On October 21 2014 01:23 The_Templar wrote:Show nested quote +On October 21 2014 01:23 Sakat wrote:On October 21 2014 01:21 Cricketer12 wrote:On October 21 2014 01:20 Sakat wrote:On October 21 2014 01:19 SetGuitarsToKill wrote:On October 21 2014 01:17 Sakat wrote:On October 21 2014 01:13 SetGuitarsToKill wrote:On October 21 2014 01:12 Die4Ever wrote:On October 21 2014 01:10 Sakat wrote: HOW DO YOU FIND THE TIME???!!!!!! It's amazing work!!! it's really not that much code + Show Spoiler + var names={}; if(window.hasOwnProperty('tempnames')) names=tempnames;
var namesa=[]; var counter=0; var oclinks=[]; var piclinks=[]; var links={};
if(links.length==0) RunStats();
var tbody=$($('body').html()); RunStats(6);
function CheckLinks() { var links = $('body > #navwrapper:nth-child(1) #main-content > table:nth-child(2) tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(2) a:not([title^="Next Page"] :not([rel="nofollow"] '); if(links.length==0) { OutputStats(); return; } var l=$(links[0] ; var url=l.attr('href'); $.ajax({url:url,success:function(data) { console.log('\ngot '+url+' with '+data.length+' characters\n'); l.remove(); tbody=$(data); RunStats(0); CheckLinks(); }}); } CheckLinks(); counter=0;
function MakeContentType() { return {posts:0,chars:0,pics:0,excls:0,videos:0}; }
function MakeUser(name) { return {name:name,score:0,recentscore:0,country:'',types:{ normal:MakeContentType(),oc:MakeContentType(),recentnormal:MakeContentType(),recentoc:MakeContentType() }}; }
function ProcessPost(user, country, date, hours_ago, post, postlink) { var posttext=post.text(); posttext.replace(/\s+/g,' '); if(posttext.match(/^\s*\#PASSIONBOARD4EVER/)) return; if(postlink=='http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewpost.php?post_id=23071257') return;
var contenttype='normal'; var isoc=false; if(posttext.match(/\#IMadeThis/i) && postlink!='http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewpost.php?post_id=23135482') { isoc=true; contenttype='oc'; var summary=posttext.substr(0,195); if(summary.length>=193) summary=summary.substr(0,190)+'...'; oclinks.push({user:user,link:postlink,summary:summary,date:date}); } if(hours_ago<12) contenttype='recent'+contenttype;
var chars=posttext.length; var pics=post.find('img[src^="http"]'); var numpics=0; pics.each(function(){ var src=$(this).attr('src'); if( links.hasOwnProperty(src) ) { links[src]++; return; } links[src]=1; numpics++; if(isoc==false) { piclinks.push({user:user,link:postlink,src:src,date:date}); } }); var videos=post.find('iframe.youtube-player').length; videos+=post.find('a[href^="http://vimeo.com/"]').length; videos+=post.find('a[href^="https://vimeo.com/"]').length; var excls=0; try{excls=Math.min(10,posttext.match(/\!/g).length);}catch(e){} if(!names[user] names[user]=MakeUser(user); var n=names[user]; n.country=country; var cont=n.types[contenttype]; cont.posts++; cont.chars+=chars; cont.pics+=numpics; cont.excls+=excls; cont.videos+=videos; }
function RunStats(start) { console.log('\nrunning stats...\n'); tbody.find('.quote,.submessage:not(a[title="Link to this post"] ,.forumsig,div[style="float:right; font-size:8pt; margin-top:15px"]').remove(); tbody.find('br').replaceWith(' '); counter=0; tbody.find('span.forummsginfo').each(function(){ counter++; if(window.hasOwnProperty('tempnames')==false && counter<=start) return; var msginfotext=$(this).text(); var country=''; try{country=msginfotext.match(/^\s+\S+\s+([a-zA-Z][^\.]+).*$/)[1];}catch(e){} var datetext=msginfotext.match(/\.\s*(([a-zA-Z]+) [^\.]*)/)[1]; var date; if(datetext.match(/Posts/) ) { country=''; datetext=msginfotext.match(/\S+\s*(([a-zA-Z]+) [^\.]*)/)[1]; date=new Date(datetext); } else date=new Date(datetext); var hours_ago=((new Date())-date)/1000/3600; var user=msginfotext.match(/^\s*(\S*).*$/)[1]; var post=$(this).parent().parent().parent().find('tr > .forumPost:not(lightback)'); var postlink='http://www.teamliquid.net'+$(this).parent().parent().find('a.submessage[title="Link to this post"]').attr('href'); ProcessPost(user, country, date, hours_ago, post, postlink); }); }
function numberWithCommas(x) { return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","); }
function OutputUserStats(u,place,details) { var out=''; if(place>0) out+='[b]#'+place+' '; else out+='[b]'; var name=u.name; var ut=u.types; var score=Math.floor(u.score); var recentscore=Math.floor(u.recentscore); var posts=0; var ocposts=0; var videos=0; var ocvideos=0; var pics=0; var chars=0; var excls=0; var recentpics=0; var recentchars=0; var recentexcls=0; for(var t in ut) { if(!ut.hasOwnProperty(t)) continue; if(t=='normal' || t=='recentnormal') { posts+=ut[t].posts; videos+=ut[t].videos; } else { ocposts+=ut[t].posts; ocvideos+=ut[t].videos; } if(t=='recentnormal' || t=='recentoc') { recentpics+=ut[t].pics; recentchars+=ut[t].chars; recentexcls+=ut[t].excls; } pics+=ut[t].pics; chars+=ut[t].chars; excls+=ut[t].excls; } var recentposts=ut.recentnormal.posts; var recentocposts=ut.recentoc.posts; var recentocvideos=ut.recentoc.videos; var cppchange=(chars/(posts+ocposts)) - ((chars-recentchars)/((posts+ocposts)-(recentposts+recentocposts))); if(posts-recentposts==0) cppchange=(chars/posts); cppchange=Math.floor(cppchange); if(cppchange>0) cppchange='+'+cppchange; if(cppchange!=cppchange)cppchange='0'; if(details==1) { out+='[dblue]'+name+'[/dblue] - score: '+numberWithCommas(score)+' (+'+numberWithCommas(recentscore)+')[/b]n[small]posts: '+posts+' (+'+recentposts+'), ocposts: '+ocposts+' (+'+recentocposts+'), ocvids: '+ocvideos+' (+'+recentocvideos+'), pics: '+pics+' (+'+recentpics+'), chars: '+chars+' (+'+recentchars+'), exclamations: '+excls+' (+'+recentexcls+'), chars per post: '+Math.round(chars/posts)+' ('+cppchange+')[/small]n'; } else { out+='[dblue]'+name+'[/dblue] - score: '+numberWithCommas(score)+' (+'+numberWithCommas(recentscore)+')[/b] - posts: '+posts+' (+'+recentposts+'), ocposts: '+ocposts+' (+'+recentocposts+'), ocvideos: '+ocvideos+' (+'+recentocvideos+'), pics: '+pics+' (+'+recentpics+')\n'; } return out; }
function OutputStats() { var out=''; namesa=[]; var everyone=MakeUser('EVERYONE'); var na=MakeUser('NA'); var restoftheworld=MakeUser('Unimportant Parts of the World'); var unknown=MakeUser('Unknown Region'); for(var i in names) { if(!names.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; var u=names[i]; var region=restoftheworld; if(u.country=='United States' || u.country=='Canada' || u.country=='Greenland' || u.country=='Mexico') { region=na; } else if(u.country=='') { region=unknown; }
for(var t in u.types) { var c=u.types[t]; var score=0; var ec=everyone.types[t]; var rc=region.types[t]; ec.videos+=c.videos; ec.pics+=c.pics; ec.posts+=c.posts; ec.chars+=c.chars; ec.excls+=c.excls; rc.videos+=c.videos; rc.pics+=c.pics; rc.posts+=c.posts; rc.chars+=c.chars; rc.excls+=c.excls;
if(t=='oc' || t=='recentoc') score=c.videos*3000+c.pics*200+c.posts*100+c.chars/2+c.excls/10; else score=c.pics*200+c.posts*20+c.videos*10+c.chars/10+c.excls/10; u.score+=score; everyone.score+=score; region.score+=score; if(t=='recentnormal' || t=='recentoc') { u.recentscore+=score; everyone.recentscore+=score; region.recentscore+=score; } } namesa.push(u); } namesa.push(everyone); namesa.sort(function(a,b){ return b.score-a.score; }); oclinks.sort(function(a,b){ //return a.date-b.date; return b.date-a.date; }); piclinks.sort(function(a,b){ return b.date-a.date; });
//console.log(namesa); var spoilerlist=''; out=''; out += '\n[center][big][b]#PASSIONBOARD4EVER[/b][/big]n\n'; for(var i in namesa) { if(i==21) break; var place=i; var u=namesa[i]; out += OutputUserStats(u,place,0); } out += '[spoiler=More Details]n'; out += OutputUserStats(na,0,1); out += OutputUserStats(restoftheworld,0,1); out += '\n'; for(var i in namesa) { var place=i; var u=namesa[i]; out += OutputUserStats(u,place,1); } out += '[/spoiler]n\n'; out += '[/center]'; out += 'score = (ocvideos*3000) + (pics*200) + (ocposts*100) + (posts*20) + (videos*10) + (oc-characters/2) + (characters/10) + (exclamation points/10); (max of 10 exclamation points per post, the first 6 posts don\'t count and my #PASSIONBOARD4EVER posts don\'t count, the + and - stats is for the past 12 hours)\nso post more pics and make some videos, and make sure to use #IMadeThis when appropriate! But be careful to not use #IMadeThis in normal posts, you should say hashtag IMadeThis instead, or put it inside of a quote tag.'; out += '\n\n[center][big][b]Latest #IMadeThis Posts[/b][/big]n'; for(var i in oclinks) { if(i==5) out += '[spoiler=More #IMadeThis Posts]'; out += '[url='+oclinks[i].link+'][b][dblue]'+oclinks[i].user+'[/dblue][/b] '+ oclinks[i].date.toDateString() +'[/url] - '+oclinks[i].summary+'\n\n'; } out += '[/spoiler]n\nIf you made something (fanfic/article/song/lyrics/video, not a photoshop) then your post should be here, edit it to add in #IMadeThis. If you think your post shouldn\'t be here then edit it out or change it.'; out += '\n\n[spoiler=Most Recent 50 Pictures]'; for(var i in piclinks) { if(i>=50) break; var p=piclinks[i]; out += '[img]'+p.src+'[/img]n[url='+p.link+']Posted by '+p.user+' on [date]'+p.date+'[/date][/url]n\n'; } out += 'This list does not include pictures from posts with #IMadeThis.[/spoiler]'; out += '[/center]'; console.log(out); }
almost forgot, gotta quote it lol Hey, for someone who has no idea how to code, that's still pretty impressive and looks kind of time consuming To me it looks like witchcraft Should we burn him? Only if he weighs less than a duck how did you become so educated about witches? Monty Python and the quest for the Holy Grail I'm fairly sure we're all referencing it PROVE IT! WHAT IS YOUR NAME?
