I feel that if SC2 is to really succeed as an E-sports it needs to be more challenging and the one way to do that that wont hurt the play of the average gamer and sales of SC2 or promotion of SC2 to new audiences, but actually help it is by removing smart casting which will make watching SC2 even more enjoyable and make all of us all be excited once again...
If we removed Tastosis and Day9 from casting, we'd be left with.. Husky and the likes... Please don't remove smart casting. =[
I thought we were over with these kinds of threads in the beta? >,<
Well ok.
On July 29 2011 17:43 Exigaet wrote: It's already an eSport.
Exactly was I was thinking. It has surpassed bw long ago. OP sees skill in one game that is not an issue in another game and assumes stuff.
war2 vs starcraft comes to mind
On July 29 2011 18:34 Logros wrote: Pff these threads are getting a bit tiring. "Please make the interface more retarded to use so the game is harder and it's really an e-sport and fun to watch!" And always the argument that what the pro's do isn't hard and that they can do it as well, well why aren't you up there competing for 50.000 dollars then? So much this.
On July 29 2011 18:30 thehitman wrote:Show nested quote +On July 29 2011 18:23 MandoRelease wrote: I'll ignore all the dumb answers on this thread. It's like people just don't read the OP and flame. It's like bnet's forums.
Anyway, I disagree with the OP. I mean, as far as i understood, OP says the game needs to be more challenging in order to grow more as an e-sport. And one way to make it more challenging would be to remove smart-casting. Did I get it right ?
Saying it would make the game more exciting or more likeable from a player perspective is debatable. Has anything happened in SC2 that would require blizzard to make the game more challenging to execute ? OP bring the things like this is what SC2 needs. It isn't. At least not right now. Should the skill ceiling be raised higher, this is not something we have to discuss on a 1 year old game, especially with HotS and LotV not even out yet. If the game needs to be more challenging in order to grow as an e-sport, you don't have to emphasize the mechanical aspect of the game. You can just as well emphasize the tactical aspect of the game. You got it right. But HOTS and LOTV won't bring in magical units that make the game super tactical. In fact the best way for tactics to be more effective is to just execute them mechanically better. You could argue it needs to be more strategic, but that would require the game to have at least 30 different building and at least 30 different units and tech pats so that making a strategic decision is more important than say tactical or mechanical skill.
To directly adress you once:
If you feel SC2 is such a bad game, don't play it. No one is forcing you. The way you are arguing is just inflammatory and you are not making any rational arguments. Especially the fact that you are arguning form ignorace, you have no idea what is going to come with HotS and LotV, however you are using them to fabricate the argument that the game will never change, when it comes to tactics.
Just look at chess, the most tactical game and in no way bloated with variance or hard mechanics.
On July 29 2011 18:31 Severedevil wrote: SC2 certainly has a policy of reducing the 'difficult to control but highly rewarding' units. Smartcasting vastly simplifies spellcasters, the Reaver was replaced by Colossus, you can't stack air tightly, Carrier launch mechanics were changed to make them better at 1a and worse at active control, etc.
You can argue this is a good, but I certainly wouldn't.
You forgot vultures laying mines. One of the small things that made Terran mechanics so unique. A small thing that made you shout MINE DAEBAK ! A small thing that made Nada famous for destroying 12 sieges tanks with a group of 12 vultures and mines.
Oh and what about the Consume ability ? Isn't really annoying to have to consume a zergling before having to cast a dark swarm or a playguu ? How come isn't that automatic....
On July 29 2011 18:28 Trumpstyle wrote: Smartcasting make the game more fun to watch, I watch the youtube video and I can see nothing special about it.
Sure on the surface it looks like a standard protoss-terran engagement that ends in victory for the protoss due to well-placed storms, but you have to consider the UI limitations of brood war at the time where there was
1. 12 unit-limit per hotkey 2. No smart-casting .Unless a group of spell-casters were magic-boxed, having a control group of spellcasters use a spell resulted in all of the spellcasters stacking a spell on one location.
When you factor in these limitations, the sight of the toss carpet-storming the terran in the heat of battle against that many tanks becomes a lot more impressive.
On July 29 2011 17:50 Micket wrote: Ravens have smart casting and they're not imba in the slightest. Forcefield would be impossible to use even at the pro level and all the aoe spells will have to be buffed.
Infestors are not really a problem. Give me a GSL game where someone massed Infestors and won. How would not having smart casting make forcefielding, storming, fungaling, etc make it impossible to use? If they removed it, it would just be another level to the game and add a higher skill cap to using the spells.
On July 29 2011 18:30 thehitman wrote:Show nested quote +On July 29 2011 18:23 MandoRelease wrote: I'll ignore all the dumb answers on this thread. It's like people just don't read the OP and flame. It's like bnet's forums.
Anyway, I disagree with the OP. I mean, as far as i understood, OP says the game needs to be more challenging in order to grow more as an e-sport. And one way to make it more challenging would be to remove smart-casting. Did I get it right ?
Saying it would make the game more exciting or more likeable from a player perspective is debatable. Has anything happened in SC2 that would require blizzard to make the game more challenging to execute ? OP bring the things like this is what SC2 needs. It isn't. At least not right now. Should the skill ceiling be raised higher, this is not something we have to discuss on a 1 year old game, especially with HotS and LotV not even out yet. If the game needs to be more challenging in order to grow as an e-sport, you don't have to emphasize the mechanical aspect of the game. You can just as well emphasize the tactical aspect of the game. You got it right. But HOTS and LOTV won't bring in magical units that make the game super tactical. In fact the best way for tactics to be more effective is to just execute them mechanically better. You could argue it needs to be more strategic, but that would require the game to have at least 30 different building and at least 30 different units and tech pats so that making a strategic decision is more important than say tactical or mechanical skill.
