So usually I'm a lurker, reading a prodigious amount of TL a day but not posting very frequently. But over time I've noticed and then looked into (thank you search function) a particular poster whom I think is just an amazing person, and now my feelings have developed to the point where I want to take action. The problem is, what should I do? I don't really have experience with online hook-ups, mostly just the IRL kind. However I feel like the community can help me out, given their experience and success with others, so please read and thanks in advance!
First you may wonder--how do I even know if there's an opportunity there? Well, in terms of pure logistics, I'm 21 and Chinese-American and from what he's said, I think he's also in his 20s and is Korean-American. The ages work out and I am Asian and like Starcraft, Kpop, kimchi, and skin-care products so I have some cultural understanding. Also, he likes Bruce Lee, Magic: The Gathering, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and cats. ME TOO!
I don't know if he has a girlfriend or not, but I'm scared to ask because the minute I do it'll be like declaring my interest. But I really do think we have a lot of potential...He definitely has experience with girls though, because he responds to girl blogs very often and extremely well. Onto that:
Why do I think this is worth pursuing? Aside from the aforementioned shared interests, his posts are always thoughtful, funny, intelligent, and creative, which is why he stood out in the first place. (No offense guys.) And, perhaps most importantly, he's CONFIDENT without coming off as a douche. I mean, from here it's not too hard to figure out why I would like him. All that stuff you've seen in movies about girls liking guys like that? Yeah, it's true. In fact, I'm surprised other girls in the community haven't already propositioned him...well, maybe they have and I am just one of many. I guess that's worth considering too.
I have a job and an apartment so I don't need him to provide for me--I don't have any ulterior motives like that. I just think he's a really great and intelligent guy that I'd like to spend time with. On one hand, I'm scared to move forward but on the other, I haven't felt this excited since high school. I can't get him off my mind.
So what do you think? Is it worth sending him a PM? Or rather, should I try to post in threads he's posted in, hoping he'll notice me? Or is he completely out of my league and I should just admire him quietly?
There's even a chance he's reading this right now. If so...hi?
I'm also in love with Torte De Lini so I guess that makes us competitors.
Just tell him.
If a girl walked up to me and said "hey, I like the same things you like and I also like you."
It is a very good chance I would date her and see where it went from there. Really, with a guy, it is simple. Just tell him and it should be fine.
Washington, D.C9933 Posts
oh, you, adorable. go with pm, get his bnet id first, eventually msn, skype, you know?
Washington, D.C9933 Posts
this actually interests me quite a bit because i can't think of anyone that fits those criteria.
so cute
You probably made 1000 nerds' hearts fall out of their chest with this post
you never know without asking!!
dawwwwwwww, this is so cute
be mean to him, thats what i do to girls i like
United States24580 Posts
If he's a poster on TL then there's a good chance he's going to read this before you talk to him.....
Is that your intention? It is a pretty big deal.
I bet a lot of people were reading the intro paragraphs of your blog like "hmm... could it be me!!?" XD
On July 13 2011 05:55 Galaxy_Zerg wrote: You probably made 1000 nerds' hearts fall out of their chest with this post Way too specific. But it would certainly be awesome if a confirmed, good-looking(and non-Riku) girl posted something like this but more vague. Your statement would be absolutely true in that case.
I love ILOVEKITTENS too (no homo) I read girlsblog just because his posts are so awesome and funny (but accurate)
be sure he'll read it, anyway I would have gone for the PM 1st rather than the open letter but maybe he'll love the romantic bravery of such a try! good luck
Aweeeee <3 You're adorable. I know exactly how you feel. Girl, just tell him. I'm sure he'll want to get to know you. You seem really nice and caring.
I wish you luck <3
Don't just hope he'll notice you. In a thread there tend to be a lot of people. Your name doesn't scream 21 year old female Chinese-American who has a thing for him. PM him. Most guys need that little prod, especially online. <3
You got nothing to lose, go for it.
Anod more important, tell us how it went
Washington, D.C9933 Posts
oh, i see. well, he's white, quite a good-looking guy, charming, and a long-time veteran of this website. pm him.
On July 13 2011 06:00 leantebellum wrote: ilovekittens too!!! ^^
^^ :D
Belgium9944 Posts
On July 13 2011 06:00 micronesia wrote: If he's a poster on TL then there's a good chance he's going to read this before you talk to him.....
Is that your intention? It makes a pretty big deal.
i would be pretty creeped out if I were him....