Australia 14568 Posts
hoejja losing another defiler as light continues to pressure that 4th hoejja loading up units into overlords! they're moving towards the nat, but they're intercepted by a small force of marines! zerg units forced to drop ultralisk cavern coming up hoejj'a 4th is still under attack, vultures in the mineral lines, and tanks still shelling lurkers mnm attempt to move in but more lurkers and zerglings appear forcing them to leave hatchery is taken down though! hoejja back on 3 bases light adding another factory
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
How did hoejja manage to play so badly...
light forces shutdown of attempted base at 12
p: stats, horang2, free, jangbi z: soulkey, zero, shine, hydra t: leta, hiya, sea
Hoejja finally being aggressive only when it's too late...
Light adding an 8th factory at his 4th Yep, it does turn out Hoejja can't ZvT after all 1 lurker midmap dealing a bunch of damage to light's moving units A few mnm taking down hoejja's morphing hatch at 12 - not cancelled! A separate metal force moving towards Hoejja's nat
22 kill tank was a hero shelling 10 edit: 24 kill tank now survives and in siege mode again lol
22 kill tank. Hoejja should've taken that army out a long time ago.
FINALLYYYYY deals with those tanks behind his 4th
So this is what the last game of the MSL final felt like from Flash's perspective :D
24 kill tank hoejja forces back contain at 10 for now
p: stats, horang2, free, jangbi z: soulkey, zero, shine, hydra t: leta, hiya, sea
A few lings suicided into Light's 3rd - there's a bunker + more mnm nearby Hoejja finally clears most of the units outside his former 4th But another force heading towards his nat Vessels still getting free defilers
Australia 14568 Posts
looks like hoejja is taking 12 o'clock now, hatchery hasn't finished there though small skirmish near hoejja's nat, more mech units popping out light floating his barracks and ebay as he makes the mech switch more units being irradiated hoejja making more lurkers under swarm light taking his 5th base at 6.5 zerglings running into metal, mines killing a lot of zerglings
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
Hoejja is gonna get steamrolled now. Light has his half of the map pretty safely secured and is pressuring Hoejja hard.
decent swarms near Light's forces outside Hoejja's nat but the lings all die to mines vultures rush Hoejja's nat, try to kill a defiler, due to sunken Light's pulling his forces back from lurkers under swarm very, very well
p: stats, horang2, free, jangbi z: soulkey, zero, shine, hydra t: leta, hiya, sea
Sooooo many queens... pretty sure it's not going to work though...
Sanya 12364 Posts
lots and lots of queens!!!
Hah! At least hoejja trying to give us an entertaining ending with queens.