While I understand that there's a need to discuss this matter, this thread has way too many trash posts in it. Please think carefully about what you want to say. Ad hominem attacks on Swedish people in general, calling you fellow Starcraft fans idiots etc etc will be dealt with with harsher punishment from here on out. Keep it civil people.
Page 230: Here's some more stuff that'll get you banned! - Conspiracy theory mongering about MLG and GOM - Comparing people to Hitler - Posting useless one liners of arguments that have already been repeated ad nauseum. |
On December 14 2011 21:27 Vardant wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 21:24 Pwnographics wrote: GomTV got complaints that were by no means able to be ignored, they didn't suspend him just cause they felt like it.
For everyone saying, herpity derpity I won't buy a pass for - for every one of you there are two people going well done GOM. lol So if a huge crowd believes something should be done, they should just do it. Who cares, they might actually be a minority, that is just really vocal. Who cares about the rules, let's just piss on integrity and do whatever the emails demand. I agree 100% with their decision, I'm happy someone pulled Naniwa down to earth and making him realize that he can't be a douche.
Seems to me everyone who justifies Gomtv's actions are just Naniwa haters.
Gom is playing favorites i don't approve of that
On in such a semi-professional game can someone do what Naniwa did and not get unanimous hate. If things like what Naniwa did was done in a real sport, he'd be bashed til there's no tomorrow and will never have any fans for the rest of his life.
What this shows is really that SC2 is amateur league where even fans don't really give a damn about sportsmanship. Here's hoping it eventually develops into a sport where people expect players to be sportsmanlike.
On December 14 2011 21:22 colate wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 21:11 labbe wrote: I cannot even begin do describe my disappointment with gom for doing this. It rubs me the wrong way for SO many different reasons. And I'm not even going to go into the whole "Was Naniwa right or wrong" debate.
1. The punishment is WAY to harsh. He earned that Code S spot fair and square. Sure, take a away his price money from the Blizzard Cup and give him a warning, but Code S is a totally different event, and should not be affected by this.
2. To make the GSL even more of a farce, they just randomly invites Sen to Code S? What has he done to deserve that? I did not realize that professional Starcraft was a popularity contest, but as of late it sure seems like it is. What about all the players in Korea working their asses off dreaming to play in Code S, and Gom just randomly gives people free invites to foreigner on a whim. At least have the decency to hold some sort of qualifier to that Code S spot if you necessarily have to go and ban people.
3. The "rule" that they are referring to that Naniwa supposedly broke, if the most vague thing I have ever seen, and could be used for banning any player, at any time, should Gom feel like it. This is not a professional way to go about things. If you are going to punish someone, at least give a good fucking reason to do so.
Sigh. I don't want to rant any more, but I just thought that GomTV would be more professional than this. They had the perfect opportunity to take the high road, and show everyone that they don't care about pointless drama, but instead they chose to abuse their power and take it down to a lower level than I even thought possible. Good job making professional starcraft a farce. 1. Different tournaments, same tournament organisers - same rules applies and they have they rights to punish a player in both tournaments. 2. He wasn't randomly invited. He was invited because of his GSL Open Season 1 results, if I am not mistaken. Not only koreans work their asses of to play in code S. There are even fewer oppertunities for foreigners to play in GSL than it is for koreans. 3. Yeah, their decision is vague, but they are the one to interpret their own rules. They are setting a certain standard of professionalism. Wheather or not this will affect how foreigners or koreans act at GSL afflicted tournaments 1. Of course they can do whatever they want as it's their fucking tournament. That does not mean they SHOULD.
2. Just because they give a "reason" for inviting Sen does not make it any less arbitrary. They could have invited anyone and stated a good reason to do so.
3. Their rules should not be open for interpretation, they should be crystal clear. They are trying to set a standard for professionalism by acting extremely un-professional themselves. That's a bit counter productive if you ask me.
* Naniwa earns a Code S spot. * He then proceeds to workerrush in a no impact game (poor choice) in a somewhat unrelated tournament. * His Code S spot gets revoked by GomTV citing lack of respect and professionalism. Decision taken overnight. * Mr. Chae then proceeds to slander Naniwa officially. * Sen and IdrA are given FREE Code S seeds.
What a clusterfuck.
On December 14 2011 21:30 EchelonTee wrote: should've been a warning. bah....don't like this decision at all.
on another note, this thread hilariously is growing really quickly
that only shows how wrong GOM decision is.