The thing is, it's not because SC2 isn't as mechanicaly hard as BW that it is hurting SC2's growth as an e-sport. When you come from a BW background, it may be a difficult thing to understand, but you don't need the most difficult mechanics for the game to be successful as an e-sport.
Sorry, there is so much wrong and kind of silly in the OP...
Didn't even read all, but I read the end as well, and statements like: "As casual gamers don't use spellcasters anyway/sporadically" just makes you look like you don't really know a lot about the game...
Starcraft 2 as already gone further in esports in a year then most games ever do...your title is misleading because your discussion isn't 'is it's an esport' it's more of a 'is it worthy of being an esport'.
No matter how you compare SC1 to SC2 the fact remains at the highest levels SC2 is competitive and the designers are striving for balance...it honestly doesn't have to even be close to broadwar in overall difficulty of use to still be just as hard to achieve mastery in.
On July 29 2011 18:34 DueSs wrote:Show nested quote +I feel that if SC2 is to really succeed as an E-sports it needs to be more challenging and the one way to do that that wont hurt the play of the average gamer and sales of SC2 or promotion of SC2 to new audiences, but actually help it is by removing smart casting which will make watching SC2 even more enjoyable and make all of us all be excited once again... If we removed Tastosis and Day9 from casting, we'd be left with.. Husky and the likes... Please don't remove smart casting. =[
This is actually what I thought the thread was going to be about when I read the title.
StarCraft 2 would be mechanically more difficult if you had to play Multitask to make your workers mine resources. It would also make the game vastly worse. Arguing that simply because something is easier it must be worse is ridiculous. Smartcasting and unlimited unit selection remove mechanical aspects of the game that were frustrating, pointless, and most importantly not fun. They allow you to use the unit in the way in which it was meant to be used without needless complications being there simply for difficulty's sake. Something like the Reaver being replaced with the Collosus, or the Corsair with the Phoenix, is different in that clever control could actually change how the unit functioned before. Reaver/shuttle micro gave the two units an entirely new role. The phoenix functions exactly the same no matter what you do with it now, rather than the skirmish/straight-forward fight distinction with Corsair micro.
In short, if you're going to complain about something, complain where they actually took something out of the game (Reavers, Corsairs, etc) rather than where they made something simply less frustrating.
If you like to discuss smart casting as an issue, don't put up such an inflammatory headline
Well, although at times smart casting feels stupid, I don't think that alone makes or breaks a game. You may say that it doesn't feel like "Starcraft", by comparing it to BW. But, saying it cannot be an esport due to this? You need a wider sample of RTS games that have gone popular like BW and SC2, which would also have smart casting, to say something like this.
My proposal: Keep smarcasting, but only allow 3-4 spell casters to be controlled at a time. Also, lower their energy pool so that each unit can cast one of each spell before going out of energy. That would balance some ridiculous casting we see right now.
On July 29 2011 18:34 Logros wrote: Pff these threads are getting a bit tiring. "Please make the interface more retarded to use so the game is harder and it's really an e-sport and fun to watch!" And always the argument that what the pro's do isn't hard and that they can do it as well, well why aren't you up there competing for 50.000 dollars then?
"Hey I think this could make the game more exciting. The pros look so good, they could do even more and that would be soo fun to watch and you could tell the difference between pros and joes even more."
Why can't you look at it this way and instead have to get on the personal level and try to avoid his argument and just outright address the author, not the content? Don't you agree that having to actually care even more about your casters would add a new level of excitement in battle? How about you actually talk about the idea instead of the author not being a pro?
Even if we don't get any results, which is likely, we can have a nice discussion. Or am I wrong here?
May I direct your attention to an almost carbon copy thread that has been closed by Kennigit in 2010, referencing an earlier same argument from 2007. This argument loop is on round 3, maybe 4, folks.
Kennigit - Administrator - December 29 2010 10:59 Ok, yeah this is an argument from 2007. JLIG.
I'm sorry, but this is just yet another arrogant post trying to make a case that unless the game functions in a way that the OP in paticular thinks it should, it isn't balanced and doesn't require skill and isn't exciting to watch.
The irony there is that clearly none of those points are true. There has been enormous amounts of fluxuation between the domination of races and players, and SC2 is gathering in huge numbers of fans after only one year of release. To try and make these sorts of arguments in such an objective fashion just boggles my mind.
As for the title? Yeah I think my response to that is pretty obvious.
On July 29 2011 17:43 Exigaet wrote: It's already an eSport. YEAH WELL I PLAYED SC1 AND I THINK IT WAS BETTER!!! I'm going to make a poast about why sc2 can't be an esport because it is inferior!111one
I don't really understand the point of just smart casting needing to be removed to display skill. The players don't need a million apm to cast spells well, what's wrong with that? The spells aren't nearly as strong and ranges are shorter with the exception of ghosts if we compare to brood war.
SC2, apparently not so obviously, is not brood war and simply because mechanics are easier doesn't invalidate it as a competitive game; that's just not the focus with SC2. Certain professionals are clearly better than others and practice machines like huk improve vastly so there must be lots of skill involved. Besides smart casting, there are so many other factors and honestly if you're looking for awesome mechanics in esports, just watch brood war. If I want to see incredible sniper shots, I'll go watch counter-strike highlights or something - not complain that ghost sniping in sc2 is pointless to watch. That's an exaggeration, but the point still stands; the games are different.