On July 07 2010 08:30 Whomp wrote: You guy's realize that every move that blizzard has made with starcraft 2 was to make it successful as a E-sport
They are dropping everything they can that tarnishes the name of video games, and this is exactly what we as a competitive scene want. I know that chat rooms and ID's have real meaning to us, and can be viable at times but they also come with a heavy toll.
I always have a hard time believing that everyone here is so ignorant that they immediately see something and react. Think a little bit, this entire thread garners enough proof for real name's alone.
1000 members got annoyed by your post, and are browsing your real name to send spam now.
What do you expect from it? Anybody with dedication to Trolling will make a fake name anyway, and even if they couldn't then they would just move to spamming.
On July 07 2010 08:28 f0rk wrote:Show nested quote +On July 07 2010 08:12 Alou wrote: Do all of you guys even use their forums? Wasn't there a poll thread where 90% of TL said they never posted there? Just stay posting here. Problem solved. That's an incredibly close minded and selfish point of view. 1) If you just let it happen now, when does it stop? Public e-mail? Forced facebook integration? This could just be the beginning, better to let them though this shit is dumb now. 2) Just because you don't use them doesn't mean thousands of kids don't visit the site every day, while also being careless with personal details elsewhere. Look at how many parents think if their kid goes on the internet they will get targeted by pedos. This makes it so much easier for anyone up to no good. 3) All it takes is one nut job for something very, very bad to happen because someone left too much information on the internet.
Some nut jobs have already done some really bad things, using a far less informative source of information. If you say this real name thing is a problem, then admit you are a cynic, because I swear you are only saying that people will screw you over given the opportunity, when they could do it anyway. Personally my concern would be advertisements and extra, unnecessary spam. But I'm not worried about someone hacking me because it could already happen. I don't think it's going to get worse.
People can hack your accounts. Hell, just being online on Battle.net could potentially put at risk of an attack. That's why security programs exist.
Also your first point is a slippery slope fallacy. You rule out the possibility of Blizzard rescinding it or maybe they'll stop just at the forums. Apparently that's the only thing that can happen is they just release your personal info without care to everyone.
Personally I'm neutral on the position. Because while I don't believe this is going to make being online any riskier for those that do use the forums (unless a little society of hatred forms, like 4chan), I don't really see Blizzard's logic in improving posting.
Canada11279 Posts
Fortunately I never used my real name to sign up for Beta and I won't integrate with fb, so pretty much I have a built-in alias. Although I don't care how much my real life friends know of what I do online, I generally like to keep a degree of separation between what I put online that can be traced back to me- not paranoid, just cautious. Given this latest, I think I'll stick to using fake names and addresses with Blizzard (briefly considered using real name for Beta.)
On July 07 2010 08:40 Bibdy wrote: Your empty lies mean nothing to me! PIZZAS GALORE TO ALL OF SHELBY! MUUAAAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA
I call it the shotgun method.
No pizzas for me . My day is ruined.....
Thank You
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On July 07 2010 08:38 iCCup.Diamond wrote:Show nested quote +On July 07 2010 08:37 MuTT wrote: While my hatred for you burns like that of supernova i do not care enough to google your name and shit... Lemme spell it out for you so pay attention! When you google some peoples names they are associated with some sites that are not very careful with your name (such as facebook) While your name in itself is mostly harmless your other information is very sensitive and critical. *refer to my last post* so now plz gimmie your phone number or forever hold your peace Ok your insane. If you have an IQ over 3 you can set your privacy settings on Facebook (like I have set). So why would I give you my number? If this is about what people can get from your name than fucking prove me wrong. I know you already tried and I know you already failed. Trust me I google myself 2 times a month to ensure what is out there about me. I challenge you. Get my phone number based off nothing more than my name.
Well it's a good job everyone on facebook has their account set to private isn't it.