On December 14 2011 21:28 mTw|NarutO wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 21:26 Nadarath wrote:On December 14 2011 21:22 mTw|NarutO wrote:On December 14 2011 21:18 careohx wrote: Not only this but i also question giving free code S spots for popular players without them having to qualify. At least Naniwa did qualify. He didnt cheat or use any exploit. Korea needs to realize that SC2 is not only theirs like SC1 was and is now a global phenomenon. Things like these do not fly. Fans need to realize its a Korean Product, the GSL. Even if foreigners can play in it, its their league. They run it and talk to sponsors. As mentioned before, a Korean would have suffered a way harsher penalty than that. Yeah that whole situation made me open my eyes. That's why im not gona give any more support to GOM. Since it is Korean product that benefit only Korean viewers and just does not care about anyone more. Im not Korean so bye bye GSL. Then for the love of god quit it. Everyone who buys a GSL ticket wants to see high level Starcraft and support eSport. If you don't buy its, thats the only thing you don't do. If eSports wants to grow and be professional, you need to set standards.
Then fine, create the standard.
That is certainly NOT was GSL did. The only standard they created was one of ridicule. If they'd acted as a result of a previously outlined standard, then there would be no reason to complain.
But there wasn't. GSL acted arbitrarily based on loose rules that could have been interpreted in absolutely any way.
On December 14 2011 21:30 RedEyeJedi wrote: Seems to me everyone who justifies Gomtv's actions are just Naniwa haters. hahahaha
people are giving all these different reasons and that hasn't been one of them. see what you want to see, I guess.
On December 14 2011 21:29 jyisvip wrote: Wait a minute... I just found this on twitter from Ethan_Ahn
NaNiwa는 애초에 코드S 시드가 아니었습니다. '만약 어제 그런 행동이 없었다면 시드를 줄 수 있었을지도 모른다'가 맞습니다. 많은 분들이 MLG프로비던스에서 코드S 시드가 나온 것으로 알고 계시지만 없었습니다. #GSL #SC2 54 minutes ago
Basically saying: Naniwa wasn't seeded to Code S to begin with; people think he got the seed from MLG Providence but that is not the case. It was more like if he hadn't done what he did, it was likely that he could of received the Code S seed. All they have done is restricting naniwa from receiving the Code S seed (not revoking the code s seed)
What the? Anyone else have any information about this?
On December 14 2011 21:29 jyisvip wrote: Wait a minute... I just found this on twitter from Ethan_Ahn
NaNiwa는 애초에 코드S 시드가 아니었습니다. '만약 어제 그런 행동이 없었다면 시드를 줄 수 있었을지도 모른다'가 맞습니다. 많은 분들이 MLG프로비던스에서 코드S 시드가 나온 것으로 알고 계시지만 없었습니다. #GSL #SC2 54 minutes ago
Basically saying: Naniwa wasn't seeded to Code S to begin with; people think he got the seed from MLG Providence but that is not the case. It was more like if he hadn't done what he did, it was likely that he could of received the Code S seed. All they have done is restricting naniwa from receiving the Code S seed (not revoking the code s seed)
hmmm, now i am confused :S
Warning or disqualification - 경기중에 과격한 행동으로 상대 게이머나 관중들에게 위협을 가할 때 - During a match, a player shall not offend the opponent or audience with abusive behaviours
This rule doesn't even apply to this situation.
He did stupid probe rush. Why is that so offensive? Zerg goes 6 pool. Is that offensive? Terran goes bunker rush all-in he loses. Is that offensive? Protoss goes cannon rush. Same thing. Where is the line? It's impossible to draw one.
And he did this in Blizzard Cup, so as the rule says he should be warned in/disqualified from Blizzard Cup, NOT GSL. Lawyered.
harsh... but needed to be done im sorry for naniwa fans, again very very harsh, espeically for naniwa because if he knew this was going to happen he wouldnt have done it im sure...
