += '[/spoiler]n\n'; out += '[/center]'; out += 'score = (ocvideos*3000) + (pics*200) + (ocposts*100) + (posts*20) + (videos*10) + (oc-characters/2) + (characters/10) + (exclamation points/10); (max of 10 exclamation points per post, the first 6 posts don\'t count and my #PASSIONBOARD4EVER posts don\'t count, the + and - stats is for the past 12 hours)\nso post more pics and make some videos, and make sure to use #IMadeThis when appropriate! But be careful to not use #IMadeThis in normal posts, you should say hashtag IMadeThis instead, or put it inside of a quote tag.'; out += '\n\n[center][big][b]Latest #IMadeThis Posts[/b][/big]n'; for(var i in oclinks) { if(i==5) out += '[spoiler=More #IMadeThis Posts]'; out += '[url='+oclinks[i].link+'][b][dblue]'+oclinks[i].user+'[/dblue][/b] '+ oclinks[i].date.toDateString() +'[/url] - '+oclinks[i].summary+'\n\n'; } out += '[/spoiler]n\nIf you made something (fanfic/article/song/lyrics/video, not a photoshop) then your post should be here, edit it to add in #IMadeThis. If you think your post shouldn\'t be here then edit it out or change it.';
out += '\n\n[spoiler=Most Recent 50 Pictures]'; for(var i in piclinks) { if(i>=50) break; var p=piclinks[i]; out += '[img]'+p.src+'[/img]n[url='']Posted by '+p.user+' on [date]''[/date][/url]n\n'; } out += 'This list does not include pictures from posts with #IMadeThis.[/spoiler]'; out += '[/center]'; console.log(out); }
almost forgot, gotta quote it lol
Hey, for someone who has no idea how to code, that's still pretty impressive and looks kind of time consuming
var names={}; if(window.hasOwnProperty('tempnames')) names=tempnames;
var namesa=[]; var counter=0; var oclinks=[]; var piclinks=[]; var links={};
if(links.length==0) RunStats();
var tbody=$($('body').html()); RunStats(6);
function CheckLinks() { var links = $('body > #navwrapper:nth-child(1) #main-content > table:nth-child(2) tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(2) a:not([title^="Next Page"]:not([rel="nofollow"]'); if(links.length==0) { OutputStats(); return; } var l=$(links[0]; var url=l.attr('href'); $.ajax({url:url,success:function(data) { console.log('\ngot '+url+' with '+data.length+' characters\n'); l.remove(); tbody=$(data); RunStats(0); CheckLinks(); }}); } CheckLinks(); counter=0;
function MakeContentType() { return {posts:0,chars:0,pics:0,excls:0,videos:0}; }
function MakeUser(name) { return {name:name,score:0,recentscore:0,country:'',types:{ normal:MakeContentType(),oc:MakeContentType(),recentnormal:MakeContentType(),recentoc:MakeContentType() }}; }
function ProcessPost(user, country, date, hours_ago, post, postlink) { var posttext=post.text(); posttext.replace(/\s+/g,' '); if(posttext.match(/^\s*\#PASSIONBOARD4EVER/)) return; if(postlink=='') return;
var contenttype='normal'; var isoc=false; if(posttext.match(/\#IMadeThis/i) && postlink!='') { isoc=true; contenttype='oc'; var summary=posttext.substr(0,195); if(summary.length>=193) summary=summary.substr(0,190)+'...'; oclinks.push({user:user,link:postlink,summary:summary,date:date}); } if(hours_ago<12) contenttype='recent'+contenttype;
var chars=posttext.length; var pics=post.find('img[src^="http"]'); var numpics=0; pics.each(function(){ var src=$(this).attr('src'); if( links.hasOwnProperty(src) ) { links[src]++; return; } links[src]=1; numpics++; if(isoc==false) { piclinks.push({user:user,link:postlink,src:src,date:date}); } }); var videos=post.find('').length; videos+=post.find('a[href^=""]').length; videos+=post.find('a[href^=""]').length; var excls=0; try{excls=Math.min(10,posttext.match(/\!/g).length);}catch(e){}
if(!names[user] names[user]=MakeUser(user); var n=names[user];; var cont=n.types[contenttype]; cont.posts++; cont.chars+=chars;; cont.excls+=excls; cont.videos+=videos; }
function RunStats(start) { console.log('\nrunning stats...\n'); tbody.find('.quote,.submessage:not(a[title="Link to this post"],.forumsig,div[style="float:right; font-size:8pt; margin-top:15px"]').remove(); tbody.find('br').replaceWith(' '); counter=0; tbody.find('span.forummsginfo').each(function(){ counter++; if(window.hasOwnProperty('tempnames')==false && counter<=start) return; var msginfotext=$(this).text(); var country=''; try{country=msginfotext.match(/^\s+\S+\s+([a-zA-Z][^\.]+).*$/)[1];}catch(e){} var datetext=msginfotext.match(/\.\s*(([a-zA-Z]+) [^\.]*)/)[1]; var date; if(datetext.match(/Posts/) ) { country=''; datetext=msginfotext.match(/\S+\s*(([a-zA-Z]+) [^\.]*)/)[1]; date=new Date(datetext); } else date=new Date(datetext); var hours_ago=((new Date())-date)/1000/3600; var user=msginfotext.match(/^\s*(\S*).*$/)[1]; var post=$(this).parent().parent().parent().find('tr > .forumPost:not(lightback)'); var postlink=''+$(this).parent().parent().find('a.submessage[title="Link to this post"]').attr('href'); ProcessPost(user, country, date, hours_ago, post, postlink); }); }
function numberWithCommas(x) { return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","); }
function OutputUserStats(u,place,details) { var out=''; if(place>0) out+='[b]#'+place+' '; else out+='[b]';
var; var ut=u.types; var score=Math.floor(u.score); var recentscore=Math.floor(u.recentscore); var posts=0; var ocposts=0; var videos=0; var ocvideos=0; var pics=0; var chars=0; var excls=0; var recentpics=0; var recentchars=0; var recentexcls=0; for(var t in ut) { if(!ut.hasOwnProperty(t)) continue; if(t=='normal' || t=='recentnormal') { posts+=ut[t].posts; videos+=ut[t].videos; } else { ocposts+=ut[t].posts; ocvideos+=ut[t].videos; } if(t=='recentnormal' || t=='recentoc') { recentpics+=ut[t].pics; recentchars+=ut[t].chars; recentexcls+=ut[t].excls; } pics+=ut[t].pics; chars+=ut[t].chars; excls+=ut[t].excls; }
var recentposts=ut.recentnormal.posts; var recentocposts=ut.recentoc.posts; var recentocvideos=ut.recentoc.videos;
var cppchange=(chars/(posts+ocposts)) - ((chars-recentchars)/((posts+ocposts)-(recentposts+recentocposts))); if(posts-recentposts==0) cppchange=(chars/posts); cppchange=Math.floor(cppchange); if(cppchange>0) cppchange='+'+cppchange; if(cppchange!=cppchange)cppchange='0';
function OutputStats() { var out=''; namesa=[]; var everyone=MakeUser('EVERYONE'); var na=MakeUser('NA'); var restoftheworld=MakeUser('Unimportant Parts of the World'); var unknown=MakeUser('Unknown Region'); for(var i in names) { if(!names.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; var u=names[i]; var region=restoftheworld; if('United States' ||'Canada' ||'Greenland' ||'Mexico') { region=na; } else if('') { region=unknown; }
for(var t in u.types) { var c=u.types[t]; var score=0; var ec=everyone.types[t]; var rc=region.types[t]; ec.videos+=c.videos;; ec.posts+=c.posts; ec.chars+=c.chars; ec.excls+=c.excls;
//console.log(namesa); var spoilerlist=''; out=''; out += '\n[center][big][b]#PASSIONBOARD4EVER[/b][/big]n\n'; for(var i in namesa) { if(i==21) break; var place=i; var u=namesa[i]; out += OutputUserStats(u,place,0); } out += '[spoiler=More Details]n'; out += OutputUserStats(na,0,1); out += OutputUserStats(restoftheworld,0,1); out += '\n'; for(var i in namesa) { var place=i; var u=namesa[i]; out += OutputUserStats(u,place,1); } out += '[/spoiler]n\n'; out += '[/center]'; out += 'score = (ocvideos*3000) + (pics*200) + (ocposts*100) + (posts*20) + (videos*10) + (oc-characters/2) + (characters/10) + (exclamation points/10); (max of 10 exclamation points per post, the first 6 posts don\'t count and my #PASSIONBOARD4EVER posts don\'t count, the + and - stats is for the past 12 hours)\nso post more pics and make some videos, and make sure to use #IMadeThis when appropriate! But be careful to not use #IMadeThis in normal posts, you should say hashtag IMadeThis instead, or put it inside of a quote tag.'; out += '\n\n[center][big][b]Latest #IMadeThis Posts[/b][/big]n'; for(var i in oclinks) { if(i==5) out += '[spoiler=More #IMadeThis Posts]'; out += '[url='+oclinks[i].link+'][b][dblue]'+oclinks[i].user+'[/dblue][/b] '+ oclinks[i].date.toDateString() +'[/url] - '+oclinks[i].summary+'\n\n'; } out += '[/spoiler]n\nIf you made something (fanfic/article/song/lyrics/video, not a photoshop) then your post should be here, edit it to add in #IMadeThis. If you think your post shouldn\'t be here then edit it out or change it.';
out += '\n\n[spoiler=Most Recent 50 Pictures]'; for(var i in piclinks) { if(i>=50) break; var p=piclinks[i]; out += '[img]'+p.src+'[/img]n[url='']Posted by '+p.user+' on [date]''[/date][/url]n\n'; } out += 'This list does not include pictures from posts with #IMadeThis.[/spoiler]'; out += '[/center]'; console.log(out); }
almost forgot, gotta quote it lol
Hey, for someone who has no idea how to code, that's still pretty impressive and looks kind of time consuming
var names={}; if(window.hasOwnProperty('tempnames')) names=tempnames;
var namesa=[]; var counter=0; var oclinks=[]; var piclinks=[]; var links={};
if(links.length==0) RunStats();
var tbody=$($('body').html()); RunStats(6);
function CheckLinks() { var links = $('body > #navwrapper:nth-child(1) #main-content > table:nth-child(2) tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(2) a:not([title^="Next Page"]:not([rel="nofollow"]'); if(links.length==0) { OutputStats(); return; } var l=$(links[0]; var url=l.attr('href'); $.ajax({url:url,success:function(data) { console.log('\ngot '+url+' with '+data.length+' characters\n'); l.remove(); tbody=$(data); RunStats(0); CheckLinks(); }}); } CheckLinks(); counter=0;
function MakeContentType() { return {posts:0,chars:0,pics:0,excls:0,videos:0}; }
function MakeUser(name) { return {name:name,score:0,recentscore:0,country:'',types:{ normal:MakeContentType(),oc:MakeContentType(),recentnormal:MakeContentType(),recentoc:MakeContentType() }}; }
function ProcessPost(user, country, date, hours_ago, post, postlink) { var posttext=post.text(); posttext.replace(/\s+/g,' '); if(posttext.match(/^\s*\#PASSIONBOARD4EVER/)) return; if(postlink=='') return;
var contenttype='normal'; var isoc=false; if(posttext.match(/\#IMadeThis/i) && postlink!='') { isoc=true; contenttype='oc'; var summary=posttext.substr(0,195); if(summary.length>=193) summary=summary.substr(0,190)+'...'; oclinks.push({user:user,link:postlink,summary:summary,date:date}); } if(hours_ago<12) contenttype='recent'+contenttype;