On July 07 2010 08:33 Liquid`NonY wrote:Show nested quote +On July 07 2010 08:07 KlaCkoN wrote:On July 07 2010 08:01 Liquid`NonY wrote:On July 07 2010 07:46 InfiniteIce wrote:On July 07 2010 07:41 Liquid`NonY wrote:On July 07 2010 07:29 InfiniteIce wrote:On July 07 2010 07:25 kajeus wrote:On July 07 2010 07:22 baskerville wrote:On July 07 2010 07:08 kajeus wrote:On July 07 2010 07:07 baskerville wrote: [quote]
good for you, how bout kids who don't know better and are careless about what they divulge online? blizz/activision are setting a dangerous standard for game forums
And what stopped kids from doing this before...? ohhh nothing you are so spot on now they'll do it thinking it's expected, that's hardly an improvement since the launch of the internet the proper authorities have declared endlessly that the ONLY way to protect people from the dangers of the internet is to prevent (mostly kids and fragile people but it concerns everyone) from divulging their identity online (and any other info that are liable to be used by dangerous people) ... it's the only way that the professionals advocate, who are we to disagree? First of all, young kids can't legally post on a public forum with their real names. Second, how on earth did you decide that, because the Blizzard forums are real-name-only, everyone is going to assume that addresses and school names are also OK to share? At this point I SERIOUSLY doubt that you are reading this thread at all. READ WHAT HAPPENED TO BASHIOK BEFORE YOU MAKE YOUR NEXT REPLY. It is very evident that you do not have to share your address and phone number etc., in order for people to find it using only your full name. PLEASE. READ ABOUT BASHIOK BEFORE YOU REPLY. Seriously. Thanks. Edit: link for everybody's convenience, though it's been posted before. http://wowriot.gameriot.com/blogs/Americans-are-bad-at-games/Real-Names-on-the-Official-Forums-New-REAL-ID-function?gr_i_ni I don't understand... is this sarcastic? Nothing happened to Bashiok in the link you provided. No public news, to be sure. I highly doubt that he is currently at peace though, Nony. I'm an hour away from Bash. I'm half tempted to go say what's up. People in this thread already state they have called/texted Bash. How many internet retards does it take to go beat up Bashiok? Surely I don't have to explain what happens when you post your info on 4chan. Some of it is national news-worthy... This is going the same route. I just don't think that people should be harassed, outside of the internet, for stating their opinion over the internet. The internet should deal with the internet. I mean, are you willing to post your contact info publicly, as a moderately well-known person in the community? I wouldn't be.. It has been available for years. All the top players' names have been known for years. Anyone who has participated in WCG has had their name published. Same with TSL. Hell, teamliquid.net has a database with that info. And beyond players, the names of commentators, news writers, fan site staff, Blizzard employees, etc are known. The addresses and real names of all the progamers in Korea are known. People harass Bashiok now because they're assholes who are mad for reasons that they can't even explain, not because they couldn't harass Bashiok before. If you don't think people should be harassed for publicly stating an opinion, then encourage the victims of harassment to report incidents to law enforcement. That shit isn't legal. A lot of people have offered very sensible explanations for why they are mad. Future employment issues among else. Here's a repost of my personal explanation btw: Using nothing but my full name it's possible to find my sisters name age and phone number, pictures of her, where she lives, where she goes to school, when she finishes school every day and the most likely route she will take home from school. And my facebook profile is set to private btw. I am soo not comfortable with publishing that information on a public internet forum and I can't understand why people can't seem to grasp this. It's sensible to harass a total stranger because he's the PR guy who works for the company that announced that you can no longer publicly voice your opinion on their forum without possibly risking a job opportunity? That is not sensible at all. That's just being an asshole who wants to have his cake and eat it too. You are afraid that if you say something on a game forum it will cause someone to attack your sister? I still don't see how that's sensible. It's random. Yes, people are able to fuck other people up. It's a dangerous world out there. In America, virtually anyone can have a handgun in their pocket and you can die in an instant while walking down the street. You don't even have to go out in public. Your neighbor knows where you live and knows who you are. He could have a rifle set up looking at your window, waiting for you to move your head into his sights. When you are in the waiting room at the doctor's office and the nurse calls your name to say it's your turn, do you freak the fuck out that everyone in that room could now get all your info? Hell, every time you hand over your credit card to some kid at a cash register, are you worrying he might read your name? Or are they complete strangers and so they have no motivation to do anything? Cuz that's the case for most people on the forums, too. But what about people that aren't complete strangers in real life? All your coworkers, all your classmates, every person you regularly do business with. They all know your info. Most of them have easier access to it than the people you would discuss video games with. For the most part, crime happens between people who know each other. The internet makes an exception to that because the people who know each other will recruit the help of strangers. But it still starts with people who personally know each other. Randomly harassing/attacking a total stranger is not worth risking the penalties of being caught.
