GOMTV MSL Semifinal #2 - Page 2
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Canada1299 Posts
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Canada5279 Posts
On February 15 2007 00:22 Plexa wrote: lol @ the rookie torny (theyre actually not that bad..) it's now BakA[ArnC] vs KiZoO_Protoss | ||
Aotearoa39261 Posts
![]() they have some awesome shows on MBC... i saw a micro competition between pusan and saint (i think) with a MBC commentator as their ally (one each) so funny | ||
Germany18839 Posts
Baka[ArnC] vs KizOo_ProToss right now :-) | ||
u gotta skate8152 Posts
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Canada1299 Posts
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China26351 Posts
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China26351 Posts
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Canada1299 Posts
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China26351 Posts
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China26351 Posts
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Aotearoa39261 Posts
BakA[ArnC]- 3 and sends ovie to 11 KiZoO_Protoss - 11 protoss opens 8pylon @ ramp probably going to fast expand, probe scouts the right direction while baka opens 12 pool protoss goes forge + 2 cannons before expo baka hatch @ nat and will also expo to 5gas, lings out for baka, but protoss will be safe for any harass due to 2 cannons.. nexus goes up for protoss and lings are scouting for any proxies; which there are none. Protoss's probe is still inside baka's main- 2 lings trying to kill it, sees a 4th hatch dropped in the main and gas is taken by baka as well... gate finishes for protoss and a probe scouts baka's expo @ 5gas, and a ling at the ramp prevents the probe from doing any proxies up there... probe STILL in main wow o.o;; expo done for protoss, core going up and taken both gas, lair for baka now too; protoss sending another probe to 5... HIS PROBE IS STILL ALIVE CAN YOU BELEIVE IT the 2nd probe goes unnoticed by the ling, and is hiding in 5min only, hydra den for baka, and citadel and stargate for protoss... a creep colony is dropped @ baka's nat-> sunk, PROBE IS STILL ALIVE, 2 zealots going to harass 5, which also has a creep col; going into sunken now... pylon being built @ min only of 5, zealots try to wall, but fail and lings get past; and kill the probe- no proxies today! zealots killing some lings and sair harassing ovies but hydras are out in time... 2 more gates for protoss and temp tech. spire tech for baka; sair gets an ovie kill thanks to hydra being distracted by zealots @ 5 baka adding 3 creep cols@ nat -> sunkens, and has 2 evo chambers; protoss also has robo tech and obs tech- very efficient; but no templars and spire tech is about to finish lings going into protoss's nat! but dont go in, because too many cnanons, first temp out and cannon being build in min line @ main for protoss; zealots have speed and are moving around to baka's nat; which is now defended by about 7 lurkers and sunks; 2 scourge kill the harassing sair; and protoss has an archon @ main. Lords scattering about the map; and protoss takes 9gas- lings come to shut it down! but tooo many zealots; HOWEVER lurkers make sure protoss gets OWNT; also scourge kills obs, and forces a cancel of expo.. another gate being adding in main for a total of 5 i think.. while baka expos to 5min with 2 hatcheries and adds a queens nest. Baka is moving around with lings checking expos, while taking 7main... lurkers are camping protoss's south bridge; and stopping any escape (and killing any obs with scourge) protoss going for a drop with a shuttle, but it is seen by ovies; he also moves his army around to 1; scourges kill shuttle but no cargo is lost as it was dropped... predominantly zealot/archon/temp army for protoss vs ling/lurker and hive is completed for baka protoss must have atleast 7 gates now, and another forge warping.. baka is playing lurker whore style.. thus not that interesitng... protoss will lose if he cant shut down 7;; which is now getting gas. protoss expos to 1gas, and ultra tech is being built @ 5min goon/zealot/archon army now for protoss, and many lings are repelled by cannons @ 1... baka has added a spore; what a whore!. baka is also taking 7 nat i thin.. and goons are attempting to kill the blockade @ his south gate, but obs got sniped.. however storm finishes the job.. protoss also expanding to 9gas... baka adding more sunks @ nat;; wow he is lame... gateways being build @ 1 for a blockade and 7nat is finished for baka... baka has many many lings, protoss scouts 7nat! and his army follows it up quickly, DARKTEMPLAR score ALOT of kills! no ovies = many many dead lings and lurkers nice!! all lurkers down and spore is up.. so obs died, my bad there is 1 or 2 lurkers left which get stormed! nat will probably fall!!! IT WILL!! nice move!! Baka now has a ling/ultra army @ 5, and may move to 7 to kill protoss's army! he will try but not enough lings... ultras however turn the tide and force protoss to retreat to the top of the ramp and baka is repelled; baka must have atleast 8 ultras... zealots raping 7 main, and protoss moves onto 7nat to challenge baka's ult/ling army with a goon army.. which failed.. but alot of the drones@ the expo died before being stopped... protoss has reaver tech ( but i dont see reavers yet) and a bunch of idle probes @ main.. baka is centralising his army and moving @ 9gas!! gosu stormy kills alot of the lings!!!! but ultralisks and really proving strong! protoss reinforces with archons and defeats the ultra... bUT REINFORCEMENTS FOR BAKA ARRIVE!! 9GAS FALLS!!!! probes maynarded to 1... protoss is mined out@ nat and main! and a lurker drop @ 1 kills alot of probes... protoss in trouble... baka is mined out @ main Baka is mixing lurkers back into his army; smart move.. however protoss does have an obs.. reaevers @ 1... MASS OF ZERG ULT/LING GO TO 1!!! OMGGGG THAT IS ALOT OF UNITS!!!! LOTS LOTS LOTS OF BLOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD protoss wont hold, he will lose expo im sure of it!! wow, lots of stuff died, but baka was left with more than enough to dispose of protoss; sad ![]() | ||
39489 Posts
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Canada1299 Posts
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Aotearoa39261 Posts
![]() baka played really boring, and just turtled to 4 gas and massed ultra/ling.. he was really lazy as well.. i mean that probe was alive in his main for a goood 5 minutes | ||
39489 Posts
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Germany18839 Posts
China26351 Posts
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Aotearoa39261 Posts
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Aotearoa39261 Posts
;; i dont like this show.. why cant it be pioneer.. so we can watch highlights of the old school greats like the_marine and yellow and reach ![]() | ||
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