var chars=posttext.length; var pics=post.find('img[src^="http"]'); var numpics=0; pics.each(function(){ var src=$(this).attr('src'); if( links.hasOwnProperty(src) ) { links[src]++; return; } links[src]=1; numpics++; if(isoc==false) { piclinks.push({user:user,link:postlink,src:src,date:date}); } }); var videos=post.find('').length; videos+=post.find('a[href^=""]').length; videos+=post.find('a[href^=""]').length; var excls=0; try{excls=Math.min(10,posttext.match(/\!/g).length);}catch(e){}
if(!names[user] names[user]=MakeUser(user); var n=names[user];; var cont=n.types[contenttype]; cont.posts++; cont.chars+=chars;; cont.excls+=excls; cont.videos+=videos; }
function RunStats(start) { console.log('\nrunning stats...\n'); tbody.find('.quote,.submessage:not(a[title="Link to this post"],.forumsig,div[style="float:right; font-size:8pt; margin-top:15px"]').remove(); tbody.find('br').replaceWith(' '); counter=0; tbody.find('span.forummsginfo').each(function(){ counter++; if(window.hasOwnProperty('tempnames')==false && counter<=start) return; var msginfotext=$(this).text(); var country=''; try{country=msginfotext.match(/^\s+\S+\s+([a-zA-Z][^\.]+).*$/)[1];}catch(e){} var datetext=msginfotext.match(/\.\s*(([a-zA-Z]+) [^\.]*)/)[1]; var date; if(datetext.match(/Posts/) ) { country=''; datetext=msginfotext.match(/\S+\s*(([a-zA-Z]+) [^\.]*)/)[1]; date=new Date(datetext); } else date=new Date(datetext); var hours_ago=((new Date())-date)/1000/3600; var user=msginfotext.match(/^\s*(\S*).*$/)[1]; var post=$(this).parent().parent().parent().find('tr > .forumPost:not(lightback)'); var postlink=''+$(this).parent().parent().find('a.submessage[title="Link to this post"]').attr('href'); ProcessPost(user, country, date, hours_ago, post, postlink); }); }
function numberWithCommas(x) { return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","); }
function OutputUserStats(u,place,details) { var out=''; if(place>0) out+='[b]#'+place+' '; else out+='[b]';
var; var ut=u.types; var score=Math.floor(u.score); var recentscore=Math.floor(u.recentscore); var posts=0; var ocposts=0; var videos=0; var ocvideos=0; var pics=0; var chars=0; var excls=0; var recentpics=0; var recentchars=0; var recentexcls=0; for(var t in ut) { if(!ut.hasOwnProperty(t)) continue; if(t=='normal' || t=='recentnormal') { posts+=ut[t].posts; videos+=ut[t].videos; } else { ocposts+=ut[t].posts; ocvideos+=ut[t].videos; } if(t=='recentnormal' || t=='recentoc') { recentpics+=ut[t].pics; recentchars+=ut[t].chars; recentexcls+=ut[t].excls; } pics+=ut[t].pics; chars+=ut[t].chars; excls+=ut[t].excls; }
var recentposts=ut.recentnormal.posts; var recentocposts=ut.recentoc.posts; var recentocvideos=ut.recentoc.videos;
var cppchange=(chars/(posts+ocposts)) - ((chars-recentchars)/((posts+ocposts)-(recentposts+recentocposts))); if(posts-recentposts==0) cppchange=(chars/posts); cppchange=Math.floor(cppchange); if(cppchange>0) cppchange='+'+cppchange; if(cppchange!=cppchange)cppchange='0';
function OutputStats() { var out=''; namesa=[]; var everyone=MakeUser('EVERYONE'); var na=MakeUser('NA'); var restoftheworld=MakeUser('Unimportant Parts of the World'); var unknown=MakeUser('Unknown Region'); for(var i in names) { if(!names.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; var u=names[i]; var region=restoftheworld; if('United States' ||'Canada' ||'Greenland' ||'Mexico') { region=na; } else if('') { region=unknown; }
for(var t in u.types) { var c=u.types[t]; var score=0; var ec=everyone.types[t]; var rc=region.types[t]; ec.videos+=c.videos;; ec.posts+=c.posts; ec.chars+=c.chars; ec.excls+=c.excls;
//console.log(namesa); var spoilerlist=''; out=''; out += '\n[center][big][b]#PASSIONBOARD4EVER[/b][/big]n\n'; for(var i in namesa) { if(i==21) break; var place=i; var u=namesa[i]; out += OutputUserStats(u,place,0); } out += '[spoiler=More Details]n'; out += OutputUserStats(na,0,1); out += OutputUserStats(restoftheworld,0,1); out += '\n'; for(var i in namesa) { var place=i; var u=namesa[i]; out += OutputUserStats(u,place,1); } out += '[/spoiler]n\n'; out += '[/center]'; out += 'score = (ocvideos*3000) + (pics*200) + (ocposts*100) + (posts*20) + (videos*10) + (oc-characters/2) + (characters/10) + (exclamation points/10); (max of 10 exclamation points per post, the first 6 posts don\'t count and my #PASSIONBOARD4EVER posts don\'t count, the + and - stats is for the past 12 hours)\nso post more pics and make some videos, and make sure to use #IMadeThis when appropriate! But be careful to not use #IMadeThis in normal posts, you should say hashtag IMadeThis instead, or put it inside of a quote tag.'; out += '\n\n[center][big][b]Latest #IMadeThis Posts[/b][/big]n'; for(var i in oclinks) { if(i==5) out += '[spoiler=More #IMadeThis Posts]'; out += '[url='+oclinks[i].link+'][b][dblue]'+oclinks[i].user+'[/dblue][/b] '+ oclinks[i].date.toDateString() +'[/url] - '+oclinks[i].summary+'\n\n'; } out += '[/spoiler]n\nIf you made something (fanfic/article/song/lyrics/video, not a photoshop) then your post should be here, edit it to add in #IMadeThis. If you think your post shouldn\'t be here then edit it out or change it.';
out += '\n\n[spoiler=Most Recent 50 Pictures]'; for(var i in piclinks) { if(i>=50) break; var p=piclinks[i]; out += '[img]'+p.src+'[/img]n[url='']Posted by '+p.user+' on [date]''[/date][/url]n\n'; } out += 'This list does not include pictures from posts with #IMadeThis.[/spoiler]'; out += '[/center]'; console.log(out); }
almost forgot, gotta quote it lol
Hey, for someone who has no idea how to code, that's still pretty impressive and looks kind of time consuming
var names={}; if(window.hasOwnProperty('tempnames')) names=tempnames;
var namesa=[]; var counter=0; var oclinks=[]; var piclinks=[]; var links={};
if(links.length==0) RunStats();
var tbody=$($('body').html()); RunStats(6);
function CheckLinks() { var links = $('body > #navwrapper:nth-child(1) #main-content > table:nth-child(2) tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(2) a:not([title^="Next Page"]:not([rel="nofollow"]'); if(links.length==0) { OutputStats(); return; } var l=$(links[0]; var url=l.attr('href'); $.ajax({url:url,success:function(data) { console.log('\ngot '+url+' with '+data.length+' characters\n'); l.remove(); tbody=$(data); RunStats(0); CheckLinks(); }}); } CheckLinks(); counter=0;
function MakeContentType() { return {posts:0,chars:0,pics:0,excls:0,videos:0}; }
function MakeUser(name) { return {name:name,score:0,recentscore:0,country:'',types:{ normal:MakeContentType(),oc:MakeContentType(),recentnormal:MakeContentType(),recentoc:MakeContentType() }}; }
function ProcessPost(user, country, date, hours_ago, post, postlink) { var posttext=post.text(); posttext.replace(/\s+/g,' '); if(posttext.match(/^\s*\#PASSIONBOARD4EVER/)) return; if(postlink=='') return;
var contenttype='normal'; var isoc=false; if(posttext.match(/\#IMadeThis/i) && postlink!='') { isoc=true; contenttype='oc'; var summary=posttext.substr(0,195); if(summary.length>=193) summary=summary.substr(0,190)+'...'; oclinks.push({user:user,link:postlink,summary:summary,date:date}); } if(hours_ago<12) contenttype='recent'+contenttype;
var chars=posttext.length; var pics=post.find('img[src^="http"]'); var numpics=0; pics.each(function(){ var src=$(this).attr('src'); if( links.hasOwnProperty(src) ) { links[src]++; return; } links[src]=1; numpics++; if(isoc==false) { piclinks.push({user:user,link:postlink,src:src,date:date}); } }); var videos=post.find('').length; videos+=post.find('a[href^=""]').length; videos+=post.find('a[href^=""]').length; var excls=0; try{excls=Math.min(10,posttext.match(/\!/g).length);}catch(e){}
if(!names[user] names[user]=MakeUser(user); var n=names[user];; var cont=n.types[contenttype]; cont.posts++; cont.chars+=chars;; cont.excls+=excls; cont.videos+=videos; }
function RunStats(start) { console.log('\nrunning stats...\n'); tbody.find('.quote,.submessage:not(a[title="Link to this post"],.forumsig,div[style="float:right; font-size:8pt; margin-top:15px"]').remove(); tbody.find('br').replaceWith(' '); counter=0; tbody.find('span.forummsginfo').each(function(){ counter++; if(window.hasOwnProperty('tempnames')==false && counter<=start) return; var msginfotext=$(this).text(); var country=''; try{country=msginfotext.match(/^\s+\S+\s+([a-zA-Z][^\.]+).*$/)[1];}catch(e){} var datetext=msginfotext.match(/\.\s*(([a-zA-Z]+) [^\.]*)/)[1]; var date; if(datetext.match(/Posts/) ) { country=''; datetext=msginfotext.match(/\S+\s*(([a-zA-Z]+) [^\.]*)/)[1]; date=new Date(datetext); } else date=new Date(datetext); var hours_ago=((new Date())-date)/1000/3600; var user=msginfotext.match(/^\s*(\S*).*$/)[1]; var post=$(this).parent().parent().parent().find('tr > .forumPost:not(lightback)'); var postlink=''+$(this).parent().parent().find('a.submessage[title="Link to this post"]').attr('href'); ProcessPost(user, country, date, hours_ago, post, postlink); }); }
function numberWithCommas(x) { return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","); }
function OutputUserStats(u,place,details) { var out=''; if(place>0) out+='[b]#'+place+' '; else out+='[b]';
var; var ut=u.types; var score=Math.floor(u.score); var recentscore=Math.floor(u.recentscore); var posts=0; var ocposts=0; var videos=0; var ocvideos=0; var pics=0; var chars=0; var excls=0; var recentpics=0; var recentchars=0; var recentexcls=0; for(var t in ut) { if(!ut.hasOwnProperty(t)) continue; if(t=='normal' || t=='recentnormal') { posts+=ut[t].posts; videos+=ut[t].videos; } else { ocposts+=ut[t].posts; ocvideos+=ut[t].videos; } if(t=='recentnormal' || t=='recentoc') { recentpics+=ut[t].pics; recentchars+=ut[t].chars; recentexcls+=ut[t].excls; } pics+=ut[t].pics; chars+=ut[t].chars; excls+=ut[t].excls; }
var recentposts=ut.recentnormal.posts; var recentocposts=ut.recentoc.posts; var recentocvideos=ut.recentoc.videos;
var cppchange=(chars/(posts+ocposts)) - ((chars-recentchars)/((posts+ocposts)-(recentposts+recentocposts))); if(posts-recentposts==0) cppchange=(chars/posts); cppchange=Math.floor(cppchange); if(cppchange>0) cppchange='+'+cppchange; if(cppchange!=cppchange)cppchange='0';
function OutputStats() { var out=''; namesa=[]; var everyone=MakeUser('EVERYONE'); var na=MakeUser('NA'); var restoftheworld=MakeUser('Unimportant Parts of the World'); var unknown=MakeUser('Unknown Region'); for(var i in names) { if(!names.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; var u=names[i]; var region=restoftheworld; if('United States' ||'Canada' ||'Greenland' ||'Mexico') { region=na; } else if('') { region=unknown; }