I just wanted to say a couple of things: First of all I'm glad and not surprised that even though personal information about any sc pro is available easily, nothing "bad" has ever happened to them. This is in part, I think, due to the fact that the SC community is incredibly tight and small in comparison to the communities of say WoW. Second of all It's not that black and white. The reason why I think what Blizz is doing is stupid is because you never know. You never know when you're going to play against that 1 guy that will rage so hard he wants to do something to you IRL. You never know if you'll be recorded(or screen capped) saying something that will piss off THAT guy. What Blizzard is doing by making us use our names is simply making it easier for THAT guy to hunt you down, sure it may not happen now or in a year or ever BUT what if... I don't know about you but I'd rather not risk it.
BTW I think your IRL arguments don't really apply. In the examples you gave there is nothing done to anger said stranger/employee. In a video game you can demolish people, don't tell me you've never felt bitter or angry after losing a match or getting cheesed. I'm not saying that you would act on those emotions but a lot of people would.
Thankfully, we have tl.net and the only time I go to the blizz forums is uhh never, so I just cracked a smile and applauded Blizz. Why? Because it's genius. The forums don't really make Blizzard money, in fact I'm sure they spend a lot in maintaining it, if they get rid of it then it's another stone off of their backs.
EDIT: Just thought of another thing, think of girl gamers. They're already harassed as it is, imagine being able to look up how they look, their address, the school they go to. Shit imagine being a female guild leader and guild kicking a kid, who fuckin rages and starts shopping dicks in your face and posting them on your wall. Do you really think that this is far fetched? I certainly don't...
I for one value my anonymity, and because of this I won't be posting in the new official forums, not that I care much anyways - I've got TL
On July 07 2010 08:39 Bibdy wrote: Its interesting that they choose to do this at a time when parents are concerned about their kids handing out personal information.
I wonder if they're going to implement a parental lock to allow parents to stop their kids posting on the forums. 'They already announced they would.
I agree with Nony on this whole situation. I also enjoy how aggressive all of you people who disagree with it are at "fucking up the people who don't agree with you by using their real name to show them how stupid they are", which tbh, is inherently the problem with the internet, and is why I support this change.
On July 07 2010 08:38 iCCup.Diamond wrote:Show nested quote +On July 07 2010 08:37 MuTT wrote: While my hatred for you burns like that of supernova i do not care enough to google your name and shit... Lemme spell it out for you so pay attention! When you google some peoples names they are associated with some sites that are not very careful with your name (such as facebook) While your name in itself is mostly harmless your other information is very sensitive and critical. *refer to my last post* so now plz gimmie your phone number or forever hold your peace Ok your insane. If you have an IQ over 3 you can set your privacy settings on Facebook (like I have set). So why would I give you my number? If this is about what people can get from your name than fucking prove me wrong. I know you already tried and I know you already failed. Trust me I google myself 2 times a month to ensure what is out there about me. I challenge you. Get my phone number based off nothing more than my name. Dang you are a high level troll. Perhaps i shall use my power to appeal to the rest of the people that you are as smart as a lemming. The problem is that you are only thinking about yourself. Your name may (or may not ) be secure but it is a fact that many people on bnet are not secure. So what this change does is endangers them (they can be harrassed) to help stop the troll problem (which is only solved by moderation because trolls can take many forms -ie you). Because this isn't a good response to this problem i am here enlightening people to make sure that they are careful with their information (see my first post). Bashiok had the same thinking to you... and he didn't come out so lucky
On July 07 2010 08:42 f0rk wrote: Well it's a good job everyone on facebook has their account set to private isn't it.
