United States7488 Posts
Munhwa Broadcasting Channel @ 18:30 Korea Time 02:30 TL.net Time
OnGameNet vs SKT1
Terran Zerg Protoss
Luxury[GsP] < Python > KT.MGW)HyuK n.Die_Chalrenge < Nemesis > LaKe[Name] YellOw[NamE]/Zeus < Chariots of Fire > GoRush/Midas Shine[Name] < Shin Peaks of Baekdu > Shudder_V Ace Match < Monty Hall >
Results: + Show Spoiler + Luxury[GsP] > KT.MGW)HyuK n.Die_Chalrenge < LaKe[Name] YellOw[NamE]/Zeus > GoRush/Midas Shine[Name] < Shudder_V --- Ace Match --- n.Die_Chalrenge > Canata
OGN Sparkyz wins! 3-2
KT.MGW)HyuK impresses me.. I'll be interested to see him play
United States5262 Posts
The only match I think I would actually want to see is the 2v2 with Y[ArnC]/ZeuS vs GoRush/Midas
u gotta skate8152 Posts
Lux > Hyuk Chalrenge > Lake Yarnc/Zeus < Gorush/Midas - this looks awesome Shine > Shudder
OGN 3:1 SKT1
I think.
Cayman Islands24199 Posts
3:2 t1 go
lux lake t1 shine ace t1
Luxury[GsP] < KT.MGW)HyuK n.Die_Chalrenge > LaKe[Name] YellOw[NamE]/Zeus < GoRush/Midas Shine[Name] > Shudder_V
Should be fun :D
I am not missing n.Die_Chalrenge
On May 07 2007 23:44 jkillashark wrote: The only match I think I would actually want to see is the 2v2 with Y[ArnC]/ZeuS vs GoRush/Midas ya but i wish they were the ones having the 1v1's 50 more minutes
I think it starts 18:30. Where did you get this schedule from?
GOM says 18:30 : O
United States7488 Posts
On May 08 2007 01:55 Jonteman wrote: I think it starts 18:30. Where did you get this schedule from?
GOM says 18:30 : O
I took it from the TL.net Calendar, which has just changed the time within the past few minutes
Melbourne5338 Posts
Cool, no matter who wins in the 2v2, there will be some kind of ceremony/lack of to watch.
o_o no one reporting this? I have homeworks and such to deal with >_>
United States7488 Posts
On May 08 2007 02:45 pOOwarrior- wrote: o_o no one reporting this?
I will, as soon as the stream loads, was watching other match
Luxury <Python> Hyuk
Lux BLUE at 7 Hyuk PURPLE at 1
Both players went for 2nd hatch in base
Hyuk attempting to break into Lux's base with zlings, Lux defending
United States7488 Posts
Game 1:
Luxury - 7 (blue) Hyuk - 1 (purple)
ZvZ @ Python
(partially into the game already)
Lux sends 5ish muts to Hyuk, pops 2 ovies.
Hyuk's muts hatch in time to defend.
Hyuk prepares to expo to his nat
Hyuk sends 4 zlings to hit Lux while his muts are away, no kills.
Both players expo to natural
Luxury on the move with bigger army.