for(var t in u.types) { var c=u.types[t]; var score=0; var ec=everyone.types[t]; var rc=region.types[t]; ec.videos+=c.videos;; ec.posts+=c.posts; ec.chars+=c.chars; ec.excls+=c.excls;
//console.log(namesa); var spoilerlist=''; out=''; out += '\n[center][big][b]#PASSIONBOARD4EVER[/b][/big]n\n'; for(var i in namesa) { if(i==21) break; var place=i; var u=namesa[i]; out += OutputUserStats(u,place,0); } out += '[spoiler=More Details]n'; out += OutputUserStats(na,0,1); out += OutputUserStats(restoftheworld,0,1); out += '\n'; for(var i in namesa) { var place=i; var u=namesa[i]; out += OutputUserStats(u,place,1); } out += '[/spoiler]n\n'; out += '[/center]'; out += 'score = (ocvideos*3000) + (pics*200) + (ocposts*100) + (posts*20) + (videos*10) + (oc-characters/2) + (characters/10) + (exclamation points/10); (max of 10 exclamation points per post, the first 6 posts don\'t count and my #PASSIONBOARD4EVER posts don\'t count, the + and - stats is for the past 12 hours)\nso post more pics and make some videos, and make sure to use #IMadeThis when appropriate! But be careful to not use #IMadeThis in normal posts, you should say hashtag IMadeThis instead, or put it inside of a quote tag.'; out += '\n\n[center][big][b]Latest #IMadeThis Posts[/b][/big]n'; for(var i in oclinks) { if(i==5) out += '[spoiler=More #IMadeThis Posts]'; out += '[url='+oclinks[i].link+'][b][dblue]'+oclinks[i].user+'[/dblue][/b] '+ oclinks[i].date.toDateString() +'[/url] - '+oclinks[i].summary+'\n\n'; } out += '[/spoiler]n\nIf you made something (fanfic/article/song/lyrics/video, not a photoshop) then your post should be here, edit it to add in #IMadeThis. If you think your post shouldn\'t be here then edit it out or change it.';
out += '\n\n[spoiler=Most Recent 50 Pictures]'; for(var i in piclinks) { if(i>=50) break; var p=piclinks[i]; out += '[img]'+p.src+'[/img]n[url='']Posted by '+p.user+' on [date]''[/date][/url]n\n'; } out += 'This list does not include pictures from posts with #IMadeThis.[/spoiler]'; out += '[/center]'; console.log(out); }
almost forgot, gotta quote it lol
Hey, for someone who has no idea how to code, that's still pretty impressive and looks kind of time consuming
var names={}; if(window.hasOwnProperty('tempnames') names=tempnames;
var namesa=[]; var counter=0; var oclinks=[]; var piclinks=[]; var links={};
if(links.length==0) RunStats();
var tbody=$($('body'.html()); RunStats(6);
function CheckLinks() { var links = $('body > #navwrapper:nth-child(1) #main-content > table:nth-child(2) tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(2) a:not([title^="Next Page"]:not([rel="nofollow"]'; if(links.length==0) { OutputStats(); return; } var l=$(links[0]; var url=l.attr('href'; $.ajax({url:url,success:function(data) { console.log('ngot '+url+' with '+data.length+' characters\n'; l.remove(); tbody=$(data); RunStats(0); CheckLinks(); }}); } CheckLinks(); counter=0;
function MakeContentType() { return {posts:0,chars:0,pics:0,excls:0,videos:0}; }
function MakeUser(name) { return {name:name,score:0,recentscore:0,country:'',types:{ normal:MakeContentType(),oc:MakeContentType(),recentnormal:MakeContentType(),recentoc:MakeContentType() }}; }
function ProcessPost(user, country, date, hours_ago, post, postlink) { var posttext=post.text(); posttext.replace(/\s+/g,' '; if(posttext.match(/^\s*\#PASSIONBOARD4EVER/)) return; if(postlink=='' return;
var contenttype='normal'; var isoc=false; if(posttext.match(/\#IMadeThis/i) && postlink!='' { isoc=true; contenttype='oc'; var summary=posttext.substr(0,195); if(summary.length>=193) summary=summary.substr(0,190)+'...'; oclinks.push({user:user,link:postlink,summary:summary,date:date}); } if(hours_ago<12) contenttype='recent'+contenttype;
var chars=posttext.length; var pics=post.find('img[src^="http"]'; var numpics=0; pics.each(function(){ var src=$(this).attr('src'; if( links.hasOwnProperty(src) ) { links[src]++; return; } links[src]=1; numpics++; if(isoc==false) { piclinks.push({user:user,link:postlink,src:src,date:date}); } }); var videos=post.find(''.length; videos+=post.find('a[href^=""]'.length; videos+=post.find('a[href^=""]'.length; var excls=0; try{excls=Math.min(10,posttext.match(/\!/g).length);}catch(e){}
if(!names[user] names[user]=MakeUser(user); var n=names[user];; var cont=n.types[contenttype]; cont.posts++; cont.chars+=chars;; cont.excls+=excls; cont.videos+=videos; }
function RunStats(start) { console.log('nrunning stats...\n'; tbody.find('.quote,.submessage:not(a[title="Link to this post"],.forumsig,div[style="float:right; font-size:8pt; margin-top:15px"]'.remove(); tbody.find('br'.replaceWith(' '; counter=0; tbody.find('span.forummsginfo'.each(function(){ counter++; if(window.hasOwnProperty('tempnames'==false && counter<=start) return; var msginfotext=$(this).text(); var country=''; try{country=msginfotext.match(/^\s+\S+\s+([a-zA-Z][^\.]+).*$/)[1];}catch(e){} var datetext=msginfotext.match(/\.\s*(([a-zA-Z]+) [^\.]*)/)[1]; var date; if(datetext.match(/Posts/) ) { country=''; datetext=msginfotext.match(/\S+\s*(([a-zA-Z]+) [^\.]*)/)[1]; date=new Date(datetext); } else date=new Date(datetext); var hours_ago=((new Date())-date)/1000/3600; var user=msginfotext.match(/^\s*(\S*).*$/)[1]; var post=$(this).parent().parent().parent().find('tr > .forumPost:not(lightback)'; var postlink=''+$(this).parent().parent().find('a.submessage[title="Link to this post"]'.attr('href'; ProcessPost(user, country, date, hours_ago, post, postlink); }); }
function numberWithCommas(x) { return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, "," }
function OutputUserStats(u,place,details) { var out=''; if(place>0) out+='[b]#'+place+' '; else out+='[b]';
var; var ut=u.types; var score=Math.floor(u.score); var recentscore=Math.floor(u.recentscore); var posts=0; var ocposts=0; var videos=0; var ocvideos=0; var pics=0; var chars=0; var excls=0; var recentpics=0; var recentchars=0; var recentexcls=0; for(var t in ut) { if(!ut.hasOwnProperty(t)) continue; if(t=='normal' || t=='recentnormal' { posts+=ut[t].posts; videos+=ut[t].videos; } else { ocposts+=ut[t].posts; ocvideos+=ut[t].videos; } if(t=='recentnormal' || t=='recentoc' { recentpics+=ut[t].pics; recentchars+=ut[t].chars; recentexcls+=ut[t].excls; } pics+=ut[t].pics; chars+=ut[t].chars; excls+=ut[t].excls; }
var recentposts=ut.recentnormal.posts; var recentocposts=ut.recentoc.posts; var recentocvideos=ut.recentoc.videos;
var cppchange=(chars/(posts+ocposts)) - ((chars-recentchars)/((posts+ocposts)-(recentposts+recentocposts))); if(posts-recentposts==0) cppchange=(chars/posts); cppchange=Math.floor(cppchange); if(cppchange>0) cppchange='+'+cppchange; if(cppchange!=cppchange)cppchange='0';
function OutputStats() { var out=''; namesa=[]; var everyone=MakeUser('EVERYONE'; var na=MakeUser('NA'; var restoftheworld=MakeUser('Unimportant Parts of the World'; var unknown=MakeUser('Unknown Region'; for(var i in names) { if(!names.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; var u=names[i]; var region=restoftheworld; if('United States' ||'Canada' ||'Greenland' ||'Mexico' { region=na; } else if('' { region=unknown; }
for(var t in u.types) { var c=u.types[t]; var score=0; var ec=everyone.types[t]; var rc=region.types[t]; ec.videos+=c.videos;; ec.posts+=c.posts; ec.chars+=c.chars; ec.excls+=c.excls;
//console.log(namesa); var spoilerlist=''; out=''; out += 'n[center][big][b]#PASSIONBOARD4EVER[/b][/big]n\n'; for(var i in namesa) { if(i==21) break; var place=i; var u=namesa[i]; out += OutputUserStats(u,place,0); } out += '[spoiler=More Details]n'; out += OutputUserStats(na,0,1); out += OutputUserStats(restoftheworld,0,1); out += 'n'; for(var i in namesa) { var place=i; var u=namesa[i]; out += OutputUserStats(u,place,1); } out += '[/spoiler]n\n'; out += '[/center]'; out += 'score = (ocvideos*3000) + (pics*200) + (ocposts*100) + (posts*20) + (videos*10) + (oc-characters/2) + (characters/10) + (exclamation points/10); (max of 10 exclamation points per post, the first 6 posts don\'t count and my #PASSIONBOARD4EVER posts don\'t count, the + and - stats is for the past 12 hours)\nso post more pics and make some videos, and make sure to use #IMadeThis when appropriate! But be careful to not use #IMadeThis in normal posts, you should say hashtag IMadeThis instead, or put it inside of a quote tag.'; out += 'n\n[center][big][b]Latest #IMadeThis Posts[/b][/big]n'; for(var i in oclinks) { if(i==5) out += '[spoiler=More #IMadeThis Posts]'; out += '[url='+oclinks[i].link+'][b][dblue]'+oclinks[i].user+'[/dblue][/b] '+ oclinks[i].date.toDateString() +'[/url] - '+oclinks[i].summary+'n\n'; } out += '[/spoiler]n\nIf you made something (fanfic/article/song/lyrics/video, not a photoshop) then your post should be here, edit it to add in #IMadeThis. If you think your post shouldn\'t be here then edit it out or change it.';
out += 'n\n[spoiler=Most Recent 50 Pictures]'; for(var i in piclinks) { if(i>=50) break; var p=piclinks[i]; out += '[img]'+p.src+'[/img]n[url='']Posted by '+p.user+' on [date]''[/date][/url]n\n'; } out += 'This list does not include pictures from posts with #IMadeThis.[/spoiler]'; out += '[/center]'; console.log(out); }
almost forgot, gotta quote it lol
Hey, for someone who has no idea how to code, that's still pretty impressive and looks kind of time consuming
var names={}; if(window.hasOwnProperty('tempnames')) names=tempnames;
var namesa=[]; var counter=0; var oclinks=[]; var piclinks=[]; var links={};
if(links.length==0) RunStats();
var tbody=$($('body').html()); RunStats(6);
function CheckLinks() { var links = $('body > #navwrapper:nth-child(1) #main-content > table:nth-child(2) tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(2) a:not([title^="Next Page"]:not([rel="nofollow"]'); if(links.length==0) { OutputStats(); return; } var l=$(links[0]; var url=l.attr('href'); $.ajax({url:url,success:function(data) { console.log('\ngot '+url+' with '+data.length+' characters\n'); l.remove(); tbody=$(data); RunStats(0); CheckLinks(); }}); } CheckLinks(); counter=0;
function MakeContentType() { return {posts:0,chars:0,pics:0,excls:0,videos:0}; }