In all fairness they have made it pretty damn easy recently.
So MuTT, Sherlock Holmes of the world wide web, my phone still has not rung once.....
United States20661 Posts
You know, the fact that they got the wrong dude with Bashiok's name is another negative against Blizzard - even with such a rare name, confusion is still possible; thus, we have the realistic possibility of hate crimes against TOTALLY UNRELATED people.
Isn't that a doozy.
What's the bad news?
They want e-sports to grow and they see this as a beneficial way for it to happen. I see it as a positive move in that it creates a more connected community. Now there are consequences for your actions considering your real name is given abroad to all users. I feel the same about chat channels in SC2. Yes they are needed, however, bitching and moaning about chat channels is... well, whatever. It's not a big deal. Same for RealID.
This is about the community growing together and developing into a real sport. One that cannot be frowned upon due to the acceptance of computer games in all cultures.
Here we go again, nerds getting angry and starts harassing some innocent guy that just happens to be the company's mouthpiece. I think it's a dumb idea to include your real names in your post, but as long as it doesn't carry over in-game, it's not really going to affect me much.
Regarding Iccup.Diamond and Nony, despite the fact you are valued members of this community I don't think you guys doing anything but playing devil's advocate. You are arguing against the tide but I have yet to hear a good reason to implement this system. Comparing this new system with a doctor's office is idiotic to say the least. On the open forums thousands of people can see your posts and react, increasing the chance for a negative outcome, as has been discussed. This is simply not even close to being the case for a doctor's office.
On July 07 2010 08:43 MuTT wrote: Dang you are a high level troll. Perhaps i shall use my power to appeal to the rest of the people that you are as smart as a lemming. The problem is that you are only thinking about yourself. Your name may (or may not ) be secure but it is a fact that many people on bnet are not secure. So what this change does is endangers them (they can be harrassed) to help stop the troll problem (which is only solved by moderation because trolls can take many forms -ie you). Because this isn't a good response to this problem i am here enlightening people to make sure that they are careful with their information (see my first post). Bashiok had the same thinking to you... and he didn't come out so lucky
Wait a minute? I'm a troll? LOLOLOLOLOL.
I have over 1300 posts on here and about 80% of them are useful info that contributed to community. I have started the largest SC streaming network in the world. Yes I'm a hardcore troll.
Stop being all butthurt cause I owned your ass on a public forum.
I think the problem comes with people not understanding privacy settings....
+ Show Spoiler + Well that just tells you that if someone wants to find you and kill you, he can.
But I guess I'm lucky that I have one of the most common russian names and lastnames and I don't have a second name. I'm like waldo in a waldo crowd
Blizzard really went full retard on this one, I'm really just hoping this snuck past the intelligent people still at blizz, and that the person who thought this one up is getting shitcanned as we speak...
Its not the point of my real name being out there, i can give a shit less about that. Its the point there forcing this upon the players, I would think running a business and having the customers the most happiest bunch of people would be the idea. Now blizzard is taking so many steps in the wrong direction, such as making sc2 with achievements really blizzard i DON'T give a shit about having 50 wins as a zerg and getting a new little photo, adds nothing to the game. Then you have the balls to take out chat/lobby. Bnet wasn't broken, people that say "Well if it isn't broke, DON'T FIX IT" really should come into effect with you and what blizzard is doing.
On July 07 2010 08:44 Last Romantic wrote: You know, the fact that they got the wrong dude with Bashiok's name is another negative against Blizzard - even with such a rare name, confusion is still possible; thus, we have the realistic possibility of hate crimes against TOTALLY UNRELATED people.
Isn't that a doozy.
There's an address in Irvine in the comments now.