Article on paying to get college essays written - Page 5
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Japan2800 Posts
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United States402 Posts
On November 18 2010 11:13 L0CUST. wrote: The educational system was built to supply factories with competent employees to run them. The concept was, people would go to college to learn and become educated enough to work at factories. In return for going to college they gained "job security" as in they could be fairly certain that they could hold the job for however long they wanted to work there, and not have to worry about being laid off. Well, times have changes. People are no longer granted the same "job security" and the jobs that pay for people to simply go to work and put in time are becoming outsourced or the pay reduced considerably. The jobs that pay well involve different skills now than they did many years ago. The education system hasn't changed at all to accommodate this, which is sad considering how much the world has changed. I don't know what school you went to, but I went to GT for a couple of years (30k a semester for powerpoints got me to leave), and most of my friends and I "bullshitted" our way to 3.0+ GPAs. You don't have to "know" anything, you just need to know where to look for the right information. 1hr per class per week definitely isn't an immense amount of work. I'm currently enrolled in ChemE at the university of minnesota. I can tell you that there is no way putting a mere 1hr per class per week would get you any higher than a 2.0. Its simply impossible, the work load is to high, the concepts and problems too difficult to simply "look for the right information." I can say this is true for almost any engineering, tho chemE is particularly difficult from the general consensus. As far as job security goes, these days graduating with an engineering degree is as secure as you can get really, there is always demand and as long as you make yourself a good candidate you will get a decent job. But I don't see how can pass an extremely difficult exam without actually knowing what you're doing. Speaking of which I need to go study for a couple hours. Ney all night... sigh | ||
China10252 Posts
edit: Liberal Arts courses meaning my General Curriculum, I am in Engineering CS/CIS. | ||
United States4628 Posts
One paper was on US foreign policy theory towards Iran regarding nuclear proliferation. The other was a argumentation paper on Obama's statement on New National Security Strategy, regarding realism vs liberalism. I was so proud of myself for doing this. Felt like a beast. Oh, and I felt even better when I found out she got a B+ on one, and an A- on the other. She always started papers early since then. | ||
United Kingdom1755 Posts
So far the bare ammount I have learned from university is either in the unlikely event I turn up to a class and there is discussion, or in wikipediaing//skimming books in the 4 hour timeframe I use to write the essays. Now I am just exceptionally lazy and there is a whole wealth of opportunity for me to learn new and exciting things at university, but you are not rewarded for learning, you are rewarded for churning out cliché ideas and taught how to write the things an examiner expects and looks for. You are not taught to learn, or rather not rewarded for doing so, you are taught how to pass. Edit: didn't read the post above mine before responding, just read the OP, eerie irony ![]() | ||
29 fps
United States5720 Posts
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Brazil3409 Posts
Generates 19th century problems, like forgery lol | ||
United States9218 Posts
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United States20288 Posts
On November 18 2010 19:32 XeliN wrote: This guy is right when he suggests universities are not concerned with educating, but grades. Every one of my last 8 essays was done in under 4 hours time, the 4 hours before the deadline (and I'm at a uni where if you don't hand in work by the deadline you get 0% barring extenuating circumstance) So far the bare ammount I have learned from university is either in the unlikely event I turn up to a class and there is discussion, or in wikipediaing//skimming books in the 4 hour timeframe I use to write the essays. Now I am just exceptionally lazy and there is a whole wealth of opportunity for me to learn new and exciting things at university, but you are not rewarded for learning, you are rewarded for churning out cliché ideas and taught how to write the things an examiner expects and looks for. You are not taught to learn, or rather not rewarded for doing so, you are taught how to pass. Edit: didn't read the post above mine before responding, just read the OP, eerie irony ![]() so very true and unfortunately this is the way things are in the meritocracies (or so called) we live in today granted those who want to know will do fine... but those who want to "succeed" can use plenty of methods to get past the system | ||
England504 Posts
On November 18 2010 04:23 shindigs wrote: So, of course, you can imagine my excitement when I received the good news: "thanx so much for uhelp ican going to graduate to now". Very interesting read over all, surprised at just how far this type of thing goes.. And the final few lines were the perfect ending, sums up the entire story of him with that client. (And just how bad it actually is.) | ||