function MakeUser(name) { return {name:name,score:0,recentscore:0,country:'',types:{ normal:MakeContentType(),oc:MakeContentType(),recentnormal:MakeContentType(),recentoc:MakeContentType() }}; }
function ProcessPost(user, country, date, hours_ago, post, postlink) { var posttext=post.text(); posttext.replace(/\s+/g,' '); if(posttext.match(/^\s*\#PASSIONBOARD4EVER/)) return; if(postlink=='') return;
var contenttype='normal'; var isoc=false; if(posttext.match(/\#IMadeThis/i) && postlink!='') { isoc=true; contenttype='oc'; var summary=posttext.substr(0,195); if(summary.length>=193) summary=summary.substr(0,190)+'...'; oclinks.push({user:user,link:postlink,summary:summary,date:date}); } if(hours_ago<12) contenttype='recent'+contenttype;
var chars=posttext.length; var pics=post.find('img[src^="http"]'); var numpics=0; pics.each(function(){ var src=$(this).attr('src'); if( links.hasOwnProperty(src) ) { links[src]++; return; } links[src]=1; numpics++; if(isoc==false) { piclinks.push({user:user,link:postlink,src:src,date:date}); } }); var videos=post.find('').length; videos+=post.find('a[href^=""]').length; videos+=post.find('a[href^=""]').length; var excls=0; try{excls=Math.min(10,posttext.match(/\!/g).length);}catch(e){}
if(!names[user] names[user]=MakeUser(user); var n=names[user];; var cont=n.types[contenttype]; cont.posts++; cont.chars+=chars;; cont.excls+=excls; cont.videos+=videos; }
function RunStats(start) { console.log('\nrunning stats...\n'); tbody.find('.quote,.submessage:not(a[title="Link to this post"],.forumsig,div[style="float:right; font-size:8pt; margin-top:15px"]').remove(); tbody.find('br').replaceWith(' '); counter=0; tbody.find('span.forummsginfo').each(function(){ counter++; if(window.hasOwnProperty('tempnames')==false && counter<=start) return; var msginfotext=$(this).text(); var country=''; try{country=msginfotext.match(/^\s+\S+\s+([a-zA-Z][^\.]+).*$/)[1];}catch(e){} var datetext=msginfotext.match(/\.\s*(([a-zA-Z]+) [^\.]*)/)[1]; var date; if(datetext.match(/Posts/) ) { country=''; datetext=msginfotext.match(/\S+\s*(([a-zA-Z]+) [^\.]*)/)[1]; date=new Date(datetext); } else date=new Date(datetext); var hours_ago=((new Date())-date)/1000/3600; var user=msginfotext.match(/^\s*(\S*).*$/)[1]; var post=$(this).parent().parent().parent().find('tr > .forumPost:not(lightback)'); var postlink=''+$(this).parent().parent().find('a.submessage[title="Link to this post"]').attr('href'); ProcessPost(user, country, date, hours_ago, post, postlink); }); }
function numberWithCommas(x) { return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","); }
function OutputUserStats(u,place,details) { var out=''; if(place>0) out+='[b]#'+place+' '; else out+='[b]';
var; var ut=u.types; var score=Math.floor(u.score); var recentscore=Math.floor(u.recentscore); var posts=0; var ocposts=0; var videos=0; var ocvideos=0; var pics=0; var chars=0; var excls=0; var recentpics=0; var recentchars=0; var recentexcls=0; for(var t in ut) { if(!ut.hasOwnProperty(t)) continue; if(t=='normal' || t=='recentnormal') { posts+=ut[t].posts; videos+=ut[t].videos; } else { ocposts+=ut[t].posts; ocvideos+=ut[t].videos; } if(t=='recentnormal' || t=='recentoc') { recentpics+=ut[t].pics; recentchars+=ut[t].chars; recentexcls+=ut[t].excls; } pics+=ut[t].pics; chars+=ut[t].chars; excls+=ut[t].excls; }
var recentposts=ut.recentnormal.posts; var recentocposts=ut.recentoc.posts; var recentocvideos=ut.recentoc.videos;
var cppchange=(chars/(posts+ocposts)) - ((chars-recentchars)/((posts+ocposts)-(recentposts+recentocposts))); if(posts-recentposts==0) cppchange=(chars/posts); cppchange=Math.floor(cppchange); if(cppchange>0) cppchange='+'+cppchange; if(cppchange!=cppchange)cppchange='0';
function OutputStats() { var out=''; namesa=[]; var everyone=MakeUser('EVERYONE'); var na=MakeUser('NA'); var restoftheworld=MakeUser('Unimportant Parts of the World'); var unknown=MakeUser('Unknown Region'); for(var i in names) { if(!names.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; var u=names[i]; var region=restoftheworld; if('United States' ||'Canada' ||'Greenland' ||'Mexico') { region=na; } else if('') { region=unknown; }
for(var t in u.types) { var c=u.types[t]; var score=0; var ec=everyone.types[t]; var rc=region.types[t]; ec.videos+=c.videos;; ec.posts+=c.posts; ec.chars+=c.chars; ec.excls+=c.excls;
//console.log(namesa); var spoilerlist=''; out=''; out += '\n[center][big][b]#PASSIONBOARD4EVER[/b][/big]n\n'; for(var i in namesa) { if(i==21) break; var place=i; var u=namesa[i]; out += OutputUserStats(u,place,0); } out += '[spoiler=More Details]n'; out += OutputUserStats(na,0,1); out += OutputUserStats(restoftheworld,0,1); out += '\n'; for(var i in namesa) { var place=i; var u=namesa[i]; out += OutputUserStats(u,place,1); } out += '[/spoiler]n\n'; out += '[/center]'; out += 'score = (ocvideos*3000) + (pics*200) + (ocposts*100) + (posts*20) + (videos*10) + (oc-characters/2) + (characters/10) + (exclamation points/10); (max of 10 exclamation points per post, the first 6 posts don\'t count and my #PASSIONBOARD4EVER posts don\'t count, the + and - stats is for the past 12 hours)\nso post more pics and make some videos, and make sure to use #IMadeThis when appropriate! But be careful to not use #IMadeThis in normal posts, you should say hashtag IMadeThis instead, or put it inside of a quote tag.'; out += '\n\n[center][big][b]Latest #IMadeThis Posts[/b][/big]n'; for(var i in oclinks) { if(i==5) out += '[spoiler=More #IMadeThis Posts]'; out += '[url='+oclinks[i].link+'][b][dblue]'+oclinks[i].user+'[/dblue][/b] '+ oclinks[i].date.toDateString() +'[/url] - '+oclinks[i].summary+'\n\n'; } out += '[/spoiler]n\nIf you made something (fanfic/article/song/lyrics/video, not a photoshop) then your post should be here, edit it to add in #IMadeThis. If you think your post shouldn\'t be here then edit it out or change it.';
out += '\n\n[spoiler=Most Recent 50 Pictures]'; for(var i in piclinks) { if(i>=50) break; var p=piclinks[i]; out += '[img]'+p.src+'[/img]n[url='']Posted by '+p.user+' on [date]''[/date][/url]n\n'; } out += 'This list does not include pictures from posts with #IMadeThis.[/spoiler]'; out += '[/center]'; console.log(out); }
lol yea, that was very condensed, but several things made it grow a lot since then -once the thread passed 100 pages, it became more than 1 TL+ long page, so it has to load all the different pages now -OC content is counted and score separately -OC links are listed -only unique images are counted -images are listed -I rewrote it to be more modular and easier to change -the output formatting is prettier now
Good thing I gave you TL+ then
Yea without TL+ it'd be like 100 times slower, would probably take an hour to run, that would suck
var names={}; if(window.hasOwnProperty('tempnames')) names=tempnames;
var namesa=[]; var counter=0; var oclinks=[]; var piclinks=[]; var links={};
if(links.length==0) RunStats();
var tbody=$($('body').html()); RunStats(6);
function CheckLinks() { var links = $('body > #navwrapper:nth-child(1) #main-content > table:nth-child(2) tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(2) a:not([title^="Next Page"]:not([rel="nofollow"]'); if(links.length==0) { OutputStats(); return; } var l=$(links[0]; var url=l.attr('href'); $.ajax({url:url,success:function(data) { console.log('\ngot '+url+' with '+data.length+' characters\n'); l.remove(); tbody=$(data); RunStats(0); CheckLinks(); }}); } CheckLinks(); counter=0;
function MakeContentType() { return {posts:0,chars:0,pics:0,excls:0,videos:0}; }
function MakeUser(name) { return {name:name,score:0,recentscore:0,country:'',types:{ normal:MakeContentType(),oc:MakeContentType(),recentnormal:MakeContentType(),recentoc:MakeContentType() }}; }
function ProcessPost(user, country, date, hours_ago, post, postlink) { var posttext=post.text(); posttext.replace(/\s+/g,' '); if(posttext.match(/^\s*\#PASSIONBOARD4EVER/)) return; if(postlink=='') return;
var contenttype='normal'; var isoc=false; if(posttext.match(/\#IMadeThis/i) && postlink!='') { isoc=true; contenttype='oc'; var summary=posttext.substr(0,195); if(summary.length>=193) summary=summary.substr(0,190)+'...'; oclinks.push({user:user,link:postlink,summary:summary,date:date}); } if(hours_ago<12) contenttype='recent'+contenttype;
var chars=posttext.length; var pics=post.find('img[src^="http"]'); var numpics=0; pics.each(function(){ var src=$(this).attr('src'); if( links.hasOwnProperty(src) ) { links[src]++; return; } links[src]=1; numpics++; if(isoc==false) { piclinks.push({user:user,link:postlink,src:src,date:date}); } }); var videos=post.find('').length; videos+=post.find('a[href^=""]').length; videos+=post.find('a[href^=""]').length; var excls=0; try{excls=Math.min(10,posttext.match(/\!/g).length);}catch(e){}
if(!names[user] names[user]=MakeUser(user); var n=names[user];; var cont=n.types[contenttype]; cont.posts++; cont.chars+=chars;; cont.excls+=excls; cont.videos+=videos; }
function RunStats(start) { console.log('\nrunning stats...\n'); tbody.find('.quote,.submessage:not(a[title="Link to this post"],.forumsig,div[style="float:right; font-size:8pt; margin-top:15px"]').remove(); tbody.find('br').replaceWith(' '); counter=0; tbody.find('span.forummsginfo').each(function(){ counter++; if(window.hasOwnProperty('tempnames')==false && counter<=start) return; var msginfotext=$(this).text(); var country=''; try{country=msginfotext.match(/^\s+\S+\s+([a-zA-Z][^\.]+).*$/)[1];}catch(e){} var datetext=msginfotext.match(/\.\s*(([a-zA-Z]+) [^\.]*)/)[1]; var date; if(datetext.match(/Posts/) ) { country=''; datetext=msginfotext.match(/\S+\s*(([a-zA-Z]+) [^\.]*)/)[1]; date=new Date(datetext); } else date=new Date(datetext); var hours_ago=((new Date())-date)/1000/3600; var user=msginfotext.match(/^\s*(\S*).*$/)[1]; var post=$(this).parent().parent().parent().find('tr > .forumPost:not(lightback)'); var postlink=''+$(this).parent().parent().find('a.submessage[title="Link to this post"]').attr('href'); ProcessPost(user, country, date, hours_ago, post, postlink); }); }
function numberWithCommas(x) { return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","); }
function OutputUserStats(u,place,details) { var out=''; if(place>0) out+='[b]#'+place+' '; else out+='[b]';