your Country52797 Posts
On October 21 2014 01:24 Cricketer12 wrote:Show nested quote +On October 21 2014 01:23 The_Templar wrote:On October 21 2014 01:23 Sakat wrote:On October 21 2014 01:21 Cricketer12 wrote:On October 21 2014 01:20 Sakat wrote:On October 21 2014 01:19 SetGuitarsToKill wrote:On October 21 2014 01:17 Sakat wrote:On October 21 2014 01:13 SetGuitarsToKill wrote:On October 21 2014 01:12 Die4Ever wrote:On October 21 2014 01:10 Sakat wrote: HOW DO YOU FIND THE TIME???!!!!!! It's amazing work!!! it's really not that much code + Show Spoiler + var names={}; if(window.hasOwnProperty('tempnames' ) names=tempnames;
var namesa=[]; var counter=0; var oclinks=[]; var piclinks=[]; var links={};
if(links.length==0) RunStats();
var tbody=$($('body' .html()); RunStats(6);
function CheckLinks() { var links = $('body > #navwrapper:nth-child(1) #main-content > table:nth-child(2) tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(2) a:not([title^="Next Page"] :not([rel="nofollow"] ' ; if(links.length==0) { OutputStats(); return; } var l=$(links[0] ; var url=l.attr('href' ; $.ajax({url:url,success:function(data) { console.log('ngot '+url+' with '+data.length+' characters\n' ; l.remove(); tbody=$(data); RunStats(0); CheckLinks(); }}); } CheckLinks(); counter=0;
function MakeContentType() { return {posts:0,chars:0,pics:0,excls:0,videos:0}; }
function MakeUser(name) { return {name:name,score:0,recentscore:0,country:'',types:{ normal:MakeContentType(),oc:MakeContentType(),recentnormal:MakeContentType(),recentoc:MakeContentType() }}; }
function ProcessPost(user, country, date, hours_ago, post, postlink) { var posttext=post.text(); posttext.replace(/\s+/g,' ' ; if(posttext.match(/^\s*\#PASSIONBOARD4EVER/)) return; if(postlink=='http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewpost.php?post_id=23071257' return;
var contenttype='normal'; var isoc=false; if(posttext.match(/\#IMadeThis/i) && postlink!='http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewpost.php?post_id=23135482' { isoc=true; contenttype='oc'; var summary=posttext.substr(0,195); if(summary.length>=193) summary=summary.substr(0,190)+'...'; oclinks.push({user:user,link:postlink,summary:summary,date:date}); } if(hours_ago<12) contenttype='recent'+contenttype;
var chars=posttext.length; var pics=post.find('img[src^="http"]' ; var numpics=0; pics.each(function(){ var src=$(this).attr('src' ; if( links.hasOwnProperty(src) ) { links[src]++; return; } links[src]=1; numpics++; if(isoc==false) { piclinks.push({user:user,link:postlink,src:src,date:date}); } }); var videos=post.find('iframe.youtube-player' .length; videos+=post.find('a[href^="http://vimeo.com/"]' .length; videos+=post.find('a[href^="https://vimeo.com/"]' .length; var excls=0; try{excls=Math.min(10,posttext.match(/\!/g).length);}catch(e){} if(!names[user] names[user]=MakeUser(user); var n=names[user]; n.country=country; var cont=n.types[contenttype]; cont.posts++; cont.chars+=chars; cont.pics+=numpics; cont.excls+=excls; cont.videos+=videos; }
function RunStats(start) { console.log('nrunning stats...\n' ; tbody.find('.quote,.submessage:not(a[title="Link to this post"] ,.forumsig,div[style="float:right; font-size:8pt; margin-top:15px"]' .remove(); tbody.find('br' .replaceWith(' ' ; counter=0; tbody.find('span.forummsginfo' .each(function(){ counter++; if(window.hasOwnProperty('tempnames' ==false && counter<=start) return; var msginfotext=$(this).text(); var country=''; try{country=msginfotext.match(/^\s+\S+\s+([a-zA-Z][^\.]+).*$/)[1];}catch(e){} var datetext=msginfotext.match(/\.\s*(([a-zA-Z]+) [^\.]*)/)[1]; var date; if(datetext.match(/Posts/) ) { country=''; datetext=msginfotext.match(/\S+\s*(([a-zA-Z]+) [^\.]*)/)[1]; date=new Date(datetext); } else date=new Date(datetext); var hours_ago=((new Date())-date)/1000/3600; var user=msginfotext.match(/^\s*(\S*).*$/)[1]; var post=$(this).parent().parent().parent().find('tr > .forumPost:not(lightback)' ; var postlink='http://www.teamliquid.net'+$(this).parent().parent().find('a.submessage[title="Link to this post"]' .attr('href' ; ProcessPost(user, country, date, hours_ago, post, postlink); }); }
function numberWithCommas(x) { return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, "," ; }
function OutputUserStats(u,place,details) { var out=''; if(place>0) out+='[b]#'+place+' '; else out+='[b]'; var name=u.name; var ut=u.types; var score=Math.floor(u.score); var recentscore=Math.floor(u.recentscore); var posts=0; var ocposts=0; var videos=0; var ocvideos=0; var pics=0; var chars=0; var excls=0; var recentpics=0; var recentchars=0; var recentexcls=0; for(var t in ut) { if(!ut.hasOwnProperty(t)) continue; if(t=='normal' || t=='recentnormal' { posts+=ut[t].posts; videos+=ut[t].videos; } else { ocposts+=ut[t].posts; ocvideos+=ut[t].videos; } if(t=='recentnormal' || t=='recentoc' { recentpics+=ut[t].pics; recentchars+=ut[t].chars; recentexcls+=ut[t].excls; } pics+=ut[t].pics; chars+=ut[t].chars; excls+=ut[t].excls; } var recentposts=ut.recentnormal.posts; var recentocposts=ut.recentoc.posts; var recentocvideos=ut.recentoc.videos; var cppchange=(chars/(posts+ocposts)) - ((chars-recentchars)/((posts+ocposts)-(recentposts+recentocposts))); if(posts-recentposts==0) cppchange=(chars/posts); cppchange=Math.floor(cppchange); if(cppchange>0) cppchange='+'+cppchange; if(cppchange!=cppchange)cppchange='0'; if(details==1) { out+='[dblue]'+name+'[/dblue] - score: '+numberWithCommas(score)+' (+'+numberWithCommas(recentscore)+' [/b]n[small]posts: '+posts+' (+'+recentposts+' , ocposts: '+ocposts+' (+'+recentocposts+' , ocvids: '+ocvideos+' (+'+recentocvideos+' , pics: '+pics+' (+'+recentpics+' , chars: '+chars+' (+'+recentchars+' , exclamations: '+excls+' (+'+recentexcls+' , chars per post: '+Math.round(chars/posts)+' ('+cppchange+' [/small]n'; } else { out+='[dblue]'+name+'[/dblue] - score: '+numberWithCommas(score)+' (+'+numberWithCommas(recentscore)+' [/b] - posts: '+posts+' (+'+recentposts+' , ocposts: '+ocposts+' (+'+recentocposts+' , ocvideos: '+ocvideos+' (+'+recentocvideos+' , pics: '+pics+' (+'+recentpics+' \n'; } return out; }
function OutputStats() { var out=''; namesa=[]; var everyone=MakeUser('EVERYONE' ; var na=MakeUser('NA' ; var restoftheworld=MakeUser('Unimportant Parts of the World' ; var unknown=MakeUser('Unknown Region' ; for(var i in names) { if(!names.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; var u=names[i]; var region=restoftheworld; if(u.country=='United States' || u.country=='Canada' || u.country=='Greenland' || u.country=='Mexico' { region=na; } else if(u.country=='' { region=unknown; }
for(var t in u.types) { var c=u.types[t]; var score=0; var ec=everyone.types[t]; var rc=region.types[t]; ec.videos+=c.videos; ec.pics+=c.pics; ec.posts+=c.posts; ec.chars+=c.chars; ec.excls+=c.excls; rc.videos+=c.videos; rc.pics+=c.pics; rc.posts+=c.posts; rc.chars+=c.chars; rc.excls+=c.excls;
if(t=='oc' || t=='recentoc' score=c.videos*3000+c.pics*200+c.posts*100+c.chars/2+c.excls/10; else score=c.pics*200+c.posts*20+c.videos*10+c.chars/10+c.excls/10; u.score+=score; everyone.score+=score; region.score+=score; if(t=='recentnormal' || t=='recentoc' { u.recentscore+=score; everyone.recentscore+=score; region.recentscore+=score; } } namesa.push(u); } namesa.push(everyone); namesa.sort(function(a,b){ return b.score-a.score; }); oclinks.sort(function(a,b){ //return a.date-b.date; return b.date-a.date; }); piclinks.sort(function(a,b){ return b.date-a.date; });
