United States20661 Posts
On January 04 2007 01:27 Day[9] wrote: god i HAVE to find out who that terran player was
that guy was so insanely fucking good wow
His irradiate clones were REALLY fast.
But good? iono if he was good so much as the map is really easy for terr to get nat/min only pretty fast, whereas z is hard to secure enough gas to fight well. I mean, terr lost almost all the early battles. one thing he did do well is prevent z from expoing, but with 3base vs 3base if terr isn't able to win... eh, either z is godly or t is doing something wrong.
No it wasn't Light or Sea. He had a Lecaf outfit.
u gotta skate8152 Posts
On January 04 2007 01:28 Elsi wrote: Think it was Hwasin vs Jy ?
Nope. The terran was a player on the Lecaf team.
I dont know how to start the GOM player I onlymanage to start something like interview with savior I think, but no the live stream
On January 04 2007 01:28 Highways wrote: Light or Sea
It was MBC vs CJ
nah, the terran had a lecaf uniform on
On January 04 2007 01:28 Elsi wrote: Think it was Hwasin vs Jy ?
hwasin isn't in lecaf tt
wierd thing tho, when i saw the terran player, i didn't even recognize him
and i follow the progaming scene VERY closely, so i'm very surprised i didn't recognize who he was haha
lecaf T's;
Ku Sung Hoon / HiyA[fOu] / Terran Kim Sang Kon / n.Die_aTtacK / Terran Park Sung Jin / Eavan[WHITE] / Terran Park Ji Soo / fOrGG_V / Terran Son Ju Hong / Lomo[fOu] / Terran Lee Hak Ju / Dongrae[S.G] / Terran
Looked REALLY familiar too, then again I mistakenly thought Jy was savior so I'm a retard.
Edit: Progamizer doesn't have Jy =(
This is one of those things where you should know but don't and it pisses you off until you do know.
I'll try live reporting again. Gotta learn it someday.
39489 Posts
I think the main question is whether this fpvod was a new release, or whether it was a rerun of an old one. If it was old we can find out the T's name from past files, if it was new then playsc will upload it soon i think
Didn't watch, but was Hiya vs Jy from Survivor most probably.
mbc needs to stop with the cheesy nicknames lol. much is SMART, lol wtf is that.
39489 Posts
lol Free's nickname isTHUNDER??
Orome: hOyA = Jy. HiYa=someone else. edit: Ku Sung Hoon / HiyA[fOu] / Terran / Lecaf OZ
United States20661 Posts
Yup, it was hiya vs jy from survivor.
Canada1842 Posts
Savior or Pusan win I'll still be happy.
On January 04 2007 01:37 Orome wrote: Didn't watch, but was Hiya vs Jy from Survivor most probably.
aaaggh yeah that's it i beleive : ]
thank you orome! <3!
39489 Posts
i am so glad this game isnt on longinus II.
that kosiro game has traumatized me.