var; var ut=u.types; var score=Math.floor(u.score); var recentscore=Math.floor(u.recentscore); var posts=0; var ocposts=0; var videos=0; var ocvideos=0; var pics=0; var chars=0; var excls=0; var recentpics=0; var recentchars=0; var recentexcls=0; for(var t in ut) { if(!ut.hasOwnProperty(t)) continue; if(t=='normal' || t=='recentnormal') { posts+=ut[t].posts; videos+=ut[t].videos; } else { ocposts+=ut[t].posts; ocvideos+=ut[t].videos; } if(t=='recentnormal' || t=='recentoc') { recentpics+=ut[t].pics; recentchars+=ut[t].chars; recentexcls+=ut[t].excls; } pics+=ut[t].pics; chars+=ut[t].chars; excls+=ut[t].excls; }
var recentposts=ut.recentnormal.posts; var recentocposts=ut.recentoc.posts; var recentocvideos=ut.recentoc.videos;
var cppchange=(chars/(posts+ocposts)) - ((chars-recentchars)/((posts+ocposts)-(recentposts+recentocposts))); if(posts-recentposts==0) cppchange=(chars/posts); cppchange=Math.floor(cppchange); if(cppchange>0) cppchange='+'+cppchange; if(cppchange!=cppchange)cppchange='0';
function OutputStats() { var out=''; namesa=[]; var everyone=MakeUser('EVERYONE'); var na=MakeUser('NA'); var restoftheworld=MakeUser('Unimportant Parts of the World'); var unknown=MakeUser('Unknown Region'); for(var i in names) { if(!names.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; var u=names[i]; var region=restoftheworld; if('United States' ||'Canada' ||'Greenland' ||'Mexico') { region=na; } else if('') { region=unknown; }
for(var t in u.types) { var c=u.types[t]; var score=0; var ec=everyone.types[t]; var rc=region.types[t]; ec.videos+=c.videos;; ec.posts+=c.posts; ec.chars+=c.chars; ec.excls+=c.excls;
//console.log(namesa); var spoilerlist=''; out=''; out += '\n[center][big][b]#PASSIONBOARD4EVER[/b][/big]n\n'; for(var i in namesa) { if(i==21) break; var place=i; var u=namesa[i]; out += OutputUserStats(u,place,0); } out += '[spoiler=More Details]n'; out += OutputUserStats(na,0,1); out += OutputUserStats(restoftheworld,0,1); out += '\n'; for(var i in namesa) { var place=i; var u=namesa[i]; out += OutputUserStats(u,place,1); } out += '[/spoiler]n\n'; out += '[/center]'; out += 'score = (ocvideos*3000) + (pics*200) + (ocposts*100) + (posts*20) + (videos*10) + (oc-characters/2) + (characters/10) + (exclamation points/10); (max of 10 exclamation points per post, the first 6 posts don\'t count and my #PASSIONBOARD4EVER posts don\'t count, the + and - stats is for the past 12 hours)\nso post more pics and make some videos, and make sure to use #IMadeThis when appropriate! But be careful to not use #IMadeThis in normal posts, you should say hashtag IMadeThis instead, or put it inside of a quote tag.'; out += '\n\n[center][big][b]Latest #IMadeThis Posts[/b][/big]n'; for(var i in oclinks) { if(i==5) out += '[spoiler=More #IMadeThis Posts]'; out += '[url='+oclinks[i].link+'][b][dblue]'+oclinks[i].user+'[/dblue][/b] '+ oclinks[i].date.toDateString() +'[/url] - '+oclinks[i].summary+'\n\n'; } out += '[/spoiler]n\nIf you made something (fanfic/article/song/lyrics/video, not a photoshop) then your post should be here, edit it to add in #IMadeThis. If you think your post shouldn\'t be here then edit it out or change it.';
out += '\n\n[spoiler=Most Recent 50 Pictures]'; for(var i in piclinks) { if(i>=50) break; var p=piclinks[i]; out += '[img]'+p.src+'[/img]n[url='']Posted by '+p.user+' on [date]''[/date][/url]n\n'; } out += 'This list does not include pictures from posts with #IMadeThis.[/spoiler]'; out += '[/center]'; console.log(out); }
almost forgot, gotta quote it lol
Hey, for someone who has no idea how to code, that's still pretty impressive and looks kind of time consuming
var names={}; if(window.hasOwnProperty('tempnames') names=tempnames;
var namesa=[]; var counter=0; var oclinks=[]; var piclinks=[]; var links={};
if(links.length==0) RunStats();
var tbody=$($('body'.html()); RunStats(6);
function CheckLinks() { var links = $('body > #navwrapper:nth-child(1) #main-content > table:nth-child(2) tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(2) a:not([title^="Next Page"]:not([rel="nofollow"]'; if(links.length==0) { OutputStats(); return; } var l=$(links[0]; var url=l.attr('href'; $.ajax({url:url,success:function(data) { console.log('ngot '+url+' with '+data.length+' characters\n'; l.remove(); tbody=$(data); RunStats(0); CheckLinks(); }}); } CheckLinks(); counter=0;
function MakeContentType() { return {posts:0,chars:0,pics:0,excls:0,videos:0}; }
function MakeUser(name) { return {name:name,score:0,recentscore:0,country:'',types:{ normal:MakeContentType(),oc:MakeContentType(),recentnormal:MakeContentType(),recentoc:MakeContentType() }}; }
function ProcessPost(user, country, date, hours_ago, post, postlink) { var posttext=post.text(); posttext.replace(/\s+/g,' '; if(posttext.match(/^\s*\#PASSIONBOARD4EVER/)) return; if(postlink=='' return;
var contenttype='normal'; var isoc=false; if(posttext.match(/\#IMadeThis/i) && postlink!='' { isoc=true; contenttype='oc'; var summary=posttext.substr(0,195); if(summary.length>=193) summary=summary.substr(0,190)+'...'; oclinks.push({user:user,link:postlink,summary:summary,date:date}); } if(hours_ago<12) contenttype='recent'+contenttype;
var chars=posttext.length; var pics=post.find('img[src^="http"]'; var numpics=0; pics.each(function(){ var src=$(this).attr('src'; if( links.hasOwnProperty(src) ) { links[src]++; return; } links[src]=1; numpics++; if(isoc==false) { piclinks.push({user:user,link:postlink,src:src,date:date}); } }); var videos=post.find(''.length; videos+=post.find('a[href^=""]'.length; videos+=post.find('a[href^=""]'.length; var excls=0; try{excls=Math.min(10,posttext.match(/\!/g).length);}catch(e){}
if(!names[user] names[user]=MakeUser(user); var n=names[user];; var cont=n.types[contenttype]; cont.posts++; cont.chars+=chars;; cont.excls+=excls; cont.videos+=videos; }
function RunStats(start) { console.log('nrunning stats...\n'; tbody.find('.quote,.submessage:not(a[title="Link to this post"],.forumsig,div[style="float:right; font-size:8pt; margin-top:15px"]'.remove(); tbody.find('br'.replaceWith(' '; counter=0; tbody.find('span.forummsginfo'.each(function(){ counter++; if(window.hasOwnProperty('tempnames'==false && counter<=start) return; var msginfotext=$(this).text(); var country=''; try{country=msginfotext.match(/^\s+\S+\s+([a-zA-Z][^\.]+).*$/)[1];}catch(e){} var datetext=msginfotext.match(/\.\s*(([a-zA-Z]+) [^\.]*)/)[1]; var date; if(datetext.match(/Posts/) ) { country=''; datetext=msginfotext.match(/\S+\s*(([a-zA-Z]+) [^\.]*)/)[1]; date=new Date(datetext); } else date=new Date(datetext); var hours_ago=((new Date())-date)/1000/3600; var user=msginfotext.match(/^\s*(\S*).*$/)[1]; var post=$(this).parent().parent().parent().find('tr > .forumPost:not(lightback)'; var postlink=''+$(this).parent().parent().find('a.submessage[title="Link to this post"]'.attr('href'; ProcessPost(user, country, date, hours_ago, post, postlink); }); }
function numberWithCommas(x) { return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, "," }
function OutputUserStats(u,place,details) { var out=''; if(place>0) out+='[b]#'+place+' '; else out+='[b]';
var; var ut=u.types; var score=Math.floor(u.score); var recentscore=Math.floor(u.recentscore); var posts=0; var ocposts=0; var videos=0; var ocvideos=0; var pics=0; var chars=0; var excls=0; var recentpics=0; var recentchars=0; var recentexcls=0; for(var t in ut) { if(!ut.hasOwnProperty(t)) continue; if(t=='normal' || t=='recentnormal' { posts+=ut[t].posts; videos+=ut[t].videos; } else { ocposts+=ut[t].posts; ocvideos+=ut[t].videos; } if(t=='recentnormal' || t=='recentoc' { recentpics+=ut[t].pics; recentchars+=ut[t].chars; recentexcls+=ut[t].excls; } pics+=ut[t].pics; chars+=ut[t].chars; excls+=ut[t].excls; }
var recentposts=ut.recentnormal.posts; var recentocposts=ut.recentoc.posts; var recentocvideos=ut.recentoc.videos;
var cppchange=(chars/(posts+ocposts)) - ((chars-recentchars)/((posts+ocposts)-(recentposts+recentocposts))); if(posts-recentposts==0) cppchange=(chars/posts); cppchange=Math.floor(cppchange); if(cppchange>0) cppchange='+'+cppchange; if(cppchange!=cppchange)cppchange='0';
function OutputStats() { var out=''; namesa=[]; var everyone=MakeUser('EVERYONE'; var na=MakeUser('NA'; var restoftheworld=MakeUser('Unimportant Parts of the World'; var unknown=MakeUser('Unknown Region'; for(var i in names) { if(!names.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; var u=names[i]; var region=restoftheworld; if('United States' ||'Canada' ||'Greenland' ||'Mexico' { region=na; } else if('' { region=unknown; }
for(var t in u.types) { var c=u.types[t]; var score=0; var ec=everyone.types[t]; var rc=region.types[t]; ec.videos+=c.videos;; ec.posts+=c.posts; ec.chars+=c.chars; ec.excls+=c.excls;
//console.log(namesa); var spoilerlist=''; out=''; out += 'n[center][big][b]#PASSIONBOARD4EVER[/b][/big]n\n'; for(var i in namesa) { if(i==21) break; var place=i; var u=namesa[i]; out += OutputUserStats(u,place,0); } out += '[spoiler=More Details]n'; out += OutputUserStats(na,0,1); out += OutputUserStats(restoftheworld,0,1); out += 'n'; for(var i in namesa) { var place=i; var u=namesa[i]; out += OutputUserStats(u,place,1); } out += '[/spoiler]n\n'; out += '[/center]'; out += 'score = (ocvideos*3000) + (pics*200) + (ocposts*100) + (posts*20) + (videos*10) + (oc-characters/2) + (characters/10) + (exclamation points/10); (max of 10 exclamation points per post, the first 6 posts don\'t count and my #PASSIONBOARD4EVER posts don\'t count, the + and - stats is for the past 12 hours)\nso post more pics and make some videos, and make sure to use #IMadeThis when appropriate! But be careful to not use #IMadeThis in normal posts, you should say hashtag IMadeThis instead, or put it inside of a quote tag.'; out += 'n\n[center][big][b]Latest #IMadeThis Posts[/b][/big]n'; for(var i in oclinks) { if(i==5) out += '[spoiler=More #IMadeThis Posts]'; out += '[url='+oclinks[i].link+'][b][dblue]'+oclinks[i].user+'[/dblue][/b] '+ oclinks[i].date.toDateString() +'[/url] - '+oclinks[i].summary+'n\n'; } out += '[/spoiler]n\nIf you made something (fanfic/article/song/lyrics/video, not a photoshop) then your post should be here, edit it to add in #IMadeThis. If you think your post shouldn\'t be here then edit it out or change it.';