//console.log(namesa); var spoilerlist=''; out=''; out += 'n[center][big][b]#PASSIONBOARD4EVER[/b][/big]n\n'; for(var i in namesa) { if(i==21) break; var place=i; var u=namesa[i]; out += OutputUserStats(u,place,0); } out += '[spoiler=More Details]n'; out += OutputUserStats(na,0,1); out += OutputUserStats(restoftheworld,0,1); out += 'n'; for(var i in namesa) { var place=i; var u=namesa[i]; out += OutputUserStats(u,place,1); } out += '[/spoiler]n\n'; out += '[/center]'; out += 'score = (ocvideos*3000) + (pics*200) + (ocposts*100) + (posts*20) + (videos*10) + (oc-characters/2) + (characters/10) + (exclamation points/10); (max of 10 exclamation points per post, the first 6 posts don\'t count and my #PASSIONBOARD4EVER posts don\'t count, the + and - stats is for the past 12 hours)\nso post more pics and make some videos, and make sure to use #IMadeThis when appropriate! But be careful to not use #IMadeThis in normal posts, you should say hashtag IMadeThis instead, or put it inside of a quote tag.'; out += 'n\n[center][big][b]Latest #IMadeThis Posts[/b][/big]n'; for(var i in oclinks) { if(i==5) out += '[spoiler=More #IMadeThis Posts]'; out += '[url='+oclinks[i].link+'][b][dblue]'+oclinks[i].user+'[/dblue][/b] '+ oclinks[i].date.toDateString() +'[/url] - '+oclinks[i].summary+'n\n'; } out += '[/spoiler]n\nIf you made something (fanfic/article/song/lyrics/video, not a photoshop) then your post should be here, edit it to add in #IMadeThis. If you think your post shouldn\'t be here then edit it out or change it.'; out += 'n\n[spoiler=Most Recent 50 Pictures]'; for(var i in piclinks) { if(i>=50) break; var p=piclinks[i]; out += '[img]'+p.src+'[/img]n[url='+p.link+']Posted by '+p.user+' on [date]'+p.date+'[/date][/url]n\n'; } out += 'This list does not include pictures from posts with #IMadeThis.[/spoiler]'; out += '[/center]'; console.log(out); }
almost forgot, gotta quote it lol Hey, for someone who has no idea how to code, that's still pretty impressive and looks kind of time consuming To me it looks like witchcraft Should we burn him? Only if he weighs less than a duck how did you become so educated about witches? Monty Python and the quest for the Holy Grail I'm fairly sure we're all referencing it PROVE IT! WHAT IS YOUR NAME? The_Templar, known as __s__ in real life
On October 21 2014 01:25 The_Templar wrote:Show nested quote +On October 21 2014 01:24 Cricketer12 wrote:On October 21 2014 01:23 The_Templar wrote:On October 21 2014 01:23 Sakat wrote:On October 21 2014 01:21 Cricketer12 wrote:On October 21 2014 01:20 Sakat wrote:On October 21 2014 01:19 SetGuitarsToKill wrote:On October 21 2014 01:17 Sakat wrote:On October 21 2014 01:13 SetGuitarsToKill wrote:On October 21 2014 01:12 Die4Ever wrote: [quote] it's really not that much code [quote] almost forgot, gotta quote it lol Hey, for someone who has no idea how to code, that's still pretty impressive and looks kind of time consuming To me it looks like witchcraft Should we burn him? Only if he weighs less than a duck how did you become so educated about witches? Monty Python and the quest for the Holy Grail I'm fairly sure we're all referencing it PROVE IT! WHAT IS YOUR NAME? The_Templar, known as __s__ in real life WHAT IS YOUR QUEST?
On October 21 2014 01:23 The_Templar wrote:Show nested quote +On October 21 2014 01:23 Sakat wrote:On October 21 2014 01:21 Cricketer12 wrote:On October 21 2014 01:20 Sakat wrote:On October 21 2014 01:19 SetGuitarsToKill wrote:On October 21 2014 01:17 Sakat wrote:On October 21 2014 01:13 SetGuitarsToKill wrote:On October 21 2014 01:12 Die4Ever wrote:On October 21 2014 01:10 Sakat wrote: HOW DO YOU FIND THE TIME???!!!!!! It's amazing work!!! it's really not that much code + Show Spoiler + var names={}; if(window.hasOwnProperty('tempnames')) names=tempnames;
var namesa=[]; var counter=0; var oclinks=[]; var piclinks=[]; var links={};
if(links.length==0) RunStats();
var tbody=$($('body').html()); RunStats(6);
function CheckLinks() { var links = $('body > #navwrapper:nth-child(1) #main-content > table:nth-child(2) tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(2) a:not([title^="Next Page"] :not([rel="nofollow"] '); if(links.length==0) { OutputStats(); return; } var l=$(links[0] ; var url=l.attr('href'); $.ajax({url:url,success:function(data) { console.log('\ngot '+url+' with '+data.length+' characters\n'); l.remove(); tbody=$(data); RunStats(0); CheckLinks(); }}); } CheckLinks(); counter=0;
function MakeContentType() { return {posts:0,chars:0,pics:0,excls:0,videos:0}; }
function MakeUser(name) { return {name:name,score:0,recentscore:0,country:'',types:{ normal:MakeContentType(),oc:MakeContentType(),recentnormal:MakeContentType(),recentoc:MakeContentType() }}; }
function ProcessPost(user, country, date, hours_ago, post, postlink) { var posttext=post.text(); posttext.replace(/\s+/g,' '); if(posttext.match(/^\s*\#PASSIONBOARD4EVER/)) return; if(postlink=='http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewpost.php?post_id=23071257') return;
var contenttype='normal'; var isoc=false; if(posttext.match(/\#IMadeThis/i) && postlink!='http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewpost.php?post_id=23135482') { isoc=true; contenttype='oc'; var summary=posttext.substr(0,195); if(summary.length>=193) summary=summary.substr(0,190)+'...'; oclinks.push({user:user,link:postlink,summary:summary,date:date}); } if(hours_ago<12) contenttype='recent'+contenttype;
var chars=posttext.length; var pics=post.find('img[src^="http"]'); var numpics=0; pics.each(function(){ var src=$(this).attr('src'); if( links.hasOwnProperty(src) ) { links[src]++; return; } links[src]=1; numpics++; if(isoc==false) { piclinks.push({user:user,link:postlink,src:src,date:date}); } }); var videos=post.find('iframe.youtube-player').length; videos+=post.find('a[href^="http://vimeo.com/"]').length; videos+=post.find('a[href^="https://vimeo.com/"]').length; var excls=0; try{excls=Math.min(10,posttext.match(/\!/g).length);}catch(e){} if(!names[user] names[user]=MakeUser(user); var n=names[user]; n.country=country; var cont=n.types[contenttype]; cont.posts++; cont.chars+=chars; cont.pics+=numpics; cont.excls+=excls; cont.videos+=videos; }
function RunStats(start) { console.log('\nrunning stats...\n'); tbody.find('.quote,.submessage:not(a[title="Link to this post"] ,.forumsig,div[style="float:right; font-size:8pt; margin-top:15px"]').remove(); tbody.find('br').replaceWith(' '); counter=0; tbody.find('span.forummsginfo').each(function(){ counter++; if(window.hasOwnProperty('tempnames')==false && counter<=start) return; var msginfotext=$(this).text(); var country=''; try{country=msginfotext.match(/^\s+\S+\s+([a-zA-Z][^\.]+).*$/)[1];}catch(e){} var datetext=msginfotext.match(/\.\s*(([a-zA-Z]+) [^\.]*)/)[1]; var date; if(datetext.match(/Posts/) ) { country=''; datetext=msginfotext.match(/\S+\s*(([a-zA-Z]+) [^\.]*)/)[1]; date=new Date(datetext); } else date=new Date(datetext); var hours_ago=((new Date())-date)/1000/3600; var user=msginfotext.match(/^\s*(\S*).*$/)[1]; var post=$(this).parent().parent().parent().find('tr > .forumPost:not(lightback)'); var postlink='http://www.teamliquid.net'+$(this).parent().parent().find('a.submessage[title="Link to this post"]').attr('href'); ProcessPost(user, country, date, hours_ago, post, postlink); }); }
function numberWithCommas(x) { return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","); }
function OutputUserStats(u,place,details) { var out=''; if(place>0) out+='[b]#'+place+' '; else out+='[b]'; var name=u.name; var ut=u.types; var score=Math.floor(u.score); var recentscore=Math.floor(u.recentscore); var posts=0; var ocposts=0; var videos=0; var ocvideos=0; var pics=0; var chars=0; var excls=0; var recentpics=0; var recentchars=0; var recentexcls=0; for(var t in ut) { if(!ut.hasOwnProperty(t)) continue; if(t=='normal' || t=='recentnormal') { posts+=ut[t].posts; videos+=ut[t].videos; } else { ocposts+=ut[t].posts; ocvideos+=ut[t].videos; } if(t=='recentnormal' || t=='recentoc') { recentpics+=ut[t].pics; recentchars+=ut[t].chars; recentexcls+=ut[t].excls; } pics+=ut[t].pics; chars+=ut[t].chars; excls+=ut[t].excls; } var recentposts=ut.recentnormal.posts; var recentocposts=ut.recentoc.posts; var recentocvideos=ut.recentoc.videos; var cppchange=(chars/(posts+ocposts)) - ((chars-recentchars)/((posts+ocposts)-(recentposts+recentocposts))); if(posts-recentposts==0) cppchange=(chars/posts); cppchange=Math.floor(cppchange); if(cppchange>0) cppchange='+'+cppchange; if(cppchange!=cppchange)cppchange='0'; if(details==1) { out+='[dblue]'+name+'[/dblue] - score: '+numberWithCommas(score)+' (+'+numberWithCommas(recentscore)+')[/b]n[small]posts: '+posts+' (+'+recentposts+'), ocposts: '+ocposts+' (+'+recentocposts+'), ocvids: '+ocvideos+' (+'+recentocvideos+'), pics: '+pics+' (+'+recentpics+'), chars: '+chars+' (+'+recentchars+'), exclamations: '+excls+' (+'+recentexcls+'), chars per post: '+Math.round(chars/posts)+' ('+cppchange+')[/small]n'; } else { out+='[dblue]'+name+'[/dblue] - score: '+numberWithCommas(score)+' (+'+numberWithCommas(recentscore)+')[/b] - posts: '+posts+' (+'+recentposts+'), ocposts: '+ocposts+' (+'+recentocposts+'), ocvideos: '+ocvideos+' (+'+recentocvideos+'), pics: '+pics+' (+'+recentpics+')\n'; } return out; }