United States681 Posts
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Germany1393 Posts
and even when i was not playing, i was trolling the rest of the Internet (, facebook). Hell, i had university papers to do and yet was doing BS over at farmville rather than doing the work! So, when the actual deadline was almost kicking in and would have broken my neck, i started to do all-nighters consequently in a whole week, to finish months of work in only one work. And as it seems, everything was pretty fine the way i did it... (Bachelor of Engineering with 1,3 :D) Despite the fact my knowlege about thermodinamycs and FEM analysis is behind a drunken haze and staying up much too late at night, i am a useful member of society ;-) But completely not even doing this (what i did i would consider as doing the absolute basics of studying) and afterwards trying to do your job later might be interesting, because all the knowlege you pretend to have is not there... TLDR: I love the educational system, and i wish i could be stundet for life =) | ||
Great Britain406 Posts
On November 18 2010 05:31 viletomato wrote: HAHA that 'genius' at writing can write anything except for math. I highly doubt he could write anything close to a mathematical paper because you have to really KNOW what you are writing about. (Only only say this because I'm studying math ATM ) By the way 66K is a pathetic sum of money considering he labours hours and hours without end and is constantly being harrassed by lazy idiots. Ye I take it you grinned slightly to when you realized that this guy would be totally useless if you ever wanted to cheat? I know I did ![]() (Not that my maths coursework ever requires me to write a paper, normally just answering questions) | ||
United Kingdom1014 Posts
Furthermore, I don't think this guy would be any help if you want a good grade - for my undergraduate dissertation I had to have several meetings with a senior professor, one after submitting a research proposal. There is no way I could have attended those meetings if I hadn't done my own work - they were hard enough anyway. Having said that, good article and nice read -really interesting. | ||
Canada354 Posts
So I can totally understand people who would prefer to pay for it. They totally miss out on the real point of the work of course; that is to develop the skill to learn and to express your learning. | ||
Canada354 Posts
On November 18 2010 20:09 Sfydjklm wrote: i wonder if the list of those people who use these services were to be kept and released in twenty years how many of those name would turn up in US congress/senate and other positions of high influence? Depends how many Bush family members you guys keep voting to office. ![]() | ||
Sweden1661 Posts
The humanities guys here seem to be doing between 1 and 3 big essays a week but that's just something to base their tutorials on, it doesn't count at all towards their degree. Instead their final degree classification is based on writing a number of essays during timed exam conditions in the final week of their final year. (Some subjects do some extended research project/thesis as well for maybe 20% of the total degree though) Makes much more sense to me and makes cheating impossible. As for the morality of cheating, of course I find it detestable but seriously, it's the fault of the univursity if their teaching and grading system is shallow enough that cheating actually can be profitable. | ||
United States17234 Posts
On November 18 2010 04:27 CanucksJC wrote: Im not surprised that something like this is happening... I'd gladly pay someone a reasonable amount to have my exams written and im not even that rich. universities are just too competitive and exhausting these days... I've got around 45-50 pages of papers this semester. I probably would never pay for a paper outright, but I could certainly see the value in having someone do a large chunk of it and then finishing it / refining it to match your style. Colleges are at the point (and have been for years) where you're given copious amounts of unnecessary papers solely for the sake of writing a paper. My grad classes are especially guilty of this. | ||
Canada2562 Posts
My distaste for the early hours and regimented nature of high school was tempered by the promise of the educational community ahead, with its free exchange of ideas and access to great minds. How dispiriting to find out that college was just another place where grades were grubbed, competition overshadowed personal growth, and the threat of failure was used to encourage learning. I too good sir. | ||
Malaysia2246 Posts
On November 18 2010 22:08 Robstickle wrote: Ye I take it you grinned slightly to when you realized that this guy would be totally useless if you ever wanted to cheat? I know I did ![]() (Not that my maths coursework ever requires me to write a paper, normally just answering questions) He can't do math or anything related to technical subjects. Just shows how business/management course student can just basically bs their way through assignments and essays without actually knowing anything. | ||
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