out += 'n\n[spoiler=Most Recent 50 Pictures]'; for(var i in piclinks) { if(i>=50) break; var p=piclinks[i]; out += '[img]'+p.src+'[/img]n[url='']Posted by '+p.user+' on [date]''[/date][/url]n\n'; } out += 'This list does not include pictures from posts with #IMadeThis.[/spoiler]'; out += '[/center]'; console.log(out); }
almost forgot, gotta quote it lol
Hey, for someone who has no idea how to code, that's still pretty impressive and looks kind of time consuming
var names={}; if(window.hasOwnProperty('tempnames')) names=tempnames;
var namesa=[]; var counter=0; var oclinks=[]; var piclinks=[]; var links={};
if(links.length==0) RunStats();
var tbody=$($('body').html()); RunStats(6);
function CheckLinks() { var links = $('body > #navwrapper:nth-child(1) #main-content > table:nth-child(2) tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(2) a:not([title^="Next Page"]:not([rel="nofollow"]'); if(links.length==0) { OutputStats(); return; } var l=$(links[0]; var url=l.attr('href'); $.ajax({url:url,success:function(data) { console.log('\ngot '+url+' with '+data.length+' characters\n'); l.remove(); tbody=$(data); RunStats(0); CheckLinks(); }}); } CheckLinks(); counter=0;
function MakeContentType() { return {posts:0,chars:0,pics:0,excls:0,videos:0}; }
function MakeUser(name) { return {name:name,score:0,recentscore:0,country:'',types:{ normal:MakeContentType(),oc:MakeContentType(),recentnormal:MakeContentType(),recentoc:MakeContentType() }}; }
function ProcessPost(user, country, date, hours_ago, post, postlink) { var posttext=post.text(); posttext.replace(/\s+/g,' '); if(posttext.match(/^\s*\#PASSIONBOARD4EVER/)) return; if(postlink=='') return;
var contenttype='normal'; var isoc=false; if(posttext.match(/\#IMadeThis/i) && postlink!='') { isoc=true; contenttype='oc'; var summary=posttext.substr(0,195); if(summary.length>=193) summary=summary.substr(0,190)+'...'; oclinks.push({user:user,link:postlink,summary:summary,date:date}); } if(hours_ago<12) contenttype='recent'+contenttype;
var chars=posttext.length; var pics=post.find('img[src^="http"]'); var numpics=0; pics.each(function(){ var src=$(this).attr('src'); if( links.hasOwnProperty(src) ) { links[src]++; return; } links[src]=1; numpics++; if(isoc==false) { piclinks.push({user:user,link:postlink,src:src,date:date}); } }); var videos=post.find('').length; videos+=post.find('a[href^=""]').length; videos+=post.find('a[href^=""]').length; var excls=0; try{excls=Math.min(10,posttext.match(/\!/g).length);}catch(e){}
if(!names[user] names[user]=MakeUser(user); var n=names[user];; var cont=n.types[contenttype]; cont.posts++; cont.chars+=chars;; cont.excls+=excls; cont.videos+=videos; }
function RunStats(start) { console.log('\nrunning stats...\n'); tbody.find('.quote,.submessage:not(a[title="Link to this post"],.forumsig,div[style="float:right; font-size:8pt; margin-top:15px"]').remove(); tbody.find('br').replaceWith(' '); counter=0; tbody.find('span.forummsginfo').each(function(){ counter++; if(window.hasOwnProperty('tempnames')==false && counter<=start) return; var msginfotext=$(this).text(); var country=''; try{country=msginfotext.match(/^\s+\S+\s+([a-zA-Z][^\.]+).*$/)[1];}catch(e){} var datetext=msginfotext.match(/\.\s*(([a-zA-Z]+) [^\.]*)/)[1]; var date; if(datetext.match(/Posts/) ) { country=''; datetext=msginfotext.match(/\S+\s*(([a-zA-Z]+) [^\.]*)/)[1]; date=new Date(datetext); } else date=new Date(datetext); var hours_ago=((new Date())-date)/1000/3600; var user=msginfotext.match(/^\s*(\S*).*$/)[1]; var post=$(this).parent().parent().parent().find('tr > .forumPost:not(lightback)'); var postlink=''+$(this).parent().parent().find('a.submessage[title="Link to this post"]').attr('href'); ProcessPost(user, country, date, hours_ago, post, postlink); }); }
function numberWithCommas(x) { return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","); }
function OutputUserStats(u,place,details) { var out=''; if(place>0) out+='[b]#'+place+' '; else out+='[b]';
var; var ut=u.types; var score=Math.floor(u.score); var recentscore=Math.floor(u.recentscore); var posts=0; var ocposts=0; var videos=0; var ocvideos=0; var pics=0; var chars=0; var excls=0; var recentpics=0; var recentchars=0; var recentexcls=0; for(var t in ut) { if(!ut.hasOwnProperty(t)) continue; if(t=='normal' || t=='recentnormal') { posts+=ut[t].posts; videos+=ut[t].videos; } else { ocposts+=ut[t].posts; ocvideos+=ut[t].videos; } if(t=='recentnormal' || t=='recentoc') { recentpics+=ut[t].pics; recentchars+=ut[t].chars; recentexcls+=ut[t].excls; } pics+=ut[t].pics; chars+=ut[t].chars; excls+=ut[t].excls; }
var recentposts=ut.recentnormal.posts; var recentocposts=ut.recentoc.posts; var recentocvideos=ut.recentoc.videos;
var cppchange=(chars/(posts+ocposts)) - ((chars-recentchars)/((posts+ocposts)-(recentposts+recentocposts))); if(posts-recentposts==0) cppchange=(chars/posts); cppchange=Math.floor(cppchange); if(cppchange>0) cppchange='+'+cppchange; if(cppchange!=cppchange)cppchange='0';
function OutputStats() { var out=''; namesa=[]; var everyone=MakeUser('EVERYONE'); var na=MakeUser('NA'); var restoftheworld=MakeUser('Unimportant Parts of the World'); var unknown=MakeUser('Unknown Region'); for(var i in names) { if(!names.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; var u=names[i]; var region=restoftheworld; if('United States' ||'Canada' ||'Greenland' ||'Mexico') { region=na; } else if('') { region=unknown; }
for(var t in u.types) { var c=u.types[t]; var score=0; var ec=everyone.types[t]; var rc=region.types[t]; ec.videos+=c.videos;; ec.posts+=c.posts; ec.chars+=c.chars; ec.excls+=c.excls;
//console.log(namesa); var spoilerlist=''; out=''; out += '\n[center][big][b]#PASSIONBOARD4EVER[/b][/big]n\n'; for(var i in namesa) { if(i==21) break; var place=i; var u=namesa[i]; out += OutputUserStats(u,place,0); } out += '[spoiler=More Details]n'; out += OutputUserStats(na,0,1); out += OutputUserStats(restoftheworld,0,1); out += '\n'; for(var i in namesa) { var place=i; var u=namesa[i]; out += OutputUserStats(u,place,1); } out += '[/spoiler]n\n'; out += '[/center]'; out += 'score = (ocvideos*3000) + (pics*200) + (ocposts*100) + (posts*20) + (videos*10) + (oc-characters/2) + (characters/10) + (exclamation points/10); (max of 10 exclamation points per post, the first 6 posts don\'t count and my #PASSIONBOARD4EVER posts don\'t count, the + and - stats is for the past 12 hours)\nso post more pics and make some videos, and make sure to use #IMadeThis when appropriate! But be careful to not use #IMadeThis in normal posts, you should say hashtag IMadeThis instead, or put it inside of a quote tag.'; out += '\n\n[center][big][b]Latest #IMadeThis Posts[/b][/big]n'; for(var i in oclinks) { if(i==5) out += '[spoiler=More #IMadeThis Posts]'; out += '[url='+oclinks[i].link+'][b][dblue]'+oclinks[i].user+'[/dblue][/b] '+ oclinks[i].date.toDateString() +'[/url] - '+oclinks[i].summary+'\n\n'; } out += '[/spoiler]n\nIf you made something (fanfic/article/song/lyrics/video, not a photoshop) then your post should be here, edit it to add in #IMadeThis. If you think your post shouldn\'t be here then edit it out or change it.';
out += '\n\n[spoiler=Most Recent 50 Pictures]'; for(var i in piclinks) { if(i>=50) break; var p=piclinks[i]; out += '[img]'+p.src+'[/img]n[url='']Posted by '+p.user+' on [date]''[/date][/url]n\n'; } out += 'This list does not include pictures from posts with #IMadeThis.[/spoiler]'; out += '[/center]'; console.log(out); }
almost forgot, gotta quote it lol
Hey, for someone who has no idea how to code, that's still pretty impressive and looks kind of time consuming
var names={}; if(window.hasOwnProperty('tempnames')) names=tempnames;
var namesa=[]; var counter=0; var oclinks=[]; var piclinks=[]; var links={};
if(links.length==0) RunStats();
var tbody=$($('body').html()); RunStats(6);
function CheckLinks() { var links = $('body > #navwrapper:nth-child(1) #main-content > table:nth-child(2) tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(2) a:not([title^="Next Page"]:not([rel="nofollow"]'); if(links.length==0) { OutputStats(); return; } var l=$(links[0]; var url=l.attr('href'); $.ajax({url:url,success:function(data) { console.log('\ngot '+url+' with '+data.length+' characters\n'); l.remove(); tbody=$(data); RunStats(0); CheckLinks(); }}); } CheckLinks(); counter=0;
function MakeContentType() { return {posts:0,chars:0,pics:0,excls:0,videos:0}; }
function MakeUser(name) { return {name:name,score:0,recentscore:0,country:'',types:{ normal:MakeContentType(),oc:MakeContentType(),recentnormal:MakeContentType(),recentoc:MakeContentType() }}; }
function ProcessPost(user, country, date, hours_ago, post, postlink) { var posttext=post.text(); posttext.replace(/\s+/g,' '); if(posttext.match(/^\s*\#PASSIONBOARD4EVER/)) return; if(postlink=='') return;
var contenttype='normal'; var isoc=false; if(posttext.match(/\#IMadeThis/i) && postlink!='') { isoc=true; contenttype='oc'; var summary=posttext.substr(0,195); if(summary.length>=193) summary=summary.substr(0,190)+'...'; oclinks.push({user:user,link:postlink,summary:summary,date:date}); } if(hours_ago<12) contenttype='recent'+contenttype;
var chars=posttext.length; var pics=post.find('img[src^="http"]'); var numpics=0; pics.each(function(){ var src=$(this).attr('src'); if( links.hasOwnProperty(src) ) { links[src]++; return; } links[src]=1; numpics++; if(isoc==false) { piclinks.push({user:user,link:postlink,src:src,date:date}); } }); var videos=post.find('').length; videos+=post.find('a[href^=""]').length; videos+=post.find('a[href^=""]').length; var excls=0; try{excls=Math.min(10,posttext.match(/\!/g).length);}catch(e){}
if(!names[user] names[user]=MakeUser(user); var n=names[user];; var cont=n.types[contenttype]; cont.posts++; cont.chars+=chars;; cont.excls+=excls; cont.videos+=videos; }
function RunStats(start) { console.log('\nrunning stats...\n'); tbody.find('.quote,.submessage:not(a[title="Link to this post"],.forumsig,div[style="float:right; font-size:8pt; margin-top:15px"]').remove(); tbody.find('br').replaceWith(' '); counter=0; tbody.find('span.forummsginfo').each(function(){ counter++; if(window.hasOwnProperty('tempnames')==false && counter<=start) return; var msginfotext=$(this).text(); var country=''; try{country=msginfotext.match(/^\s+\S+\s+([a-zA-Z][^\.]+).*$/)[1];}catch(e){} var datetext=msginfotext.match(/\.\s*(([a-zA-Z]+) [^\.]*)/)[1]; var date; if(datetext.match(/Posts/) ) { country=''; datetext=msginfotext.match(/\S+\s*(([a-zA-Z]+) [^\.]*)/)[1]; date=new Date(datetext); } else date=new Date(datetext); var hours_ago=((new Date())-date)/1000/3600; var user=msginfotext.match(/^\s*(\S*).*$/)[1]; var post=$(this).parent().parent().parent().find('tr > .forumPost:not(lightback)'); var postlink=''+$(this).parent().parent().find('a.submessage[title="Link to this post"]').attr('href'); ProcessPost(user, country, date, hours_ago, post, postlink); }); }