function OutputStats() { var out=''; namesa=[]; var everyone=MakeUser('EVERYONE'); var na=MakeUser('NA'); var restoftheworld=MakeUser('Unimportant Parts of the World'); var unknown=MakeUser('Unknown Region'); for(var i in names) { if(!names.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; var u=names[i]; var region=restoftheworld; if(u.country=='United States' || u.country=='Canada' || u.country=='Greenland' || u.country=='Mexico') { region=na; } else if(u.country=='') { region=unknown; }
for(var t in u.types) { var c=u.types[t]; var score=0; var ec=everyone.types[t]; var rc=region.types[t]; ec.videos+=c.videos; ec.pics+=c.pics; ec.posts+=c.posts; ec.chars+=c.chars; ec.excls+=c.excls; rc.videos+=c.videos; rc.pics+=c.pics; rc.posts+=c.posts; rc.chars+=c.chars; rc.excls+=c.excls;
if(t=='oc' || t=='recentoc') score=c.videos*3000+c.pics*200+c.posts*100+c.chars/2+c.excls/10; else score=c.pics*200+c.posts*20+c.videos*10+c.chars/10+c.excls/10; u.score+=score; everyone.score+=score; region.score+=score; if(t=='recentnormal' || t=='recentoc') { u.recentscore+=score; everyone.recentscore+=score; region.recentscore+=score; } } namesa.push(u); } namesa.push(everyone); namesa.sort(function(a,b){ return b.score-a.score; }); oclinks.sort(function(a,b){ //return a.date-b.date; return b.date-a.date; }); piclinks.sort(function(a,b){ return b.date-a.date; });
//console.log(namesa); var spoilerlist=''; out=''; out += '\n[center][big][b]#PASSIONBOARD4EVER[/b][/big]n\n'; for(var i in namesa) { if(i==21) break; var place=i; var u=namesa[i]; out += OutputUserStats(u,place,0); } out += '[spoiler=More Details]n'; out += OutputUserStats(na,0,1); out += OutputUserStats(restoftheworld,0,1); out += '\n'; for(var i in namesa) { var place=i; var u=namesa[i]; out += OutputUserStats(u,place,1); } out += '[/spoiler]n\n'; out += '[/center]'; out += 'score = (ocvideos*3000) + (pics*200) + (ocposts*100) + (posts*20) + (videos*10) + (oc-characters/2) + (characters/10) + (exclamation points/10); (max of 10 exclamation points per post, the first 6 posts don\'t count and my #PASSIONBOARD4EVER posts don\'t count, the + and - stats is for the past 12 hours)\nso post more pics and make some videos, and make sure to use #IMadeThis when appropriate! But be careful to not use #IMadeThis in normal posts, you should say hashtag IMadeThis instead, or put it inside of a quote tag.'; out += '\n\n[center][big][b]Latest #IMadeThis Posts[/b][/big]n'; for(var i in oclinks) { if(i==5) out += '[spoiler=More #IMadeThis Posts]'; out += '[url='+oclinks[i].link+'][b][dblue]'+oclinks[i].user+'[/dblue][/b] '+ oclinks[i].date.toDateString() +'[/url] - '+oclinks[i].summary+'\n\n'; } out += '[/spoiler]n\nIf you made something (fanfic/article/song/lyrics/video, not a photoshop) then your post should be here, edit it to add in #IMadeThis. If you think your post shouldn\'t be here then edit it out or change it.'; out += '\n\n[spoiler=Most Recent 50 Pictures]'; for(var i in piclinks) { if(i>=50) break; var p=piclinks[i]; out += '[img]'+p.src+'[/img]n[url='+p.link+']Posted by '+p.user+' on [date]'+p.date+'[/date][/url]n\n'; } out += 'This list does not include pictures from posts with #IMadeThis.[/spoiler]'; out += '[/center]'; console.log(out); }
almost forgot, gotta quote it lol Hey, for someone who has no idea how to code, that's still pretty impressive and looks kind of time consuming To me it looks like witchcraft Should we burn him? Only if he weighs less than a duck how did you become so educated about witches? Monty Python and the quest for the Holy Grail I'm fairly sure we're all referencing it
hehehe, most likely. Now explain to me why I'm sitting in a public library laughing out loud like a maniac?
On October 21 2014 01:25 Sakat wrote:Show nested quote +On October 21 2014 01:23 The_Templar wrote:On October 21 2014 01:23 Sakat wrote:On October 21 2014 01:21 Cricketer12 wrote:On October 21 2014 01:20 Sakat wrote:On October 21 2014 01:19 SetGuitarsToKill wrote:On October 21 2014 01:17 Sakat wrote:On October 21 2014 01:13 SetGuitarsToKill wrote:On October 21 2014 01:12 Die4Ever wrote:On October 21 2014 01:10 Sakat wrote: HOW DO YOU FIND THE TIME???!!!!!! It's amazing work!!! it's really not that much code + Show Spoiler + var names={}; if(window.hasOwnProperty('tempnames')) names=tempnames;
var namesa=[]; var counter=0; var oclinks=[]; var piclinks=[]; var links={};
if(links.length==0) RunStats();
var tbody=$($('body').html()); RunStats(6);
function CheckLinks() { var links = $('body > #navwrapper:nth-child(1) #main-content > table:nth-child(2) tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(2) a:not([title^="Next Page"] :not([rel="nofollow"] '); if(links.length==0) { OutputStats(); return; } var l=$(links[0] ; var url=l.attr('href'); $.ajax({url:url,success:function(data) { console.log('\ngot '+url+' with '+data.length+' characters\n'); l.remove(); tbody=$(data); RunStats(0); CheckLinks(); }}); } CheckLinks(); counter=0;
function MakeContentType() { return {posts:0,chars:0,pics:0,excls:0,videos:0}; }
function MakeUser(name) { return {name:name,score:0,recentscore:0,country:'',types:{ normal:MakeContentType(),oc:MakeContentType(),recentnormal:MakeContentType(),recentoc:MakeContentType() }}; }
function ProcessPost(user, country, date, hours_ago, post, postlink) { var posttext=post.text(); posttext.replace(/\s+/g,' '); if(posttext.match(/^\s*\#PASSIONBOARD4EVER/)) return; if(postlink=='http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewpost.php?post_id=23071257') return;
var contenttype='normal'; var isoc=false; if(posttext.match(/\#IMadeThis/i) && postlink!='http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewpost.php?post_id=23135482') { isoc=true; contenttype='oc'; var summary=posttext.substr(0,195); if(summary.length>=193) summary=summary.substr(0,190)+'...'; oclinks.push({user:user,link:postlink,summary:summary,date:date}); } if(hours_ago<12) contenttype='recent'+contenttype;
var chars=posttext.length; var pics=post.find('img[src^="http"]'); var numpics=0; pics.each(function(){ var src=$(this).attr('src'); if( links.hasOwnProperty(src) ) { links[src]++; return; } links[src]=1; numpics++; if(isoc==false) { piclinks.push({user:user,link:postlink,src:src,date:date}); } }); var videos=post.find('iframe.youtube-player').length; videos+=post.find('a[href^="http://vimeo.com/"]').length; videos+=post.find('a[href^="https://vimeo.com/"]').length; var excls=0; try{excls=Math.min(10,posttext.match(/\!/g).length);}catch(e){} if(!names[user] names[user]=MakeUser(user); var n=names[user]; n.country=country; var cont=n.types[contenttype]; cont.posts++; cont.chars+=chars; cont.pics+=numpics; cont.excls+=excls; cont.videos+=videos; }
function RunStats(start) { console.log('\nrunning stats...\n'); tbody.find('.quote,.submessage:not(a[title="Link to this post"] ,.forumsig,div[style="float:right; font-size:8pt; margin-top:15px"]').remove(); tbody.find('br').replaceWith(' '); counter=0; tbody.find('span.forummsginfo').each(function(){ counter++; if(window.hasOwnProperty('tempnames')==false && counter<=start) return; var msginfotext=$(this).text(); var country=''; try{country=msginfotext.match(/^\s+\S+\s+([a-zA-Z][^\.]+).*$/)[1];}catch(e){} var datetext=msginfotext.match(/\.\s*(([a-zA-Z]+) [^\.]*)/)[1]; var date; if(datetext.match(/Posts/) ) { country=''; datetext=msginfotext.match(/\S+\s*(([a-zA-Z]+) [^\.]*)/)[1]; date=new Date(datetext); } else date=new Date(datetext); var hours_ago=((new Date())-date)/1000/3600; var user=msginfotext.match(/^\s*(\S*).*$/)[1]; var post=$(this).parent().parent().parent().find('tr > .forumPost:not(lightback)'); var postlink='http://www.teamliquid.net'+$(this).parent().parent().find('a.submessage[title="Link to this post"]').attr('href'); ProcessPost(user, country, date, hours_ago, post, postlink); }); }
function numberWithCommas(x) { return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","); }
