Canada7170 Posts
On July 14 2007 22:38 thedeadhaji wrote: andddd family is complaining about losing internet connectivity b/c of the p2p stream so I'm out.
You don't have anywhere else to watch it?
lings dance around mnm group, try to stop advance towards hogil's nat
hogil walking hydra out of his base, trying to prepare lurker flank?
the mmf group chases 1 hydra around humorously
Sea's nat is secure now. He has a group of MMF moving towards Hogil's nat, they decide to chase after a hydra rather than move into the nat.
Hogil getting lurkers. He has 3 sunks and colony defending his nat.
Canada6683 Posts
bad control from zerg -- loses all his lurkers
Canada6683 Posts
lol a wraith harassing at zerg's nat managed to get a kill too
hogil stupidly buries one lurk outside of sea's nat, it gets killed easily with minimal losses
tries again with 2 lurks, changes his mind, unburrows, walks them around center
reburrows in front of sea's nat again, with lings running around
sea still has a group of mnmf waiting patiently outside of hogil's nat, it gets surrounded by 4 lurks and a bunch of lings, and demolished
wow, hogil is alot better than expected
but virtually no pressure on sea's econ and not taking any expos right now
hogil tries to contain sea at nat again, but sea has two tanks and kills all lurks relatively easily
Canada6683 Posts
lol 9 rax from sea now
zerg's too low in drone count. Unless sea screws this up BAD, he can't lose
Canada6683 Posts
sea is moving out with "the ball" now
Canada6683 Posts
yay sea wtf i want that thing he threw a towel?
sea's army consists of 1 and a half group of mnm and 3 tanks as of the moment, not enough to move out or anything
dual ebays shown, expected.
hogil still trying to pick at sea's mnm tank by burrowing/reburrowing lurks, but does minimal damage
sea has sv now, pushes out uncontested
5 lurks and a group of ling try to stop, they all explode bloodily
hogil GGs
hogil's combination of below avg lurker micro and low-econ play was just stupid
go back to pausing, punk
I want a plushie from Sea!
On July 14 2007 22:45 SpiritoftheTuna wrote: hogil's combination of below avg lurker micro and low-econ play was just stupid
go back to pausing, punk
Valhalla18444 Posts
Valhalla18444 Posts
those hats look good
and sea threw a stuffed animal into the crowd, probably towards the legions of female fans he has
2v2 @ Vampire MBC by.han (P) - Red - bottom right Doksa (Z) - White - top right vs OGN type-b (Z) - HOLY SHIT UGLY - Blue - bottom left Chalrenge (Mineral) (P) - Teal - top left
Both protoss do standard 8pyl 10/12gate or something
type-b 12hats in base doksa 12pools in base, gets gas immediately after, places hat right at choke
Han 2 gating.
Chal 2 gating as well. His gates are slightly ahead of Han's.
Doksa has gotten a pool and gas.
Type has gotten a pool and gas as well. He also morphs a hatchery next to his original one.
OGN tries to doubleteam doksa, but han had a zeal blocking the only open space, and doksa managed to sunk the choke
doksa's lair/spire is faster, but i can't tell by how much
chalrenge's core finishes ~15 seconds before han's?
chalrenge researching goon range, han not doing so yet
chalrenge gets 3 goons
muta/scourge out for doksa
muta/scourge out for type-b
each protoss with a group of zeals and a half group of goons right now
each zerg with about 3-5 muta and a few scourge
huge battle in middle, OGN comes out ahead with type-b managing to micro against the scourge flying in and chalrenge's goons overpowering han's
OGN prepares to doubleteam doksa