function numberWithCommas(x) { return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","); }
function OutputUserStats(u,place,details) { var out=''; if(place>0) out+='[b]#'+place+' '; else out+='[b]';
var; var ut=u.types; var score=Math.floor(u.score); var recentscore=Math.floor(u.recentscore); var posts=0; var ocposts=0; var videos=0; var ocvideos=0; var pics=0; var chars=0; var excls=0; var recentpics=0; var recentchars=0; var recentexcls=0; for(var t in ut) { if(!ut.hasOwnProperty(t)) continue; if(t=='normal' || t=='recentnormal') { posts+=ut[t].posts; videos+=ut[t].videos; } else { ocposts+=ut[t].posts; ocvideos+=ut[t].videos; } if(t=='recentnormal' || t=='recentoc') { recentpics+=ut[t].pics; recentchars+=ut[t].chars; recentexcls+=ut[t].excls; } pics+=ut[t].pics; chars+=ut[t].chars; excls+=ut[t].excls; }
var recentposts=ut.recentnormal.posts; var recentocposts=ut.recentoc.posts; var recentocvideos=ut.recentoc.videos;
var cppchange=(chars/(posts+ocposts)) - ((chars-recentchars)/((posts+ocposts)-(recentposts+recentocposts))); if(posts-recentposts==0) cppchange=(chars/posts); cppchange=Math.floor(cppchange); if(cppchange>0) cppchange='+'+cppchange; if(cppchange!=cppchange)cppchange='0';
function OutputStats() { var out=''; namesa=[]; var everyone=MakeUser('EVERYONE'); var na=MakeUser('NA'); var restoftheworld=MakeUser('Unimportant Parts of the World'); var unknown=MakeUser('Unknown Region'); for(var i in names) { if(!names.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; var u=names[i]; var region=restoftheworld; if('United States' ||'Canada' ||'Greenland' ||'Mexico') { region=na; } else if('') { region=unknown; }
for(var t in u.types) { var c=u.types[t]; var score=0; var ec=everyone.types[t]; var rc=region.types[t]; ec.videos+=c.videos;; ec.posts+=c.posts; ec.chars+=c.chars; ec.excls+=c.excls;
//console.log(namesa); var spoilerlist=''; out=''; out += '\n[center][big][b]#PASSIONBOARD4EVER[/b][/big]n\n'; for(var i in namesa) { if(i==21) break; var place=i; var u=namesa[i]; out += OutputUserStats(u,place,0); } out += '[spoiler=More Details]n'; out += OutputUserStats(na,0,1); out += OutputUserStats(restoftheworld,0,1); out += '\n'; for(var i in namesa) { var place=i; var u=namesa[i]; out += OutputUserStats(u,place,1); } out += '[/spoiler]n\n'; out += '[/center]'; out += 'score = (ocvideos*3000) + (pics*200) + (ocposts*100) + (posts*20) + (videos*10) + (oc-characters/2) + (characters/10) + (exclamation points/10); (max of 10 exclamation points per post, the first 6 posts don\'t count and my #PASSIONBOARD4EVER posts don\'t count, the + and - stats is for the past 12 hours)\nso post more pics and make some videos, and make sure to use #IMadeThis when appropriate! But be careful to not use #IMadeThis in normal posts, you should say hashtag IMadeThis instead, or put it inside of a quote tag.'; out += '\n\n[center][big][b]Latest #IMadeThis Posts[/b][/big]n'; for(var i in oclinks) { if(i==5) out += '[spoiler=More #IMadeThis Posts]'; out += '[url='+oclinks[i].link+'][b][dblue]'+oclinks[i].user+'[/dblue][/b] '+ oclinks[i].date.toDateString() +'[/url] - '+oclinks[i].summary+'\n\n'; } out += '[/spoiler]n\nIf you made something (fanfic/article/song/lyrics/video, not a photoshop) then your post should be here, edit it to add in #IMadeThis. If you think your post shouldn\'t be here then edit it out or change it.';
out += '\n\n[spoiler=Most Recent 50 Pictures]'; for(var i in piclinks) { if(i>=50) break; var p=piclinks[i]; out += '[img]'+p.src+'[/img]n[url='']Posted by '+p.user+' on [date]''[/date][/url]n\n'; } out += 'This list does not include pictures from posts with #IMadeThis.[/spoiler]'; out += '[/center]'; console.log(out); }
almost forgot, gotta quote it lol
Hey, for someone who has no idea how to code, that's still pretty impressive and looks kind of time consuming
score = (ocvideos*3000) + (pics*200) + (ocposts*100) + (posts*20) + (videos*10) + (oc-characters/2) + (characters/10) + (exclamation points/10); (max of 10 exclamation points per post, the first 6 posts don't count and my #PASSIONBOARD4EVER posts don't count, the + and - stats is for the past 12 hours) so post more pics and make some videos, and make sure to use #IMadeThis when appropriate! But be careful to not use #IMadeThis in normal posts, you should say hashtag IMadeThis instead, or put it inside of a quote tag.
Latest #IMadeThis Posts KingofdaHipHop Sun Oct 19 2014 - Here's my story, not that good but I think that Stardust deserves some more love. Hopefully you enjoy! #IMadeThis Proof (Stardust) by KingofdaHipHop The extractor is surrounded by probes....
Cricketer12 Sun Oct 19 2014 - A Santastic day: Im not very good at fanfics...but this is one I must write as I feel obligated by pashun. I talked a lot of smack in the weeks coming up to this moment but deep down, i fea...
Cricketer12 Sun Oct 19 2014 - if you pay attention to my posts and connect the dots, it makes sense, i will tell the story of my pashun now and hope it gets put on OP. #Imadethis I love Starcraft. Its that simple. I r...
Cricketer12 Sun Oct 19 2014 - Cricketer's Power Rank: Blizzcon 2014 As the one person who predicted sOs to win Blizzcon, I at least feel like I have a good chance of figuring out who will win it this time (I however als...
OtherWorld Sun Oct 19 2014 - Ok here's a fanfic about 2 players : + Show Spoiler + Old Brothers soO stopped, breathed, and sat on the ground. The whipping wind and his tired ...
LockeTazeline Sat Oct 18 2014 - 5 soO stared at the screen. It was funny; how many times had he been in this position before? How many times had he sat at the cusp of victory? How many times had his fingertips brushed t...
[UoN]Sentinel Sat Oct 18 2014 - Two of my roommates have finally left for the weekend, but the other three refuse to leave, so I can't conduct my recordings of the Polt song yet. Instead, here's another of my lyric sets ...
AWalker9 Sat Oct 18 2014 - Well this is my fan fiction #IMadeThis it's not great but oh well soO sits in his room after his 4th GSL finals loss he has 5 silver medals that lie in his room. Every medal is painful r...
IAmWithStupid Sat Oct 18 2014 - #IMadeThis This is awfull. WARNING! You head may explode because of my singing. DISCLAIMER: All photos belong to their owners, I just passion around. Thats right, "passion" is a verb now!!...
Die4Ever Fri Oct 17 2014 - I just finished my INnoVation retrospective! #IMadeThis + Show Spoiler + INnoVation INnoVation, the once best Terran in the world, didn't show as much consistency throughout the year as ou...
IntoTheheart Fri Oct 17 2014 - My own SoO fanfic: #IMadeThis + Show Spoiler + Just master the basics. You need the fundamentals. After all, StarCraft is only composed of ones and zeros anyway. That's what Coach Choi's b...
The_Templar Fri Oct 17 2014 - #IMadeThis. Fanfic involving TaeJa, MC, Bomber, and miscellaneous people… I am a fairly bad writer so don’t expect too much ^^. What I would like to happen if I was at blizzcon basically.. ...
Garbels Fri Oct 17 2014 - The prophecy foretold of a hero who would reunite worshipers of the old gods and the new. A hero so powerful and charismatic that he could rally all the races behind him to fight against th...
[UoN]Sentinel Fri Oct 17 2014 - One more for Innovation, to soO: (maybe I'll do this one after I finish the Polt song) #IMadeThis Yesterday you lost two games to four Your play as light and brittle as your smile Today ...
[UoN]Sentinel Thu Oct 16 2014 - #IMadeThis Polt's Theme and Lyrics: If tomorrow all the players were gone That I'd cheered for every year And I had to start again With just the twitch stream and a beer I'd thank my lu...
SetGuitarsToKill Thu Oct 16 2014 - The first paragraph of my fanfic, don't know if I'm gonna finish though since I don't really know where to go with it... + Show Spoiler +Up and down, up and down. The bar moved in steady r...
Die4Ever Thu Oct 16 2014 - just finished my jjakji retrospective! #IMadeThis + Show Spoiler + jjakji jjakji, the #11 seed, with 3475 WCS Points. Wait what? I've actually seen people wondering how he got so many WCS ...
Sakat Thu Oct 16 2014 - Can you, analyzing a Starcraft game point out to something and say - this is , exactly this detail, this play, this tactical set up or strategic idea, is art. "Art" can be viewed from vario...
Die4Ever Wed Oct 15 2014 - hi guys! what did I miss? I just finished the Life retrospective, would you like to see? #IMadeThis + Show Spoiler [LIFUUUUUU] + Life This was actually a weak year for Life compared to how...
ZigguratOfUr Wed Oct 15 2014 - Soul May 2013 SKT headquarters “President. I am worried about the STX SouL player, Lee Shin Hyung also known as INnoVation. His performance in both Proleague and the GSL is frightening. H...
VeNoM Wed Oct 15 2014 - Be gentle, I'm not a writer: He stared into the thousands of fans in the audience while he selected his map vetoes, and thousands of faces stared back. His opponent and friend, Lee Shin Hy...
Sakat Wed Oct 15 2014 - Well, I guess, since I won't be posting any pictures, I might as well write an extremely long and tiresome post that no one will bother to read and no one will notice how stupid I actually ...
Die4Ever Tue Oct 14 2014 - so I just did the Zest retrospective... #IMadeThis + Show Spoiler + Zest Zest kind of made WCS look easy. I mean just look at his graph for the year. He was actually over 99% for more tha...
Die4Ever Tue Oct 14 2014 - I'd like to share with you all, my retrospective analysis on Snute's year. This is the first of many to come. #IMadeThis + Show Spoiler + Snute This is the first of a series of retrospecti...
If you made something (fanfic/article/song/lyrics/video, not a photoshop) then your post should be here, edit it to add in #IMadeThis. If you think your post shouldn't be here then edit it out or change it.