function OutputUserStats(u,place,details) { var out=''; if(place>0) out+='[b]#'+place+' '; else out+='[b]'; var name=u.name; var ut=u.types; var score=Math.floor(u.score); var recentscore=Math.floor(u.recentscore); var posts=0; var ocposts=0; var videos=0; var ocvideos=0; var pics=0; var chars=0; var excls=0; var recentpics=0; var recentchars=0; var recentexcls=0; for(var t in ut) { if(!ut.hasOwnProperty(t)) continue; if(t=='normal' || t=='recentnormal') { posts+=ut[t].posts; videos+=ut[t].videos; } else { ocposts+=ut[t].posts; ocvideos+=ut[t].videos; } if(t=='recentnormal' || t=='recentoc') { recentpics+=ut[t].pics; recentchars+=ut[t].chars; recentexcls+=ut[t].excls; } pics+=ut[t].pics; chars+=ut[t].chars; excls+=ut[t].excls; } var recentposts=ut.recentnormal.posts; var recentocposts=ut.recentoc.posts; var recentocvideos=ut.recentoc.videos; var cppchange=(chars/(posts+ocposts)) - ((chars-recentchars)/((posts+ocposts)-(recentposts+recentocposts))); if(posts-recentposts==0) cppchange=(chars/posts); cppchange=Math.floor(cppchange); if(cppchange>0) cppchange='+'+cppchange; if(cppchange!=cppchange)cppchange='0'; if(details==1) { out+='[dblue]'+name+'[/dblue] - score: '+numberWithCommas(score)+' (+'+numberWithCommas(recentscore)+')[/b]n[small]posts: '+posts+' (+'+recentposts+'), ocposts: '+ocposts+' (+'+recentocposts+'), ocvids: '+ocvideos+' (+'+recentocvideos+'), pics: '+pics+' (+'+recentpics+'), chars: '+chars+' (+'+recentchars+'), exclamations: '+excls+' (+'+recentexcls+'), chars per post: '+Math.round(chars/posts)+' ('+cppchange+')[/small]n'; } else { out+='[dblue]'+name+'[/dblue] - score: '+numberWithCommas(score)+' (+'+numberWithCommas(recentscore)+')[/b] - posts: '+posts+' (+'+recentposts+'), ocposts: '+ocposts+' (+'+recentocposts+'), ocvideos: '+ocvideos+' (+'+recentocvideos+'), pics: '+pics+' (+'+recentpics+')\n'; } return out; }
function OutputStats() { var out=''; namesa=[]; var everyone=MakeUser('EVERYONE'); var na=MakeUser('NA'); var restoftheworld=MakeUser('Unimportant Parts of the World'); var unknown=MakeUser('Unknown Region'); for(var i in names) { if(!names.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; var u=names[i]; var region=restoftheworld; if(u.country=='United States' || u.country=='Canada' || u.country=='Greenland' || u.country=='Mexico') { region=na; } else if(u.country=='') { region=unknown; }
for(var t in u.types) { var c=u.types[t]; var score=0; var ec=everyone.types[t]; var rc=region.types[t]; ec.videos+=c.videos; ec.pics+=c.pics; ec.posts+=c.posts; ec.chars+=c.chars; ec.excls+=c.excls; rc.videos+=c.videos; rc.pics+=c.pics; rc.posts+=c.posts; rc.chars+=c.chars; rc.excls+=c.excls;
if(t=='oc' || t=='recentoc') score=c.videos*3000+c.pics*200+c.posts*100+c.chars/2+c.excls/10; else score=c.pics*200+c.posts*20+c.videos*10+c.chars/10+c.excls/10; u.score+=score; everyone.score+=score; region.score+=score; if(t=='recentnormal' || t=='recentoc') { u.recentscore+=score; everyone.recentscore+=score; region.recentscore+=score; } } namesa.push(u); } namesa.push(everyone); namesa.sort(function(a,b){ return b.score-a.score; }); oclinks.sort(function(a,b){ //return a.date-b.date; return b.date-a.date; }); piclinks.sort(function(a,b){ return b.date-a.date; });
//console.log(namesa); var spoilerlist=''; out=''; out += '\n[center][big][b]#PASSIONBOARD4EVER[/b][/big]n\n'; for(var i in namesa) { if(i==21) break; var place=i; var u=namesa[i]; out += OutputUserStats(u,place,0); } out += '[spoiler=More Details]n'; out += OutputUserStats(na,0,1); out += OutputUserStats(restoftheworld,0,1); out += '\n'; for(var i in namesa) { var place=i; var u=namesa[i]; out += OutputUserStats(u,place,1); } out += '[/spoiler]n\n'; out += '[/center]'; out += 'score = (ocvideos*3000) + (pics*200) + (ocposts*100) + (posts*20) + (videos*10) + (oc-characters/2) + (characters/10) + (exclamation points/10); (max of 10 exclamation points per post, the first 6 posts don\'t count and my #PASSIONBOARD4EVER posts don\'t count, the + and - stats is for the past 12 hours)\nso post more pics and make some videos, and make sure to use #IMadeThis when appropriate! But be careful to not use #IMadeThis in normal posts, you should say hashtag IMadeThis instead, or put it inside of a quote tag.'; out += '\n\n[center][big][b]Latest #IMadeThis Posts[/b][/big]n'; for(var i in oclinks) { if(i==5) out += '[spoiler=More #IMadeThis Posts]'; out += '[url='+oclinks[i].link+'][b][dblue]'+oclinks[i].user+'[/dblue][/b] '+ oclinks[i].date.toDateString() +'[/url] - '+oclinks[i].summary+'\n\n'; } out += '[/spoiler]n\nIf you made something (fanfic/article/song/lyrics/video, not a photoshop) then your post should be here, edit it to add in #IMadeThis. If you think your post shouldn\'t be here then edit it out or change it.'; out += '\n\n[spoiler=Most Recent 50 Pictures]'; for(var i in piclinks) { if(i>=50) break; var p=piclinks[i]; out += '[img]'+p.src+'[/img]n[url='+p.link+']Posted by '+p.user+' on [date]'+p.date+'[/date][/url]n\n'; } out += 'This list does not include pictures from posts with #IMadeThis.[/spoiler]'; out += '[/center]'; console.log(out); }
almost forgot, gotta quote it lol Hey, for someone who has no idea how to code, that's still pretty impressive and looks kind of time consuming To me it looks like witchcraft Should we burn him? Only if he weighs less than a duck how did you become so educated about witches? Monty Python and the quest for the Holy Grail I'm fairly sure we're all referencing it hehehe, most likely. Now explain to me why I'm sitting in a public library laughing out loud like a maniac? loool
your Country52797 Posts
On October 21 2014 01:25 Cricketer12 wrote:Show nested quote +On October 21 2014 01:25 The_Templar wrote:On October 21 2014 01:24 Cricketer12 wrote:On October 21 2014 01:23 The_Templar wrote:On October 21 2014 01:23 Sakat wrote:On October 21 2014 01:21 Cricketer12 wrote:On October 21 2014 01:20 Sakat wrote:On October 21 2014 01:19 SetGuitarsToKill wrote:On October 21 2014 01:17 Sakat wrote:On October 21 2014 01:13 SetGuitarsToKill wrote: [quote] Hey, for someone who has no idea how to code, that's still pretty impressive and looks kind of time consuming To me it looks like witchcraft Should we burn him? Only if he weighs less than a duck how did you become so educated about witches? Monty Python and the quest for the Holy Grail I'm fairly sure we're all referencing it PROVE IT! WHAT IS YOUR NAME? The_Templar, known as __s__ in real life WHAT IS YOUR QUEST? To seek the Holy LR Grail
your Country52797 Posts
On October 21 2014 01:25 Sakat wrote:Show nested quote +On October 21 2014 01:23 The_Templar wrote:On October 21 2014 01:23 Sakat wrote:On October 21 2014 01:21 Cricketer12 wrote:On October 21 2014 01:20 Sakat wrote:On October 21 2014 01:19 SetGuitarsToKill wrote:On October 21 2014 01:17 Sakat wrote:On October 21 2014 01:13 SetGuitarsToKill wrote:On October 21 2014 01:12 Die4Ever wrote:On October 21 2014 01:10 Sakat wrote: HOW DO YOU FIND THE TIME???!!!!!! It's amazing work!!! it's really not that much code + Show Spoiler + var names={}; if(window.hasOwnProperty('tempnames' ) names=tempnames;
var namesa=[]; var counter=0; var oclinks=[]; var piclinks=[]; var links={};
if(links.length==0) RunStats();
var tbody=$($('body' .html()); RunStats(6);
function CheckLinks() { var links = $('body > #navwrapper:nth-child(1) #main-content > table:nth-child(2) tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(2) a:not([title^="Next Page"] :not([rel="nofollow"] ' ; if(links.length==0) { OutputStats(); return; } var l=$(links[0] ; var url=l.attr('href' ; $.ajax({url:url,success:function(data) { console.log('ngot '+url+' with '+data.length+' characters\n' ; l.remove(); tbody=$(data); RunStats(0); CheckLinks(); }}); } CheckLinks(); counter=0;
function MakeContentType() { return {posts:0,chars:0,pics:0,excls:0,videos:0}; }
function MakeUser(name) { return {name:name,score:0,recentscore:0,country:'',types:{ normal:MakeContentType(),oc:MakeContentType(),recentnormal:MakeContentType(),recentoc:MakeContentType() }}; }
function ProcessPost(user, country, date, hours_ago, post, postlink) { var posttext=post.text(); posttext.replace(/\s+/g,' ' ; if(posttext.match(/^\s*\#PASSIONBOARD4EVER/)) return; if(postlink=='http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewpost.php?post_id=23071257' return;
var contenttype='normal'; var isoc=false; if(posttext.match(/\#IMadeThis/i) && postlink!='http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewpost.php?post_id=23135482' { isoc=true; contenttype='oc'; var summary=posttext.substr(0,195); if(summary.length>=193) summary=summary.substr(0,190)+'...'; oclinks.push({user:user,link:postlink,summary:summary,date:date}); } if(hours_ago<12) contenttype='recent'+contenttype;
