Shinhan Bank Proleague 2007 - MBC Hero vs OGN Sparkyz 14:00 Korea Time @ OGN
The Games Saint[z-zone] vs YellOw[ArnC] @ Nemesis Sea[Shield] vs HoGiL @ Python by.han /dOkSa[S.G] vs type-b[s.g]/Chalrenge @ Vampire Shark[gm] vs go.go[GsP] @ Tau Cross Ace Match @ Geometry
Results + Show Spoiler +Saint[z-zone] < > YellOw[ArnC] Sea[Shield] < > HoGiL by.han/dOkSa[S.G] <> type-b[s.g]/Chalrenge Shark[gm] < > go.go[GsP]
ACE: Pusan < Geometry > Shine MBC 3-2 OGN
Predictions Saint < Yellow Sea > Hogil MBC < OGN Shark > Go.go ACE: Sea > Casy
Valhalla18444 Posts
Yarnc Sea OGN Shark Ace: Shark < YellOw
Hogil, don't pause please.
51333 Posts
Canada7170 Posts
Same predictions as OP, even ace. O_O
51333 Posts
Hogil is going to pause.
He can feel that Sea is going to stomp over him.
Saint spawns orange at 5 yarnc spawns white at 1
both scout right direction, yarnc does 9ov9pool, saint does 12pool11gas
Yarnc's first 6 lings do nothing, get kinda eaten after waiting right off saint's creep, which had a sunken
yarnc's lair has finished, spire started, while saint's lair hasnt yet
yarnc is hiding lings, he has a group and a half roaming the middle
gets a bunch in saint's base, but doesn't try to harass yet
saint gets one ling in yarnc's base, takes out a drone
yarnc's spire finishes
yarnc throws all his lings onto saint's base, kills a drone or two and all lings, then dies
first 2 muta out, but dont get any harass in as saint spawns his scourge and muta in time
drone count is exactly equal, yarnc seems to have a bit more muta
yarnc forces a battle near the middle by killing an ov, saint seems to be ahead at first but yarnc reinforces, and saint cant seem to micro vs scourge well enough
yarnc kills last muta, kills all mineral mining drone at saint's base, should be over soon
Canada7170 Posts
Thanks for reports- my stream's sucking.
XD at ceremony Kung Fu Fighting commercial.
1-0 Yarnc was raping all aspects :D
Yarnc's so messy when he eats. That's why he's chubbier than Luxury
51333 Posts
yarnc had chocolate on his lips
51333 Posts
god sea looks doofus with the cap
Ooh, a player called "Zerg". I'm waiting for very creative play from him!
Oh, hes Mr. Pause, so we won't see any play from him.. -_-;
Sea[Shield] vs pppppp dq
Sea spawns white at 3
Hogil spawns purple at 6
hogil doesn't pause