var names={}; if(window.hasOwnProperty('tempnames') names=tempnames;
var namesa=[]; var counter=0; var oclinks=[]; var piclinks=[]; var links={};
if(links.length==0) RunStats();
var tbody=$($('body'.html()); RunStats(6);
function CheckLinks() { var links = $('body > #navwrapper:nth-child(1) #main-content > table:nth-child(2) tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(2) a:not([title^="Next Page"]:not([rel="nofollow"]'; if(links.length==0) { OutputStats(); return; } var l=$(links[0]; var url=l.attr('href'; $.ajax({url:url,success:function(data) { console.log('ngot '+url+' with '+data.length+' characters\n'; l.remove(); tbody=$(data); RunStats(0); CheckLinks(); }}); } CheckLinks(); counter=0;
function MakeContentType() { return {posts:0,chars:0,pics:0,excls:0,videos:0}; }
function MakeUser(name) { return {name:name,score:0,recentscore:0,country:'',types:{ normal:MakeContentType(),oc:MakeContentType(),recentnormal:MakeContentType(),recentoc:MakeContentType() }}; }
function ProcessPost(user, country, date, hours_ago, post, postlink) { var posttext=post.text(); posttext.replace(/\s+/g,' '; if(posttext.match(/^\s*\#PASSIONBOARD4EVER/)) return; if(postlink=='' return;
var contenttype='normal'; var isoc=false; if(posttext.match(/\#IMadeThis/i) && postlink!='' { isoc=true; contenttype='oc'; var summary=posttext.substr(0,195); if(summary.length>=193) summary=summary.substr(0,190)+'...'; oclinks.push({user:user,link:postlink,summary:summary,date:date}); } if(hours_ago<12) contenttype='recent'+contenttype;
var chars=posttext.length; var pics=post.find('img[src^="http"]'; var numpics=0; pics.each(function(){ var src=$(this).attr('src'; if( links.hasOwnProperty(src) ) { links[src]++; return; } links[src]=1; numpics++; if(isoc==false) { piclinks.push({user:user,link:postlink,src:src,date:date}); } }); var videos=post.find(''.length; videos+=post.find('a[href^=""]'.length; videos+=post.find('a[href^=""]'.length; var excls=0; try{excls=Math.min(10,posttext.match(/\!/g).length);}catch(e){}
if(!names[user] names[user]=MakeUser(user); var n=names[user];; var cont=n.types[contenttype]; cont.posts++; cont.chars+=chars;; cont.excls+=excls; cont.videos+=videos; }
function RunStats(start) { console.log('nrunning stats...\n'; tbody.find('.quote,.submessage:not(a[title="Link to this post"],.forumsig,div[style="float:right; font-size:8pt; margin-top:15px"]'.remove(); tbody.find('br'.replaceWith(' '; counter=0; tbody.find('span.forummsginfo'.each(function(){ counter++; if(window.hasOwnProperty('tempnames'==false && counter<=start) return; var msginfotext=$(this).text(); var country=''; try{country=msginfotext.match(/^\s+\S+\s+([a-zA-Z][^\.]+).*$/)[1];}catch(e){} var datetext=msginfotext.match(/\.\s*(([a-zA-Z]+) [^\.]*)/)[1]; var date; if(datetext.match(/Posts/) ) { country=''; datetext=msginfotext.match(/\S+\s*(([a-zA-Z]+) [^\.]*)/)[1]; date=new Date(datetext); } else date=new Date(datetext); var hours_ago=((new Date())-date)/1000/3600; var user=msginfotext.match(/^\s*(\S*).*$/)[1]; var post=$(this).parent().parent().parent().find('tr > .forumPost:not(lightback)'; var postlink=''+$(this).parent().parent().find('a.submessage[title="Link to this post"]'.attr('href'; ProcessPost(user, country, date, hours_ago, post, postlink); }); }
function numberWithCommas(x) { return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, "," }
function OutputUserStats(u,place,details) { var out=''; if(place>0) out+='[b]#'+place+' '; else out+='[b]';
var; var ut=u.types; var score=Math.floor(u.score); var recentscore=Math.floor(u.recentscore); var posts=0; var ocposts=0; var videos=0; var ocvideos=0; var pics=0; var chars=0; var excls=0; var recentpics=0; var recentchars=0; var recentexcls=0; for(var t in ut) { if(!ut.hasOwnProperty(t)) continue; if(t=='normal' || t=='recentnormal' { posts+=ut[t].posts; videos+=ut[t].videos; } else { ocposts+=ut[t].posts; ocvideos+=ut[t].videos; } if(t=='recentnormal' || t=='recentoc' { recentpics+=ut[t].pics; recentchars+=ut[t].chars; recentexcls+=ut[t].excls; } pics+=ut[t].pics; chars+=ut[t].chars; excls+=ut[t].excls; }
var recentposts=ut.recentnormal.posts; var recentocposts=ut.recentoc.posts; var recentocvideos=ut.recentoc.videos;
var cppchange=(chars/(posts+ocposts)) - ((chars-recentchars)/((posts+ocposts)-(recentposts+recentocposts))); if(posts-recentposts==0) cppchange=(chars/posts); cppchange=Math.floor(cppchange); if(cppchange>0) cppchange='+'+cppchange; if(cppchange!=cppchange)cppchange='0';
function OutputStats() { var out=''; namesa=[]; var everyone=MakeUser('EVERYONE'; var na=MakeUser('NA'; var restoftheworld=MakeUser('Unimportant Parts of the World'; var unknown=MakeUser('Unknown Region'; for(var i in names) { if(!names.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; var u=names[i]; var region=restoftheworld; if('United States' ||'Canada' ||'Greenland' ||'Mexico' { region=na; } else if('' { region=unknown; }
for(var t in u.types) { var c=u.types[t]; var score=0; var ec=everyone.types[t]; var rc=region.types[t]; ec.videos+=c.videos;; ec.posts+=c.posts; ec.chars+=c.chars; ec.excls+=c.excls;
//console.log(namesa); var spoilerlist=''; out=''; out += 'n[center][big][b]#PASSIONBOARD4EVER[/b][/big]n\n'; for(var i in namesa) { if(i==21) break; var place=i; var u=namesa[i]; out += OutputUserStats(u,place,0); } out += '[spoiler=More Details]n'; out += OutputUserStats(na,0,1); out += OutputUserStats(restoftheworld,0,1); out += 'n'; for(var i in namesa) { var place=i; var u=namesa[i]; out += OutputUserStats(u,place,1); } out += '[/spoiler]n\n'; out += '[/center]'; out += 'score = (ocvideos*3000) + (pics*200) + (ocposts*100) + (posts*20) + (videos*10) + (oc-characters/2) + (characters/10) + (exclamation points/10); (max of 10 exclamation points per post, the first 6 posts don\'t count and my #PASSIONBOARD4EVER posts don\'t count, the + and - stats is for the past 12 hours)\nso post more pics and make some videos, and make sure to use #IMadeThis when appropriate! But be careful to not use #IMadeThis in normal posts, you should say hashtag IMadeThis instead, or put it inside of a quote tag.'; out += 'n\n[center][big][b]Latest #IMadeThis Posts[/b][/big]n'; for(var i in oclinks) { if(i==5) out += '[spoiler=More #IMadeThis Posts]'; out += '[url='+oclinks[i].link+'][b][dblue]'+oclinks[i].user+'[/dblue][/b] '+ oclinks[i].date.toDateString() +'[/url] - '+oclinks[i].summary+'n\n'; } out += '[/spoiler]n\nIf you made something (fanfic/article/song/lyrics/video, not a photoshop) then your post should be here, edit it to add in #IMadeThis. If you think your post shouldn\'t be here then edit it out or change it.';
out += 'n\n[spoiler=Most Recent 50 Pictures]'; for(var i in piclinks) { if(i>=50) break; var p=piclinks[i]; out += '[img]'+p.src+'[/img]n[url='']Posted by '+p.user+' on [date]''[/date][/url]n\n'; } out += 'This list does not include pictures from posts with #IMadeThis.[/spoiler]'; out += '[/center]'; console.log(out); }
almost forgot, gotta quote it lol
Hey, for someone who has no idea how to code, that's still pretty impressive and looks kind of time consuming
score = (ocvideos*3000) + (pics*200) + (ocposts*100) + (posts*20) + (videos*10) + (oc-characters/2) + (characters/10) + (exclamation points/10); (max of 10 exclamation points per post, the first 6 posts don't count and my #PASSIONBOARD4EVER posts don't count, the + and - stats is for the past 12 hours) so post more pics and make some videos, and make sure to use #IMadeThis when appropriate! But be careful to not use #IMadeThis in normal posts, you should say hashtag IMadeThis instead, or put it inside of a quote tag.
Latest #IMadeThis Posts KingofdaHipHop Sun Oct 19 2014 - Here's my story, not that good but I think that Stardust deserves some more love. Hopefully you enjoy! #IMadeThis Proof (Stardust) by KingofdaHipHop The extractor is surrounded by probes....
Cricketer12 Sun Oct 19 2014 - A Santastic day: Im not very good at fanfics...but this is one I must write as I feel obligated by pashun. I talked a lot of smack in the weeks coming up to this moment but deep down, i fea...
Cricketer12 Sun Oct 19 2014 - if you pay attention to my posts and connect the dots, it makes sense, i will tell the story of my pashun now and hope it gets put on OP. #Imadethis I love Starcraft. Its that simple. I r...
Cricketer12 Sun Oct 19 2014 - Cricketer's Power Rank: Blizzcon 2014 As the one person who predicted sOs to win Blizzcon, I at least feel like I have a good chance of figuring out who will win it this time (I however als...
OtherWorld Sun Oct 19 2014 - Ok here's a fanfic about 2 players : + Show Spoiler + Old Brothers soO stopped, breathed, and sat on the ground. The whipping wind and his tired ...
LockeTazeline Sat Oct 18 2014 - 5 soO stared at the screen. It was funny; how many times had he been in this position before? How many times had he sat at the cusp of victory? How many times had his fingertips brushed t...
[UoN]Sentinel Sat Oct 18 2014 - Two of my roommates have finally left for the weekend, but the other three refuse to leave, so I can't conduct my recordings of the Polt song yet. Instead, here's another of my lyric sets ...
AWalker9 Sat Oct 18 2014 - Well this is my fan fiction #IMadeThis it's not great but oh well soO sits in his room after his 4th GSL finals loss he has 5 silver medals that lie in his room. Every medal is painful r...
IAmWithStupid Sat Oct 18 2014 - #IMadeThis This is awfull. WARNING! You head may explode because of my singing. DISCLAIMER: All photos belong to their owners, I just passion around. Thats right, "passion" is a verb now!!...
Die4Ever Fri Oct 17 2014 - I just finished my INnoVation retrospective! #IMadeThis + Show Spoiler + INnoVation INnoVation, the once best Terran in the world, didn't show as much consistency throughout the year as ou...
IntoTheheart Fri Oct 17 2014 - My own SoO fanfic: #IMadeThis + Show Spoiler + Just master the basics. You need the fundamentals. After all, StarCraft is only composed of ones and zeros anyway. That's what Coach Choi's b...
The_Templar Fri Oct 17 2014 - #IMadeThis. Fanfic involving TaeJa, MC, Bomber, and miscellaneous people… I am a fairly bad writer so don’t expect too much ^^. What I would like to happen if I was at blizzcon basically.. ...
Garbels Fri Oct 17 2014 - The prophecy foretold of a hero who would reunite worshipers of the old gods and the new. A hero so powerful and charismatic that he could rally all the races behind him to fight against th...
[UoN]Sentinel Fri Oct 17 2014 - One more for Innovation, to soO: (maybe I'll do this one after I finish the Polt song) #IMadeThis Yesterday you lost two games to four Your play as light and brittle as your smile Today ...
[UoN]Sentinel Thu Oct 16 2014 - #IMadeThis Polt's Theme and Lyrics: If tomorrow all the players were gone That I'd cheered for every year And I had to start again With just the twitch stream and a beer I'd thank my lu...
SetGuitarsToKill Thu Oct 16 2014 - The first paragraph of my fanfic, don't know if I'm gonna finish though since I don't really know where to go with it... + Show Spoiler +Up and down, up and down. The bar moved in steady r...
Die4Ever Thu Oct 16 2014 - just finished my jjakji retrospective! #IMadeThis + Show Spoiler + jjakji jjakji, the #11 seed, with 3475 WCS Points. Wait what? I've actually seen people wondering how he got so many WCS ...
Sakat Thu Oct 16 2014 - Can you, analyzing a Starcraft game point out to something and say - this is , exactly this detail, this play, this tactical set up or strategic idea, is art. "Art" can be viewed from vario...
Die4Ever Wed Oct 15 2014 - hi guys! what did I miss? I just finished the Life retrospective, would you like to see? #IMadeThis + Show Spoiler [LIFUUUUUU] + Life This was actually a weak year for Life compared to how...
ZigguratOfUr Wed Oct 15 2014 - Soul May 2013 SKT headquarters “President. I am worried about the STX SouL player, Lee Shin Hyung also known as INnoVation. His performance in both Proleague and the GSL is frightening. H...
VeNoM Wed Oct 15 2014 - Be gentle, I'm not a writer: He stared into the thousands of fans in the audience while he selected his map vetoes, and thousands of faces stared back. His opponent and friend, Lee Shin Hy...
Sakat Wed Oct 15 2014 - Well, I guess, since I won't be posting any pictures, I might as well write an extremely long and tiresome post that no one will bother to read and no one will notice how stupid I actually ...
Die4Ever Tue Oct 14 2014 - so I just did the Zest retrospective... #IMadeThis + Show Spoiler + Zest Zest kind of made WCS look easy. I mean just look at his graph for the year. He was actually over 99% for more tha...
Die4Ever Tue Oct 14 2014 - I'd like to share with you all, my retrospective analysis on Snute's year. This is the first of many to come. #IMadeThis + Show Spoiler + Snute This is the first of a series of retrospecti...
If you made something (fanfic/article/song/lyrics/video, not a photoshop) then your post should be here, edit it to add in #IMadeThis. If you think your post shouldn't be here then edit it out or change it.