Why SC2 can't be an e-sports - Page 7
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Malaysia164 Posts
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15 Posts
On July 29 2011 18:42 KeksX wrote: "Hey I think this could make the game more exciting. The pros look so good, they could do even more and that would be soo fun to watch and you could tell the difference between pros and joes even more." Why can't you look at it this way and instead have to get on the personal level and try to avoid his argument and just outright address the author, not the content? Don't you agree that having to actually care even more about your casters would add a new level of excitement in battle? How about you actually talk about the idea instead of the author not being a pro? Even if we don't get any results, which is likely, we can have a nice discussion. Or am I wrong here? Because this idea has been discussed. Like I said before, there have been so many threads on this subject before. The OP just has to search for these threads and he'll find that all the points he's made have been made before. I'm simply not getting anything new out the OP that hasn't been said before. | ||
7579 Posts
On July 29 2011 18:28 Trumpstyle wrote: Smartcasting make the game more fun to watch, I watch the youtube video and I can see nothing special about it. Above all the arguments and whatnot about BW and sc2, your post makes me quite sad. | ||
Australia283 Posts
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Canada239 Posts
P.S; Balance, they cry when its not balanced, they cry when its balanced, they want the imbalance to be balanced, the balance to be imbalanced. C'ant we just ask for a game we love and a great community to share it with ?? I think we already have that, you should try to make it better! Titles like this are horrible. | ||
Slovakia120 Posts
one of those is attitude of company which made this game. There could be done much more steps towards hardcore gamers. I'm not going into details, but this needs to change else they will loose a lot of audience to other "skill" games. | ||
England11061 Posts
On July 29 2011 17:41 thehitman wrote: Remember the game where JangBi had the whole screen covered with storms destroying all of Nada's tanks, well that was skill and that was excitement, it was something special that not only can non pro not do it, but even pro players weren't able to do it. Even Bisu's storms were quite on that mark. Stork's are though, see yesterday | ||
966 Posts
-a retarded title, as agressive as you can. -a stupid point that trolls or bw players often come up with -actually writing an article about it, otherwise you would be banned for the exact same post if it was a 10 liner, possibly including a bw video, to get the untouchable bw player aura -ending your post with a conclusion that has nothing to do with what you just discussed this is basically a sophism (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sophism), often called a troll in online communities. here i go with my own try DEMUSLIM NEVER WAS A PROGAMER my point : demuslim broke his arm so many times, he is surely gonna get kicked out of EG, actually he NEVER was a progamer article : summarize all the times he broke his arm and announced his return, state the inka removal as a proof that EG loves to kick players, add a video of a relay race, so i get the liquid fan aura. conclusion : he broke his arm, I AM SURE HE CANT PLAY => they will kick him out, he wont find a new team : yeah, he never was a progamer. to answer your actual thread, smart casting makes for more turnarounds and on the fly play. i rather see these moves by any average semipro than once in a blue moon when whitera or naniwa plays. this is a discussion of : would you rather see only good movies, and not appreciate the best ones at their real value, or would you rather see only bad ones and love the good ones? i guess we can go on with this forever. your point about esports makes basically no sense, so i wont give it one. | ||
Denmark1754 Posts
soo missleading | ||
Norway688 Posts
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Canada544 Posts
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United Kingdom2576 Posts
If it didn't have that title and you didn't make it seem like SC2 isn't an E-Sport when it includes smart casting then I'd understand more.. | ||
Norway713 Posts
However, I don't see Blizzard doing it. | ||
United States9006 Posts
On July 29 2011 18:35 Patriot.dlk wrote: Exactly was I was thinking. It has surpassed bw long ago. OP sees skill in one game that is not an issue in another game and assumes stuff. war2 vs starcraft comes to mind Just want to say that while his title isn't the greatest (as literally any game played competitively can be called an eSport) I like to think he meant an eSport in the same way that BW is. Yes, SC2 is bigger outside of Korea than BW ever was. Yes, there are tons of tournaments, exposure, and money in SC2. And yes, there are even Korean pros and Korean tournaments that are a big part of the SC2 eSports scene. But what SC2 isn't, and likely won't be, is a game that can have a following like that of an actual sport. It isn't impossible and it may very well happen one day but right now SC2 doesn't have squealing fan girls, huge sponsors for teams, or a number of other things that BW still has going for it. What SC2 hasn't done is broken into the mainstream of a country. I'm not saying it won't and I'm not even saying that I agree with the OP as I honestly don't know what SC2 can do to have that. Maybe it is a higher skill ceiling. Maybe it just needed to be "in the right place at the right time." I'm not gonna pretend like it's an issue of skill or entertainment value because honestly no one knows why BW was so huge in Korea and why SC2 hasn't reached that status (at least not yet). I think that threads like this might not be the best way of discussing a topic as sensitive as this one though. I hope I haven't offended anyone or stepped out of line. I'm just trying to offer some insight, I think it'd be great if SC2 broke into the mainstream as BW did in Korea but I personally don't see it happening. I would love to be proven wrong though! | ||
Netherlands359 Posts
Now I'd like the OP to watch MLG Anaheim this weekend and then claim anything needs to happen to SC2 for it to succeed as an esport. | ||
Norway2023 Posts
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United States4830 Posts
On July 29 2011 18:55 DM20 wrote: Bananas will never be a true fruit like oranges, to easy to peel. Please remove the stub so they are hard to peel like oranges. If bananas became tastier to compensate, I'd be all over that. | ||
Belgium473 Posts
Everyone is again right and wrong at the same time, because even though realistically the spells and some units were OP the fact that no one can use them to their full extent made them balanced this is so wrong... | ||
1105 Posts
On July 29 2011 18:28 zocktol wrote: What a stupid, stupid way to discuss smart casting. Sure if you ONLY think about the diffrent ways that you cast spells in the game, SC2 is way easier than BW. But this is ignoring basicaly everything else about the game. If you isolate just one thing and only one thing, it will always have an influence, except for graphics and music. It seems like you are trying to fabricate an argument while ignoring a lot of other things. Not a good way to argue. Also i would like to argue, that things like smart casting actually increase the viability of SC2 as a e-Sport. If you look at football(Dear Americans, i am talking about Soccer, which is the sport with balls and feet not with hands and eggs) its concept and its mechanics are really easy. Things like scoring a goal etc. are easy. No professional soccer player is doing something, that no one else can do, however they are doing the things everyone can do better. I know how to score a goal from 30 metres distance BUT i can't do it in the same way that Ronaldo does for example. If you look at SC2 the same way, you will see, that you know how to do the forcefields like MC, but you can't do it without proper training. Everybody can spam the forcefields everywhere but to use them efficiently it takes training. tl;dr: OPs argument is bad and might even be the reason, why SC2 is more likely to become a possible esport, because people can immitate what pros are doing but not to the same "perfection". LOL, your post is just pure ignorance. SC2 smart casting to football is like players using robot legs to run. | ||
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