var chars=posttext.length; var pics=post.find('img[src^="http"]' ; var numpics=0; pics.each(function(){ var src=$(this).attr('src' ; if( links.hasOwnProperty(src) ) { links[src]++; return; } links[src]=1; numpics++; if(isoc==false) { piclinks.push({user:user,link:postlink,src:src,date:date}); } }); var videos=post.find('iframe.youtube-player' .length; videos+=post.find('a[href^="http://vimeo.com/"]' .length; videos+=post.find('a[href^="https://vimeo.com/"]' .length; var excls=0; try{excls=Math.min(10,posttext.match(/\!/g).length);}catch(e){} if(!names[user] names[user]=MakeUser(user); var n=names[user]; n.country=country; var cont=n.types[contenttype]; cont.posts++; cont.chars+=chars; cont.pics+=numpics; cont.excls+=excls; cont.videos+=videos; }
function RunStats(start) { console.log('nrunning stats...\n' ; tbody.find('.quote,.submessage:not(a[title="Link to this post"] ,.forumsig,div[style="float:right; font-size:8pt; margin-top:15px"]' .remove(); tbody.find('br' .replaceWith(' ' ; counter=0; tbody.find('span.forummsginfo' .each(function(){ counter++; if(window.hasOwnProperty('tempnames' ==false && counter<=start) return; var msginfotext=$(this).text(); var country=''; try{country=msginfotext.match(/^\s+\S+\s+([a-zA-Z][^\.]+).*$/)[1];}catch(e){} var datetext=msginfotext.match(/\.\s*(([a-zA-Z]+) [^\.]*)/)[1]; var date; if(datetext.match(/Posts/) ) { country=''; datetext=msginfotext.match(/\S+\s*(([a-zA-Z]+) [^\.]*)/)[1]; date=new Date(datetext); } else date=new Date(datetext); var hours_ago=((new Date())-date)/1000/3600; var user=msginfotext.match(/^\s*(\S*).*$/)[1]; var post=$(this).parent().parent().parent().find('tr > .forumPost:not(lightback)' ; var postlink='http://www.teamliquid.net'+$(this).parent().parent().find('a.submessage[title="Link to this post"]' .attr('href' ; ProcessPost(user, country, date, hours_ago, post, postlink); }); }
function numberWithCommas(x) { return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, "," ; }
function OutputUserStats(u,place,details) { var out=''; if(place>0) out+='[b]#'+place+' '; else out+='[b]'; var name=u.name; var ut=u.types; var score=Math.floor(u.score); var recentscore=Math.floor(u.recentscore); var posts=0; var ocposts=0; var videos=0; var ocvideos=0; var pics=0; var chars=0; var excls=0; var recentpics=0; var recentchars=0; var recentexcls=0; for(var t in ut) { if(!ut.hasOwnProperty(t)) continue; if(t=='normal' || t=='recentnormal' { posts+=ut[t].posts; videos+=ut[t].videos; } else { ocposts+=ut[t].posts; ocvideos+=ut[t].videos; } if(t=='recentnormal' || t=='recentoc' { recentpics+=ut[t].pics; recentchars+=ut[t].chars; recentexcls+=ut[t].excls; } pics+=ut[t].pics; chars+=ut[t].chars; excls+=ut[t].excls; } var recentposts=ut.recentnormal.posts; var recentocposts=ut.recentoc.posts; var recentocvideos=ut.recentoc.videos; var cppchange=(chars/(posts+ocposts)) - ((chars-recentchars)/((posts+ocposts)-(recentposts+recentocposts))); if(posts-recentposts==0) cppchange=(chars/posts); cppchange=Math.floor(cppchange); if(cppchange>0) cppchange='+'+cppchange; if(cppchange!=cppchange)cppchange='0'; if(details==1) { out+='[dblue]'+name+'[/dblue] - score: '+numberWithCommas(score)+' (+'+numberWithCommas(recentscore)+' [/b]n[small]posts: '+posts+' (+'+recentposts+' , ocposts: '+ocposts+' (+'+recentocposts+' , ocvids: '+ocvideos+' (+'+recentocvideos+' , pics: '+pics+' (+'+recentpics+' , chars: '+chars+' (+'+recentchars+' , exclamations: '+excls+' (+'+recentexcls+' , chars per post: '+Math.round(chars/posts)+' ('+cppchange+' [/small]n'; } else { out+='[dblue]'+name+'[/dblue] - score: '+numberWithCommas(score)+' (+'+numberWithCommas(recentscore)+' [/b] - posts: '+posts+' (+'+recentposts+' , ocposts: '+ocposts+' (+'+recentocposts+' , ocvideos: '+ocvideos+' (+'+recentocvideos+' , pics: '+pics+' (+'+recentpics+' \n'; } return out; }
function OutputStats() { var out=''; namesa=[]; var everyone=MakeUser('EVERYONE' ; var na=MakeUser('NA' ; var restoftheworld=MakeUser('Unimportant Parts of the World' ; var unknown=MakeUser('Unknown Region' ; for(var i in names) { if(!names.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; var u=names[i]; var region=restoftheworld; if(u.country=='United States' || u.country=='Canada' || u.country=='Greenland' || u.country=='Mexico' { region=na; } else if(u.country=='' { region=unknown; }
for(var t in u.types) { var c=u.types[t]; var score=0; var ec=everyone.types[t]; var rc=region.types[t]; ec.videos+=c.videos; ec.pics+=c.pics; ec.posts+=c.posts; ec.chars+=c.chars; ec.excls+=c.excls; rc.videos+=c.videos; rc.pics+=c.pics; rc.posts+=c.posts; rc.chars+=c.chars; rc.excls+=c.excls;
if(t=='oc' || t=='recentoc' score=c.videos*3000+c.pics*200+c.posts*100+c.chars/2+c.excls/10; else score=c.pics*200+c.posts*20+c.videos*10+c.chars/10+c.excls/10; u.score+=score; everyone.score+=score; region.score+=score; if(t=='recentnormal' || t=='recentoc' { u.recentscore+=score; everyone.recentscore+=score; region.recentscore+=score; } } namesa.push(u); } namesa.push(everyone); namesa.sort(function(a,b){ return b.score-a.score; }); oclinks.sort(function(a,b){ //return a.date-b.date; return b.date-a.date; }); piclinks.sort(function(a,b){ return b.date-a.date; });
//console.log(namesa); var spoilerlist=''; out=''; out += 'n[center][big][b]#PASSIONBOARD4EVER[/b][/big]n\n'; for(var i in namesa) { if(i==21) break; var place=i; var u=namesa[i]; out += OutputUserStats(u,place,0); } out += '[spoiler=More Details]n'; out += OutputUserStats(na,0,1); out += OutputUserStats(restoftheworld,0,1); out += 'n'; for(var i in namesa) { var place=i; var u=namesa[i]; out += OutputUserStats(u,place,1); } out += '[/spoiler]n\n'; out += '[/center]'; out += 'score = (ocvideos*3000) + (pics*200) + (ocposts*100) + (posts*20) + (videos*10) + (oc-characters/2) + (characters/10) + (exclamation points/10); (max of 10 exclamation points per post, the first 6 posts don\'t count and my #PASSIONBOARD4EVER posts don\'t count, the + and - stats is for the past 12 hours)\nso post more pics and make some videos, and make sure to use #IMadeThis when appropriate! But be careful to not use #IMadeThis in normal posts, you should say hashtag IMadeThis instead, or put it inside of a quote tag.'; out += 'n\n[center][big][b]Latest #IMadeThis Posts[/b][/big]n'; for(var i in oclinks) { if(i==5) out += '[spoiler=More #IMadeThis Posts]'; out += '[url='+oclinks[i].link+'][b][dblue]'+oclinks[i].user+'[/dblue][/b] '+ oclinks[i].date.toDateString() +'[/url] - '+oclinks[i].summary+'n\n'; } out += '[/spoiler]n\nIf you made something (fanfic/article/song/lyrics/video, not a photoshop) then your post should be here, edit it to add in #IMadeThis. If you think your post shouldn\'t be here then edit it out or change it.'; out += 'n\n[spoiler=Most Recent 50 Pictures]'; for(var i in piclinks) { if(i>=50) break; var p=piclinks[i]; out += '[img]'+p.src+'[/img]n[url='+p.link+']Posted by '+p.user+' on [date]'+p.date+'[/date][/url]n\n'; } out += 'This list does not include pictures from posts with #IMadeThis.[/spoiler]'; out += '[/center]'; console.log(out); }
almost forgot, gotta quote it lol Hey, for someone who has no idea how to code, that's still pretty impressive and looks kind of time consuming To me it looks like witchcraft Should we burn him? Only if he weighs less than a duck how did you become so educated about witches? Monty Python and the quest for the Holy Grail I'm fairly sure we're all referencing it hehehe, most likely. Now explain to me why I'm sitting in a public library laughing out loud like a maniac? I barely even grinned. Am I some kind of emotionless robot or something?
On October 21 2014 01:25 Cricketer12 wrote:Show nested quote +On October 21 2014 01:25 The_Templar wrote:On October 21 2014 01:24 Cricketer12 wrote:On October 21 2014 01:23 The_Templar wrote:On October 21 2014 01:23 Sakat wrote:On October 21 2014 01:21 Cricketer12 wrote:On October 21 2014 01:20 Sakat wrote:On October 21 2014 01:19 SetGuitarsToKill wrote:On October 21 2014 01:17 Sakat wrote:On October 21 2014 01:13 SetGuitarsToKill wrote: [quote] Hey, for someone who has no idea how to code, that's still pretty impressive and looks kind of time consuming To me it looks like witchcraft Should we burn him? Only if he weighs less than a duck how did you become so educated about witches? Monty Python and the quest for the Holy Grail I'm fairly sure we're all referencing it PROVE IT! WHAT IS YOUR NAME? The_Templar, known as __s__ in real life WHAT IS YOUR QUEST?