On December 14 2011 21:26 trucane wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 21:25 StUfF wrote:On December 14 2011 21:20 MasterBlasterCaster wrote:On December 14 2011 21:18 Lysanias wrote: A rule is a rule, if it says so in there rulebook then it's simple. I see no reason for 5000 posts. It doesn't say so in the rule book. They basically made some shit up and used that because they knew half of the people would blindly accept it because their favorite little whiny pros did. GomTV is a private company, without knowing if there was a contract between Naniwa and GomTV and the details of that contract, GomTV can do whatever the fuck they want. Ignoring rules and technicalities, I think what GomTV did was ethically right and I support their decision. If you look at it from a business perspective, you have to understand Korea is still their biggest audience and easiest way to monetise. Without Korean support GomTV would die very quickly. Again I don't have the facts and numbers but I trust GomTV to know their bottom line. I support their decision 100%. You do realize that the majority of the viewers is foreign right? BW is still without doubt bigger than SC2 in korea and without the foreigners there would be no GSL.
Like I said I don't know their bottom line, and neither do you. GomTV does though and well it's up to them if they want to make a bad financial decision because it's the culturally ethical decision.
On December 14 2011 21:30 DrGreen wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 21:29 mTw|NarutO wrote:On December 14 2011 21:28 BLinD-RawR wrote:On December 14 2011 21:27 XRaDiiX wrote: Yeah the Rule is really vague and ambiguous its a stupid rule...
GomTV Rule:GomTV can deny your participation if you are found unfit to be a gamer. LOL and people believe kespa is worse. If KeSPa would run the tournamnet, NaNiWa would have been banned for the tournamnet after he left his game with 'g'. Kespa didnt ban for worker rushing.
As I said, Naniwa would have been banned before his last game... -_-
this whole series of events has really turned me off from koreans, i barely watch the gsl anymore and now i'm even more inclined to not watch them. Also the whole IM team seems to be really BM and selfish...I USED TO LIKE YOU nestea and mvp...WHY!!!
On December 14 2011 21:06 Vallros wrote: SOOOOO happy i didn't that premium ticket!!.. this is so dumb. Punishing a player for probe rushing in a match that didnt matter. I wonder what they would have done if he just 4-gated.
Nothing. Because then Nani would have shown a game. Which was, you know, his job. Why don't people get this? He's a professional. When he agreed to participate in this tournament, he knew the format, and he knew he might have to play meaningless games. So just 4-gate and deal.
On December 14 2011 21:30 Ace.Xile wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 21:28 bittman wrote:On December 14 2011 21:14 ReboundEU wrote: Good thing i didn't buy the GSL season ticket....i will never support competitions that take childish and racist decisions based on personal grudges and to please certain players (like nestea). No fairness..no honor...no respect...just insults.
If i want to watch the best of the best i will wait for MLG...not GSL. I evaded the bigest waste of money i could have possibly made. They won...they wanted a "korean wonderland" and they got it. Good luck with your viewer database. Tell me, please for my own sanity, that you would have the same response to the entire debacle if a Korean player did the same thing and got banned for it, which I'm sure GSL would do anyway. People like this are the true racists here. If you have a justified complaint (which some people do) please state it, don't label a company or organizers as some flamebait term such as "racist" because you lack the etiquette to express opinions without being a dick to someone. Anything along these lines is idiotic drama generation based on zero facts and reminds me of calling the weak kid in the playground "gay" because it makes you feel big. So tell me, anyone who believes this is racially motivated: are you a bully? Do you feel good calling people names? Or do you actually have facts and what you're stating is a truth I'm missing? Because all I see is flamebait and a pot calling the kettle black. Go look at choya, byun, and coca. All examples of worse offenses that resulted in really no significant action by Gom minus Choya's ban in the gstl.
Worst offences?
Gom actually had no jurisdiction over Choya - he was playing on the ladder. GomTV doesn't own the Blizzard ladder unfortunately yet they still banned him.
And Boxer owned the shit out of Coca pretty hard w.o needing Gom to intervene - again in the tournament NOT run by GOM.
GOM isn't going to interject their asses into ladder/tournaments not EVEN RUN by them.
On December 14 2011 21:31 Legace wrote: * Naniwa earns a Code S. * He then proceeds to workerrush in a no impact game (poor choice) in a somewhat unrelated tournament. * His Code S spot gets revoked by GomTV citing lack of respect and professionalism. Decision taken overnight. * Mr. Chae then proceeds to slander Naniwa officially. * Sen and IdrA are given FREE Code S seeds.
What a clusterfuck.
Read the above quote.
GOMTV = Impulsive
On December 14 2011 21:31 Haustka wrote: harsh... but needed to be done im sorry for naniwa fans, again very very harsh, espeically for naniwa because if he knew this was going to happen he wouldnt have done it im sure...
Needed to be done... explain.