Even though both players have obbies, both players manage to get ninjas into each other's bases. Both DTs die without doing any damage though.
Both players macroing up large zealgoon armies. Stork has a single archon in his army and Free's army is approaching Stork's new expo at corner 5.
Free charging towards corner 5 and Stork spots it with a obbie! Stork rushes to defend!
Armies intercept! Stork forces Free back! Fight!
Stork has superior numbers and a HT, he forces Free back to his expo at 3.
Stork charges foward! his army takes some storms but he storms Free right back!
Free loses all of his zeals astonishingly quickly wtf! Stork trying to take Free's base at 3 with zeal/goon! Free blocking the ramp with his goons but they quickly die!
Stork razing Free's base at 3! Free rushes zeal/HT to defend! Zeals and storm kill off Stork's attack before the Nexus can be attacked.
Both players have 3 bases, their mains and nats. Stork has 5 and Free has 3.
Stork attacks Free at 3 again, forces all the probes to flee.
Free attacks Stork's nat instead of defending his expo! Masses of zealots and HTs smash Stork's natural! Storm goes off on Stork's probes and he loses half of them!
Stork retreats his army to defend and Free runs his remaining HTs and lots home.
Stork razes Free's base at 3, but Free clears out the remaining troops there. 3 bases to 2 now.
Free re-warping a nexus at 3.
Both armies skirmish near Free's budding expo at 3. Storm goes off and the armies dance around each other. Stork backs off and retreats to the plateau.
Free charges foward and storm rages through the air! Stork gets off the better storms and the armies trade with Stork coming on top with some archons.
Stork charging north now with a bunch of goon/archon. Free has only quickly macroed lots to defend.
Camera on Free and he gives the shrug of DESPAIR!
Stork attacks Free's base at 3 and Free GGs as his lots are smashed by Stork's goon/archon
Stork > Free @ Peaks Stork 1-0 Free
gg from free
just warmup baby, Free in da houz
edit: 420th post time to blaze
Free <Tau Cross> Stork - GAME 2
Free RED at 1 Stork PURPLE at 5
My internet dies at 14:00, so if the game is longer, someone take over.
The commentators are such bad observers, staying on Free's gate for like 10 seconds =/
Both players get gateways at 10. Stork gets gas soon afterwards, and then warps a core when his gateway finishes.
Free does the same, but much later.
The reason for Free's tech being so delayed is because he opted to get a zealot before his core. His zealot arribes at Stork's base just as Stork's first goon pops.
Free tries to harass with his lot, but it dies to Stork's goon and probes.
Both players get their 2nd gateways. Free getting a bunch of zealots.
Stork sends his goon up towards Free's base. Free has a zeal and a goon.
Stork starts the party and attacks with his two goons, chasing Free's 2 lots and goon back to his base.
Free's 2nd goon pops and the reverse happens, Free chasing Stork halfway home.
Free starts a robo facility.
While Stork instead opts for 2 more gateways! 4 gateways for Stork, clearly an allin goon build.
Free pushing down with some zealgoon.
Free attacks Stork's army with his much, much smaller army of zeals and goons.
Free at first has the upper hand, but Stork's 4 gates of DOOM quickly allow him to outmuscle Free.
Free quickly warping a support bay, but Stork is marching foward with a bunch (8ish) goons!
Looking bad for Free crap!
uhoh depending on free's reav micro this could be it
Stork easily muscles his way into Free's base with an asston of goons.
Free has no defense, his shuttle dies, his probes die and his goons die.
Free GGs out.
Stork > Free @ Tau Cross Stork 2-0 Free
Crap, I knew I shouldn't have heart-voted for Free. Now I'm not 6th in LiquiBet anymore D=
mhmmm like i said-i rooted for free but deep down i knew stork had it, game 2 was pretty much total dominance
as much as I wanted both players to win, I think this works out for the best. Stork now has a good chance against Hwasin with his monstrous PvT and Free has a good chance with his good PvZ.
I wouldn't bet for anyone to beat Stork in PvP, unless it was a clutch/champion in a final. Stork is just too good.
How long does Fifa take :/?
hopefully not as long as war3