On October 21 2014 01:26 The_Templar wrote:Show nested quote +On October 21 2014 01:25 Cricketer12 wrote:On October 21 2014 01:25 The_Templar wrote:On October 21 2014 01:24 Cricketer12 wrote:On October 21 2014 01:23 The_Templar wrote:On October 21 2014 01:23 Sakat wrote:On October 21 2014 01:21 Cricketer12 wrote:On October 21 2014 01:20 Sakat wrote:On October 21 2014 01:19 SetGuitarsToKill wrote:On October 21 2014 01:17 Sakat wrote: [quote]
To me it looks like witchcraft Should we burn him? Only if he weighs less than a duck how did you become so educated about witches? Monty Python and the quest for the Holy Grail I'm fairly sure we're all referencing it PROVE IT! WHAT IS YOUR NAME? The_Templar, known as __s__ in real life WHAT IS YOUR QUEST? To seek the Holy LR Grail WHO IS THE WINNER OF HUK V GANZI MATCH AT THE 2012 SPRING ARENA 1?
your Country52797 Posts
On October 21 2014 01:27 Sakat wrote:Show nested quote +On October 21 2014 01:25 Cricketer12 wrote:On October 21 2014 01:25 The_Templar wrote:On October 21 2014 01:24 Cricketer12 wrote:On October 21 2014 01:23 The_Templar wrote:On October 21 2014 01:23 Sakat wrote:On October 21 2014 01:21 Cricketer12 wrote:On October 21 2014 01:20 Sakat wrote:On October 21 2014 01:19 SetGuitarsToKill wrote:On October 21 2014 01:17 Sakat wrote: [quote]
To me it looks like witchcraft Should we burn him? Only if he weighs less than a duck how did you become so educated about witches? Monty Python and the quest for the Holy Grail I'm fairly sure we're all referencing it PROVE IT! WHAT IS YOUR NAME? The_Templar, known as __s__ in real life WHAT IS YOUR QUEST? WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE COLOR? Red! Er, I mean-
On October 21 2014 01:25 Sakat wrote:Show nested quote +On October 21 2014 01:23 The_Templar wrote:On October 21 2014 01:23 Sakat wrote:On October 21 2014 01:21 Cricketer12 wrote:On October 21 2014 01:20 Sakat wrote:On October 21 2014 01:19 SetGuitarsToKill wrote:On October 21 2014 01:17 Sakat wrote:On October 21 2014 01:13 SetGuitarsToKill wrote:On October 21 2014 01:12 Die4Ever wrote:On October 21 2014 01:10 Sakat wrote: HOW DO YOU FIND THE TIME???!!!!!! It's amazing work!!! it's really not that much code + Show Spoiler + var names={}; if(window.hasOwnProperty('tempnames')) names=tempnames;
var namesa=[]; var counter=0; var oclinks=[]; var piclinks=[]; var links={};
if(links.length==0) RunStats();
var tbody=$($('body').html()); RunStats(6);
function CheckLinks() { var links = $('body > #navwrapper:nth-child(1) #main-content > table:nth-child(2) tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(2) a:not([title^="Next Page"] :not([rel="nofollow"] '); if(links.length==0) { OutputStats(); return; } var l=$(links[0] ; var url=l.attr('href'); $.ajax({url:url,success:function(data) { console.log('\ngot '+url+' with '+data.length+' characters\n'); l.remove(); tbody=$(data); RunStats(0); CheckLinks(); }}); } CheckLinks(); counter=0;
function MakeContentType() { return {posts:0,chars:0,pics:0,excls:0,videos:0}; }
function MakeUser(name) { return {name:name,score:0,recentscore:0,country:'',types:{ normal:MakeContentType(),oc:MakeContentType(),recentnormal:MakeContentType(),recentoc:MakeContentType() }}; }
function ProcessPost(user, country, date, hours_ago, post, postlink) { var posttext=post.text(); posttext.replace(/\s+/g,' '); if(posttext.match(/^\s*\#PASSIONBOARD4EVER/)) return; if(postlink=='http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewpost.php?post_id=23071257') return;
var contenttype='normal'; var isoc=false; if(posttext.match(/\#IMadeThis/i) && postlink!='http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewpost.php?post_id=23135482') { isoc=true; contenttype='oc'; var summary=posttext.substr(0,195); if(summary.length>=193) summary=summary.substr(0,190)+'...'; oclinks.push({user:user,link:postlink,summary:summary,date:date}); } if(hours_ago<12) contenttype='recent'+contenttype;
var chars=posttext.length; var pics=post.find('img[src^="http"]'); var numpics=0; pics.each(function(){ var src=$(this).attr('src'); if( links.hasOwnProperty(src) ) { links[src]++; return; } links[src]=1; numpics++; if(isoc==false) { piclinks.push({user:user,link:postlink,src:src,date:date}); } }); var videos=post.find('iframe.youtube-player').length; videos+=post.find('a[href^="http://vimeo.com/"]').length; videos+=post.find('a[href^="https://vimeo.com/"]').length; var excls=0; try{excls=Math.min(10,posttext.match(/\!/g).length);}catch(e){} if(!names[user] names[user]=MakeUser(user); var n=names[user]; n.country=country; var cont=n.types[contenttype]; cont.posts++; cont.chars+=chars; cont.pics+=numpics; cont.excls+=excls; cont.videos+=videos; }
function RunStats(start) { console.log('\nrunning stats...\n'); tbody.find('.quote,.submessage:not(a[title="Link to this post"] ,.forumsig,div[style="float:right; font-size:8pt; margin-top:15px"]').remove(); tbody.find('br').replaceWith(' '); counter=0; tbody.find('span.forummsginfo').each(function(){ counter++; if(window.hasOwnProperty('tempnames')==false && counter<=start) return; var msginfotext=$(this).text(); var country=''; try{country=msginfotext.match(/^\s+\S+\s+([a-zA-Z][^\.]+).*$/)[1];}catch(e){} var datetext=msginfotext.match(/\.\s*(([a-zA-Z]+) [^\.]*)/)[1]; var date; if(datetext.match(/Posts/) ) { country=''; datetext=msginfotext.match(/\S+\s*(([a-zA-Z]+) [^\.]*)/)[1]; date=new Date(datetext); } else date=new Date(datetext); var hours_ago=((new Date())-date)/1000/3600; var user=msginfotext.match(/^\s*(\S*).*$/)[1]; var post=$(this).parent().parent().parent().find('tr > .forumPost:not(lightback)'); var postlink='http://www.teamliquid.net'+$(this).parent().parent().find('a.submessage[title="Link to this post"]').attr('href'); ProcessPost(user, country, date, hours_ago, post, postlink); }); }
function numberWithCommas(x) { return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","); }
function OutputUserStats(u,place,details) { var out=''; if(place>0) out+='[b]#'+place+' '; else out+='[b]'; var name=u.name; var ut=u.types; var score=Math.floor(u.score); var recentscore=Math.floor(u.recentscore); var posts=0; var ocposts=0; var videos=0; var ocvideos=0; var pics=0; var chars=0; var excls=0; var recentpics=0; var recentchars=0; var recentexcls=0; for(var t in ut) { if(!ut.hasOwnProperty(t)) continue; if(t=='normal' || t=='recentnormal') { posts+=ut[t].posts; videos+=ut[t].videos; } else { ocposts+=ut[t].posts; ocvideos+=ut[t].videos; } if(t=='recentnormal' || t=='recentoc') { recentpics+=ut[t].pics; recentchars+=ut[t].chars; recentexcls+=ut[t].excls; } pics+=ut[t].pics; chars+=ut[t].chars; excls+=ut[t].excls; } var recentposts=ut.recentnormal.posts; var recentocposts=ut.recentoc.posts; var recentocvideos=ut.recentoc.videos; var cppchange=(chars/(posts+ocposts)) - ((chars-recentchars)/((posts+ocposts)-(recentposts+recentocposts))); if(posts-recentposts==0) cppchange=(chars/posts); cppchange=Math.floor(cppchange); if(cppchange>0) cppchange='+'+cppchange; if(cppchange!=cppchange)cppchange='0'; if(details==1) { out+='[dblue]'+name+'[/dblue] - score: '+numberWithCommas(score)+' (+'+numberWithCommas(recentscore)+')[/b]n[small]posts: '+posts+' (+'+recentposts+'), ocposts: '+ocposts+' (+'+recentocposts+'), ocvids: '+ocvideos+' (+'+recentocvideos+'), pics: '+pics+' (+'+recentpics+'), chars: '+chars+' (+'+recentchars+'), exclamations: '+excls+' (+'+recentexcls+'), chars per post: '+Math.round(chars/posts)+' ('+cppchange+')[/small]n'; } else { out+='[dblue]'+name+'[/dblue] - score: '+numberWithCommas(score)+' (+'+numberWithCommas(recentscore)+')[/b] - posts: '+posts+' (+'+recentposts+'), ocposts: '+ocposts+' (+'+recentocposts+'), ocvideos: '+ocvideos+' (+'+recentocvideos+'), pics: '+pics+' (+'+recentpics+')\n'; } return out; }
function OutputStats() { var out=''; namesa=[]; var everyone=MakeUser('EVERYONE'); var na=MakeUser('NA'); var restoftheworld=MakeUser('Unimportant Parts of the World'); var unknown=MakeUser('Unknown Region'); for(var i in names) { if(!names.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; var u=names[i]; var region=restoftheworld; if(u.country=='United States' || u.country=='Canada' || u.country=='Greenland' || u.country=='Mexico') { region=na; } else if(u.country=='') { region=unknown; }
for(var t in u.types) { var c=u.types[t]; var score=0; var ec=everyone.types[t]; var rc=region.types[t]; ec.videos+=c.videos; ec.pics+=c.pics; ec.posts+=c.posts; ec.chars+=c.chars; ec.excls+=c.excls; rc.videos+=c.videos; rc.pics+=c.pics; rc.posts+=c.posts; rc.chars+=c.chars; rc.excls+=c.excls;
if(t=='oc' || t=='recentoc') score=c.videos*3000+c.pics*200+c.posts*100+c.chars/2+c.excls/10; else score=c.pics*200+c.posts*20+c.videos*10+c.chars/10+c.excls/10; u.score+=score; everyone.score+=score; region.score+=score; if(t=='recentnormal' || t=='recentoc') { u.recentscore+=score; everyone.recentscore+=score; region.recentscore+=score; } } namesa.push(u); } namesa.push(everyone); namesa.sort(function(a,b){ return b.score-a.score; }); oclinks.sort(function(a,b){ //return a.date-b.date; return b.date-a.date; }); piclinks.sort(function(a,b){ return b.date-a.date; });
//console.log(namesa); var spoilerlist=''; out=''; out += '\n[center][big][b]#PASSIONBOARD4EVER[/b][/big]n\n'; for(var i in namesa) { if(i==21) break; var place=i; var u=namesa[i]; out += OutputUserStats(u,place,0); } out += '[spoiler=More Details]n'; out += OutputUserStats(na,0,1); out += OutputUserStats(restoftheworld,0,1); out += '\n'; for(var i in namesa) { var place=i; var u=namesa[i]; out += OutputUserStats(u,place,1); } out += '[/spoiler]n\n'; out += '[/center]'; out += 'score = (ocvideos*3000) + (pics*200) + (ocposts*100) + (posts*20) + (videos*10) + (oc-characters/2) + (characters/10) + (exclamation points/10); (max of 10 exclamation points per post, the first 6 posts don\'t count and my #PASSIONBOARD4EVER posts don\'t count, the + and - stats is for the past 12 hours)\nso post more pics and make some videos, and make sure to use #IMadeThis when appropriate! But be careful to not use #IMadeThis in normal posts, you should say hashtag IMadeThis instead, or put it inside of a quote tag.'; out += '\n\n[center][big][b]Latest #IMadeThis Posts[/b][/big]n'; for(var i in oclinks) { if(i==5) out += '[spoiler=More #IMadeThis Posts]'; out += '[url='+oclinks[i].link+'][b][dblue]'+oclinks[i].user+'[/dblue][/b] '+ oclinks[i].date.toDateString() +'[/url] - '+oclinks[i].summary+'\n\n'; } out += '[/spoiler]n\nIf you made something (fanfic/article/song/lyrics/video, not a photoshop) then your post should be here, edit it to add in #IMadeThis. If you think your post shouldn\'t be here then edit it out or change it.'; out += '\n\n[spoiler=Most Recent 50 Pictures]'; for(var i in piclinks) { if(i>=50) break; var p=piclinks[i]; out += '[img]'+p.src+'[/img]n[url='+p.link+']Posted by '+p.user+' on [date]'+p.date+'[/date][/url]n\n'; } out += 'This list does not include pictures from posts with #IMadeThis.[/spoiler]'; out += '[/center]'; console.log(out); }
almost forgot, gotta quote it lol Hey, for someone who has no idea how to code, that's still pretty impressive and looks kind of time consuming To me it looks like witchcraft Should we burn him? Only if he weighs less than a duck how did you become so educated about witches? Monty Python and the quest for the Holy Grail I'm fairly sure we're all referencing it hehehe, most likely. Now explain to me why I'm sitting in a public library laughing out loud like a maniac? because you are involved in a community centered around a video game, and thus must be psychotic or something at least that's what I read somewhere on the internet
your Country52797 Posts
On October 21 2014 01:27 Cricketer12 wrote:Show nested quote +On October 21 2014 01:26 The_Templar wrote:On October 21 2014 01:25 Cricketer12 wrote:On October 21 2014 01:25 The_Templar wrote:On October 21 2014 01:24 Cricketer12 wrote:On October 21 2014 01:23 The_Templar wrote:On October 21 2014 01:23 Sakat wrote:On October 21 2014 01:21 Cricketer12 wrote:On October 21 2014 01:20 Sakat wrote:On October 21 2014 01:19 SetGuitarsToKill wrote: [quote]
Should we burn him? Only if he weighs less than a duck how did you become so educated about witches? Monty Python and the quest for the Holy Grail I'm fairly sure we're all referencing it PROVE IT! WHAT IS YOUR NAME? The_Templar, known as __s__ in real life WHAT IS YOUR QUEST? To seek the Holy LR Grail WHO IS THE WINNER OF HUK V GANZI MATCH AT THE 2012 SPRING ARENA 1? Wasn't that one of the 2v2 teams in that or am I thinking of something else? (HuK won 2-1, losing to everyone else )
On October 21 2014 01:27 The_Templar wrote:Show nested quote +On October 21 2014 01:27 Sakat wrote:On October 21 2014 01:25 Cricketer12 wrote:On October 21 2014 01:25 The_Templar wrote:On October 21 2014 01:24 Cricketer12 wrote:On October 21 2014 01:23 The_Templar wrote:On October 21 2014 01:23 Sakat wrote:On October 21 2014 01:21 Cricketer12 wrote:On October 21 2014 01:20 Sakat wrote:On October 21 2014 01:19 SetGuitarsToKill wrote: [quote]
Should we burn him? Only if he weighs less than a duck how did you become so educated about witches? Monty Python and the quest for the Holy Grail I'm fairly sure we're all referencing it PROVE IT! WHAT IS YOUR NAME? The_Templar, known as __s__ in real life WHAT IS YOUR QUEST? WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE COLOR? Red! Er, I mean- the color of pashun
On October 21 2014 01:27 Cricketer12 wrote:Show nested quote +On October 21 2014 01:26 The_Templar wrote:On October 21 2014 01:25 Cricketer12 wrote:On October 21 2014 01:25 The_Templar wrote:On October 21 2014 01:24 Cricketer12 wrote:On October 21 2014 01:23 The_Templar wrote:On October 21 2014 01:23 Sakat wrote:On October 21 2014 01:21 Cricketer12 wrote:On October 21 2014 01:20 Sakat wrote:On October 21 2014 01:19 SetGuitarsToKill wrote: [quote]
Should we burn him? Only if he weighs less than a duck how did you become so educated about witches? Monty Python and the quest for the Holy Grail I'm fairly sure we're all referencing it PROVE IT! WHAT IS YOUR NAME? The_Templar, known as __s__ in real life WHAT IS YOUR QUEST? To seek the Holy LR Grail WHO IS THE WINNER OF HUK V GANZI MATCH AT THE 2012 SPRING ARENA 1?
WHAT IS THE MIGRATIONAL AGE OF SWALLOWS? (I probably misqouted that one)
I don't understand you anymore. Can we please stay talking SC2?
your Country52797 Posts
On October 21 2014 01:28 Sakat wrote:Show nested quote +On October 21 2014 01:27 Cricketer12 wrote:On October 21 2014 01:26 The_Templar wrote:On October 21 2014 01:25 Cricketer12 wrote:On October 21 2014 01:25 The_Templar wrote:On October 21 2014 01:24 Cricketer12 wrote:On October 21 2014 01:23 The_Templar wrote:On October 21 2014 01:23 Sakat wrote:On October 21 2014 01:21 Cricketer12 wrote:On October 21 2014 01:20 Sakat wrote: [quote]
Only if he weighs less than a duck
how did you become so educated about witches? Monty Python and the quest for the Holy Grail I'm fairly sure we're all referencing it PROVE IT! WHAT IS YOUR NAME? The_Templar, known as __s__ in real life WHAT IS YOUR QUEST? To seek the Holy LR Grail WHO IS THE WINNER OF HUK V GANZI MATCH AT THE 2012 SPRING ARENA 1? WHAT IS THE MIGRATIONAL AGE OF SWALLOWS? (I probably misqouted that one) It's the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow. That's like the most popular quote though >.>
On October 21 2014 01:28 The_Templar wrote:Show nested quote +On October 21 2014 01:27 Cricketer12 wrote:On October 21 2014 01:26 The_Templar wrote:On October 21 2014 01:25 Cricketer12 wrote:On October 21 2014 01:25 The_Templar wrote:On October 21 2014 01:24 Cricketer12 wrote:On October 21 2014 01:23 The_Templar wrote:On October 21 2014 01:23 Sakat wrote:On October 21 2014 01:21 Cricketer12 wrote:On October 21 2014 01:20 Sakat wrote: [quote]
Only if he weighs less than a duck
how did you become so educated about witches? Monty Python and the quest for the Holy Grail I'm fairly sure we're all referencing it PROVE IT! WHAT IS YOUR NAME? The_Templar, known as __s__ in real life WHAT IS YOUR QUEST? To seek the Holy LR Grail WHO IS THE WINNER OF HUK V GANZI MATCH AT THE 2012 SPRING ARENA 1? Wasn't that one of the 2v2 teams in that or am I thinking of something else? the 2v2 was DRG MC> MKP HuK PartinG GAnzi> Heart viOLet DRG MC> PartinG Ganzi
HuK Ganzi was one of the opening games of the tournament a 1v1 bo3
On October 21 2014 01:29 The_Templar wrote:Show nested quote +On October 21 2014 01:28 Sakat wrote:On October 21 2014 01:27 Cricketer12 wrote:On October 21 2014 01:26 The_Templar wrote:On October 21 2014 01:25 Cricketer12 wrote:On October 21 2014 01:25 The_Templar wrote:On October 21 2014 01:24 Cricketer12 wrote:On October 21 2014 01:23 The_Templar wrote:On October 21 2014 01:23 Sakat wrote:On October 21 2014 01:21 Cricketer12 wrote: [quote] how did you become so educated about witches? Monty Python and the quest for the Holy Grail I'm fairly sure we're all referencing it PROVE IT! WHAT IS YOUR NAME? The_Templar, known as __s__ in real life WHAT IS YOUR QUEST? To seek the Holy LR Grail WHO IS THE WINNER OF HUK V GANZI MATCH AT THE 2012 SPRING ARENA 1? WHAT IS THE MIGRATIONAL AGE OF SWALLOWS? (I probably misqouted that one) It's the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow. That's like the most popular quote though >.>
Right. I know. could remeber atm. But I don't know which ones. African or european swallows?
On October 21 2014 01:28 The_Templar wrote:Show nested quote +On October 21 2014 01:27 Cricketer12 wrote:On October 21 2014 01:26 The_Templar wrote:On October 21 2014 01:25 Cricketer12 wrote:On October 21 2014 01:25 The_Templar wrote:On October 21 2014 01:24 Cricketer12 wrote:On October 21 2014 01:23 The_Templar wrote:On October 21 2014 01:23 Sakat wrote:On October 21 2014 01:21 Cricketer12 wrote:On October 21 2014 01:20 Sakat wrote: [quote]
Only if he weighs less than a duck
how did you become so educated about witches? Monty Python and the quest for the Holy Grail I'm fairly sure we're all referencing it PROVE IT! WHAT IS YOUR NAME? The_Templar, known as __s__ in real life WHAT IS YOUR QUEST? To seek the Holy LR Grail WHO IS THE WINNER OF HUK V GANZI MATCH AT THE 2012 SPRING ARENA 1? Wasn't that one of the 2v2 teams in that or am I thinking of something else? (HuK won 2-1, losing to everyone else  ) thus began the fall of HuK he could have beaten everyone except mkp if he tried...
On October 21 2014 01:29 TheBloodyDwarf wrote: I don't understand you anymore. Can we please stay talking SC2? temp and i are, we talking about DRG finally beating mkp and huk falling into mediocrity